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S/O What health care are you NOT getting due to costs?

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I was scheduled for surgery 2 years ago; my baby had to have major spinal surgery, so I delayed my own, and then DH was laid off. No insurance = no ongoing care, no surgery for me. :(


He has been searching high and low for 2 years, and has worked many a short-term temporary job, but nothing with health care.


It has been . . . difficult. I have never lived without health insurance, and we have always payed taxes, etc. - this experience has been a real wake-up call for me. :(


(I've also had a root canal and some other dental problems that I never had while I was insured and going to regular visits; I should have gone to the dentist even without insurance, I now realize. )


My mom navigated chemo and radiation with no insurance; as soon as she had her mastectomy, she was dropped by her insurance carrier and is now basically uninsurable. (This is changing under Obamacare, but it hasn't happened yet.)

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My sisters and I need BRCA testing. My youngest sister's insurance won't pay for it, and it is best if she has it done first. And now, it has been put on Congress's list of things that they won't pay for. The test is around $5,000-8,000 a pop. So, even the people with excellent insurance can't get everything that they need.

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Ds needs new glasses and an eye exam but he can't go since insurance will only cover an exam every 12 months. So dh and I have been fighting about his eye rubbing while wearing the glasses during school and whether to pay out of pocket for another exam and a new prescription.


I have needed laser for years for a medical condition but it is not covered by insurance so I haven't done it.

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Dental is a biggy for me. We have dental through DH but it's not enough. My teeth were horribly ravaged by my last pregnancy and I need three root canals and crowns (one is just a dead tooth tho so I can hold off on that one). I have another four regular cavities to fill too. I'm actually planning to go back to work this fall to get some extra coverage and cover the OOP costs. With luck, I'll finish my treatment next March. :glare:

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In the other thread, many talked about being uninsured or not being able to afford the deductible. So what kinds of things are you ignoring/not getting care for because of this?


I have a family history of familial precancerous colon polyps. I can't afford to get a colonoscopy.


Oh, yeah. No dental here, at all.

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We don't go for routine maintenance appointments and if we are sick, I wait many days later than I would normally. A month ago, I should have seen the dr for some sever stomach pains that coud have been appendicitis or gallstones....I decided I needed to go to the Dr, but I finally chose not to go based on $. I was fine, but I could have really been in bad shape based on my symptoms.




A few weeks ago, DD13 fainted, needed to see the doc (she was still dizzy afterward). Doc did an ekg and that led to an echocardiogram. I will likely get a bill over a $1000. :glare: She is fine :D, but I really don't have the money right now to cover the $. Thankfully my insurance is a bit slow so we haven't got the bills yet.

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WHEELS! I know I work this into every conversation, but our insurance approved my son's wheelchair, but not the powered wheels that make it go. He hasn't got the arm strength to get around on a manual chair, so he needs a power chair. We're appealing.


I saw this on the other thread. I think that's crazy.

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Hearing aids is the first thing that comes to mind. Specialists to find out why I can't breathe and why I have headaches all the time too. We actually have medicaid right now while DH is out of work, but since no one is really taking it, I can't do much with it other than go to the walgreen take-care clinic. When he had insurance at his last job, our deductible was 10K, but he only cleared 28K a year, so it was nearly impossible to meet it.


Now most of the jobs he's looking at don't even offer insurance or only offer it for him, not for family.

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In the other thread, many talked about being uninsured or not being able to afford the deductible. So what kinds of things are you ignoring/not getting care for because of this?

My husband is not getting his cholesterol meds. Anything my husband has going wrong, he can't see our doctor for. I'm dealing with certain lingering issues from the last pregnancy and can't afford to see a doctor, let alone fix anything. I've been in the ER twice for something going on and the specialist wants me to have another appointment...nope, can't afford it. The dentist did a root canal right before my ins quit. I need a crown, but I was not told till AFTER the root canal that they can't do both at the same time, but rather have to do the rc, then apply to the ins for the crown, by then my ins ran out (the rc was done days before the end of it). Now I'm walking around with a temp filling that is starting to disappear and it's very sensitive and I have to pray the tooth doesn't split. If certain legislation goes through, my husband will be required to have a sleep test for his job. $3000 out of OUR pocket. We don't have $3k, which means that my husband will lose his job.


