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First giant metal chickens, now...

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Some bad language is used in the links below. Don't say I didn't warn you.



Do you remember the blogger who bought her husband a giant metal chicken for their 15th anniversary?


Well, it's that time of the year again. This year, she got him a __________, and a _______________ and a _________________.


You'll have to read about it.

Edited by joannqn
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Some local friends found a huge metal chicken at a local festival we all attended. Four of them went in together and bought the chicken. It is HILARIOUS what they do with this chicken. One gal posted on FB that her dh came home and complained about the laundry not being caught up after she had had a particularly horrendous day with their toddler son and so the other ladies snuck over and placed the chicken right outside his office window so that when he opened his blinds and sat down at his computer...there was BIG METAL CHICKEN staring him down!


Another friend had a series of things happen over the course of a week, so overnight that Thursday the other three friends snuck the chicken over, put it RIGHT in her front door with a sign around it's neck that said "It's been a bad week, but NOTHING is worse than "THE CHICKEN" and.....IT'S FRIDAY!!" At the chicken's feet were a box of chocolates and a bottle of wine.


I have actually heard them "argue" over who gets the chicken for the week. :lol:


They are big fans of this blog. :lol:

Edited by MSPolly
memory lapse :)
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LOVE it.



If you want to see more hysterical sloth love, check out

. I was laughing to kill myself over that one.


I have a guy just like Victor, and you'd think after all these years, they'd get used to it, but the funny thing is that they never do. It's always a surprise to them. Which makes being outrageous all the more fun. The audience never gets used to it.

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MARIANNOVA JUST THINK what use a big metal chicken could have been to you with your former neighbors!!!!! Oh my goodness!!! What fun you missed out on!!!




:lol: :lol:


OH MY, living with her will keep his arteries from getting clogged! :D

If he doesn't have a stroke from stress! :D hehe

The sloth does look cuddly.

It really does. :)


I am so glad to know there is a crazier woman than me. My husband will now think I am sane! He might also ban me from reading her blog in case I get any other ideas. :lol:

LOL When I was a teenager (like 16, 17) I saw this GIANT (it was probably 7+ feet tall and about 6 feet in diameter) inflatable orca whale blown up and hanging from the ceiling in a Walgreens. I remember thinking how odd a thing it was to be hanging from the ceiling in a Walgreens, but I just knew I had to have it. I bought one and took it home and blew it up and kept it in my room always. That thing was so huge, it took up probably 1/4 of my tiny bedroom, but I didn't care. I just had to have it! hehe


I now only wish I had had this lady's imagination to use it for pranks! lol We lived in a 3 storey apartment building at that time in a pretty big complex. I am just thinking of all the fun I could have had with that. I wonder how my 3rd floor neighbors would have reacted to see a giant inflated Shamu going by their window. :p But I only kept it in my room and would attack people with it who would enter my door. :p hehe

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Does anyone else suddenly have the urge to have wallabies and sloths iin the house? lol


I totally want to hug a sloth now.:001_smile:


I agree. And here is a sentence I never thought I'd compose:


The sloth and wallaby were charming, but they're no Beyonce.

Beyonce was the first and what started it all, but she definitely is keeping Victor surprised and on his toes. I was laughing so hard I was crying (which I do a lot when reading her blog)

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I am always looking for a giant metal chicken. A local place has some small ones but DH gave me permission to get my own Beyonce if I ever found one. He would LOVE to be able to prank people with it. I want to use it as a youth fundraiser - as in how much will you donate to get this big metal chicken off your lawn. :tongue_smilie: (Hey, they've actually done that with sheep and goats - live ones - why not a metal chicken)


Dh will find pictures of Beyonce's on the net and email them to me with the caption 'knock knock...' I'm not sure who loves the post more - me or him.


He also wanted to know why I didn't hire a zoo like she did. :lol:

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