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Did we have an 8th grade thread? Plans for 8th grade?

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We'll be doing:


Omnibus 1

Classical Writing

Harvey's Elementary Grammar

Rod & Staff Spelling

Saxon Math

Art of Argument

Visual Latin/Lingua Latina

Elementary Greek

Linguistic Development Through Poetry Memorization

The Rainbow


We'll continue with Judo, tumbling/trampoline gymnastics, and piano lessons.

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I'm just starting to put mine together. So far:


math: Saxon 1/2

science: Apologia Physical

english: AG 3rd season

literature: Progeny Press guides

history: BJU Cultural Geography

writing: continuing what we started in IEW this year


I want to supplement the english but not sure what to supplement it with quite yet. We've not picked out which lit guides we'll do yet either. The "big conference" is in May, so I'm hoping to get ideas there

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Math: TT Pre-algebra or MUS

Grammar: Easy Grammar

Writing: Writing Strands

Latin - still undecided on program

Logic - still undecided on program

Science: BJU Earth and Space Science with DVD

Building Spelling Skills

History/Lit: SL Core H

Art: How Great Thou Art

Vocabulary: Wordly Wise - kind of on the fence about this. Suggestions?


I always miss something. :tongue_smilie: This is what I have on my list at the moment. I wish I could figure out what to use for Latin. Everything I look at seems very difficult to me.

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For 8th dd will be doing:


American History I: Hippocampus, America A Narrative History, historical fiction, and CLEP prep and exam (combined w/ds)

LA: WWS 2, Wordly Wise 8, Lightning Lit 8, AG

Math: MUS Algebra/supplemented with LOF

Science: PH Physical Science Concept in Action (maybe w/DIVE)

French: Breaking the Barrier finishing French I (we did this over 2 years for Jr. High)

Music: Flute in high school band at private school, drums: private lessons & worship band

PE: Competitive gymnastics


It will be a heavy LA year trying to be ready for high school.

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I have two in 8th this year.


Math: dd1: Lial's Introductory Algebra; dd2: Foerster's Algebra I

Grammar: MCT

Vocab: MCT

Writing: Lively Art of Writing, WriteGuide tutor

Literature: LLfLoTR

History: K12 HO, Oxford books, hist. fiction/lit/documentaries to go along

Science: CPO Physics: A First Course

Spanish: Breaking the Spanish Barrier 3, recently added Homeschool Spanish Academy Skype tutor

German: German Sat. School

Music: dd1: violin, orchestra; dd2: piano

PE: dd1: ballet; dd2: figure skating

Art: outside classes

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I've been working on our's and here is where we are at so far:


Math- Pre-Alg. MUS and ?

Science- Apologia Physical Science- may or may not take this with a co-op

History- Biblioplan

Literature- LL 8

Grammar- Rod and Staff 8

Spelling- Rod and Staff 8

Writing- WWS and Killgallon

Logic- Fallacy Detective/ Teaching Toolbox?

Foreign Lang.- Latin- undecided

Music- Piano lessons ( 5th yr)


There are still a few things that I am undecided on but for the most part, this is what we will be doing. I would really like my son to take the science in a co-op for the options and review of writing up labs. I think that would be great for him.

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Bible: possibly Bible Discovery: Bible Quest level

Languages: Breaking the Barrier French + Rosetta Stone; Latin Alive; may continue with Greek using Greek for Children

Logic: Art of Argument

Math: TT Algebra I

Science: possibly Teaching Co Joy of Science series plus assorted books; continue Noeo Chemistry (science is not popular with my kids)

History: Early Modern/ Modern using Spielvogel's Human Odyssey and the Universal History of the World series; Chronicles of Church History series; music history and art history, likely using materials from Homeschool in the Woods

English: Elegant Essay + Lively Art of Writing + Pen Commandments (and my own stuff); AG Review; Vocab. for the High School Student

Lit: assorted historical fiction and some period pieces/ classics, possibly using a coupe of Progeny Press study guides




He will also be in a co-op once a week where he will likely continue with Art, Drama, and Gym.


Whew! Sounds like so much, but somehow he gets it all done with time to spare.