There was a "health fair" held at my husband's place of employment. Many did not attend and they were asked to write down why. My husband's response was that, even if they told him there was something wrong with this or that, he can't afford to get any of it fixed, see a doctor, get tests, etc....so what would be the point? Sure, his work "offers" insurance...for a quarter of his pay just for him and it's high deductible. We can't afford that. Oh, and this insurance doesn't cost the employer anything, because they don't pay a dime into it. All they have done is sign up to have an insurance company offer their insurance to their employees.

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DH hasn't been a doctor for anything in 9 years. He did get a dental check up recently thanks to a Groupon deal.


I haven't had a full dental exam and cleaning in 10 years. Several years ago, I had a tooth checked, but that's it. Fortunately, I have good teeth so it isn't a big deal.


I injured my shoulder six months ago. It still hurts. I don't know what is wrong with it.


I'm treating my Cipro injury myself and with the hive's advise. If that tendon (my shoulder could be a tendon thing too...the Cipro made it worse) ruptures, I'm in big trouble.


My daughter had a baby tooth fall out several years ago and the adult tooth is finally growing in...directly in front of another tooth. She needs braces, but DSHS told me that they don't cover braces. I've since been told otherwise, but you have to find an orthodontist that accepts DSHS and can convince them it is medically necessary. I need to see if there is anyone around here I can take her to or if pulling the tooth is a better option.

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I lost insurance last November. I have hyperthyroid that is thankfully in remission right now. If it starts acting up the meds are cheap and my pcp has agreed to treat it if I can afford the lab tests. I definitely can't afford an endocrinologist. I have chronic kidney infections, if they act up again I will have to go to the ER and just acquire more debt. I also have post-surgical trigeminal neuralgia from having a tumor removed from my neck a few years ago. While it won't "hurt" me as long as it doesn't affect my eye again, it can be so painful that I can't eat or talk when it's at it's worst. The cold makes it really bad so luckily we had a mild winter and I did ok. The meds for that are $300 a month and can only be given by a neurologist , plus requires regular labs. That is all out of our reach. All this because I got hurt at work and got "laid off" and lost coverage. Sorry if I sound bitter but I'm only 30 and add this to the major back injury I just had surgery for. The back seems to be healing but I have what could be permanent damage to the nerves in my leg. The Dr said I well probably never work again. If I ever do get coverage again none of these things will be covered unless they keep Obamacare. I also am going without my regular checkups with the pcp and the annual female checkup. So yeah life without insurance stinks :(

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This thread depresses the heck out of me. I wish I was a zillionaire so I could cover you all. :(


I'm late scheduling my first mammogram until I get DS' concussion paid off at the end of this month.


We never skimp on dental work for the kids but both DH and I are behind on our own dental care. We don't have dental insurance and we both detest going because there's always something wrong that will cost thousands to fix. We joke that we'll both visit the vet for our next dental appointment. Worst I've ever had to pay for a cat was $600 there... :glare:

Edited by Jennifer3141
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I don't get anything except my annual gynecological exam. I don't do the dentist much (which stinks, because I LOVE going to the dentist lol) and I used to spread out eye exams to every 2 years or so. Now I go every year though, as I also have to see a retina specialist because my vision is so bad. I'm considering lasik next year, so hopefully I'll qualify and it won't be TOO incredibly expensive. It would be awesome to not have to mess with it all. I also really need to see a urologist again and get my kidneys checked. Well, maybe not 'really need to' ... but I should. I've had stones off and on for 8 1/2 years - never have had anything done about them, just painkillers if I absolutely have to, and waited it out. But I know there are several in there that have never passed. I have a mole I should get looked at but I haven't.

DH doesn't do anything at all. No doctor except if he thinks he has strep or something. No dentist, no eye exams (which is fine for him, since he's 20/20. Seriously hoping the kids inherit that from him. :) ) He does need to go to the doctor again about this skin problem he has. I did actually set an appointment for that, though, because it's kind of freaking us out. :( A doctor where he works didn't take a close look at it but seemed to think it was staph... and it's been there off & on with changing intensity - sometimes spreading, sometimes nearly going away completely - for several months now.

It's not optimal, but it's what we have to do. I'm holding out hope that in the future, we'll be able to do it. But right now it just doesn't work out for us... company health insurance is just too much.

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We're a little different. I'm on the Canadian system. But hey, it's still care that I can't get due to cost, right?


I have difficult pregnancies but the waiting list means I don't get in to see my OB until around 18 weeks, sometimes later.


We've got no dental coverage, no prescription drug coverage, etc. But we can pay for those things. OB care can't be purchased outside of the provincial medical plan.

