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Breastfeeding around older sibs

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My newborn will be here in January and I plan on nursing. My two boys will be 7 and 8 when the baby comes. Does anyone have any experience nursing around school age boys? It just dawned on me today that they may want me to cover up at home after a neighbor friend mentioned her boys thought it was "gross". I never had to do that before!

How can I make it the most comfortable for them as well as me the baby?

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Just do it as you normally would. If you treat it as the normal way to feed babies, that's how your kids will view it. If you treat it as something that should be covered up and hidden, that's how your boys will see it.


My boys were 10, 9, and 6 when we had our little girl. It was never even an issue. I did try to be modest about it, but I never actually covered her head or anything!

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I don't think I'd cover up around my own immediate family. My mom never covered up (at home with just family) even though her older sons were age 10-18 while she was breastfeeding the younger ones. It was never an issue. People are always free to look the other way if they don't want to see it.


She did cover up if someone outside the immediate family came over.


[i'm talking about my mom because I did not have the opportunity to breastfeed.]

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Just do it as you normally would. If you treat it as the normal way to feed babies, that's how your kids will view it. If you treat it as something that should be covered up and hidden, that's how your boys will see it.


My boys were 10, 9, and 6 when we had our little girl. It was never even an issue. I did try to be modest about it, but I never actually covered her head or anything!



We have so many babies in our hs group, that nursing is just totally a non-issue for my boys and their friends. Oh, look, mrs. X is feeding little Joey. That's it. Certainly they do not think their own mothers nursing is gross. :001_smile:

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Just do it as you normally would. If you treat it as the normal way to feed babies, that's how your kids will view it. If you treat it as something that should be covered up and hidden, that's how your boys will see it.


My boys were 10, 9, and 6 when we had our little girl. It was never even an issue. I did try to be modest about it, but I never actually covered her head or anything!


I've never covered at home, although I always cover outside of my own house. My kids don't even bat at eye. I think they dont' even realize that other babies are fed with bottles. lol

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I did always throw one of those little flannel blankets over my shoulder while I did all the unbuttoning, unlatching bras, etc. It wasn't an issue of it being gross, I don't remember that, just normal modesty for me. I am small on top and so everything happens pretty high up! Not like better endowed friends of mine who could reach up under a t-shirt and nurse the babies in their laps.


Once the baby was latched on, I don't remember worrying that I was totally covered. The flannel blanket served during burping, too. Just not interested in sitting there in a nursing bra with one breast exposed. Nope!



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DS was four when his brother came along. YDS just finished nursing a few months ago at 2.5 and it was never an issue. We are thinking of adding one more next year and I won't cover for the benefit of either older boy because I don't think it would be to their benefit. If either foundit "gross," that would be all the more reason, in my mind, that they should be exposed to it. Feeding a baby should never be called gross.

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My newborn will be here in January and I plan on nursing. My two boys will be 7 and 8 when the baby comes. Does anyone have any experience nursing around school age boys? It just dawned on me today that they may want me to cover up at home after a neighbor friend mentioned her boys thought it was "gross". I never had to do that before!

How can I make it the most comfortable for them as well as me the baby?


I never made a big deal out of it. They just thought it was baby business A's usual and Never batted an eye.

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Just do it as you normally would. If you treat it as the normal way to feed babies, that's how your kids will view it. If you treat it as something that should be covered up and hidden, that's how your boys will see it.


My boys were 10, 9, and 6 when we had our little girl. It was never even an issue. I did try to be modest about it, but I never actually covered her head or anything!



My boys 2 and 5yo just think its how you are supposed to feed a baby :). My oldest boy feeds his Mickey the same way :D. They will ask me " why is that baby drinking out of a bottle?"

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I have all girls so I can't speak to the specific question in the OP, but it's been wonderful to nurse dd3 around dd1 and dd2, who were 15 and almost 11 when dd3 was born. It has given them the idea of what nursing really is and given both of them the desire to nurse their own children. I think it would be a wonderful thing for boys to see their moms nurse and realize that breasts are for more than just what our culture/media seem to say they are.


Keep calm and nurse on!

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Treat it as normal and they will to. They take their lead from you. This is your chance to imprint on them how to support their wives one day!