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Latin: Second Form

Christian Studies: Faith and Life 8 and MP Christian Studies IV

Classical: Dorothy Mills Ancient Greece and Iliad/Odyssey with MP guides

American: MP Guerber with 200 Questions about American History

Math: Saxon Algebra 1/2 with Art Reed DVDs

Science: Science Matters as recommended in LCC, along with interest led reading and videos

Grammar: AG

Vocab: Sadlier B

Writing: WWS 2

Literature: LLfLotR

Art: Seton Art through Faith

Technology: VLACS Middle School Computer Literacy

PE: karate

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It's actually in my siggy, but here are a few more details:


For 8th grade, here's what it looks like so far...


Math: We do math mostly year round now...dd will be in the middle of Saxon 8/7 with DIVE next fall, then she'll head right into Alg 1. (Dh is now working with her and she is suddenly soaring! We've decided that this is going to be a permanent arrangement. :))


Grammar: I'm settled on either AG or Hake. One way or another, it's going to be straight grammar.


Writing: WWS 2 whenever it's ready, plus we'll continue with WTM style dictation, narrative essays, reports and outlining.


Vocabulary: Vocabulary from Classical Roots, book B


History: Straight U.S. history this year. We're going light with Notgrass America the Beautiful, plus supplemental American Heritage videos and some original source documents. (This is going to be sandwiched purposely between TOG we've been doing and the more intense rhetoric level history studies coming up next.)


Bible: Words of Wisdom (Explorer's Bible Study series). Dd is also actively involved with a Bible Quiz team that memorizes tons of scripture.


Geography: Mapping the World by Heart. Dd and I are going to do this together.


Literature: ATB literature to accompany the history, but since it's pretty light we'll be adding numerous selections from TWTM list for 8th grade literature. We'll also be reading a bit of poetry by American poets.


Science: Apologia Physical Science. I'm hoping to hook dd up with a group online, but so far no luck in finding one.


Art: As always, from me, her mother the art teacher. This year she may also take part in a class that I teach to private students.


Music: Dd will continue with guitar lessons and singing with the youth worship team at church.


French: We'll continue with The Learnables, moving up to Level 2, but I'm hoping to add Rosetta Stone sometime this year if we can find it to borrow. If not, then we'll pick up more French with Live Mocha and other free Internet options.


Logic: I'm looking seriously at Discovery of Deduction. We've been in the Bluedorn books for two years now, so we should be ready to move into more formal logic.




Edited by HSMom2One
Added detail.
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I will have 8th grade twins next yr. Here's what it looks like so far...

TT Algebra

US gov't/civics

Winning w/ Writing 7

Grammar Voyage and Middle School Killgallon book

1100 Words You Need to Know

Science through FLVS

French for DD, Italian for DS

Keyboarding elective w/ FLVS

Ad Hoc "family book club"-I anticipate covering 6-8 novels and several short stories

Hockey and baseball for DS, figure skating,dance and horse riding for DD

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(C&P'd from another thread)


Here's what ds is doing in 8th this year...



Algebra II -- With Derek Owens. This is our second year with Derek for math, and ds adores him. :)


Physics -- Also with Derek Owens.


History and Literature -- Modern period.

--->We're using Spielvogel's Western Civilization (chap. 22-29) and Hakim's History of US (books 6-10) for history along with some other supplements (Genevieve Foster's Abraham Lincoln's World, several of Russell Freedman's and Albert Marrin's books), and a handful of historical fiction books.

--->Various literature from the time period. I'll include a list down below.

--->Windows to the World for literary analysis. I love this. It uses short stories, so it won't be overwhelming on top of all of the lit we're reading with history, but she does a wonderful job of explaining literary concepts to kids, giving parent/teachers a window into how *she* teaches, taking kids through literary analysis essays step-by-step...

--->Michael Clay Thompson's Poetry and Humanity.

--->Killgallon's Grammar for Middle School -- this was a nice break from Stewart English, which I consider more thorough. I wanted ds to continue with a little grammar but do something slightly different.


Creative Writing -- The One Year Adventure Novel. Ds was really excited about this one, but he's had trouble keeping up with it along with all of his other work. It'll likely last into the summer at least.


Latin -- high school Latin 3 with an outside teacher. They're reading Caesar's Gallic Wars and reviewing grammar concepts, etc.


