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If you are overweight...

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If you are overweight, why are you overweight?


The monster thread has me thinking about this. I'm wondering just how complicated the problem has become. Is it complicated for most of us?


Do you have a physiological/medical issue preventing/complicating weight loss?


Do you overeat? If yes, what does that look like for you? (snacking, large portions, rich foods, etc)


Are you sedentary?


Are you genetically predisposed to overweight?


I'm just wondering what this looks like for most folks. Hope I'm not bringing flames down on myself, but as I said, the huge thread really has me thinking.

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I am 35lbs overweight because I had several babies in a row and didn't have the chance to get my body back into shape. I should be able to lose weight but I do overeat and choose the wrong foods sometimes. My body wants to hold weight while nursing as well. I am genetically predisposed but if I work at it, I don't stay overweight.

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I am 100lbs over weight. For me it is a combination of PCOS, IR, past antidepressants, lack of suitable food choices and daily pain limiting exercise. I do not over eat, in fact I am hungry most of the time, limiting my food intake to make sure the kids have enough. I am more sedentary in the sense that I no longer have the ability to be talking long walks and don't have stairs in the house, but I still spend the majority of my day on my feet. I have tried to lose the weight for years with supports from WW, the dr, a nutritionist etc. Instead it keeps going up not down. That is what made the dr look at PCOS. Now I am due to start metformin and if that doesn't work we will be exploring surgical options.

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If you are overweight, why are you overweight? Eleven pregnancies with the last three (two miscarriages and a highrisk pregnancy bringing on auto immune issues).


The monster thread has me thinking about this. I'm wondering just how complicated the problem has become. Is it complicated for most of us?


Do you have a physiological/medical issue preventing/complicating weight loss? Possibly thyroid or auto-immune.


Do you overeat? If yes, what does that look like for you? (snacking, large portions, rich foods, etc) No, in fact, I rarely eat. Yes, I occasionally binge with a piece of tres leche, but I don't over eat. If nothing else, I've had a loss of appetite. We've also been eating healthier as a family.


Are you sedentary? Yes. I've spent the past year with a very clingy, nursing baby. Having to sit to watch over children doing schoolwork. Stuck inside a rowhouse that I don't like, with no yard, and feeling caged in. I'm used to elbow room and I don't have that here.


Are you genetically predisposed to overweight? No, not at all. Actually, being underweight is in my genes and I used to be that.


I'm just wondering what this looks like for most folks. Hope I'm not bringing flames down on myself, but as I said, the huge thread really has me thinking.

:001_smile: Overweight, but not obese.

Edited by mommaduck
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I'm not obese by any means, but I could definitely stand to lose some weight. I have PCOS, have been on either Celexa or Zoloft for years, and had a short, stocky frame to begin with, so I have a lot going against me at this point.


Plus, I love to bake and cook. :tongue_smilie:

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I am about 25lbs overweight. I am at 175 and my normal (the weight that I felt good at) should be 150. Wow, I never thought about it that much, but 25lbs is alot to loose. That's how much my 3yr old weights LOL :)


I eat whatever and whenever I want. I don't do regular (like a routine) excersize. It came off alot quicker/easier after the first baby. But I am 33 yers old, and my mother says it's hard the older you are :)


I don't care to much about lossing weight (except for in my stomach-it pokes out and I look about 4 months pregnant) but I would like to be more fit. So I can run around with the girls without getting tired/out of breath.


*oh and I am 5' 7" so I carry the weight pretty well throughout my body.

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As I get older it's more of a struggle to get the weight off due to what I've done to my metabolism (dieting off and on since age 15). I have no hormones and am in peri-menopause, too, which contributes to the struggle. I started levothyroxine 3 weeks ago and I'm waiting to see if that helps me with energy. I know I could be better about getting to the gym, so I'm working on that one thing right now. I know moving will help me. Since reading "Intuitive Eating" I have decided to give up on dieting and stop the dieting mentality. After over 25 years of dieting, I've decided that diets don't work for me- they only make me fatter. It's not that I don't care that I'm overweight. Trust me...it bothers me a lot.

