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What is it about me that makes people not respond to my posts?

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I truly appreciate your honesty. I did take the "vote" thing to heart, and eliminated it from my signature. I realize we don't all agree on things, but I think you were certainly right about that coming across as political. I also know that taking that word out may/may not change much, but I hope it tones it down a bit.


I also get the association stuff. Of course I think of Mrs. Mungo every time I see apostrophes pluralizing words! There are some that you just KNOW from things they post. I just hate that the pregnancy thing is mine to you because it was certainly not one of the best times of my life.


I'll keep my chin up, get over my whining, and deal with boardie life like a grown-up - tomorrow! :tongue_smilie:

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I actually had posted a response to one of your threads this morning. Honestly, I deleted the whole thing because right before I hit submit, I thought about all the times I've felt inferior due to my lack of experience in life, kids, and homeschooling (not by you!) and I thought, no one really cares what I think. I often find myself thinking this in reference to a post and it is a reason that I don't post as much as I'd like. It's just a personal issue that I need to get over.




I'm sure it wasn't meant personally. I didn't see your post. I don't leave a lot of comments myself, usually because I only feel like I should comment on ones that I have some experience in, instead of just giving an opinion. I can't tell you how many times I've begun a response, only to think, "I have nothing more to say than what others have already said, " or "Do I really know enough about this to comment?" Then I delete it.



:iagree: I do both the things in bold a lot. I'll start a response and delete it because I feel like whatever I was going to say wasn't as articulate as I wanted it to be (I'm usually distracted by the kids) or because I feel like I don't have much to offer or add to a conversation. I'm like this irl too, and it's something I'm trying to get better about. :grouphug: I do know how you feel, though.

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I feel like after 8-10 years on the boards, I could ask for a prayer request and get more than 5 or 6 responses. It seems like any thread I start (unless it's something that turns controversial) gets next to no response. When I post within a thread, it is rarely acknowledged at all.


Anyone want to be brutally honest with me and tell me what it is?


My, my.......lookie all the responses you've gotten so far! :001_smile:


Actually, I compared your stats and mine.....looking at the last 25 posts we each started. I had 313 replies to my 25 posts. You had a grand total of...........drum roll please.......861 (could be climbing as I type). Soooooo....that averages out to be 12.52 replies per thread for me......and 34.44 per thread for you. See..........you are way more popular than me. :D That's gotta brighten your day. :001_smile:



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I don't know you at all, but if you want brutal honesty, I'm going to say that you're reading way too far into this and most likely making an issue out of something that isn't even an issue in the first place. Some posts get a lot of responses, some don't. That's how it goes on internet forums. I highly doubt that people ignore your posts based solely on the fact that they're *yours!*


And FWIW, I don't generally post on prayer requests at all. I'm just not the praying type. I'm sure I'm not alone. ;)


:iagree: You're taking things too personally. This is the Internet. Nothing is ever personal. If people don't respond to my post, I assume I've posted about something they have no interest in. No biggie. Why would it be personal?

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I think that you have to post something bordering on controversial or funny/silly. I begged for responses to a poll and bumped it three times, even stated I wanted 100 votes, but despite over 300 views, I only got 71 votes. Boo.


Anyway, you're not alone in your feeling! :grouphug:

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I think at least 2 of those threads were about circumcision and they were HUGE so they don't count.


I promise if you start one on circ or vaccines, you'll get lots of replies to bring up your average. :tongue_smilie:


But seriously, thanks for that - I knew it probably wasn't really as bad as it seemed, but my emotional instability has definitely kicked in today.

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Lately I have been ignoring, or reading and not responding to a lot of posts I would usually attend to and it's absolutely everything to do with me and nothing to do with the people posting. I've had other stuff taking up my emotional energy and haven't much to spare.




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I think at least 2 of those threads were about circumcision and they were HUGE so they don't count.


I promise if you start one on circ or vaccines, you'll get lots of replies to bring up your average. :tongue_smilie:


But seriously, thanks for that - I knew it probably wasn't really as bad as it seemed, but my emotional instability has definitely kicked in today.


Oh, poo. I knew you'd bring that up (I was hoping you'd forget they were heated discussions). :001_smile:

You know we all :001_wub: you. Now.....go take one of these: :chillpill: and feel better soon.

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I think I read somewhere something about 95% of the time people aren't paying attention to you. As in, it's about them and not you.


I don't respond all that much to posts because I am distracted, or have to go do something else, or don't care about the topic, or feel like I have nothing to add.


Which is why I almost didn't respond to this (because I felt like I had nothing to add...) but decided to respond anyway :D.

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I feel like after 8-10 years on the boards, I could ask for a prayer request and get more than 5 or 6 responses. It seems like any thread I start (unless it's something that turns controversial) gets next to no response. When I post within a thread, it is rarely acknowledged at all.


Anyone want to be brutally honest with me and tell me what it is?


I thought I was the only one. I will get a few responses now and then and sometimes not at all.

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I looked back at your last 20 threads and honestly we just don't have a lot in common right now. I haven 't been to Disney in 10 years, I don't have an iPad, I don't have a grrandchild.....I did have a latex mattress and responded to your thread on that one.