My son was 10 when his sister was born, and he had no issues with it. I mean, he wasn't staring at my breasts, but he didn't seem put off either. And if he had been, I would have talked to him, and helped him get over it. Now, I generally wear loose t-shirts, and lift the shirt so that it covers my breast, but not the baby. So there really isn't much to see. I'm sure he got accidentally flashed a few times in the early days, but he just learned to look away I guess? It just never was an issue.


Good for you, and seriously, don't worry about it. If they think it is "gross" than this is a great chance to educate them that it certainly is NOT gross, and is how mammals feed their children/how God designed babies to eat. Your friend would have done better by using it as an educational opportunity, or at least on in manners (don't look women in the chest, look them in the eye), rather than covering up and confirming to them that it is gross.

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I agree with previous posters—do what you would normally do and be matter of fact about it. This is how babies eat in our family. What did you do when you nursed your two olders? Whatever you choose to do, they will see that as how it happens. At that age, they may even carry the memory of the experience with them into adulthood when they have families of their own—mom did/didn't cover up, so that's what's normal for them.


That said, I don't cover up at home or away, but am discreet.


Erica in OR

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My newborn will be here in January and I plan on nursing. My two boys will be 7 and 8 when the baby comes. Does anyone have any experience nursing around school age boys? It just dawned on me today that they may want me to cover up at home after a neighbor friend mentioned her boys thought it was "gross". I never had to do that before!

How can I make it the most comfortable for them as well as me the baby?


I wouldn't cover up. I want my children to grow up seeing breastfeeding as natural and normal and the primary purpose for which the female breast exists. My mom always breastfed around us, and my MIL breastfed around her kids as well. I think that helped a lot with both me and my husband being comfortable with breastfeeding when our own babies came along. Your sons won't think it is gross if you just treat it as matter-of-fact, unless someone else gives them that idea.

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Yeah, I never cover up at home. I just finished nursing my youngest a month or so ago, and I'm expecting #9 in November, so I'll just continue not covering at home, LOL. My oldest 4 are boys, and now my oldest is 15. I can honestly say they don't even pay the slightest bit of attention at all. It is a total non-issue. Like others have said, I WANT my boys to see that breasts were designed to feed babies, and that that is a good thing. Just a normal part of life!

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My newborn will be here in January and I plan on nursing. My two boys will be 7 and 8 when the baby comes. Does anyone have any experience nursing around school age boys? It just dawned on me today that they may want me to cover up at home after a neighbor friend mentioned her boys thought it was "gross". I never had to do that before!

How can I make it the most comfortable for them as well as me the baby?


Try not to flash them?


I nurse at home the way I nurse in public... I try not to flash anyone skin. I am aware of the shirt I choose to wear. Frankly, I like to nurse in private (even at home) when the baby is newborn (and figuring it all out) and when baby is over 4-6 months of age and gets distracted easily. :) My boys don't think nursing is gross and that's a sad commentary on how those boys will view their children being nursed and their wives nursing. :( That's too bad. She should really try to foster that relationship a little by explaining WHY she nurses the baby. My boys are used to me nursing the baby and I am conscious of them and so I'm modest when I nurse, just as I hope I am around ANYONE and how anyone would be around me. But there is a very good reason why I nurse my babies and why I nurse them on demand (well, when they are little) and everyone should be aware that it is for the health and welfare of the baby, present baby and all future babies, theirs and mine.

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I have nursed in front of my son when he was this age. He doesn't look inappropriately interested. I think my kids think nursing is sort of fascinating but they don't look like they are getting some weird oedipal complex or getting hot and bothered about it.

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I have a 10 yo son, 13 (14 tommorrow!) yo daughter and an 8 mos son.


I was thinking of covering this time but my husband objected when we discussed it saying it was good for the kids to see how babies are fed naturally.


My daughter doesn't bat an eye. I don't even think it occurs to my son that my breasts are mine anymore rather then Lauchie's. :) He is head over heals in love with Lauchie and thinks that he's at his cutest when nursing.

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I have nursed in front of my son when he was this age. He doesn't look inappropriately interested. I think my kids think nursing is sort of fascinating but they don't look like they are getting some weird oedipal complex or getting hot and bothered about it.