Edited by VeteranMom
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I'm overweight by about 40 pounds. I eat too much of the wrong food, and lead a relatively sedentary lifestyle. I work long hours, sitting the whole time (or most of the time).


Plus, it is VERY difficult for me to lose weight. I did lose weight (about 17 lbs in 21 days) on HCG, but my travel schedule kept me from doing the maintenance (you have to cook at home) and I eventually gained it all back, plus a couple. Classic.


I also may be a tad bit genetically predisposed to being overweight. The women on my father's side of the family tend to be rather large, with VERY large bottoms, big bones, large legs....not so much in the middle. One of my sisters has that exact body style. I don't have it to that extent, but more so than any of our other sisters. I guess I have it....just smaller, if that makes sense.

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Do you have a physiological/medical issue preventing/complicating weight loss? Insulin resistance, Polycystic ovarian syndrome specifically. Then, many of the hormones and drugs taken to correct this lead to weight increases. One month on depo provera and I gained 50 pounds. Now I am officially diabetic and the medications to control it have weight gain as a side effect.


Do you overeat? If yes, what does that look like for you? (snacking, large portions, rich foods, etc) I do at times, my weaknesses tend to be high fat foods like cheese.


Are you sedentary? Was not when weight gain began, but am now which does complicate things significantly. I was quite active when the significant weight gain began.


Are you genetically predisposed to overweight? Maybe. Some family members are heavier. I have one cousin that struggles as much as I do while the others stay quite thin. But the thin ones also don't have children and work out for 1-2 hours daily.

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I'm overweight because I'm hypoglycemic. Because I tried to control it with a high carb/low fat diet.


Did I over eat? Not at all. I would try to eat as little as I could.


I was not sedentary in the least. Did I have days of loafing? Yes, but overall, we're active and live in a walkable town.


Genetically predisposed? Not in the least. My relatives are not overweight at all, nor were my deceased.

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I have put on extra weight during my pregnancies because I haven't been as active and I have taken the opportunity to continue eating past satiety. I have no medical conditions or genetic predisposition that I am aware of. I have not had trouble losing weight by reducing calories and exercising more, but both of those things have been necessary for me to lose weight.

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Do you have a physiological/medical issue preventing/complicating weight loss? Insulin resistance, Polycystic ovarian syndrome specifically. Then, many of the hormones and drugs taken to correct this lead to weight increases. One month on depo provera and I gained 50 pounds. Now I am officially diabetic and the medications to control it have weight gain as a side effect.



Oh man, I forgot about the dep shot! Holy crow that made me ravenous (and b!tchy). That was years ago, though. ;)

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I'm overweight. I need to lose about 50lbs to be healthy (for ME and MY body type) For me, it is 100% because I eat too much and move too little. I love food. I love to cook. We eat GOOD food. We just eat too much of it.


And I'm naturally lazy. I default to chair potato (not couch...don't like TV..lol) unless I force myself to go do something. I have fun when I'm active...it just takes a lot of mental effort for me to start.


I am married to a man that is the exact same way. So we don't exactly encourage each other to lead an active life. We are trying to be more active, especially after dh's health scare, and the health problems in our immediate families.


I easily lost weight about a year ago. Looked better, felt great. We had taken up biking and I was eating gluten free. (the reason GF helped was because my favorite foods revolve around pasta and bread) The weight fell off. Then dd and I stopped eating GF, and my dh landed in the hospital with multiple surgeries. Months of inactivity and poor eating put every single pound back on.


The only thing I'm genetically predisposed to is being built like a tank. The excess weight is completely my fault and a result of my lifestyle.

Edited by Apryl H
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If you are overweight, why are you overweight?