Greek -- I planned for ds to continue with Greek, but decided it was just too much. He got through Elementary Greek 1-3 and part of Athenaze in 6th and 7th grades, but we just don't have enough hours in the day!


Additional "small" subjects:

Bible -- Christian Studies 3

Music Appreciation -- Discovering Music (just watch the dvds and listening to appropriate recordings -- we may go back through it again later with all of the notes and additional assignments)

Art History -- Just reading through Calvert's A Child's History of Art program.

Civics -- Just reading through Civics in America. This could be a bigger course, but I think his main subjects are pretty hefty this year, so I'm just asking him to read a chapter a week.

Logic -- Traditional Logic 1


Extra-curriculars: Ballet 4x/week (plus several performances through the year), Boy Scouts...



Reading list for modern History / Lit:

Spielvogel Western Civilization, chap. 22-29

Joy Hakim's A History of US, vol. 6-10

Traitor's Gate, Avi

Charles Darwin and the Mystery of Mysteries

Abraham Lincoln's World

Across Five Aprils

The Red Badge of Courage

Virginia's General, Marrin

Unconditional Surrender, Marrin

Lincoln: a photobiography

Lincoln's Ten Sentences (part of MCT's Self-Evident Truths series)

The Man Without a Country

Little Women

Invincible Louisa

Huckleberry Finn

A Study in Scarlet

The Time Machine

The Call of the Wild

One of Ours, Cather

All Quiet on the Western Front

The War to End All Wars

In Flanders Fields (just a picture book that gives the background of the poem and the poem itself)

Murder on the Orient Express

Harlem Stomp: a cultural history of the Harlem Renaissance

Children of the Great Depression

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Freedman

Farewell to Manzanar

Once There Was a War, Steinbeck

Life: Century in Pictures for Young People

Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl


Animal Farm

To Kill a Mockingbird

Martha Graham: a dancerĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s life, Freedman

Free at Last: the language of Dr. KingĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Dream (again from MCT's series)

Linus Pauling and the Chemistry of Life

... Most of these are not being "studied" as literature -- just read and discussed. The kids (ds and our friend who follows our history/lit assignments) just read and write a journal entry for most of the literature in this list. (They'll be getting literary analysis in Windows to the World and, to a lesser extent, from One Year Adventure Novel.) I ask them to copy out interesting / amusing / disturbing / thought-proving quotes from the literature they read and to write a 1-2 page journal entry for each, but we'll only "study" a couple of these from the list. (Some of the non-fiction history titles also have outlining, summarizing, or other assignments attached.)

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After some recent changes, I think I have everything set.


Bible, History, Literature--TOG Yr. 4 Modern

Math--MUS Algebra, LoF

Grammar--Stewart English

Writing--CW Diogenes Maxim

Logic--Traditional Logic

Latin--jury is still out on this, if we do try it it will be Henle

Science--Apologia Physical

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My Father's World 1850 to Modern times: for history, Bible, and literature with Progeny Press guides

God and the History of Art

History of Classical Music by Beautiful Feet

ACE Math

Exploring Creation with Physical Science

Shurley English 7 as a final grammar overview before highschool

Office 2007

Rod and Staff Spelling 8


I may or may not find something for logic...I forgot about it. lol

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I am starting to put our plans together. Here is the plan so far:


Math: Math-U-See Pre-Algebra, supplement with Life of Fred and Family Math Activities


English: Spelling Workout and Vocabulary from Classical Roots, Hake Grammar 8, Literary Lessons form Lords of the Rings, Killgallon


German: Rosetta Stone 3; reading books; speaking with me


History: WTM way


Science: WTM way. Physics this year using The Way Things Work with various projects and activities. Finishing the year with technology: Building a computer and learning some programming.


Logic: ?


Music: Piano Lessons


Art: Class


PE: Swim team


That's it.



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B's 8th grade plans are still a work-in-progress. Here's what (I think) I have this far:



Latin: 2nd Form Latin (might need to finish 1st Form first)


Math: Saxon Algebra 1/2


Writing: Writing With Skill (finish 1 & 2)


Grammar: continue Analytical Grammar


Literature: LLOTR


History: HO Level 2 Medieval (?)