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My MIL died in January. Cancer. We aren't sure if it was stomach cancer or (more likely) if the breast cancer she had when I was pregnant returned. She hadn't seen a doctor in a couple of years and ignored some issues due to not having insurance.


I am incredibly grateful that we were able to get them out to visit a month before she go sick, so my son will have some memories of his grandmother.


My husband has severe asthma and in college came close to dying from an attack because they were so trained to avoid the hospital because of costs. It was an issue we discussed a lot when we were first married.


I think there's a good chance that my MIL would still be alive if she'd seen a doctor much earlier when issues started.

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Well, just got the PCOS diagnosis :glare:. Obviously they want to do a bunch of other tests and such for the PCOS. Getting the diagnosis is financial strain enough. I have a few other issues that need attention but kinda embarrassing to post on a public forum :blush:. I have a thyroid problem that I can not get under control. We all need to get to a dentist. We have made adjustments in other areas of our budget because ds NEEDS VT so we pay for that out of pocket. That we could not ignore.

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I can't complain about our health insurance, but our vision and dental are both very minimal, so we limit that as much as possible. I take both kids to the dentist without going over what they will pay, but neither DH nor I have been there for years. DD will need orthodontic work due to having teeth pulled as a toddler, and it doesn't pay any of that, so yikes. I space out my eye appointments to about every 3 years. I suspect DD needs glasses, so I will be using the bulk of our reimbursement on her needs this year for sure, and will try to keep my zenni optical glasses hobbling along until next year.

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I need to go to the dentist and have no coverage. I haven't been in 6 years and I think I have a cavity (I've never had one before).


My dh needs a new crown for one tooth which he is putting off until May for insurance reasons.


My dh also needs to have a polyp from his throat removed. We cannot afford that at all. He needs to go to the hospital for it so we don't even know how much it will cost when all is said and done, but they estimated about $3K.


There's probably other stuff I can't think of.


We do have insurance.

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I'm so sorry for anyone doing without because of no insurance. That just stinks.


Nasdaq, you can't contract with a doctor outside the insurance system, at all? I knew you had a very strict process through the "system" but I didn't realize you couldn't go outside of it... if anyone could even afford it, I guess.


We do have insurance, but last year we switched to a high deductible plan. We're lucky DH's employer does contribute to insurance, but we just couldn't justify paying for the "regular" PPO plan anymore. It's been a bit of a shock to the system, just how differently it works, but as a previous poster said, it does make one think about what they're spending.

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Dental. I need work done, but even with insurance I can't afford it right now.


I did find a somewhat workable option for eye exams. A basic eye exam plus dilation is $58 at my local Walmart. I found a pair of $9 frames that worked and that plus lenses was around $144. We used the tax return, but if we hadn't gotten that we could have skimped on food and saved for a couple of months.

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My dh is unemployed right now so we have no coverage at all for the two of us. I was able to get the kids on CHIP but I don't know how long that will last.


DH needs bloodwork and 2 meds. He went of his Lipitor because it's too expensive and we were able to get the other med at Costco relatively cheap. But the labs are going to cost.


I stopped my thyroid meds due to costs of labs too. I then lost my cycle for 3 months and gained about 20 lbs. But I don't know what to do, the labs are outrageous.


We also all need dental. The kids have minimal coverage with CHIP, but no orthodontist coverage. DS was supposed to get 3 baby teeth extracted and then the layoff happened, so we canceled. His teeth are coming in very badly. I need a crown or two. DH did have to go in for an emergency root canal last month...$600.

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This thread reminds me of a line from Nickel and Dimed, about how you can tell poor people by their bad teeth.


Ayup--that would be me.


Dh and I have no coverage for anything--zilch. Kiddos have CHiP coverage for regular pediatric and dental care, but we make too much money (HA!:glare:) for dh or me to qualify for anything. Dh work does not offer insurance, even if we could afford it; but we couldn't anyway, so it is a moot point. :(

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Nasdaq, you can't contract with a doctor outside the insurance system, at all? I knew you had a very strict process through the "system" but I didn't realize you couldn't go outside of it... if anyone could even afford it, I guess.



You can go to a doctor for a type of care that the Province doesn't provide, such as plastic surgery. You can't get MSP-covered care privately.


That's an over-statement; There are some kinds that are available since 2005 because of an ambiguous court decision. but not obstetrics, anyway.