I've been on a weight yo-yo during my adult life. I've been able to lose weight, but I then regain plus more. I'm currently at my lifetime highest, even more than pregnancy. :tongue_smilie:

The monster thread has me thinking about this. I'm wondering just how complicated the problem has become. Is it complicated for most of us?


Do you have a physiological/medical issue preventing/complicating weight loss?

I am hypothyroid, and have gained weight at times due to this. I've had my largest weight gain since age 48 or so (I'm 53) which I attribute to hormones since my eating hasn't changed.

Do you overeat? If yes, what does that look like for you? (snacking, large portions, rich foods, etc)

I never eat till stuffed, because I greatly dislike feeling very full. I go on candy binges at times where I eat a lot of candy spaced out throught the day, which invariably results in weight gain. Then I stay at the new weight, even when I stop eating the candy. I also consume too many calories in beer.:tongue_smilie:


Are you sedentary?

Yes. It's my natural tendency. I have a fairly low energy level. At one time I exercised regularly because I joined a class and we all became friends and I looked at it as a social adventure rather than exercise. The problem was that it was at 10am which greatly disrupted our homeschool efficiency. And it kind of fell apart after about 5 years.

Are you genetically predisposed to overweight?

Most of my mother's relatives vary from somewhat overweight to greatly obese. So yes, I think I am.


I'm just wondering what this looks like for most folks. Hope I'm not bringing flames down on myself, but as I said, the huge thread really has me thinking.


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Low thyroid, not treated properly, totally screwed up metabolism. Looking for a new doctor next month. :glare:


I am not a glutton. Althought I don't "exercise," I'm not bedridden, and there's no good reason that I should be gaining weight.

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Wow, this is an honesty thread!

I used to be 165 at 5 foot 4 inches tall. That was overweight in the BMI chart :(. I have spent this last year cutting back on foods that make me feel yuck. (gluten, refined foods etc..) I have lost 20 lbs, but it took me a whole year to do it. Why?? because I hate to exercise and love to eat :D

So now I am 145 but still am at the line when it comes to being overweight.

I also have thyroid problems and auto immune stuff, but honestly, it was just being lazy that got me the extra poundage. Sad to say. I always have the "tomorrow" exercise plan.

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Okay. I've never been overweight in my life before 2 years ago. What honestly caused me to become overweight was a huge trauma involving my dad. Life-shattering. :sad: It has taken me those two years to recover enough to start caring about my appearance again - I am just now getting back into nails, skincare, etc. and just started a weight loss program.


I could say that I might have had a genetic predisposition to be overweight too as my (estranged) mom and sister are both pretty overweight.

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I got back on Weight Watchers a few weeks ago, and already feel better and have lost 6 pounds out of about 45 that needs to go. I lost 30 pounds with them about 20 years ago and loved the meetings, so I decided to do this for myself and get back on track. I really like the new program and the leaders at the center I go to.

Edited by GVA
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I'm about 20 pounds above the weight I would like to be. And I'm completely out of shape.


I love to eat. I hate to exercise.


I love carbs and soda. I have very low energy (mostly, I am sure, because I eat carbs and drink soda and am out of shape).


I CRAVE junk. Probably because I eat junk.


I am extremely lucky in that, while I am a little overweight, my body doesn't gain weight easily. But I also don't lose weight easily.


A year ago I did the Whole30 Paleo challenge for a month. I ate only meat (+eggs and nuts), veggies, fruit, and fats (avocado, coconut milk and oil, olive oil). I felt great and lost over 10 pounds in that one month!


But as soon as I had a taste of the sugars and grains, I went right back to eating them. Because I can't stop once I start. I also got so sick of being in the kitchen constantly. It is not convenient to eat that way!


I just quit my Dr. Pepper addiction. I didn't think it was possible, but I've replaced it with fruity-flavored seltzer water. Wahoooo!!


