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1st Grade: What are you using??


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My younger is in 2nd, so we did 1st last year. She used:


Rod and Staff 1st grade reading, phonics, penmanship, music, math


Drawing with Children for art


Story of the World vol. 3 for history/geography/literature/writing (beginning narrations)


Science was chemistry using Adventures with Atoms and Molecules


Piano class and dance class and other supplementary classes at co-op.


*** She differed from the 1st time I did 1st grade. I follow the WTM history/science rotation and do all of my kids together. So my 1st 1st grader did life science and SOTW vol. 1 for 1st.

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I am focusing first grade on priorities. Reading is first - so we spend a good part of our time with phonics - Explode the Code and reading - She's reading early readers now along with the CLP Nature reader 1.


After reading is writing. We started with just McRuffy handwriting which is nicely matched with its readers. After half the year, we started Writing With Ease 1.


The next priority is Math. We're using Saxon.


In addition to that, we're reading a lot of fairy and folk tales and nature stories and watching science videos.


My full plans are link in my signature.

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I'm am just now getting all my 1st grade packages in the mail. So exciting!

Math: CLE

Reading/Phonics: OPGTR & ETC (but not pushing ETC)

Grammar: FLL

Writing: WWE

Art: How to teach art to children (though I tempted to get Draw Write Now for fun)

Science: I have a couple of different experiment-y books from which I'm making my own 2-year plan (mostly biology, some earth science, some nature study)

History/SS: Evan Moor Beginning Geography

Spelling: debating on this...I ordered AAS and immediately cancelled my order...I am returning A Reason For Spelling. IDK, this one may get skipped for grade 1 if I can't find something I love. I'm not sure we need it anyway...


ETA: also have lots of readers for practice reading: the Harriette Treadwell readers, CLP's Nature Readers, etc.

ETA: I forgot Bible until I saw another response. We're doing BSGFAA + Our 24 Family Ways (as a family devo)

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My six year old is doing Singapore math, WWE 1, the Aesop books from Royal Fireworks Press, lots of reading to me and to himself...and then everything else he sits in with his older brothers. So SOTW, and....a disorganized mess for science, or so it feels a lot of times. I think I felt the need to be a lot more...official with his brothers, but he's my youngest so he still seems so young. Although HE doesn't think he's young at all, so despite my lack of effort he's flying through everything. Anyway...he also does piano with his Dad, takes tap dancing and musical theater classes, and has done two plays this year, so he stays pretty busy.

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We do so much it's ridiculous, so don't take this list as any sort of gospel! We do school 7 days a week for 2-3 hours a day because DD begs for it, I don't believe all this is necessary.


Phonics: Progressive Phonics. DD really likes this, it's the first learning to read program that actually worked with her. And it's free!!!


Spelling: All About Spelling 1.


Literature: loads of read alouds, focusing on some of the "classic" children's books. About once a month we are also doing a book/movie comparison, and twice a week we read from a book I have called... something like, Stories and Poems for Intellegent Children or something. It's a lot of 19th century stuff- we were reading John Keats recently.


Math: Singapore 1A (and probably 1B). I've tried to add in Miquon, but neither of us really gets how to use it.


Science: Finishing up Elemental Science - Intro to Science, and then starting Elemental Science Biology.


History: SOTW 1 and American history read-alouds


Geography: Evan-Moor Beginning Geography


Art: Projects I pull from websites, etc.


Music: violin lessons and orchestra performances.


Health: I don't know! :lol: I'm supposed to teach this in my state....


PE: homeschool gym class and dance class.


French: Hooked on French and L'art de dire.


Logic: Lollipop Logic and learning to play Chess.


Handwriting: copywork passages pulled from other subjects.


World Cultures: weekly unit studies on individual countries.


Keyboarding: Dance Mat Typing. (Another free program.)


Poetry: Tuesdays and Thursdays we are just reading poetry together. I want DD to have some exposure, in a couple years we can do an in depth poetry study. Occasionally she illustrates a journal page about one of our poems.


Journaling: Twice a week, for now responding to journal prompts with drawings, eventually transitioning to responding in writing.