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All of it. Pigby is finally caught up on his vaccines, but that's because the school required them. Digby and Chuck are behind. Pigby saw a dentist once when he was 1 year. None of the rest of us have ever been. DH had to get his wisdom teeth removed a few weeks before Pigby was born. He had insurance through the university, but that just gave us a discount on the work. He also had to get a sebaceous cyst removed.


We do well child visits for the first year and any we can afford the second year. We also do illnesses out of pocket. Pigby's ear infection, his nose bleeds and cauterization, Digby's strep throat. I just worry. I probably shouldn't have opened this thread, it'll just sink me into a depression.

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I'm 38 and never had a mammogram, even though my mom had breast cancer at 41. I had a dr send give me a phone # for a free one a few years back, but the lady I talked to said they no longer offered them.


I haven't had a checkup in about 10 years.


Also, dental work. DH and I both need it. So do the kids.


Dd6 has been to the dr once in her life, when she fell down the stairs at age 3 and we took her to the ER ($100 to tell us she was fine). My older two haven't been to the dr in about 4-5 years.


We haven't had insurance in 8 years (we were self-employed) until just now! DH got a job that has great insurance ($500/mth for the whole family...dental and vision included) and it just kicked in for him this week (they have to verify the rest of us). We just used it for the first time yesterday, to pay for his $150 rx...it was only $28. We were paying about $250 total in rx for him a month, so this will help us a lot.

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I'm waiting for:



  • The missing 1/4 of my molar that broke off months ago (no pain)
  • asthma meds (about $200 per month) unless I have a major attack (I'm mostly symptom free if I avoid my asthma triggers, Praise Jesus!)
  • Yearly women's health & age 35 screenings
  • back pain/neck issues (possible bOOk reduction needed) I have a lot of pain some days, and need to figure this out long term.
  • NO Dr. for flu/colds (I do go if it really, really looks like bronchitis or pneumonia... Chills, fever, chest pain type stuff. I get these easily with my asthma. I try to talk them into the meds without paying for an xray, but sometimes you just have to bite the bullet)



For my kids, basically we just go for urgentish things, vaccinations, and refills of asthma meds. I will take them in if it is truly needed, even if I have to run up a credit card to do so.


SHRINERS HOSPITAL in Portland OR!!!!!! They rock! My baby (acckk! how did he get so old?) was born with bilateral clubfeet, and they have been helping him since then. They will still provide care for their specialties if you have no insurance at all. That's been such a blessing! His nighttime brace would be costing over $200 each time the shoes got too small otherwise, and heaven knows how we would've paid for the casting & tenotomy. (he was insured through OHP at birth, so it covered him for a little while)

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Although we've always managed to be insured, we've rarely ever had the sort of insurance that covers things like well checkups and going to the doctor when someone has a fever (or anything worse). We get regular teeth cleanings, but no other dental work whether we need it or not. I only get medical care when I am pregnant, and I'm not pregnant very often. Nearly all of our children's vaccinations have been done at county clinics.


We have been lucky that we have so few medical problems because there wouldn't have been a way to pay to fix them.


I was grateful that one of the times when we did have decent insurance, we were able to get my son's migraines under better control with medication. He'd been having them for years, but we couldn't afford to take him to a doctor for them, or for the medication.


Actually, in some ways we're in a better position right now, living in Kyrgyzstan, than when we lived in the US. Health insurance is really cheap when you're living overseas here, and medications of nearly any type are much less expensive. There are some serious disadvantages (I'd never, ever, allow my child to get a blood transfusion at a typical hospital here), and you have to be medevaced out for major problems, but that's all covered with the inexpensive health insurance. It's a lot cheaper to be generally healthy here than in the US.

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A ganglion cyst removal on my wrist (that is pressing on the nerve that controls my thumb) and having something done about what I think is a hiatal hernia.


My dh has had to have 3 major surgeries this past year, and we are still getting bills in from various doctors and such. Add to that having two kids in braces...The non emergency stuff is getting put off.


I have to say that I'm grateful for the insurance we do have. If it weren't for that, we would have gone under this year.

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Eye exam, new glasses.

last summer, I was at the beach and my foot was in the sand. I went to stand up and my foot stayed stationary while my body twisted. There was a loud popping noise, excruciating pain, and I couldn't move. After about twenty minutes, my mom tried to help me up so we could go to the hospital. Another loud pop and I could move again. It still hurt really bad, but since I could move, I didn't go. It's been almost a year now, and my ankle, knee and hip on that side are still very painful.