Now I just need to get back to eating mostly veggies and protein and fruit (in that order). I think I'll keep the menu very simple so that it is easier to maintain. I hope to increase my energy so that exercising isn't such a daunting thing.

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I'm about 40 lbs overweight. After my 3rd child was born, I lost all but 10 lbs. After my 4th child was born, I lost all but 10 lbs. Then I put on 10 lbs while handling my mother's estate. I just had my 5th child and I've lost all but 10 lbs. A total of 40 lbs crept on over the course of the last 5 years.


I don't overeat, but I've had a lot of closely spaced pregnancies. The weight came off easily after the first two pregnancies just by exercising regularly. After my 3rd pregnancy, I was working evenings and then we had a very stressful move to another state. Exercise just fell off the list of things to get done. After my 4th pregancy, my mother died and I literally spent a year of my life handling the messiest estate ever. I wasn't sleeping at night, much less exercising. I just had my 5th and my life is just starting to become normal again. I'm sleeping at night and I actually have time to exercise in the evenings. I'm hoping to be able to close the estate in the next couple of months, which will be a huge moment for me.


I don't think I'm predisposed to be overweight. In fact, the weight is slowly coming off now that I'm able to exercise regularly again. Sometimes life happens. I know I should exercise regularly, but sometimes you have a lot on your plate. Other things needed to take priority for a season.

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Okay. I've never been overweight in my life before 2 years ago. What honestly caused me to become overweight was a huge trauma involving my dad. Life-shattering. :sad: It has taken me those two years to recover enough to start caring about my appearance again - I am just now getting back into nails, skincare, etc. and just started a weight loss program.


I could say that I might have had a genetic predisposition to be overweight too as my (estranged) mom and sister are both pretty overweight.



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because I am an amazing cook.


I think it'd be easier if I wasn't


Same here.

I come from a long-line of amazing cooks.

Cooking/baking is my comfort.

I told someone recently that if I ever win the lottery, I want to start a ministry cooking/baking for people in need.

Have a baby? Call me and I will bring you home-cooked meals.

Surgery? No problem. I will cook for you until you are back on your feet.

Ironically, I get tired of cooking for my family on a regular basis, but I love to cook for people in need.



I am overweight.

I am a former anorexic and was abused when I was younger/smaller and I feel vulnerable when I lose too much weight. :glare: This is my safety net, which I know is crazy. I am 40+ years old now and am ready to conquer that, but my metabolism is shot and my hormones are crazy. My doctor keeps telling me to just focus on not gaining until I get to the other side of menopause.

I do work out and am very strong, plus I eat healthy. It would just be nice if I could lose 25 lbs. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm 45-50 lbs. overweight right now (I am down 10 lbs in the last month, though ... YAY!).


I'm an emotional/stress eater who hates to exercise. If I watch my calories and exercise, I lose weight.


ETA: I am hypothyroid, and although I think it does affect my weight gain, I think it is less of an issue than my eating habits and inactivity. Although, after I have my babies, while waiting to get my medication regulated I go hyperthyroid and I lose weight fast. I really wish they would just keep my medicine at that level, LOL.

Edited by MominIN
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I'm a stress eater...had a job in my 20's where the boss was a tad bit overbearing (like, I had to tell him any time I had to leave my desk to go to the bathroom...and he made me feel like he was doing me a favor by letting me go.) I packed on the pounds at that job during the 18mos. I was there.


I did heavy exercise and a low-fat, low-calorie diet to get the weight off. I was exercising 2hrs./day 6 days/week. HOWEVER, my bloodwork still put me in an "unhealthy" category (even with a body fat below 20%).


I got married, and kept the same diet, but less exercise...packed on 15 pounds the first year (think it was mostly due to BC), got pregnant, lost weight during the pregnancy, and it came racing back after 6wks (no change in diet/exercise...and I was nursing exclusively). My body continued to follow the pattern of get pregnant & lose weight, have the baby and nurse = gain weight FAST.


