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Do you have any foods you refuse to eat because of taste or texture?

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And I don't mean something exotic, I mean everyday foods you can readily get at your local grocery store like Kroger.


This does not include allergies or special diets, just pure dislike for taste or texture.


The only thing I can possibly think of is liver.

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Raw tomatoes. I cannot eat raw tomatoes to save my life, on a sandwich or otherwise. Any tomatoes that are cooked and chopped and in a dish, or tomato based sauces, etc. are just fine. Just not the raw ones. I can't decide if it's taste, texture, or a bit of both.

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I've been losing my taste for meat, but I'm not replacing it with healthy things like fruit and veggies. Really, I rarely eat more than an ounce and I prefer meat that is slow cooked in a crockpot. Anything baked or broiled is just yuck. When we eat out, I end up with pasta or fish.

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Raw tomatoes. I cannot eat raw tomatoes to save my life, on a sandwich or otherwise. Any tomatoes that are cooked and chopped and in a dish, or tomato based sauces, etc. are just fine. Just not the raw ones. I can't decide if it's taste, texture, or a bit of both.



Me too! I am fairly sure raw tomatos are poisonous. You would be amazed at the number of people who have eaten raw tomatos over the years and are now dead!

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And I don't mean something exotic, I mean everyday foods you can readily get at your local grocery store like Kroger.


This does not include allergies or special diets, just pure dislike for taste or texture.


The only thing I can possibly think of is liver.


I seem hyper sensitive to certain bitter flavors. I like the contrast of bitterness, BUT some foods are way too much for me. I cannot enjoy beer, coffee, or brussel sprouts. The one time I tasted eel I was blown away by a bitterness my husband could not taste, so I really think it's just me. Other than that, I eat about EVERYTHING else (that's real food).

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Coconut - combination of taste and texture.

:iagree:Finally, someone who thinks like me!!! I can't stand coconut. The shredded kind has a metalic taste to me and the fresh is just gross. I don't mind coconut milk in recipes but beyond that keep away!


My others are beets and shrimp.

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Liver, fat (I will trim meat away if I can't get all the fat off of it), chicken or turkey dark meat, beets, gooey eggs, molasses, mousse, lamb, ground poultry, most sausage (because of the fat) beef that's even the slightest bit pink. With all these, except for beets and molasses, it's the texture that makes me gag.

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Bananas. I can't stand the taste, smell, texture, anything. My husband declares it "pathological", lol. I'm a pretty adventurous eater, and while I have preferences, I'll eat just about anything... Except bananas. *shudder*... I don't even like touching them (with peels on, it's okay), though once in a while I will hold my breath and power through when I'm preparing something for others to eat. I absolutely can't eat them myself though.

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Coconut, bananas and probably liver but I simply cannot bring myself to try it. I absolutely detest the texture of coconut I imagine it feels exactly like eating straw. I don't mind coconut flavor though. Same thing with bananas, it's not the taste but the texture.

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Rice...I cannot put it in my mouth period. I just can't. I have tried it everyway one can possibly make it and as soom as it is in my mouth I gag with no control at all. I can't do it I don't know why there is no reason no trauma from childhood i just have never been able to eat it.

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3. mushrooms--taste

2. tomatoes--texture, because I like tomato sauces and soups, just not chunks of any kind

1. onions--taste and texture, blech


Obviously this makes me quite a picky eater. I'm okay with that.



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Most canned fruit. I can manage pineapple and mandarin oranges, but I think it's only because they aren't noticeably softer than they are usually. Things like canned peaches/pears/plums/fruit cocktail make me queasy -- and they were my mother's main way of adding fruit to our diet growing up.

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Beets, eggplant and hominy because of the taste/smell.


Tapioca, linguini and regular spaghetti because of the texture. I can eat angel hair pasta only.


I get weirded out texture- and taste-wise with most corn dishes, also. I need it plain and visible. Hidden corn is unfair and scary. :)

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I eat almost everything, rather enthusiastically. :tongue_smilie: But liver (which I haven't had since childhood) smells and tastes like solidified vomit to me. That's pretty much it. I prefer my eggs cooked hard (the runny stuff is kind of ick) and I don't like caraway seeds on my rye bread. Yep, that's it.