For my son it's all about his brother and my breasts are just accessories to him. :)

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oldest ds was 9 when I had my youngest. I never covered, I nursed when and where she needed and he never cared. I am sure he got an eyefull on occasion by accident but it never bothered him any. It simply was how baby ate. I nursed her until after her 3rd birthday so he was 12 when I stopped. my other son was 4 when youngest was born but 7 when I weaned her. I don't whip my boob out in front of anyone but I don't cover either. Boobs are for babies is pretty much how they have been raised, nothing shameful in feeding your baby.

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I don't cover up at home ... they are used to it now and don't think there is anything weird about it. With our last one the kids asked me why the baby ate that way ... and I explained it and then it was a non-issue.

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For my son it's all about his brother and my breasts are just accessories to him. :)


This week my kids have been giggling about the word "n!pples." They were just arguing this morning over whether anyone else in the family has them except me. :001_huh:

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I was lucky if I got a shirt on :) I'd look at those belly covers that just cover your... belly:) For me I was more of a "don't look at my belly fat" person than an "I don't want you to see my br**st person"....

I think it's perfectly normal and wonderful that br**sts are made for feeding young humans :) And... I want to impress on my boys (and girls) that it's normal... to be expected... and not hidden for a Mama to feed their baby without feeling shame. To me it's part of having a baby. ;)

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My older children are all girls. I don't cover at home. I don't even attempt to be discreet. It doesn't bother them.


I am grateful that my MIL breastfed her younger children in front of dh. It helped mold him into being a breastfeedng-supportive father and husband. :)

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I wouldn't cover up at all.


I agree. My ds is so accustomed to breastfeeding that it's a non-issue. There is nothing sexual about it and he is very pro-bf. My oldest dd is 11 and it's also a non-issue. It's only an issue if you act embarrassed or make a big deal out of it. My big kids even read the "We Love to Nurse", etc. books to babies.

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I would just go for it, not covering up. It will help your sons to grow into men who are appropriately not freaked out by breastfeeding. I do not have experience with this but IMO it is totally the mother's decision and nobody else gets say, period. And I do have two sons who nursed into their preschool-age years and remember it well, and we are frequently around nursing moms, and they don't care at all - they just think the babies are cute. They totally see "ma-mas" as existing for the purpose of feeding children.

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my boys are 7 and 5 (were 6 and 3 at time of their younger sister's birth). all three breastfed. i don't cover up and don't make much effort at being overly discreet. i mean, i'm dressed, but they see the nee-nees as she's nursing and to them, it's just a part of our life. in fact, if she's trying to get in on playing legos with them (she's 21 mos. old), i hear them say "go ask mommy for neenees" to get her to go away :) . we're all very comfortable with it.

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My son is the most modest 9-year-old I've ever met, and I was a little concerned that he'd be uncomfortable with me nursing around him.


He's never even blinked...he just thinks it's totally normal, and has no problem sitting right next to me while I do it, even though he always makes sure I'm decent otherwise before coming into my bedroom.


At least I know I'm doing something right around here!

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Just do it as you normally would. If you treat it as the normal way to feed babies, that's how your kids will view it. If you treat it as something that should be covered up and hidden, that's how your boys will see it.


My boys were 10, 9, and 6 when we had our little girl. It was never even an issue. I did try to be modest about it, but I never actually covered her head or anything!


:iagree: :iagree:


Only I didn't try to be discreet or cover up. This is my home. If I was going to nurse on the couch, then I did as was comfortable to me.


None of my kids are wigged out by a partially exposed boob. That's the way mommas feed babies as far as they're concerned. And then of course then the baby would pop off and laugh and coo at them and try and talk to them, exposing me completely. It's all good. That's what family is.

Edited by justamouse
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I am pregnant with my 7th and have with children ranging in age from 2-17. 5 boys, 1 girl. I have nursed with all of them until they were 2. I just asked my ds 15 what he thought about my nursing all of the other kids. He said "I never really thought about it but it makes me uncomfortable to talk about if it makes me uncomfortable. :lol: Honestly I never really thought about it. It is just what you do." With 6 kids I nurse when I need to nurse while doing schooling, shopping, cooking, laundry. It is just a part of life. So I say, carry on as others have said if you make it something ashamed of they will too.