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We all go at least a year between dental cleanings and opt out of x-rays and fluoride treatments (this is not completely due to cost though--I am unconvinced they are necessary treatments). I am supposed to have a colonoscopy every 3 years; I'm sure it will be at least double that before I get another one. Dh has lingering issues from a bout of Giardia last year; he is trying to treat it homeopathically. This past weekend I opted for a Minute Clinic visit instead of my MD for a pink eye issue (which I am totally fine with for this type of illness, but if I didn't have a $10,000 deductible I would've seen my personal doc.) We definitely wait a few days more to see a doc when there is a problem than we would if it were more affordable.

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We went about 4 years without insurance. Thankfully dh's new job offers insurance. Things we did without:

Eye exams (and I desperately needed a new prescription but did not have the $$ for the exam and the new glasses).

Routine dental exams were put off and off.

I couldn't have my fibroids taken care of. I didn't go to the gyn at all in those 4 years.

We paid for dh's cancer check ups out of pocket. He couldn't go for a colonoscopy during this time and in his family it is not if but when will you get colon cancer. They all have polyps removed regularly.


I am so thankful for our new insurance because dh was finaly able to go to the doctor to have his symptoms checked out. Turns out he has type 2 diabetes and his blood sugar was 375 when he went to the doctor. He has high blood pressure, low testosterone, and an assortment of other things that will be corrected as he loses weight and manages his diet. The reality is, it is very likely he was going to die soon had he not been able to go to the doctor.

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My dh is unemployed right now so we have no coverage at all for the two of us. I was able to get the kids on CHIP but I don't know how long that will last.


DH needs bloodwork and 2 meds. He went of his Lipitor because it's too expensive and we were able to get the other med at Costco relatively cheap. But the labs are going to cost.




Good news- Lipitor went generic in November. Yeah, you still have to have the bloodwork done, but the generic cost is dirt cheap.

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I've put off many things for myself, and try to only take the kids when it is unavoidable. D/h just had a colonoscopy and we will make payments.


It is so unbelievable to me that this is where things stand in this country. D/h works full-time, and his employer offers insurance--but it costs us $18,000 a year AND has a $2,000 deductible AND a million things they exclude.


That is $20,000 and I can't get a mammogram unless I pay out of pocket. Right now I am waiting to hit the deductible.



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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: to you all. I've BTDT and it stinks (actually there's a more colorful expression that comes to mind:tongue_smilie:)


Knock on wood we're doing okay at the moment and the only thing that we're putting off for financial reasons is orthodontic work.

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We-ll, the most "affordable" health insurance I have for myself and 2 children, from BCBS, has a $5,000 per person deductible. My husband does not have coverage on himself unless he: 1. Finds a job with health benefits or 2. Loses over 100 pounds, so that he would qualify for health insurance we can afford.


We do not have dental coverage, so it's been a while since we've seen a dentist. We do not have prescription coverage either.


My precious dd has been dealing with depression/ADHD issues this past school year, and has seen a therapist/psychiatrist many, many times. I had to tell her physician to prescribe the absolute cheapest meds for her, as we can't afford the popular ones (ie Strattera). Fortunately, generic Prozac and Ritalin work well for her, and are only $4 a month.


I put off my annual GYN/mammogram exam for a few months this year, as our finances have hit rock bottom. We're basically living off the income from the medical transcription work I do at home.


My husband has been out of steady, full-time work for over 2 years. He has done periodic work that might last for a few days or a few weeks, and then nothing for "who knows how long". His work (home theater, home automation, SMART home technology, pre-wiring new homes, etc.) is tied directly to the housing industry, which as we all know, has been in a major slump for 3 years.


Wow, you just got an earful! :D

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Mostly we just make sure we're going to the doctor for something really necessary rather than willy nilly like we used to. I need to get my gallbladder out, but that'd be really, really expensive. And I'm terrified of going under anesthesia, so I deal with it using Lecithin pills an it's fine.

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People foofoo Dental ins as if it's a luxury, and research is finding it's not. Inflammation in the gums could be one of the triggers of heart disease, and causes problems with pregnancy, there's a connection to diabetes, and things like pneumonia (constant aspiration of bacteria in the mouth).


So getting to the dentist actually has huge health benefits.


:grouphug: It all sucks, I know. I'm getting all of the kids to the dentist today because we have to drop it, and this may be the last time they can get there. We've only been able to have dental for about three years in total.


And, 3 of my kids need braces-none of which is covered. Not for cosmetic reasons, either.


We don't go to the Dr unless absolutely necessary. Thankfully, we're a pretty healthy bunch.

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