Science: Science class at local co-op (?)


Logic: Discovery of Deduction (?)





FIRST Robotics (if he wants to continue; hasn't contributed much this year, but seems to be enjoying it.)


Playing clarinet in homeschool band (& maybe adding saxophone)


PE: ???

Edited by yslek
Totally forgot about grammar. Oops!
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Reading: Mostly books that Ambleside Online Recommended. He has read several books from year 7 and 8.


Science: Exploring Creation through Physical Science by Dr. Jay Wile


History: He read about the Bill of Rights this year.



Geography: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne


Math: Saxon Algebra 1 by John Saxon and Life of Fred Beginning Algebra by Dr. Stanley Schmidt


Grammar: Rod and Staff English 8


Writing: Essay Voyage by Michael Clay Thompson, Elegant Essay by Lesha Myers, Time4Writing (online lessons)


Logic: He was suppose to do some computer programming, but we never got around to it.


Foreign Language: Rosetta Stone Spanish (Latin American)


Bible: He read the One Year Bible and did 40 Days in the Word


Extracurricular Activities:

Music: Private Lessons in piano and violin in addition to his private lessons he is in the junior ensemble and concert band through our homeschool program. They do a concert in the winter and in the spring. Plus he did an intense orchestra. In other words, it had four hour long practices for a month and then perform at the end of the month and it is over. This program is through a local symphony orchestra. It is gear toward public school children, but they have allowed homeschooolers.


He sings in the junior high choir. They perform in the winter and spring. This is a huge program through another homeschool group seperate from the music program.


Physical Education: He plays frisbee during the Fall and Spring through our homeschool program. He is playing basketball and indoor soccer during the winter through the town's recreational program.

Edited by Testimony
forgot the extracurricular activities
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Still working on our plans but so far they look like this:


Bible: Christian Studies IV


Math: TT Algebra


Science: Kolbe Physical Science


Literature: Lightning Lit 8


Vocabulary: Classical Roots C


Grammar: AG


History: History Odyssey Level 2, finish Early Modern and start on Modern


French: Galore Park and possibly a tutor


I haven't decided what we'll do for extracurriculars yet.

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Math: AOPS Intro to Algebra

Writing...? WWS, maybe

Science: Noeo Physics III or Intellego unit studies.


I'm still undecided on history and lit. I'm thinking of trying Sonlight for the first time.


Foreign language: Immersion

Also undecided on Latin and additional electives. I figure I'll see what our co-op offers first.

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Current 8th grade plans (subject to change without notice :-) )


LOF Advanced Algebra/Lial's Intermediate Algebra

TOG Year 4 Dialectic

VP Literature Transition online

VP French 1 online

DIVE Physical Science

Analytical Grammar Session 3

Continue practice with CW Chreia - possibly Bravewriter Essay seminar


Competitive gymnastics



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Math: Saxon Algebra

English/Writing: CW Diogenes with a sprinkling of R&S 8

Latin: 3rd Form

Science: probably stick with BJU and maybe use the online option

History: SL Core 100

Logic: ? Finishing up Art of Argument so may continue with their next book

Music: Piano

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Finish Saxon 8/7; Start Lial's BCM

LOF Pre Algebra 2 w/Econ

Math Minutes 8



Warriner's English 9; Daily Grams


WW9 1/2 year; VfCR B 1/2 year

Novels ala WTM w/ some study guides



Exploration Education or OM Physical Science or both



A History of US

OM Civics



Beautiful Feet



Art: Artistic Pursuits

Logic: The Thinking Toolbox; Critical Thinking Co.

Spanish: SOS Secondayr Spanish

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Honestly, given the state of our working relationship, I am considering giving her a book list, asking for a weekly paper on a science topic, giving her sunrise CLE algebra and creeping away. Or she could continue connections academy. Would letting her read her way through 8th grade be horrible? It was an idea she came to me with. She's very independent and doesn't like to be " taught".

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Honestly, given the state of our working relationship, I am considering giving her a book list, asking for a weekly paper on a science topic, giving her sunrise CLE algebra and creeping away. Or she could continue connections academy. Would letting her read her way through 8th grade be horrible? It was an idea she came to me with. She's very independent and doesn't like to be " taught".