Ack! It always overwhelms me when I see it all written out. I could probably scale back (majorly!!!!) but DD loves everything and would be sad. (I would not be sad..... :lol:)

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We are just finishing up grade 1. We spent most of our time on the 3 R's. We used a phonics and penmanship program given to me by my sister (who teaches gr 1 in ps), we used RightStart Math B and are moving on to C in the next few weeks, we followed a unit study for a bit that is similar to FIAR but is a Canadian version. We started WWE1 half way through the year. The rest was all mostly child led according to his interest. we did some lapbooking and notebooking on various topics that interest my son (i.e. hurricanes, earthquakes etc..). We have been fairly relaxed but have still met all of our requirements (early too! we are pretty much done everything for the year!!).

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My first grader will be doing:

A Beka Phonics

A Beka Handwriting


Spelling Workout

A Beka Math

A Beka Science (we are switching over all science to A Beka next year because I just can't..... I just can't do it all! I'm sorry. It goes against my grain, but I need something they can read and do and I can't do experiments and library books and all that for science, too! Please don't beat me!;))

SOTW for history

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Latin, math, cursive, science & nature study, geography, some history, literature, spelling, a little grammar, piano, picture study & a little art, a few composer studies. For curriculum, not too much is formal but some resources I'm using are Song School Latin, Latin Memory Songs, Life of Fred Elementary, The Verbal Math Lesson 1, Kitchen Table Math, Apologia Astronomy, Cursive First .. That's all that's coming to mind right now. Maybe Drawing with Children, too.

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We'll do first grade next year and it will be similar to what I did with my oldest...


Reading: OPGTR

Spelling: Spelling Workout A

Grammar: FLL 1

Handwriting Without Tears


Math: Singapore, LOF elementary

History/Geography: With his brother, I think we're going to do a year of geography focus while I just read SOTW 4 with the older one.

Science: Physics with his brother, I haven't planned what we'll use but I'm thinking of some Science in a Nutshell kits which I really liked for Earth Science.

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Right now, this is my plan for 1st grade in the fall.


Writing/Grammar/Literature: K12's LA 1

Phonics: K12 Advanced Phonics (part of K12's LA 1)

Math: Singapore 1A/1B (maybe... this is what my older kids used, but this child might need something spiral)

History: SOTW 1

Science: K12 Science 1 (maybe... I might not bother with formal science.)


This is the same stuff that my older kids used in 1st grade. :)

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We are finishing up first now.


Language arts: (our focus)

Phonics: finished Abeka 1, explode the code 3-5

Reading: son light readers grade 2 and 3

Spelling: AAS 1-3

Handwriting without tears 1

Writing with ease 1

First language lessons 1

Read Alouds taken from SL lists



Finished math mammoth 1B, 2A, and just starting 2B (will finish in 2nd)



Elemental Science Biology



SOTW 1 with some VP, lots of lit



BSGFAA plus memory work

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It's a little confusing since Ariel usually works ahead at least a year, so I listed separately when she did first grade work skillwise vs. being a first grader by age.


When Ariel did first grade work, we used:


Math: MEP 1, RS B (first 3/4, then dropped it for MEP)

English: WWE 1, Jolly Grammar, Dancing Bears reading, Zaner-Bloser Manuscript

History: SOTW 1 w/AG

Science: Sonlight 1 (now B)

Spanish: La Clase Divertida

Art: Atelier 1


The year she was first grade age, we used:

Math: MM2, Two Plus Two is Not Five

English: WWW 2, Dancing Bears & WRTR, Zaner-Bloser Manuscript 2, Apples & Pears Spelling A

Oak Meadow 2nd Grade for history, science, art, supplemental math and English

Supplemental Science: Great Explorations in Math and Science (Liquid Explorations, Involving Dissolving, Buzzing a Hive)

Spanish: La Clase Divertida

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my ds is in 1st. You can see what we are using in my sig. We dabbled in R&S Math 1, CLE LA1, CLE Reading 1, and Building Spelling Skills 1 before landing where we are. We will stay here and begin to formally address spelling with AAS next year. Spelling was a big bust here this year.