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eta - I just finished reading the thread and saw that 3 other people don't like bananas, too! I had no idea bananas are so disliked.


My youngest dd CANNOT eat bananas. It's one of the first foods I give to my babies when they start to eat regular food and she wasn't having any of it. I couldn't believe it - I mean, everyone likes bananas, right? Wrong! She's five now and still will not eat them. Oh well, I figure everyone has something that they "just say no" to.



My "just say no" food is cauliflower. I've tried to like it but it's just smelly. and weird.

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Not a fan of raw tomatoes. I can handle them in, say, salsa, where everything is supposed to be goopy. But alone or on a sandwich, that gelatinous middle bit is unnerving (as George Carlin said, "What's that jelly-lookin' stuff? It's...larval!").


I'll take all your unloved liver, though! :)

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Bananas. I can't stand the taste, smell, texture, anything. My husband declares it "pathological", lol. I'm a pretty adventurous eater, and while I have preferences, I'll eat just about anything... Except bananas. *shudder*... I don't even like touching them (with peels on, it's okay), though once in a while I will hold my breath and power through when I'm preparing something for others to eat. I absolutely can't eat them myself though.


Exactly. Even banana bread or smoothies makes me gag. When I was a kid, my sister and I got in huge trouble when my mother discovered we were not eating our daily bananas but hiding them. :tongue_smilie: I'm not sure my sis has ever gotten over the banana aversion either.

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I can't eat raw bananas. I've tried; I just can't. The texture. {shudder} I can eat dried banana chips, or bananas baked into muffins or bread (yum!). But not raw.


I also cannot eat beans in general. White beans, kidney beans, black beans. None of them. The texture kills me. I can eat refried beans, but you better not sneak in one of those rogue whole beans. :glare: :D I *can* eat green beans, but they're a very different texture.

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eta - I just finished reading the thread and saw that 3 other people don't like bananas, too! I had no idea bananas are so disliked.


My youngest dd CANNOT eat bananas. It's one of the first foods I give to my babies when they start to eat regular food and she wasn't having any of it. I couldn't believe it - I mean, everyone likes bananas, right? Wrong! She's five now and still will not eat them. Oh well, I figure everyone has something that they "just say no" to.



My "just say no" food is cauliflower. I've tried to like it but it's just smelly. and weird.


My son cannot eat bananas. He liked them as a toddler, but at some point they started making him gag. He tried again, last summer, and threw-up in our driveway :ack2:.

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The texture of bananas makes me squeamish. The taste is....okay. I don't hate it and I'll eat one if I have to. But I HATE their texture.


ETA: Wow - I thought I was so unique. I posted my answer before reading any of the rest of the thread, and now that I'm reading it I'm seeing that TONS of people hate bananas, just like me! *virtual high five*


Interestingly, so many of the foods that get repeated listings are literally my favorite foods - beets, onions, tomatoes, and many more.

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I have never tried liver so can't comment on that but I hate raw oysters. I also have to have my burgers cooked well done. Otherwise I am fine with everything else. One of my very favorite foods is raw tomatoes sliced on mozzarella cheese covered in olive oil. Also my favorite fruit is bananas lol.

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Raw tomatoes. I cannot eat raw tomatoes to save my life, on a sandwich or otherwise. Any tomatoes that are cooked and chopped and in a dish, or tomato based sauces, etc. are just fine. Just not the raw ones. I can't decide if it's taste, texture, or a bit of both.



This is my dh, exactly. He says it's texture.

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cooked fruit

beans of any kind, whole, refried, etc

tomatoes (raw or cooked)

onions (raw or cooked)

creamed corn

mashed potatoes

coconut (I like coconut flavored things, just not real coconut)


eggs other than medium scrambled

cooked spinach


meringue (the fact my family refers to it as "calf slobber" didn't help)

individually wrapped American cheese slices

tapioca pudding

bananas that are the least bit too ripe

nuts in any other food (except Snickers, but that took a while)



Yeah, I have food issues! :tongue_smilie: I know I am picky, but I honestly cannot help it. If I eat the above, I will gag. When I was little, my mom learned not to make me eat something I didn't like because I would throw up on the table. I wasn't being obstinate on purpose, but there are lots of textures that just make me gag.

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