I did HcG a year ago lost a good amount of weight. I've kept off 25+ for over a year now. I still could stand to lose another 20ish, and will get back on that bandwagon soon.


I've done a lot of "studies of one" (myself). I think hcG was great for that -- helping me see how different foods affected me. I can eat fresh-milled breads and not gain weight, but really have to eliminate grains nearly completely is to really lose weights. I exercise moderately, but will not go back to exercising 2 hrs./day 6 days/wk.

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My weight gain was due to snacking (I loved an afternoon plate of cookies or cake with some coffee) and a terrible (but lovely ;)) cheese-and-crackers-with-wine habit that I enjoyed at bedtime.


The weight came on very gradually, but I lost it again right away when I quit the snacking and late night cheese/wine and added some more exercise.


I do still enjoy the snacking, cheese, and wine -- but only on the weekends. I think I enjoy it more now that I've restricted it to weekends.

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I am 100lbs over weight. For me it is a combination of PCOS, IR, past antidepressants, lack of suitable food choices and daily pain limiting exercise. I do not over eat, in fact I am hungry most of the time, limiting my food intake to make sure the kids have enough. I am more sedentary in the sense that I no longer have the ability to be talking long walks and don't have stairs in the house, but I still spend the majority of my day on my feet. I have tried to lose the weight for years with supports from WW, the dr, a nutritionist etc. Instead it keeps going up not down. That is what made the dr look at PCOS. Now I am due to start metformin and if that doesn't work we will be exploring surgical options.


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I have heard iy can be VERY difficult to lose weight with PCOS.

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I am about 60lbs overweight. I have struggled with my weight since childhood. My mom, who also struggles with her weight, started me dieting with her before I was even a teenager. Throughout highschool I went up and down these 60lbs - a "pill" dr, Nutrisystem, other dr monitored programs...in my 20's did another pill dr..yoyo dieting my way up to 285lbs.

I struggle with hypoglycemia (it goes back several generations), PCOS, fibromyalgia and some depressive conditions and social anxiety. This is compounded with having been abused as a child and a psychological attachment to my "safety net" of fat. A potent cocktail to be one of those people who gets so big that they can't get out of their house!


I had weight loss surgery 8 years ago after seeing my mom blow up to over 350lbs on injected insulin for her diabetes. I had one postop child (that slowed down weightloss) and then struggled with some issues that caused me to gain back some, but not all of my weight.


Year before last I got to the dr, got bloodwork and started taking care of myself. This included a lowcarb diet and exercising several times a day. I lost 50lbs in about 6 months. I couldnt' get below a certain threshold and then struggled with frustration at just maintaining.


With some financial stresses in the past year and the past six months of issues with my dh's job and now interviewing and getting a new out of town job I have gained back most of what I lost two years ago. Once I get settled down in the new house (this weekend!) I plan to get back on Paleo/low carb, exercising two or three times a day and get this weight back down...

30lbs down from where I am now is very comfortable and I feel healthy at that level.


Carbs are a killer for me, they cause me to blow up and just crave more and more. :P

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I don't know why I am over weighy. While I do battle fatigue practically daily and am more sedentary than I used to be, I hqve a farm I work on, I hike, I kayak. I really DO need DAILY exercise but struggle to find the time and energy. I really do need to change that.


I gained 70 lbs with first baby but was borderline toxemic. I lost all that weight in three months and looked FANTASTIC. I gained 40 and 30 lbs with the next two pregnancies and hung on to 10 lbs with each. During the high stress, sleep deprived, eat what\when I could years while caring for dying friends and family, I fained another 20 lbs. And I did NOT eat much but I now know stress alone can make you gain weight.


I lost 15 lbs when I went mostly vegan. Come Sept. We will all be on an anti-inflammatory diet (Lymes) and I hope to lose another 25.


I do not eat much at all. Everyone in my house eats more than me. When friends come stay with me from out of town, they are shocked at how little I eat.