My dd will be a hybrid K'er/1st next year (K'er by state standards, but more like 1st in work level). I plan to do MEP 1, Miquon Orange & Red, ETC 2 & 3, SL Readers 1, Phonics Pathways, SL Core B +SOTW+AG, and Apologia Zoology 2 w/junior wkbks with her. I will pursue AAS, FLL1, & WWE when she is ready, but probably at some point next year.

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I am just finishing up 1st grade with ds6. He has used:


Singapore Math 1B & 2A

Reading Reflex (he finished this up in the fall)

Sonlight Readers (a variety from 2 reg -2 adv)

Sonlight Core C/Core 2

WTM-style science with living books (anatomy in the fall & botony in the spring)

L'art de Dire (Nallenart French)

Drawing with Children


He has also done copywork, twice-weekly journaling, and some independently chosen writing projects using the writing process (currently finishing up a report on ancient Pompeii).

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We school year-around, so I'm not exactly sure how far we'll be on some of these.


Reading: HOP, ETC, The Biggest Sight Words Book Ever!


Writing: Zaner-Bloser 1 or 2


Math: Singapore Math 1B or 2A


Science: R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey - Life 1


History: History Odyssey - Ancients 1 (A Little History of the World as spine, I *think*.)


Geography: Evan-Moor Beginning Geography


Spanish: Puertas Abiertas (I think. Still searching.)


Literature: Miscellaneous resources.


Nature Study: Birds, if we don't get to birds this spring/summer. (We'll study them using the WTM approach for science.)

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We are just finishing up 1st grade. We have used the following:


Lots of read alouds and readers

Progressive Phonics and Funnix


WriteShop Primary Book 1


RightStart B

RS4K Pre-level Chemistry

SOTW Ancients


Evan Moor Beginning Geography

Atelier Art Level 2

Egermeier's Bible Story Book


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My first grader is working on:


BJU Bible

Singapore Math, Beast Academy, MEP

BJU English and Spelling

Christian Kids Explore Earth & Space

Maps, Globes and Graphs, Logic, tons of read alouds


Lots of rabbit trails and tangents

Anything else that excites her!

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We're splitting 1st grade into two years. Some 1st grade subjects will be covered this year, and some will wait until next.


This summer, we'll do:

Handwriting Without Tears

Explode the Code books 1&2



This fall, we're doing:


WWE1 (I keep debating which year to start this!)

Science is Simple (activity book by Peggy Ashbrook)

Singapore 1A, Miquon Orange Book, RightStart card games

Kinderbach piano

The Complete Book of Arts and Crafts

DK Children's Everyday Bible, The One Year Devotions for Preschoolers

The Complete Book of Spanish (American Education Publishing)

Now I'm Reading oral readers

various read-alouds from Sonlight, Veritas, etc., (including historical biographies, geography, and more science)


Next year, we'll add:


Telling God's Story 1

WWE1 or 2 (depending what we do this year)

Apologia Science (Astronomy, maybe Biology)

(and move ahead in math and other subjects)

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This is my basic plan for the beginning 1st grade:



Math: Right Start B, Miquon Red, some MEP and/or SM as supplements (about 20-30 minutes per day total)


Handwriting: ZB


Phonics: The Struggling Reader games, ETC Book 3


Reading: Easy books from the library, possibly Catholic National Reader from Kolbe or continuing on with Little Stories for Little Folks or the readers from Seton (I am going to make this decision this summer when I go to a Catholic conference)


Science: Continue with NOEO Bio 1 and RS4K Bio


History/Geography: We are going to continue our trip around the world spending time in different continents


Mindbenders from Critical Thinking Press


Nature study, picture study, and composer study


We are also going to do a lot of read alouds and start narration. When he finished ZB book 1, we are going to start doing copywork as well.

