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To whom do you vent?

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So I am in a frustrated place with my dh, and I was having a ridiculous conversation with him in my head where I just laid it all out there etc. And that got me to thinking. I made the mistake of venting about my husband one time years ago to a good friend, and she hasn't really looked at him the same since, so now all of my venting is done in my head. Do you vent to someone else? Maybe not about your dh, but about homeschooling etc? I don't vent about homeschooling either, I just play out these crazy day dreams about hauling them all of to school. :blush:

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Most is done in my head or on a forum like this where I have some "imaginary friends". I don't vent to friends or family for the reason you stated. It's never helpful because I want usually want an ear and they want to offer advice, or it can actually be harmful, like your experience with your friend.

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Things in general - to one of my friends; about DH, no one really because once he and I are good again, whomever I might have considered venting to would still have whatever in their head, ya know? So I don't vent about DH to anyone, I just figure it out myself.

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I vent to dh... I thinnk most couples vent to each other first and foremost.


Of course, I can't vent to him about him! (Though sometimes I guess I do;o) I don't complain about dh to anyone, except to God! (Which usually also forces me to see my weaknesses and ends up with repentance and pleas for help so that's all good:o)


If dh has heard too much or is too busy, I have one great friend and one sister/great friend who get most of it. Depending on the topic, etc., other friends like to listen and commiserate, too. Actually, a lot depends on who is dumping on me at the time. I reciprocate! LOL

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Life in general? Usually DH, very occasionally my mother. Rarely anyone else.


About DH? To nobody. Maybe the occasional random light eyeroll about him to my mother, but a real vent? Nobody. I'm very careful about what I say to anyone else regarding my husband. (Children, too, actually, but particularly my husband.) And via internet? Absolutely not.


I think he is the same way, for the record, and I appreciate that.

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Mostly in my head. Sometimes my sister. Depending on the vent I may vent to a friend. I don't like to vent about him to others because it can color the relationship dh has with the person I vented too.


Never, under any circumstances to my mother.

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It depends what I'm venting about.

I don't vent about DH to anyone. Ever. That said, I can't think of a time when I've thought I needed to... but if I did, I wouldn't. I'd just vent to him about him. :D :lol:

About homeschooling, there are a select few - maybe DH, and I have a good friend who homeschools also.

Other general stuff, friends and DH. And my grandma. :)

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I vent to my journal. My imaginary one. Truly, I compose journal entries in my mind and picture myself writing out the words. I don't actually write them because I don't trust that my journal won't be read if someone stumbles across it.


This board is nice for venting sometimes, too. But even so I know there are certain people who follow me around in cyberspace so I practice some restraint.

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So I am in a frustrated place with my dh, and I was having a ridiculous conversation with him in my head where I just laid it all out there etc. And that got me to thinking. I made the mistake of venting about my husband one time years ago to a good friend, and she hasn't really looked at him the same since, so now all of my venting is done in my head. Do you vent to someone else? Maybe not about your dh, but about homeschooling etc? I don't vent about homeschooling either, I just play out these crazy day dreams about hauling them all of to school. :blush:


The shower wall. :) I do, I talk to everyone who has ever ticked me off in the shower. I also form arguments for things I think might come up in the future. It's very therapeutic. LOL

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I vent to dh... I thinnk most couples vent to each other first and foremost.


Of course, I can't vent to him about him! (Though sometimes I guess I do;o) I don't complain about dh to anyone, except to God! (Which usually also forces me to see my weaknesses and ends up with repentance and pleas for help so that's all good:o)


If dh has heard too much or is too busy, I have one great friend and one sister/great friend who get most of it. Depending on the topic, etc., other friends like to listen and commiserate, too. Actually, a lot depends on who is dumping on me at the time. I reciprocate! LOL


YES! I forgot about this. It has saved us a lot of dumb fights because God usually shows me that I am just as wrong.

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Mostly in my head, but I do have a wonderful best friend who I can say anything to. I just wish she didn't live 2,000 miles away.