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My oldest son is VERY modest. He will even walk out of a room if a Victoria's Secret ad comes on. However, he thinks nothing of breastfeeding; it's feeding a baby. We met another couple at B&N with a toddler. She pulled breast out the top of her shirt and put the toddler on and we continued to stand and chat. He never blinked and it didn't bother him. It's a breast. It's for babies. He'd be disturbed by a buttcrack though.

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DS was 7 when DD2 was born last Sept. There were many days I nursed her while sitting at the school table. Now that she's older I usually go in the bedroom but only because she is so nosey and it's difficult to nurse her when others are around. DS has no problem coming in the room while I'm nursing. It doesn't make him uncomfortable. He sees it as a totally normal act, which he should.

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Ds was 6 when I had little dd. I did distract him for a moment when she was latching on but didn't cover up or anything after that. It was so normal to him that when I mentioned feeding dd rice cereal, he looked closely at my bOOks and said, "Oh! They can make that too?" :lol:


When I was at the hospital and getting ready to come home, the lactation consultant stopped by for a visit. She went on about how glad she was I was breast feeding and how great it was that I had nursed my other 2. Then she said, "And it's wonderful that you are teaching your son that breasts are for more than selling cars and chicken wings." :lol:

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When I was at the hospital and getting ready to come home, the lactation consultant stopped by for a visit. She went on about how glad she was I was breast feeding and how great it was that I had nursed my other 2. Then she said, "And it's wonderful that you are teaching your son that breasts are for more than selling cars and chicken wings." :lol:



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My oldest son is VERY modest. He will even walk out of a room if a Victoria's Secret ad comes on. However, he thinks nothing of breastfeeding; it's feeding a baby. We met another couple at B&N with a toddler. She pulled breast out the top of her shirt and put the toddler on and we continued to stand and chat. He never blinked and it didn't bother him. It's a breast. It's for babies. He'd be disturbed by a buttcrack though.


My kids aren't embarassed by seeing a butt crack but they make darn sure the person with it showing is. They have been known to randomly sing pants on the ground to strangers that have they pants too low.

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I have 11.5 and 9 year old ds's. Plus my almost 18 yr old step son lives with us. I've always treated it as normal (it is awkward around step son) with the boys. That being said, I don't let my b%east just hang out either while I'm nursing. I use my shirt to cover as much of my b%east as possible. I just lift the bottom of my shirt and pull in down as far as I need to over b%east/ni%ple...viola!

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My kids aren't embarassed by seeing a butt crack but they make darn sure the person with it showing is. They have been known to randomly sing pants on the ground to strangers that have they pants too low.

:lol: Well, more along the lines of your kids. He'd love the pants on the ground song.

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Our oldest was almost 11 when baby brother came along. I didn't purposefully flash him, but fed baby as normal. I never covered with a blanket or anything at home, just whatever my shirt covered. When baby got older and wanted to flash people, I'd prop a pillow or something to block us a bit when friends were here. By the handstand age, we'd move to the bedroom when friends were here, because his being distracted was painful. :001_huh:

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My kids aren't embarassed by seeing a butt crack but they make darn sure the person with it showing is. They have been known to randomly sing pants on the ground to strangers that have they pants too low.


Can I borrow him for an outing?


Anyway, I have a child who occasionally decided to shoot off a spray of milk at the victim of his choosing. Discretion isn't our strong point, obviously.

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I'm sorry I didn't read the other replies.


I was part of a homeschool group with several teenage boys and several nursing babies and toddlers. None of the moms covered and none of the teenage boys cared. The boys were even able to hold a conversation with a mom while a baby was nursing!

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I never covered (as in a blanket), but I usually don't show anything. I treated it very matter of fact and so did they. They knew from the time they were young that this is the way we were meant to feed our babies. In fact, if the baby ever cried, my boys would be pretty insistent that I feed her. My oldest was almost 7 when dd was born. She weaned when he was 10. The friend thing was never an issue because we hang with a somewhat crunchy crowd where nursing was more the norm and extended nursing wasn't at all unusual.


How do you make it comforotable? Just do it. You could use this as a teaching moment.

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