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Grammar: First Language Lessons

Math: Singapore 1A/1B

Science: Real Science 4 Kids: Chemistry

History/Geography: Road Trip USA (for now)

Art: Drawing With Children

Writing: Winning With Writing

Spelling: Soaring With Spelling (when done with OPGTR)

Logic: Lollipop Logic

Handwriting: Zaner-Bloser Handwriting 1st Grade

Phonics: Finish OPGTR


Various Read Alouds

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Guest Tressmom

New to the board :001_smile:...I have DD6; here is what we are planning for 1st grade next year:


BJU English & Writing 2

Not sure if we are doing handwriting; she has great printing. Not starting

cursive until 2nd or 3rd

Spelling: TBD

Reading: Book List

BJU Math 2

God's Design for Science: Animals; Plants & Human Body

BJU History 1 and/or 2 (I was able to get a good deal on 2, so may just go with that)

(Science & History 2x/week)

Art/Music classes

Soccer/Basketball/Softball..whatever else she wants to try



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First grade has been:


Math: Singapore Math, also some Zaccaro Challenge Math, now BA


Handwriting: GDI, then copywork after we finished the first grade book


English: Galore Park Junior English


Language: Z'man Likro (Hebrew), other resources


Suzuki cello, free-form history (ancients) and science (the plan was nature study/biology but has turned out to be astronomy, more astronomy, and did I mention astronomy?)

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It is mostly a continuation of what we are doing now in Kindergarten. We'll move up to the next level in things when he finishes the book. That's why there will be multiple levels in one year.


Writing With Ease 1 & 2

FLL 1 & 2

AAS 2 & 3

Startwrite cursive practice


Geography (right now we're just going through the most important countries in each continent. When we're done we'll move onto SOTW)

Elemental Science Biology and Astronomy/Earth Science

MUS Alpha and Beta plus Singapore CWP

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DS will be finished with K in about 2 months and here is the plan for 1st.


Phonics: finish Phonics Pathways

Math: Horizons 1

Grammar: Shurley 1

Writing: WWE1

Penmanship: D' Nealian 1

Spelling: A Reason For Spelling A

Science: BJU 1

History: BJU 1

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We are finishing up first grade in a couple of months. Here is what we have done this year. We are happy with all of these programs and will continue them next year.


Math: CSMP

Writing/Copywork: WWE1

Spelling/handwriting: SWR

Science: BFSU

History/Geography/Literature: TOG/SOTW

Art: Art through Children's Literature (only occasionally)

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current plan for first grade next year:


first half of the year will concentrate mainly on this:


Math Mammoth

K12 phonics


Usborne Big Book of Playtime activies (for art)

Usborne book of Science Activities

many books for reading


will add at second half of year





I may throw song school latin in there, if I ever get it from the person I bought it from...

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Our plans are in my signature. It will be my first year hsing so we are going to start slowly and add as we go. For my dd I'll be focusing on the basics and she'll tag along on history and science.


Now if I could just pull the trigger and buy something! :001_huh:

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We run our school year from Jan-Nov. This is what my designated 1st grader is currently working on:


Math: MM1b and MEP 2a

Grammar: Voyages in English gr. 1

Latin: Song School Latin

Logic: Lollipop Logic, bk 1

History: SOTW and this lapbook activity

Handwriting: Zaner-Bloser 1

Phonics: MCP Plaid Phonics

Spelling: Spelling Workout

Science: finishing up Intellego's k-2 Weather unit and Mr. Q's Classical Life Science


Some of his work is also done by his sister, so it eases things up for me by having them work on combined topics.

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This year was a hybrid of K/ 1 and we used:



Saxon 1


Elemental History



Next year will be a mix of first and second grade work and plans are:

R&S 2 for grammar


HWOT cursive

Saxon 2

copywork, dictation


Anatomy, then Earth Science

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Our current list looks something like this:


Handwriting -GDI

Reading - OPGTR

Phonics - ETC

Spelling - AAS

Grammar - FLL

Writing - WWE1

Math - Singapore and MM

Science - ES & BFSU

History - SOTW

Geography & SS - Evan Moore Geography

Logic - Can you Find Me? & Lollipop Logic

Spanish - Tutor 2x/wk and SFC A


Next year will be much the same except for a few changes.


We'll move into a different logic series, perhaps MindBenders. Science will need to change. (Finding a rigorous secular science has been the thorn in my side. I'm all ears if anyone has suggestions.) We'll also add in Song School Latin and perhaps Song School Greek.

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Just wondering what subjects everyone is teaching for 1st grade. It is time for me to start ordering for next year and I want to make sure I have my bases covered. Also, what curriculum are you using? Thanks! :001_smile:


What are you using now?