It is not fair. :(

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I have always been on the plump and curvy side, not grossly overweight, but then gained 5-10 pounds I haven't been able to lose after each of my two pregnancies. I'm about 20-25 pounds over my ideal weight right now, which might not sound like much until I tell you I'm 4'11". Being realistic, overweight runs in the family so I'll probably never get all the way back down to my trimmest size, but if I can be disciplined with exersize, which is very difficult for me, I could probably realistically lose 10 or 15 without too much trouble. The trouble is that darned sedentary-ness...I eat fairly heathily and not too much, but finding the time to get my heart rate up regularly is very difficult for me.

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I'm about 10-15 pounds overweight, largely due to snacking :). I exercise regularly, but have been unusually tired the past few weeks and so I've been walking instead of running and that is contributing as well.


I'm currently trying to decide what best way to approach those extra pounds, and I think I'm going to have to cut out the Diet Dr Pepper (sad face) and the candy/dessert habit I've slipped into (another sad face).


I do like the idea of it being a weekend thing, though, maybe I'll start with moderation instead of annihilation :D

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I have always been on the plump and curvy side, not grossly overweight, but then gained 5-10 pounds I haven't been able to lose after each of my two pregnancies. I'm about 20-25 pounds over my ideal weight right now, which might not sound like much until I tell you I'm 4'11". Being realistic, overweight runs in the family so I'll probably never get all the way back down to my trimmest size, but if I can be disciplined with exersize, which is very difficult for me, I could probably realistically lose 10 or 15 without too much trouble. The trouble is that darned sedentary-ness...I eat fairly heathily and not too much, but finding the time to get my heart rate up regularly is very difficult for me.


I have a very similar body type and I am the same height. I suppose I *could* lose weight but I don't really need to.


I am the opposite, exercise is easy, eating healthier is hard because I hate cooking.


I have been overweight in the past but dieting, exercise, and supplements helped me lose it.


Yes, I have hypothyroidism and chronic pain which makes getting fat super easy.

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I am genetically predisposed to being over weight. However, the main reason I am as over weight as I am is due to being on the depo shot for 8 years. See, I was informed it might make weight loss a little more difficult, but didn't have that much to lose at that point, so figured it would be fine. However, they never mentioned that it also has a tendency to cause massive amounts of weight gain. So, for the last 8 years, I've tried hard to lose weight & just kept gaining.


The extra weight also makes my Asthma worse, which causes problems when trying to exercise. I apparently developed fibromyalgia during my last pregnancy, and the pain makes exercise difficult. I also have another condition which causes pain & sometimes interferes with exercise. So, I am more sedentary than ever before & more than I would like. Yet, despite the pain, the asthma, and my inherent hatred of working out (I love being active, I hate working out), I still try to workout every single day.


I eat a mostly healthy diet. Yes, we do allow some sweets, and eat out or pick up frozen pizza sometimes. Mostly, though, it's homemade meals. The only convenience foods we eat regularly are store bought bread & pasta, and that's just because I don't have the time to keep us stocked in them homemade (if it's store bought bread, 1 loaf lasts a week, if it's homemade 3 loaves last maybe half the week). I don't over eat. Though, I am now under dr's orders to start eating earlier in the day, despite the fact that I am often not hungry until dinner. So, I have been working on that this last few weeks.


My dh is getting a vasectomy so I can stop depo, now that my new dr has informed me of all the problems it is causing me. The extra weight I've gained from it has also caused hypertension, which went unnoticed, therefore untreated, for years with my previous dr. My last shot was the last I will be getting, so hopefully the weight loss will be somewhat easier now.

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Some of my weight is due to depression. No moving, too much eating during that time (several years ago - I didn't realize it was depression until I was out of it). Some of it went on with the first two pregnancies.


