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How many are in your family and how many loads of laundry do you do a week?

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We are a family of 6 and I do...umm, 1 load of sheets, 1 load of towels, 2 loads of darks, a load of whites, a load of lights and a load of jeans. That would be 7 loads of laundry a week - often another odd load of rugs or something else is thrown in too, making 8. I'm just wondering if I'm average, washing too much, or what.



ETA: I do have a large capacity front loader, so my loads are big.

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I have a family of four and I used to do a load every morning (thanks, Flylady). That got really, really old. Now I go to the laundromat and do it all in one shot, once a week, and it's usually three or four double-load washers. So six to eight loads a week for a family of four. The good news is that now it only takes about an hour and a half a week instead of what felt like constantly doing laundry when I was doing a load a day.

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Our washing machine is in the classroom (finished room in the basement) so I do a load a day. That keeps everything under control and we don't have to buy as many clothes. we use to do one load of each thing, per week. (Jeans, whites, darks, khakis, lights, etc) but that gets to be too much stuff in the closets/drawers. So now, I do smaller loads, but blend them more. Khakis, lights and some white underwear blend nicely, and they are back in the closet in 2 days.


All that to say, family of 4. 4-5 loads of varying sizes per week. (IF we do sheets, add another load).

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I have a family of four and I used to do a load every morning (thanks, Flylady). That got really, really old. Now I go to the laundromat and do it all in one shot, once a week, and it's usually three or four double-load washers. So six to eight loads a week for a family of four. The good news is that now it only takes about an hour and a half a week instead of what felt like constantly doing laundry when I was doing a load a day.


OK, that's it! I've got to check this "Flylady" thing out. (I already read the other thread.) We're a family of 4, and I do usually 2 loads a day. Ridiculous!:tongue_smilie:

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7 of us. 5 loads of sheets/bath towels. 1 load swim towels unless a swim meet, then 2. 4 loads each of darks, lights, reds. Usually one more load of emergency wash for something or other. = 19 loads a week, sometimes 20.:glare:

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Let's see, I generally do a load of whites; a load of just my clothes; a load of colored clothes for my husband and younger son (occasionally two); and two to three loads of sheets and towels (my boys both swim). My older son is supposed to do a load of his clothes and another of his towels, but he tends to leave those for me, LOL, which is why I have so many.


I have four in my family.

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We're a family of 6,and I do on avg. 2 loads per day not counting bedsheets every week,and all our blankets in our living room. They stay in a basket in the living room,and the dc use them daily. So I like to give them a good wash every week. There's no telling what could be on them after they use them! Laundry is never-ending! I've even made up a song about it called, "Never ending Laundry." You know, like in The Never ending Story? The kids like to sing it with me!

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7 of us. 5 loads of sheets/bath towels. 1 load swim towels unless a swim meet, then 2. 4 loads each of darks, lights, reds. Usually one more load of emergency wash for something or other. = 19 loads a week, sometimes 20.:glare:



I do 2-5 loads a day, at least 5-6 days/week. I'm a little nuts about sorting, though.

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Now I'm depressed... I had to think... we are a family of 5.... we do at least 1 to 2 loads a day. Typical 1 load a day. so my Guesstimate is between 7+ loads... ugh...


This is also why we have a sock basket!!! :D socks are the worst!


We are a family of 6 and I do...umm, 1 load of sheets, 1 load of towels, 2 loads of darks, a load of whites, a load of lights and a load of jeans. That would be 7 loads of laundry a week - often another odd load of rugs or something else is thrown in too, making 8. I'm just wondering if I'm average, washing too much, or what.
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Guest Virginia Dawn

Family of six and I do about 8-10 loads a week. I wear things twice if they are clean. My littles do too. Dh and the older boys smell to much to do that.

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We have five kids ages 10-1, and I do at least 15 loads of wash in a week, plus if we go to the lake or swimming, there is an extra load of towels and swimsuits for each trip. I must have a much smaller capacity washer than I originally thought. :glare:

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Let's see... 2 loads of whites (one of these is cleaning rags, wash cloths), 2 loads of towels (summertime, lots of towels!), 1 jeans, 1 darks, 1 lights, 1 perm press -- if we do sheets that's 2 more loads. I don't do dh shirts, or that would be another load.


I also go through periods where we have several "emergency" loads (throw-up, accidents, etc.). Those weeks are awful.


I love summer, because FEWER socks. Socks are awful!

