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What's your favorite word?

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I don't really have a favorite, that I know of. My friends might disagree.


I find myself using hermeneutic, exogenous, entrail, and dispositive with high frequency at work.


In my leisure time, most of my favorite words are in Latin. :)


But my favorite website of weird words is here.

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Oh my goodness. If having a favorite word makes one weird well, may I be weird until I go to the grave. Having said that I have too many favorite words to list, but I often forget that they are my favorite words until they roll off of my tongue in the context of a conversation (and then I have to find an excuse to say them more than once)... so I can't think of any of them right now.


I also like hybrid words that I make up... like "confusified" or "combustipated" or "flabbergastipated." :tongue_smilie:

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Bombero (fireman in Spanish).


I've always liked the way it sounds & the way it rolls off the tougue. :001_smile:


When I was a kid, my dad would have said "well" was my favorite word. He called me the well-bird because I started almost every sentence with "Well, ..." ;)

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Apparently my favorite word is "just". I working on writing a story and it shows up too much. :banghead: Me thinks I need to study my Thesaurus.


Me too! I usually have to delete at least 2 justs out of every post I write! What is up with that?!?! I wonder if I say it that much in my speaking???


Otherwise, I guess my favorite word would be juxtapose in all its forms. It's nifty!


My favorite non-word is irregardless. My dh's former boss would say it all the time. No one ever corrected him. I once saw an ad for a band named The Irregardless. Made me chuckle.

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I also like hybrid words that I make up... like "confusified" or "combustipated" or "flabbergastipated." :tongue_smilie:


I'm with you, I like 'dumahicky', 'thingamajig', 'whatyamadoodle'. I use those all the time when I am talking about things I can't remember the name of. :glare:

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(Or do you think that having a favorite word is weird?!)


Mine is inspissated.


Like pus? Excellent description and very hard to flush out I might add:001_huh:!


My dc all started saying "actually" at very young ages so I guess I say that a LOT giving away my (cough, cough) non-critical nature;).


I had a prof in vet school that made up words (as if we didn't have a lot of real vocabulary to learn in the first place) and one that sticks in my mind is "slantdicular"....she was a surgeon...it is rather descriptive.

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I thought of some. I love the word Bombardier (company in Quebec that makes things like airplanes and stuff.) I just love saying it even though I don't speak French. And as Americans in Canada we enjoy butchering a few French words (usually ones that we see often printed on products from the store) by sounding as American as possible when we say them, making fun of ourselves. Words like "haricots verts" (green beans) and "pamplemous" (grapefruit) are some of our favorites.


We try not to butcher Bombardier though!


And if we're including made up words and names, I can never ever get enough of any name thought up by P.G. Wodehouse... Bertie Wooster, Gussie Fink-nottle, Stilton Cheesewright, Oofy Prosser, Stanley Featherstonehaugh Ukridge, Reginald "Pongo" Twistleton, Tuppy Glossop, Rockmeteller, Bicky... and the list goes on....

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Favorite word: peregrination.


Favorite phrase: almost everywhere. (This is a mathematical concept in which something does something everywhere except at a countably infinite number of points. Really.)


Favorite put down: chowderhead.


Favorite place name: Ullaanbataar? Addis ababa? So many great place names.


Tally ho.


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I found it in the dictionary one day and just laughed out loud when I read the definition. I have tried in vain to work it into a conversation which begs the question, why is it a word?


Hey, that's in SOTW!!! (Yes, for real.) Can't remember which one -- maybe volume 2? Or was it voume 3? And, because I learned that word in SOTW (lol), I knew what the Columbus statue in "Night at the Museum" was saying when he was pointing & used the word 'finestra' (don't know if I'm spelling that correctly, but that's what it sounded like).




P.S. -- Hey, GraceinMD... I see great minds think alike. heeheehee

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This is funny, DH and I were talking about this tonight at dinner, while reading the ingredients on a bottle. The word that started the conversation was molybdenum.


My favorite words are digitally, macabre (something about the spelling and pronunciation) and manganese, and onomatopoeia.

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LOL, I was just coming back to say that I like plethora, too. I have a ton of words I like - can't think of any others in particular right now....


No, no, no... You don't have a ton of words you like -- you have a plethora of words you like! ;)

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Brilliant! (said with a British accent)


actually (although not so much anymore that ds uses it to "correct" or put his .02 into the mix:glare:)


I like some hybrid words too: ginormous, splendiferous



Now I need a Guiness. Brilliant!


I like fluffernutter (peanut butter marshmallow cream sandwiches). Of course that doesn't go too well with Guiness. Or maybe it would....

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