Oh my word. We ARE brain linked! This would work for my 13yo as well, LOL. In fact I haven't posted my 8th grade plans because I keep hoping I'll find the perfect, local co-op so I can outsource a couple classes. So far, it's no where to be seen. (Have you made your book list yet, LOL?)

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Honestly, given the state of our working relationship, I am considering giving her a book list, asking for a weekly paper on a science topic, giving her sunrise CLE algebra and creeping away. Or she could continue connections academy. Would letting her read her way through 8th grade be horrible? It was an idea she came to me with. She's very independent and doesn't like to be " taught".


My 12 yo is similar. Actually, this year I did almost that. She came up with a book list far harder than I would have planned because she asked 17 yo dd to help her. I signed her up for OSU German. She self-teaches: Saxon 7/6, Science Task cards, Geography Trails and then takes art classes with a tutor. She does history reading and weekly papers and literature reading on her own and then a grammar work book.


The only thing consistently with me was French. The year has gone very well- except (there always seems to be an except) for the past month I belatedly noticed she has had Spring fever and has been slacking. I've had to reign her in a bit with math and German and do some more one-on-one. In fact I think she's just burned out on the monotony of Saxon so I'm having her take a break from it and read/work through Math Doesn't Suck.


It's really helped our relationship. She does not enjoy being taught before she understands a bit of what she is learning. -If that makes sense. In other words she prefers to struggle with something first and then come to me with a specific questions. If I try to teach her a subject or read aloud a subject she knows nothing about she gets terribly frustrated. Then I get frustrated.

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Oh my word. We ARE brain linked! This would work for my 13yo as well, LOL. In fact I haven't posted my 8th grade plans because I keep hoping I'll find the perfect, local co-op so I can outsource a couple classes. So far, it's no where to be seen. (Have you made your book list yet, LOL?)


:lol: As for the list I was going to take suggestions from WTM with maybe some Sonlight or HOD suggestions. I need to get myself over letting go. We just don't work well together in an academic way. (I admit probably because we're alike.).

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Bible: Bible Doctrine for Older Children & misc reading

Math: Saxon Algebra I

English: R&S English 7, Spelling Power

Writing: IEW SCC-B

Literature: Literary Lessons from Lord of the Rings

Science: Apologia General Science

History: Beautiful Feet World & American & misc books for government

Foreign Language: First Form Latin

Logic: The Thinking Toolbox



Continute with Fencing

Awana Trek

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Here's what we're doing this year:


Math: Started w/Chalkdust Alg. 1, finishing w/Saxon Alg. 1. Will spend some time w/Fred (Alg. 1) over the summer.


Writing: Brave Writer essay course, WWS 1

Grammar: AG all three years

Vocab: Caesar's English 1 & 2

Literature: Great Books w/co-op


Latin 1b w/Lukeion


Traditional Logic 1: MP class


History: AAH (both years) and TC dvds


Science: Started w/Kolbe's syllabus for PH Physical Science, switched to Rainbow.


Speech in the fall


Runkle's Geography in the fall (probably will try to finish over summer).


Faith & Life 8


Extras: fencing, jui jitsu, piano, art classes at museum and Y, and swim lessons at Y.



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I'm just starting to put our plans together for next year, so this is subject to change.


Math: Algebra I with Derek Owens

Science: Physical Science - either Exploration Education at home or Apologia at a co-op

Spelling: Spelling Workout F

Vocabulary: Sadlier Oxford Vocabulary Workshop B

Grammar: CLE 8

Writing: Lost Tools of Writing? WWS 2? Elegant Essay?

Literature: Windows to the World plus an extensive reading list

French: still searching but most likely with a tutor

Geography: Runkle's online at TPS

History: post Civil War to present - probably my own thing with History of US as a spine

Logic: Discovery of Deduction


Music and art at the co-op


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Spelling Power (we're wrapping up the book in 8th grade! Levels J & K are all that's left!)