I didn't recognize your new avatar, so that threw me for a bit. I am pretty visual and when people change their pix around, I don't know who they are.


If I am laying down, I don't type responses. For as many responses as I do give, I actually lurk a lot more. :blush:


If I happen to notice a prayer thread I try to give them a bump :grouphug: but again, if I am laying down....I may just give a quick prayer and not respond.


Time of day can be important for threads too. There are certain posters here at certain times of day (time zones play a part in this). If I want to catch the most people, I post early in the morning my time (PST) so it can percolate during the day. I have had threads started late at night (PST) that got no responses.

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I looked back at the threads you started recently and I just didn't have anything to add. No mattress advice or iPad info or comments about your ending your hs journey. I read more on the curriculum board.


But I am sorry your feelings are hurt. I doubt there has been a conspiracy, but I think your threads have been so specialized that only some people (eg those buying new iPads) would really have anything to say.

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:grouphug::grouphug: I feel the same way sometimes. I think some people are more visible on the board because they post A LOT more than I do.


I recognize your screen name, but I don't have anything against you personally that would keep me from responding :)


I'm sorry you're having a rough time and not getting the support you need.

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I'm another one who reads significantly more than I post. Nothing personal - just lack of time, kids interrupting, reading on my iPod Touch (which I don't enjoy typing on), etc.


I hope the responses on this thread have put your mind at ease, and that you find ways to visit your precious grandson often (he's beautiful - I read the thread where you posted pictures of him, but didn't respond... ;)). :grouphug:

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:grouphug: honestly, i don't know any of the user names on this forum, except for maybe less than 5 people (and i only know their names because they post in every thread i read). the thing is, this forum moves soooo fast. so if you post a prayer request, it may be 4 pages deep before i log on & therefore, i never will even see it. i really don't dig past the first couple of pages here usually, except on the K-8 forum. i guess i'm just lazy. anyway, that could be one explanation though. as for not being acknowledged in an actual thread, i think that happens to most of us. i figure they read what i had to say, so it really wasn't ignored, ykwim? i don't need a reply to know it was valid.


no worries.:)

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I haven't read all the responses, but I wanted to let you know you are not alone in feeling like people are ignoring you (I asked this question a week or so ago).


I never saw your post for prayers; however, if I did, I would pray for you. I pray for requests for prayer threads even if I don't respond (it's tough to do so from my phone where I may be reading the threads).



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In my case, I tend not to pray for people on this board that are conservative Christians. Not because I don't want to- I very much like to do what I can for people in need- but because, having been here for a few years, I know that there are quite a few here who think that when I pray to my gods, I'm actually praying to Satan but just don't know it. :rolleyes: And because I assume that most Christians don't want an eeeevil Pagan praying to "Satan" on their behalf, I just don't bother.

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I'm with many of the others on their replies (didn't see it, meant to come back and post once I did see it, you asked specifically for prayers, etc.).


And, while I usually don't bother replying if what I wanted to say has already been said, I wanted to give you another post on your thread. :D


I'm sorry you had such a tough day. :grouphug:

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Looking at your stats, a strong majority of threads you have started have a very good response (20-80 replies). Sure you have occasional threads here and there that get only a few responses, but they are the minority.


I looked at my own stats and the response rate is lower overall but I don't think people are avoiding me.

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I don't pray, and skip the vast majority of prayer threads.


Reading your posts for these years, I feel you would not find my way of expressing myself helpful. I have a tendency to not reply to people **I get the impression** (I have no idea if it is a true impression, but just an internet social board impression) get their feelings hurt easily. I am blunt. My not responding to your threads speaks about me, not you.


Remember that old Fritz Perls wheeze?

"I do my thing and you do your thing.

I am not in this world to live up to your expectations,

And you are not in this world to live up to mine.

You are you, and I am I,

and if by chance we find each other, it's beautiful."


Well, often left off is the final line:


"If not, it can't be helped."


If you pardon the pun, HTH.

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In my case, I tend not to pray for people on this board that are conservative Christians. Not because I don't want to- I very much like to do what I can for people in need- but because, having been here for a few years, I know that there are quite a few here who think that when I pray to my gods, I'm actually praying to Satan but just don't know it. :rolleyes: And because I assume that most Christians don't want an eeeevil Pagan praying to "Satan" on their behalf, I just don't bother.


Sometimes I struggle with these threads too. I am UU and not Christian. If the request seems open enough I might say "thinking of you". If it's a very specific prayer request I usually don't respond.


Don't feel bad. People never respond to me either. :tongue_smilie: I don't take it personally at all because I know how I hit the board. If it's not on the first page or maybe 2 when I happen to be online I'll miss it. If it has 30 pages when I first see it, I'll probably want to read it, but may not have time. If I agree with the sentiment someone else posted and am short time I may not respond as well.

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I truly appreciate your honesty. I did take the "vote" thing to heart, and eliminated it from my signature. I realize we don't all agree on things, but I think you were certainly right about that coming across as political. I also know that taking that word out may/may not change much, but I hope it tones it down a bit.