For 1st grade, I continues SM1A which we were about half way into when he started 1st.

We continued SWR to teach reading, continued about 3 books past pre-ETC, and use Plaid Phonics to reinforce weak spots.

We read SOTW, did RSO bio, listened to all the Vox Music Masters, read the You Wouldn't Want to Be books for ancient and pre-history, did the Joy Richardson Come Look With Me art books, toured a lot of zoos and museums, and used ZB for handwriting.


RAther than have set goals of what to cover in 1st, because kiddo was rather good at some things, and behind in others, I added up all the time advised in WTM for a year, divided by 12, and put in that amount of time per month. I'm glad I did, for it kept things fun and un-painful, and when kiddo was about halfway through 2nd grade, his weaknesses got less and we cranked through things like 1st and 2nd grade grammar the second half of 2nd grade.

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This is our list for next year. I'll write it as if for our 1st grader, but I'll also have a Kindy and preK'er.


Phonics: Alphaphonics, finishing up (she's already tested at a 3rd grade level so we just need to solidify some stuff)

Spelling: Not sure. Thinking about a free list I saw on here or just from her reading/writing (and phonics while still doing that).

Math: Singapore, Miquon. Supplement with Life of Fred, maybe Dreambox

Science: Elemental Science - Intro to Science

History: Elemental History - Adventures in America

Reading: History- and Interest-based

Geography: A fave here, but just done as daily review and challenges (location, flags, key facts)

Art/Music: Harmony Fine Arts; would like to find more art/music to DO also

PE: Daily walk, Presidential Fitness, Swimming and Gymnastics (Kindy will actually go to an OT gym instead); Various supplements like Tony and the Kids video, normal play (bikes, races, hoola hoop, jump rope, etc), etc.

Latin: Song School Latin

Spanish:Unsure at this time but something I really want to do

Logic: Need to research still

Handwriting: Gonna go look at this one today. DD has done d'nealian in school which I *hate* for Kindergarteners. But I may stick with it since that is what she does. I want something with LOTS of practice (something NOT done at all in public school). For the boys, they'll do HWoTs. No tails!

Typing: Start with Dance Mat. I also have Ten Thumbs.

Grammar and such: FLL

Writing: WWE

Journaling: 2-3 times per week

Spiritual: Should be first, but longer - We have a lot of materials our religion gives us. Each day in our morning message, we have the scripture reference mentioned. They can do the scripture for memory. We, of course discuss it. We have two books specifically for children we'll work through. We may try for one section per week with the one book and one Bible account every other day with the other. We'll study for Christian meetings, a small section per day. We have a daily text (like devotionals), which are short and sweet, that we'll likely do at breakfast. We'll read our monthly publications over the month also. I had a post about what all I did with my bigs back when. I'll need to look that up.

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First Grade this fall:


Latin - letters and Roman numerals

Music - Themes to Remember

Art - Phonics of Drawing


Math - Singapore 1 A/B, Saxon 1B, LOF A and B

Science - TOPS (Primary Lentils, Get a Grip, Electricity, Perfect Balance,) and Burgess Bird Book

French - Skoldo French 1


English - HOP 4 and 5, HOP Second Grade workbook, Pentime 1B handwriting, Read alouds

History - GP Junior History 1, online Chronology class, read alouds

Typing - Typing Instructor for Kids

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Handwriting: Gonna go look at this one today. DD has done d'nealian in school which I *hate* for Kindergarteners. But I may stick with it since that is what she does. I want something with LOTS of practice (something NOT done at all in public school).


I'm in the same boat with my dd. D'nealian is not what I would have choosen but since she is learning that in ps Kinder, I'll stick with it. My plan was to use this website to make our own worksheets for practice. I haven't worked through everything yet but I'm thinking I'll be able to use the same website to make worksheets for other subjects as well like spelling and writing (copywork), and history and science narrations. We'll see. If you find/found a good program for D'nealian, I'd love to hear about it. -lu

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I'll be using Oak Meadow for 1st grade next year.


We will likely continue with a combination of Funnix Beginning Reading Lessons and/or Reading Eggs. We're doing those sporadically this year in conjunction with sporadic Oak Meadow K (we're pretty informal with Kindergarten). We're up to lesson 40 in Funnix, and more recently he's been REALLY enjoying a free trial of Reading Eggs.