Winston Grammar Advanced

Writing Strands Level 6




Beautiful Feet Early American & World History - Jr. High Level




Teaching Textbooks Algebra I




Rainbow Science Year 2




Dubosque's I Can Draw Books




Science Co-op with our homeschool group

Chess Club

Piano Lessons

Volunteering with Special Olympics


Want to add something for foreign language -- he wants to learn Spanish -- but haven't decided what to use yet! Plan to look for something at our homeschool convention in June

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IS it wrong that I wish I had a real clue? Honestly, I feel like this year is a disaster, but I think i always feel that way. Here is my off the top of my head assumption of what I might do.


I think I sort of smush 7-9th together.


Math: Thinkwell Alg. 1 (we have until August to complete) I have TW Alg2 paid for already, LoF beginning & advanced algebra (these will all weave in and out of each other)

LA: MCT lit, WWW 2, ML 2, possibly an online writing class, different spelling for each kid

Science: I think we'll do Biology next year. Thinkwell Biology is already purchased. Plus The Way Life Works.

History: I wanted to do a different history next year (HAOH is great, I just wanted a break) but my kids want to do it again.


I have no idea what else, I can't even figure out what the subjects are!! My brain is fried!

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  • 4 months later...

Math: Foerster's Algebra 1, AoPS

English: Classical Writing, Harvey's Grammar, Kolbe Literature

History: Focus on American History, appropriate literature

Latin: Wheelock's

Greek: Athenaze

German: Deutsche Grammatik fuer die Mittelstufe, German Saturday School and lots of talking with me ;-)

Geography: World Geography (cobbled together from a number resources)

Physical Science: not sure yet

Art: Drawing with Children, Artistic Pursuits, Art History

PE: Fencing, Swimming



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Is a 4-month old thread considered resurrected? I didn't know what I was doing last time around (and not REAL sure now, LOL)..... Anyone want to update plans?


Well, when the OP was made, I wouldn't have had a clue, but since we start back on Monday, I now have an answer. ;)


Religion: a yr long study of City of God w/her older siblings and me


Geometry: Houghton Mifflin....the text used w/Chalkdust


Latin 2--Artes Latinae 2


French 3: 1/2 of Breaking the Barrier 3 and French in Action


Science: Our Living World of Nature series


World History: combo of Horizon Caravel books and Time-Life TimeFrame series bks


Lit: a study based on the literary influences on Kenneth Grahame's Wind in the Willows


English: Rhetoric in the Classical Tradition and Direct Hits vocab (w/her 11th grade brother), a monthly magazine (collaborative effort of all the kids) along the lines of Alastair Grahame's The Merry Thought which will be mailed to certain family members and friends


Logic: Kreeft's Socratic Logic (w/her 11th grade brother)


artist and composer studies (w/her little sisters.....so this is very low key and just for fun)

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I will when I know if you do know when you know. :lol:


Fair enough. :D Nice to see you, E. :seeya:


Here's my current guess:


History - TOG Y4 rhetoric

Literature - Some of TOG Y4 dialectic with some substitutions

Writing - TOG

Grammar - AG Season 2

Spelling - SWO G/H

Math - Horizons Pre-Algebra

Science - Apologia General

Spanish - Visual Link


Maybe Argument Builder



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Math: Saxon Alg 2

Science: Noeo Chem Level 3? (we did CPO PFC physics last year in 7th)

History: HO L2 Modern

Logic: MP TL2

Vocabulary: MCT L4

Grammar: MCT L4

Writing: MCT AAW1 and maybe IEW as well (big push on writing this year)

Literature: SWB's WTM lists plus the HO history lists

Spanish: Rosetta Stone HS finish 2 and then 3

Latin: MP finish FFL1, then FFL2

Geography: ??


And then a whole smattering of other stuff at a few co-op's.


GL to all of you 8th grade moms out there!

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I haven't figured out electives yet, but my 8th grader stepdaughter will use:


Math: TT Pre-algebra, possibly LOF Pre-algebra as well


English: WWS, The Creative Writer, Analytical Grammar, Lightning Lit 8, Sadlier-Oxford Vocab Workshop


Science: The Story of Science Volumes 1&2, selected chapters from Singapore Interactive Science A


History: K12 Human Odyssey, Famous Men of the Middle Ages


Spanish: FLVS Spanish 1

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Math: We are currently reviewing fraction and decimal topics with Math U See, so not sure if we will then move into MUS Prealgebra or use something else. Might consider using Jacobs Elementary Algebra at a slower pace.