I also get the association stuff. Of course I think of Mrs. Mungo every time I see apostrophes pluralizing words! There are some that you just KNOW from things they post. I just hate that the pregnancy thing is mine to you because it was certainly not one of the best times of my life.


I'll keep my chin up, get over my whining, and deal with boardie life like a grown-up - tomorrow! :tongue_smilie:


Oh, Mrs. Mungo has the apostrophe thing SEWN UP FOREVER! :001_smile:


I hope your day is improving---- it must have been so hard for you to wave goodbye to your beloveds, and Hawaii is so very far away. And don't forget, I also said I associate you with being a DISNEY fan/expert, and THAT is a VERY happy thing! :001_smile:


Tomorrow will be brighter-- I'm sure of it!



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I don't respond to prayer request threads anymore unless it's someone I know well, and I don't know you well enough.


From what I know of your posts, you take most things personally and don't respond well to people who are matter-of-fact thinkers. I'm a matter-of-fact thinker. I figure it's doing you a favour to let others who are more your type console you.


That doesn't just go for you. That's my general approach to most boards.

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I don't think there's a person on these boards who hasn't felt the way you do from time to time. I've seen so many people post things like this. I have felt it myself but never posted, and I'm sure there are countless others, too.


Don't take it personally. I am CERTAIN it is not you.



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Gosh, it didn't really occur to me that prayer requests expected a response if I planned on praying. I just go ahead and pray. I would sort of assume that most of the people viewing a prayer request are probably going to pray for that. It's probably not that often that people who don't intend to pray for your request view the thread. So I'd go with checking how many people have viewed it and assume a good majority are praying or offering up positive thoughts!

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Well, I recognized your name. That's something! There's a lot going on here. I guess a non-response wouldn't bother me. I get a little perturbed when someone tells me to "take it to a different thread" when they aren't even the person who started the thread. Like, who made them Thread Monitor with an Orange Safety Belt? :D

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Seriously though, I am not generally needy IRL. I'm also not usually the type that can't take criticism (believe me, I get my fair share!) It is weird how I must come across on here, but then I think it's hard to explain yourself on boards and not seem like you are really defensive.


Like I said, I just think it was the combination of my own flying fears, mixed with my totally depressed state that made me comment about the lack of "support." I DO try not to whine MOST of the time.


FWIW, I'm feeling a bit better, and think I'll be even better when they have finally landed in Hawaii. I'm usually on pins and needles (and clearly over-sensitive) when they are traveling.


2 more hours and they should be home.

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Well, I think maybe some people may be like me ...

Sometimes I'm afraid to answer because I think my answer will be stupid, or not turn out the way I wanted, or I might offend someone or maybe be completely wrong or make a horrible spelling error. I know that is kinda silly, but that's how I am.

I haven't read many of the posts so I'm not sure if this has been said yet.

See? I'm already doubting what I wrote to begin with. Sheesh. It is what is it.:D

Hopefully I won't kill this thread..

Edited by mommyof4AZ
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I've been holding off on posting because I really am the biggest thread killer.


I tend to say a quick prayer and move on, without posting or sometimes even opening the thread. It's nothing personal, I just never thought about posting. I'll try to make a habit of it from now on. Even if it means I kill everyone's threads.

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Yeah, I have felt the same way at times when I have posted for prayer and only a few have answered or I kill a thread that seemed to be going strong.


:grouphug: I often do not respond to a thread for fear of killing it and many times I am in a hurry so I only read threads that catch my eye as I am scrolling down or I think I'll read one later and by the time I get back to read it, I can't find it anymore.

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I started a thread similar to this one a little while back because I was wondering exactly the same thing about myself! :D


Here it is: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=347221 See? You're not alone!


See what I mean??? :D This post has been up almost 12 hours and it has had NOT ONE response. Since I often wind up feeling like I'm talking to myself because if no one else responds, I sometimes resort to responding to my own post! :lol:

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See what I mean??? :D This post has been up almost 12 hours and it has had NOT ONE response. Since I often wind up feeling like I'm talking to myself because if no one else responds, I sometimes resort to responding to my own post! :lol:


2 days and counting... :tongue_smilie:



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I feel like after 8-10 years on the boards, I could ask for a prayer request and get more than 5 or 6 responses. It seems like any thread I start (unless it's something that turns controversial) gets next to no response. When I post within a thread, it is rarely acknowledged at all.


Anyone want to be brutally honest with me and tell me what it is?


I think it's because your posts are generally level-headed and not attention seeking. Even when serious things are happening you don't come across as needy. People like to feel needed so I think posts that are needy and dramatic often end up with more responses. I've read a lot of posts of hours over the years and have a great deal of respect for you. I've also prayed for your family at different times, but I don't know if I ever responded to a prayer request post.

Edited by Sarah CB
Missed a word
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I responded before reading responses. I guess SOME had some sort of issue? I think most haven't.


What was in your signature? Some vote?


you got a heck of a response here. I think you are more popular than you think.;):grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


It was "We vote pro-life and pro family!!!!"



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