I may check out the free Funnix Beginning Math lessons that I downloaded a while back and see if my son likes that, he seems to have a natural liking for math and has picked up a lot of math concepts through games, conversation, etc, but we'll see how it goes.

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Rylee is a young first grader... but here's what she is currently using:


Bible: Leading Little Ones To God; Big Truths For Little Kids; Bible Verse Memorization; Books of the Bible (and scripture finding challenges); A Childs Book of Character Buiding

Phonics: Explode the Code (finish through book 8)

Reading: Lots of her reading to me (working on fluency), read aloud books and silent reading books; Reading for the Gifted Student; Evan Moor Daily Comprehension 2; Homeschool Share Literature Units

Grammar: FLL; GWG

Writing: Manuscript Copywork, Narration, Dictation; WWW

Spelling: AAS; Weekly word lists (Evan Moor)

Math: Living Math Books to introduce new concepts; games/manipulatives/hands on materials used to reinforce and master concepts; Singapore (started in 1A currently about to finish up 1B and move to 2A); LOF; Primary Math Challange (Zaccaro); additional 'stuff' from Evan Moor

Science: Biology - Animal, Plant, Human Body (put together myself with various living books, hands on activities, experiments); Nature Study

World History: Story of the World 1

United States History: Using various resources, living books, hands on activities to study from discovery to today (including studying each state as added to the union and Presidents)

Geography: Evan Moor Beginning Geography; Little Passports

Critical Thinking: Lollipop Logic; printables - Logic Puzzles; Soduko; etc...; Evan Moor Critical Thinking

Typing: Typing Instructor for Kids

Latin: Song School Latin

Sign Language: Signing Time

Art: Artist Study (using various resources); How to teach art to children; Additional kits such as learning to draw/sketch, drawing people, learning to use watercolors/soft pastels/color pencils/watercolor pencils......

Poetry: Poet Studies (using various resources); Memorize 8 Poems

Music: Hymn Study; Basic Singing Technique and Posture; Composer Study; Piano Lessons

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Now that you copied what I wrote LulaMae, I'm thinking that the real issue with PS may be that they *use* d'nealian, but they don't actually TEACH and practice it. Soooo, maybe d'nealian isn't the issue, but the lack of handwriting as a subject is. So maybe if I just get a solid d'nealian program? But with my dd's personality, trying to teacher to do something she "knows" may prove difficult.

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Reading: lots of good literature

Math: Right Start B, beginning C soon.

Spelling: AAS 1 and 2, possibly 3 too.

Grammar: FLL 1 - I use the older version and only do the actual grammar. We do our own copywork, poetry/memory work and picture narrations.

Penmanship: HWT yellow and aqua books, moving into New American Cursive in the summer.

History: SOTW 1

Science: REAL Science Odyssey - Life

Geography: Even Moor Beginning Geography and lots of maps and globes!

Composer study: library books, Classical Kids and lots of CDs.

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Now that you copied what I wrote LulaMae, I'm thinking that the real issue with PS may be that they *use* d'nealian, but they don't actually TEACH and practice it. Soooo, maybe d'nealian isn't the issue, but the lack of handwriting as a subject is. So maybe if I just get a solid d'nealian program? But with my dd's personality, trying to teacher to do something she "knows" may prove difficult.


For what it's worth, I used D'nealian in school. I did not like it and I have horrible handwriting. My mother blames d'nealian for that.

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What are these? And, how many days per week are you planning typing? I've been thinking about it, but having looked into a program yet.


First Grade this fall:


Latin - letters and Roman numerals

Music - Themes to Remember

Art - Phonics of Drawing


Math - Singapore 1 A/B, Saxon 1B, LOF A and B

Science - TOPS (Primary Lentils, Get a Grip, Electricity, Perfect Balance,) and Burgess Bird Book

French - Skoldo French 1


English - HOP 4 and 5, HOP Second Grade workbook, Pentime 1B handwriting, Read alouds

History - GP Junior History 1, online Chronology class, read alouds

Typing - Typing Instructor for Kids

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