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We have 7 and do between 10 and 14 loads per week depending on outside activities. Make that "activities that they do outside on a particular day", not planned extracurriculars, for clarity's sake. Because you know you've got to have a special outfit for fishing, riding your bike, and jumping on the trampoline. Add a sprinkler to the trampoline, and you've got swimsuits and towels, unless you don't bother to change, then it is just wet clothes.:glare: Or little boys who are supposed to be watering the horses and somehow get into a water fight with the hose.

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Gosh, we are a family of 4 and my washer is always running it seems like. I always have a pile of clothes to wash. I just cannot figure out why. I thought boys did not change clothes that much and mine go through them like crazy.

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I do laundry twice a week..since were now living in an apartment..I have 5 washers and dryers at my disposal. Everyone works during the week..so I do laundry when they are gone. I do 1-whites, 1-darks, 1-towels and 1-bedding. It takes me a glorious 1 1/2 hrs to do 4 to 5 loads of laundry. It's awesome! :D Just had to share the only silver lining about living in an apartment. :D

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Family of 7 and we do about 4 loads a day not including Monday when we do all of the bedding.


We only have enough outfits for one week plus Sunday clothes (there's a few extra but those aren't favorites). I purposefully weeded out clothing to cut down on laundry!


I think part of our problem is that nobody uses the same towel more than once. They get really mildewy here if we hang them up.


One good thing... I don't do the laundry anymore!! It's my dd (18) chore!

Woohoo! She washes and folds and her sister delivers it to the bedrooms.

That has really freed me up! :hurray:

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We are a family of 6 and I do...umm, 1 load of sheets, 1 load of towels, 2 loads of darks, a load of whites, a load of lights and a load of jeans. That would be 7 loads of laundry a week - often another odd load of rugs or something else is thrown in too, making 8. I'm just wondering if I'm average, washing too much, or what.


ETA: I do have a large capacity front loader, so my loads are big.




We are four here, and I do lots of laundry. I do a load or two or three or more...every day except on the weekend. We spent our flood week without laundry or dishes, and I'm giddy now that the water restrictions are gone. I may even do laundry today just for fun. I do have a lot of small loads for this or that too along with a big old new machine.:hurray:

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I have a family of 6 who are close to the same ages as your dc, 12, 10, 5, 4. I do 3 loads of sheets/towels per week, more if there's been any surfing, and 6-7 loads of other laundry per week. But I also have a small washer compared to an American machine.

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We are a family of 6 and I do...umm, 1 load of sheets, 1 load of towels, 2 loads of darks, a load of whites, a load of lights and a load of jeans. That would be 7 loads of laundry a week - often another odd load of rugs or something else is thrown in too, making 8. I'm just wondering if I'm average, washing too much, or what.



ETA: I do have a large capacity front loader, so my loads are big.


Your washing machine must be ginormous. hehehe.

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1 load of dh's and my clothes (I don't separate darks and lights regularly), 1 load dh's all-cotton white underwear, 1 load towels, 1 load dc's clothes. Sheets were probably washed every other week. Ocassonally there were the throw rugs and whatnots.


Today, with just the two of us, it's 1 load our clothes (cloth napkins included), 1 load his whites, 1 load linens (sheets changed and washed every week, 3 sets of sheets which I rotate) which includes the white sheets, white washcloths and white dishcloths (new dishcloth each morning); I presoak those whites 'cuz I like rilly, rilly white :-) and 1 load towels (which includes dishtowels and handtowels, 1 new each day), ocassional tablecloths, throw rugs, etc.

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We're a family of 8 and do about 9 or 10 loads a week. Four of clothes, 2-3 of towels, 1-2 of blankets, 1-2 of whites, and sheets are tossed into other loads as needed...OK, so towels, clothes, and blankets are tossed in at random too, but this is about the break down of how many loads if divided. We have a huge front loader also.

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Hey Kathy! We have 5 as you know:001_smile:, and I do at least 1 load a day, 6 days/week. Mondays, I will do 2 and maybe one other day. I do our sheets with whites and if I remember the kids sheets it would make one more. So I guess 8-9 loads. We have only a few outfits each, so laundry MUST be done like this and I really like that!!!

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Family of 4. Everyone now does their own washing, about a load each a week, really, because the kids arent so good about doing theirs every week until they have run out of clothes, then they need to do 3 loads. So its a bit erratic.

We don't change the sheets weekly, or even the towels, I just tend to rotate and do them on beautiful sunny days, but not everyone at once.

Ideally, we do a load a day (or, at least someone does a load each day), but when I do that, I usually run out of things to wash, so it's definitely less than 7 loads a week total. Probably more like 4-5.

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