Now I am 255 lbs and about 5 foot 7 or 8. Since that sneaky depression lifted I've lost about 30 lbs. I gained about 40 with my last pregnancy but lost it all plus a bit within a month (extreme blood and and breastfeeding are a heck of a weight loss combination). I haven't lost a lot since.


I've also always been heavier then the women around me. I come by that honestly - although I'm taller then all the women on my dad's side I can see how they've all got the same shape and extra weight from my aunts to my (deceased) grandmother.


So, genetics, not enough exercise and too much food due to depression, my first two pregnancies.


Right now my weight is stable and I'm fine with it. I have nice curves and my husband loves the bOOks. :)I want to focus more on getting fit but I view that as separate from losing weight. If weight comes off, good. If not but I am more fit, that'll be good too. When I was in my early 20's and had a knockout, head-turning, hourglass figure I still weighed around 170-180. I lift a sceptical eyebrow to charts that tell me what weight I'm supposed to be.


One thing I do know, weight loss only happens when I'm healthy mentally and not concentrating on weight loss. I've never tried a weight-loss diet and never intend to.

Edited by WishboneDawn
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I am genetically predisposed to being over weight. However, the main reason I am as over weight as I am is due to being on the depo shot for 8 years. See, I was informed it might make weight loss a little more difficult, but didn't have that much to lose at that point, so figured it would be fine. However, they never mentioned that it also has a tendency to cause massive amounts of weight gain. So, for the last 8 years, I've tried hard to lose weight & just kept gaining.


The extra weight also makes my Asthma worse, which causes problems when trying to exercise. I apparently developed fibromyalgia during my last pregnancy, and the pain makes exercise difficult. I also have another condition which causes pain & sometimes interferes with exercise. So, I am more sedentary than ever before & more than I would like. Yet, despite the pain, the asthma, and my inherent hatred of working out (I love being active, I hate working out), I still try to workout every single day.


I eat a mostly healthy diet. Yes, we do allow some sweets, and eat out or pick up frozen pizza sometimes. Mostly, though, it's homemade meals. The only convenience foods we eat regularly are store bought bread & pasta, and that's just because I don't have the time to keep us stocked in them homemade (if it's store bought bread, 1 loaf lasts a week, if it's homemade 3 loaves last maybe half the week). I don't over eat. Though, I am now under dr's orders to start eating earlier in the day, despite the fact that I am often not hungry until dinner. So, I have been working on that this last few weeks.


My dh is getting a vasectomy so I can stop depo, now that my new dr has informed me of all the problems it is causing me. The extra weight I've gained from it has also caused hypertension, which went unnoticed, therefore untreated, for years with my previous dr. My last shot was the last I will be getting, so hopefully the weight loss will be somewhat easier now.


I forgot about the depo shot! I was on that that years I was depressed and putting on weight. I'm on it now until the DH gets snipped in the fall so that's probably why I haven't lost more since the first month after Lauchie was born despite all the BFing.


D'uh. You solved a bit of a mystery for me.

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I'm overweight, by about 17 pounds. I'm 5'2", and weigh 155 pounds. I was technically obese, according to medical standards, until recently. I was so excited when my BMI dropped below 30 (which meant my weight was below 165), and I was no longer considered obese. Now I'm just overweight :) Hope to no longer be overweight within the year. Mostly got there by eating more than I should, and not the right things, as well as not moving enough. I tried to let the arthritis in my knees be an excuse but knew that wasn't a good one. There are plenty of things I can do... I no longer overeat, but used to. I am not really dieting, but have made changes to how I eat, that I expect to be permanent changes. I do still count calories and document what I eat, to help me form the good habits and see where I need to make changes. I am more active than I used to be, making sure I workout at Curves at least three times a week. I need to incorporate more activity in my daily life, with walks and such. We're talking about trying out kayaking. Genetically, my mom is overweight, I have an uncle who is obese, but most in my family are not. A big reason I started to make lifestyle changes, almost a year ago, is because I see how impossible it is for my mom to make changes , after too many sedentary years, and a lifestyle of poor eating. I don't want to be where she is 25 years from now.