History: TRISMS History Masterminds


Geography: Trail Guide to World Geography


Writing: IEW and Igniting Your Writing


Grammar: Giggly Guide to Grammar. I also have Killgallon's Grammar for Middle School, might include that later in the year.


Literature: Reading the Hobbit using a TLP guide and then for others we will just read more informally. DD already got a head start and read the Call of the Wild and White Fang this summer.


Spelling/Vocabulary: Finishing up Soaring with Spelling and Vocabulary. May also include some word roots studies, not sure yet.


Science: I am trying to do an overview of Earth Science, Life Science, and Physical Science before 9th grade, so we will just skim over topics, not as many experiments. I have a couple of Holt textbooks and we might include some other activity guides. We also will be going through the Story of Science series.


Other Things I am still researching, but thinking of including: Philosophy For Kids, Harmony Fine Arts, Latin Alive, Moving Beyond the Page, and unit studies in health/nutrition/fitness.

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So far:


Math: TT pre-algebra

For Lang: Rosetta Stone Latin American Spanish 1

Grammar: Easy Grammar 8

Writing: Finish Jump In! then ?

Logic: Traditional Logic

History/Literature: SOTW 4 with lit suggestions from WTM

Science: undecided

Electives: undecided

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Ok - well this is pretty comical.. I posted back in March and said 'subject to change without notice'... well here's the notice - we changed almost everything LOL.


Algebra II - A Fresh Approach

Biblioplan Year 4 (with additional literature and Reading Strands)

VP French 1 online

Science Shepard Biology

CLE English 1

Writing Strands/Bravewriter


Competitive gymnastics



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Manual of Confirmation for Confirmation Prep (obviously!)


Bible Study -- Jeff Cavins group -- well, group meets weekly but hmwk readings/questions are near daily.


Socratic Discussion

Angelicum -- class 1x/wk and reading prep about that much time, too.



We chose Chalkdust but I very much want to do Jacobs. We'll see what changes b/f school starts.

Related Lit



at Angelicum NLE 3 and SAT subject test prep



Writing -- group I teach using Lively Art of Writing and Poetry undecided.

Vocab -- Vocab notebooking a la SAT Review and considering something about classical roots but I forget the name.

Literature -- Angelicum selections, learning to annotate and elements, et c via lit guides.





Instrument Practice/lesson




Are you kidding??? She wants to add GK but where in the world would we find time to do that???



US History and Science

Primary Sources/Literature approach and Apologia Physical


Grammar and World History

Harvey and Light of the Nations


Logic and an extra block to used as needed

Critical Thinking book 2



Fine and Domestic Arts

Violin lessons and performances

Music appreciation through a series of vids, readings and live performances

Art appreciation through a seriese of vids, readings, and local and regional opportunities as presented.

Sewing lessons -- weekly lessons, hmwk a few hrs/wk

Cooking and handicrafts

PE -- seasonal: swim team, hbr, et c.

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History: MOH 3 spine followed by Truthquest AoR 3 (writing own schedule)

Science: Apologia's Exploring Creation w/General Science

Math: Jacob's Algebra 1

LA: Wordly Wise book 11

Rod & Staff English 8

IEW Writing of some kind

Caught Ya! Grammar

Bible: Adventure Rangers program

Simply Charlotte Mason inductive Bible studies

Art: Atelier Art

Foreign Language: Rosetta Stone Spanish

Logic: Introductory Logic, Thinking Toolbox

Typing CD-ROM

Music: Piano Lessons

PE: Rec Soccer league

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Here is our plan for dd, grade 8 next year


LA WWS 2 Beta testing, MCT ML1 and the rest, MCT lit, Hamlet, plus history and science related


Math finish up prealgebra stuff start Jacob's or Fresh Approach Algebra l in Jan


Sci finish ecology study (made by me) and then Continue with The Story of Science ll (+ several Stop Faking It! books, Carbon Chemistry by Ellen McHenry)


History review end of WWI and Russian Revolution to end of 1940s (my own program)


French a variety of things


PE competitive water polo


Fine arts Musical theatre

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Math: AOPS Intro to Algebra

Writing...? WWS, maybe

Science: Noeo Physics III or Intellego unit studies.


