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Poll: Did you drink coffee while pregnant?

Did you cut out coffee/tea/caffeine while pregnant?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Did you cut out coffee/tea/caffeine while pregnant?

    • I never drank caffeine drinks anyway
    • I gave it up completely while pregnant
    • I cut back some, but not entirely
    • I didn't cut back at all, or drank very little to begin with.
    • Other

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It's high quality coffee (as in processed cleaner and with less to no chemicals) and blended with 100% pure grass fed butter. (which I can ONLY find imported!)


Normally I am one of those gals that likes a bit of coffee with my milk and sugar.


However, this is so awesome that I don't use ANY sugar and the butter is so healthy that there is no guilt about the fat in it.


And I have less coffe with double to triple the effect without any crash.


And it tastes awesome.


Win, win, win, win as far as I can tell after a week of doing it.


I'll go dig up the link to where I found it....

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I cut it out completely for number one. Not at all for the last 3. Guess who was my most hyper child, unsettled baby. Yep, number one. The one who got the most caffeine in utero and through breast milk? Yep, the calmest.:D


(The crazy thing is I am pretty healthy/health conscious in other areas, great diet, alternative meds, etc. But I gotta have that caffeine.)

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Wow. I have never tried that. Where do you buy your beans?




It's high quality coffee (as in processed cleaner and with less to no chemicals) and blended with 100% pure grass fed butter. (which I can ONLY find imported!)


Normally I am one of those gals that likes a bit of coffee with my milk and sugar.


However, this is so awesome that I don't use ANY sugar and the butter is so healthy that there is no guilt about the fat in it.


And I have less coffe with double to triple the effect without any crash.


And it tastes awesome.


Win, win, win, win as far as I can tell after a week of doing it.


I'll go dig up the link to where I found it....

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I cut back when I was pg both times but didn't quit entirely.


I read a recent article that suggested caffeine doesn't have an effect on breastfed babies.


This was not the case for me while nursing. My oldest would not sleep and would scream and fuss if I even had chocolate chips in something. It took me the longest time to figure out that the chips in my morning granola bars and mint chip ice cream were still making the baby crazy, even after giving up all caffeine (that I knew of). No coffee, no tea, no chocolate, no mint chip ice cream--it was the longest two years of my life :svengo: It didn't affect my youngest at all, for which I was grateful, because I could not have functioned without coffee after I had her!

Edited by melissel
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Wow. I have never tried that. Where do you buy your beans?




Yes, I'd love to hear more, too. I read the link. Where do you get your beans?


Whole Foods. It was the only place near me that had a clear description of the coffee so I would know if it was out of a small plant or big commercial place, and whether is was full wet washed or not. Same goes for finding the butter.


I think all told is was about $15 for bag of beans and $4 butter. I already own a magic bullet blender. But I also don't need to drink as much. So that helps the cost spread out. One cup fills me up for quite some time. Instead of getting a cranky crash, I just feel a bit hungry about 4 hours later.

Edited by Martha
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Yes. I decided that something so widely consumed would have some noticeable stats if there was a problem with it.


Me, too. I drink coffee, tea and water. That's it. I did rather lose my taste for it late in pregnancy, though.


(so I picked "other")

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I tried to cut back to one caffeinated drink a day in the first trimester. I found that only a cola or Dr Pepper type of drink helped my nausea. Something about it broke down the post nasal drip that made me gag. I hate caffeine free colas- can't stomach them at all, so it was caffeine or no nutrition for the baby. As the morning sickness continued into the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, I drank more. I didn't cut it out when breastfeeding either. I needed it to stay awake and I figured the babies had been getting it while in the womb, so they would be uncomfortable having to go through caffeine withdrawal after birth. They were weaned off it as they weaned from me! At least that was my logic...I'm not sure if it is true or not.

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I drank my normal 2-3 cups a day while pregnant. I don't think I could have made it through if not. I was either teaching kindergarteners at a school, or taking care of my other kiddos while pregnant, so I needed coffee! BTW, all 4 of my kids are healthy and great. :) My nurse actually told me to have some coffee when I was working full time! ;)

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I have never drunk coffee, but I did find it was the one smell guaranteed to make me vomit during the first trimester--that was awful during my first pregnancy when there was a coffee machine outside my office door. I couldn't even walk past the coffee aisle in the grocery store.


When I'm not pregnant, it smells fine to me...

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I didn't drink caffeine while pregnant or breastfeeding(except for maybe an occasional sip of my dh's Pepsi). I'm not much of a soda drinker and I didn't drink coffee that much anyways, so it wasn't a big deal. Since my youngest has weaned I have started drinking coffee much more, but not soda.

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I didn't start drinking coffee until after we had our first child.


By the time I was pregnant with #3 (God brought us #2 through adoption), I was an avid coffee drinker.


I continued to drink coffee (a very large cup of coffee) every morning when I was pregnant. I may have abstained from afternoon coffee when I was pregnant, but honestly, I don't remember. (I had a 4 year old, a baby, and I was pregnant - it's all a blur.)

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Do you put the full 2/3 stick of butter in each cup?




Whole Foods. It was the only place near me that had a clear description of the coffee so I would know if it was out of a small plant or big commercial place, and whether is was full wet washed or not. Same goes for finding the butter.


I think all told is was about $15 for bag of beans and $4 butter. I already own a magic bullet blender. But I also don't need to drink as much. So that helps the cost spread out. One cup fills me up for quite some time. Instead of getting a cranky crash, I just feel a bit hungry about 4 hours later.

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I didn't really drink coffee that much, so I didn't change that at all. I craved fountain coke with both my girls. I could not get enough of the stuff. Not in the bottle, but from the fountain. I had it down to a science. I knew where the best fountain coke could be gotten in a 50 mile radius of my home. LOL

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