Edited by CathieC
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I have about 30-35 pounds to lose to get back to pre-childbearing weight (which would be about 125 on my 5'1' frame.)


Some is pregnancy weight, some I packed on during a period of depression/adrenal disfunction a few years back, but mostly it's because I am an emotional eater and addicted to sugar. We've had a lot of stress in the last year and a half, and I haven't handled it well.

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I'm quite overweight. Obese is the actual term. It's because of lack of will power, too much food, not great choices, and being an emotional eater.


I've been that way since I was a child. I was always sad, angry, and hated myself. I'd taken health classes all through school, but didn't pay enough attention. When I was in my early teens I asked my mom to take me to a Dr or someone I could talk to so I would feel better, since the only times I felt OK was when I was eating food I liked or reading. She told me I could not to see a psychiatrist and offered me all the pizza, bags of chips, candy, and soda that I wanted instead.


Than I moved out, realized how big I was, took steps to change that, lost weight, maintained, had 2 pregnancies where I could barely move without uncontrollable vomiting, husband had pay cut after pay cut, followed by job loss and I was trying to figure out how to feed everyone for $30 a week.


No genetic issues, I come from a ton of people with fabulous metabolisms and who are much stronger mentally and emotionally than I am.


I think it can be chalked up to laziness and lack of willpower/strength. I'm trying again and have lost 15 pounds in 4 weeks.

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Okay. I've never been overweight in my life before 2 years ago. What honestly caused me to become overweight was a huge trauma involving my dad. Life-shattering. :sad: It has taken me those two years to recover enough to start caring about my appearance again - I am just now getting back into nails, skincare, etc. and just started a weight loss program.


I could say that I might have had a genetic predisposition to be overweight too as my (estranged) mom and sister are both pretty overweight.



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Was pregnant or breast feeding for 6 years straight and forgot how to eat appropriate portions. After my second pregnancy I held on to 15 #. Since weaning, over the last 2 years I've packed on 40#. I'm pretty disgusted with it. I've tried many time to lose but I just gain it back plus some.


I'm a sugar addict and think my thyroid may be an issue. Both my mother and gma had hypothyroidism and I seem to have a lot of the same symptoms. Toss in some depression and a high level of stress (stress eater) and you get Fatty Patty. I really want to break the cycle and lose all this baggage.


And I come from a long line of fat. :(

Edited by Ruby Sue
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Mostly medical- I have had repeated bouts of medications that cause weight gain and I did gain weight. I stopped one completely when it caused a ten poundf weight gain in two days. But the others have been slower. Also, I am sure my medical problems have slowed down my metabolism. Then add peri-menopause and here we are. It is not genetic since no one else was as heavy-I was very thin until I started my worse medical problems. I was still okay weight after my third but that was when I got a horrible arthritic flare and there it went.


I am completely ambivalent about losing weight since the condition I have that is probably the most life threatening is better served by me being overweight-- it improves my chances of survival- and you probably didn't know that there are a few conditions where your survival rates improve with increased weight (up to a point at which you then have increased chances of getting the problem because of obesity.)

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Mostly medical- I have had repeated bouts of medications that cause weight gain and I did gain weight. I stopped one completely when it caused a ten poundf weight gain in two days. But the others have been slower. Also, I am sure my medical problems have slowed down my metabolism. Then add peri-menopause and here we are. It is not genetic since no one else was as heavy-I was very thin until I started my worse medical problems. I was still okay weight after my third but that was when I got a horrible arthritic flare and there it went.


I am completely ambivalent about losing weight since the condition I have that is probably the most life threatening is better served by me being overweight-- it improves my chances of survival- and you probably didn't know that there are a few conditions where your survival rates improve with increased weight (up to a point at which you then have increased chances of getting the problem because of obesity.)


What condition do you have if you don't mind my asking? How does being over weight help it?

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