I'm still undecided on history and lit. I'm thinking of trying Sonlight for the first time.


Foreign language: Immersion

Also undecided on Latin and additional electives. I figure I'll see what our co-op offers first.


Our updated list, now that everything is ordered. :D


I did get WWS, but haven't decided to use it. We ordered Learning Adventures (Westward & Onward) and while the writing is light, I think we'll try it before moving back into WWS. Learning Adventures is for the 4th-8th crowd and it covers quite a bit of material, but needed some extra oomph for the 8th grader. I've got a set of Jackdaws picked out, one for each unit we cover, and primary sources like the Lewis&Clark journals are on their way.


Science - we went with Mr. Q's Classic Science Advanced Chem. He's had a year of beginning chem through Noeo and Mr. Q's course picks up in a direction I though would fit him better- more focus on the math part.

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Here is our plan.


Math: Derek Owens algebra

Science: Rainbow Science

Language Arts: Rod and Staff English 8, Megawords, Vocabulary.com, Windows to the World, booklist

Logic: Art of the Argument

History: year 4 of world history with emphasis on American history

Geography: second half of Mapping the World with Art

Government: ?

Current Events various online sources

Art: Outsourced


One daughter is taking up ice skating

One daugher will continue diving


Various classes as they come up and meet our needs and time constraints.

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Here is my plan so far for DS (DD goes to PS)


Math: Finish LoF algebra and then move on to advanced algebra

Literature: LLfLOTR

History/Government: WP American History in a Year

French: Rosetta Stone/Breaking the Barrier

Science: Understanding the Universe: An Introduction to Astronomy from The Great Courses


I still need to make some decisions regarding logic and writing. I have a few more weeks before school starts, but I need to make these decisions soon. :confused:

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Bible - Who is God?

Math - TT Pre-Algebra/Algebra (I haven't decided if we're going to bother finishing Pre-Algebra or just move right into Algebra. Right now he's kind of doing both in tandem.)

History - Mystery of History 3 + Map work to incorporate Geography

Science - Apologia General Science

Logic - Fallacy Detective & Thinking Toolbox

Language Arts - IEW U.S. History Based Writing Lessons (slower pace); Writing With Skill; KISS Grammar; Total Language Plus Literature Guides (DS13's choice in books: The Hobbit & The Hiding Place)

Latin - Getting Started With Latin


For his Free-Reading he chose 3 fiction and 3 non-fiction books to read each semester. Some of his choices I was quite surprised at.

His choices are:


Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne

Night by Elie Wiesel

Dawn by Elie Wiesel

Cheaper by the Dozen by Frank B. Gilbreth

The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton

The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemmingway

Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne

A Lion Called Christian by Anthony Bourke

Bells on Their Toes by Frank B. Gilbreth

More Than a Carpenter by Josh McDowell

Lord of the Flies by William Golding

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle

All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot

The Real James Herriot: A Memoir of My Father by James Wight

Reflections of God's Glory by Corrie ten Boom

The Magic Never Ends: The Life and Works of C.S. Lewis

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

The Giver by Lois Lowry

Gulliver's Travels by Jonathon Swift

God's Smuggler by Brother Andrew

Through the Gates of Splendor by Elizabeth Elliot

Rebekah's Diary by Rebekah Pearl

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DS13's 8th grade plan so far:


Bible: undecided..want to do something together with dd10 also..any suggestions?

Math: BJU Algebra 1 DVD

Grammar: Finally decided! Hake Grammar 8 (grammar only)

Vocabulary: BJU and other supplements

Writing: getting WWS and already bought Writing Strands...will check out both and see which is better fit for him.

Literature: AtB literature books and other books with Progeny Press guides (The Hobbit, The Hiding Place, and probably some others to be decided later)

History: Notgrass America the Beautiful with other supplements (doing this together with dd10) also an elections unit study

Science: BJU Space and Earth Science DVD

Logic: Mind Benders and Fallacy Detective (our first year doing Logic)

Art: Atelier

Computer: Kidcoder

Latin: Visual Latin

Different books for character and manners study


Some classes will only be done 1-3 days per week.

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