:iagree: (although I'm very lucky that mine only lives 30 minutes away--when she lived overseas, it was so hard :grouphug:)

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I have a great friend who is skilled in listening and not making judgments based on that. Sometimes she is able to help me see what my husband may be thinking or feeling in a situation. Sometimes she agrees with me. But she still thinks highly of both of us. In fact, my husband will even suggest I call her sometimes. She is the person I call when I'm in a bad place and need help getting myself out.

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It depends on what I am upset about.


If it is one of his little quirks getting me irritated I vent to my dear friend whose DH shares so many of my DH's personality traits it is scary.


If it is a little tiff I vent to my mom, (who always takes his side b/c he is the son she never had :tongue_smilie: ) or his mom, (who tells me that he has been stubborn from the word jump :D ).


If it is a big fight I vent to my best friend from college, who is also DH's good friend and is like a female version of him. She can usually help me understand his side in a way that he can't.


If it is a major blow out I clean and mutter until he and I have worked it out.


I never share anything about DH that I feel might cast him in a bad light. And I never vent to the family at large or anyone other than the four people mentioned above.

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I vent to the voices in my head. It's very therapeutic. I've been burned by venting to people IRL.


During a desparate call for parenting advice, my mother basically rehashed my awful attitude during childhood. Not helpful.


I used to vent to a friend until I received a late night phone vent on some really personal stuff. A bit scary.


A few years ago, my best friend and I talked daily. Every few weeks, we would go off on a tirade. She always gave good advice, and I found I gave good advice back. Our kids got older and we both got busy with life so we grew apart. I still miss her.

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Me, myself, and I. And...I've been doing a lot of it over the last handful of years. Sometimes it's in my head.....sometimes it's outloud to myself. It's happened more than once when a kid will say...."who are you talkin' to in there?" and it's just me in there.


I would never.ever vent to my mother. I don't think she'd say it....but I can imagine her saying, "I told you so...."


I guess I don't feel comfortable venting to anyone irl. I wouldn't want my dh venting about me with his buddies.......

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I have a friend who is my Confidant and I am hers. She is so wonderful and I am so lucky! while I *hate* husband bashing and I almost never vent about dh to anyone, she is the one I will bring my frustrations to. i have never done that with her about dh before but I will be doing so this weekend. :glare: i love her input and she loves mine. It is beneficial and helpful to both of us when we share transparently. We both have helped each other out so much.

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I have a great friend out of state, that I've only met once IRL. But we've become so close through texting, email, and the occasional phone call. It's quite helpful to have someone you're close to, but who doesn't know the people in your life.


I have a friend like this! She is not my confidant but she is cherished! we met when we both worked for the same company, me in NH and her in GA. We emailed and spoke on the phone all through out the day at work. When she travelled up here for business she would take vacation days or stay through the weekend to be with my family. I have flown to see her twice, once for ten days! By myself!


We have been friends for 24 years now.

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I guess I don't feel comfortable venting to anyone irl. I wouldn't want my dh venting about me with his buddies.......


When it comes to venting about dh, it is very, very rare. I can't even say it is venting but more of looking for input from someone who's opinion I value.


My dh never shares anything about our relationship with anyone.he's just not like that. He really dosn't share personal details at all.

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I'm lucky. I have a SIL (married to my dh's brother) who really "gets" it when I want to vent about dh......because her dh is the exact same! I'm really lucky to have her! And we see each other a lot because our dhs do a lot of guy stuff together and we hang out. Most other stuff I vent TO dh!

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I vent to my mom (if I really need to vent and if talking to DH isn't enough). But I've been careful about this over the years. She likes DH - and she's learned that it doesn't help if she gets upset with him. Mom doesn't really give advice unless I beg for it. She just listens and keeps liking us both. :001_wub:


(ETA: FWIW, DH knows I vent to her, and he still likes her quite a bit. ;) )

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I have several friends. In fact, I was venting today not about dh, but something else. Apparently I have been venting too much about the subject because she banned me from speaking about it ever again:tongue_smilie: In regards to dh, I usually vent to myself in my head. I am careful about talking about it with others, although on occasion I will. I just think since I live with him, it would be easy for me to get in a habit of talking about everything I thought was wrong all the time. This of course, wouldn't help me feel very positive about the situation.

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