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I hate cooking and preparing meals and clean up

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Just HATE it.


There, I said it.


When I was single (which was until age 29) I ate Lean Cuisines for lunch and went out for dinner with friends pretty much all the time.


And these dang kids think they should be entitled to meals every single day :glare:


That is all......

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Oh whew, a few who agree with me. I was worried I would get lynched. Everyone here seems to love going above and beyond the "throw it in the crockpot" meals.


Which, by the way, makes me realize I do need some more crock pot recipes! Easy dump it in types.



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I hate cooking. I hate food preparation. I am not motivated by sweet, baked goods, or desserts. Now... steaks... yes... I do like a very good tri tip... but, my dh fixes that, so I am not the one cooking!!! I have never liked to cook or plan or prepare, etc. never. I do it, though. All the time. I can even do it quite well. I have just had to accept that it isn't my thing. I don't like it. I don't have to like it. And when I don't have to, aaaaah! Bliss!

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Joining the club.


My poor husband grew up with a mother who cooked every meal. Then he met me. Now he eats cold cereal in the morning, a sandwich for lunch that he pays 13yo to make, and tater tot casserole for supper (if he's lucky).


I'm currently trying to lose weight through Take Shape for Life which uses Medifast meals during the weight loss phase. Now I really don't want to cook because my food is all taken care of.

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That is so funny...tonight my ds asked me what I would pick if I could pick any super-power and I said the one that cooks and does the dishes. I hate it too. Enough that I would choose that over the super power that would let you eat croissants from Costco all day and have it have the same effect as eating broccoli and raspberries.

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:iagree::iagree: I am waiting for the invention of a pill that will provide all the nutrition/calories that a person needs in a day. I have a feeling this would have been invented if men had to do all the cooking, cleaning, preparing, thinking, etc. I HATE it so much it was one factor in us moving to India where help for those activities is available and cheap.

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I have charged ds with inventing replicator technology. Keep your ears open, our day may be coming. :tongue_smilie:


I hate cooking, I hate prep, I hate clean up. When it's just me and ds I don't cook. I only cook because I love my family, and ds helps with dinner. I derive no pleasure from the task.


I've tried to like it. I have a nice set of pots and pans (Goodwill score of a lifetime! Calphalon set, brand new), I have a decent kitchen, but I still hate. I would rather do a mountain of laundry than cook.


I totally jealous of my friend who works full time and her two teen children cook every dinner.


Dh is actually the better cook and he'll cook his own lunch on the weekends.


There will come a day when I shall only cook when I want to. (wanders off chanting about dirty dishes...)

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You have older kids, why are they not helping cook or even clean up. My 15 yr old is in charge of cleaning the kitchen after dinner, dd 7 is in charge of setting the table and cleaning it off. MY job is done after dinner. Weekends we eat left overs or they fend for themselves and one day a week we have an easy dinner...soup/salad and sandwiches. 4 days of cooking is not bad for someone who hates cooking (I HATE cooking too).

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And this is why I have taught my kids to make their own breakfast and lunch. I have started teaching them some basic dinners. If I do this right I won't have to cook again for years.


To help, we have forage night once a week. Great way to clean out the frige.

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Just HATE it.


There, I said it.


When I was single (which was until age 29) I ate Lean Cuisines for lunch and went out for dinner with friends pretty much all the time.


And these dang kids think they should be entitled to meals every single day :glare:


That is all......


LOL. my favorite saying is, "What do you mean you're hungry, I just fed you yesterday!?" ;)


While I don't hate it, cooking isn't my favorite task either. I know I should have had my kids help when they were younger, but I was never very good at getting them to help out either.

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I love to cook, but it does often feel like a chore. It's especially annoying that my kids are so picky (especially one of them). I cook every day (often more than one meal) and 9 out of 10 times my older son won't eat it. At least he is now old enough to get his own food. He isn't so great about cleaning up though.




It's probably the reason I really don't like cooking. They wore me down.

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...and don't forget the grocery shopping! Food takes so much time,energy, and resources from life. Ugghh!


What's worse, is that I know food is something that matters to dh. He is very understanding, but I know that he would love for us to have lots of unique meals with a variety of things and spices.

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With kiddos those ages (in signature), you shouldn't be doing any of the cleanup, right? My boys are 8 and do almost all of the kitchen clean up. Cooking is far more doable if you don't have to clean up afterwards yourself...


:iagree: I enjoy to cooking sometimes, but I don't ever do any of the clean-up. Between dh and the kids - shoot, I came up with the idea, made the grocery list, went to the store, put away the grocerys, remembered to defrost whatever, and actually prepared the meal. The least they can do is wash the dishes.

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I do have my kids help clean up, but I still have to do some things. I haven't done dishwasher dishes in a long time, but there is still stuff to be done.....they can't seem to hand wash pots and pans well, and sometimes some of that stuff if easier to do myself than to constantly double check everything.


Right now I have a full load of dishes that sat out overnight because 14 year old Aspie didn't get to it until 8pm, but that is a special needs post and I have posted about that there in various forms.



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Well, sweetie, I will pay you to double every single recipe and bring over our meals! :D


I do know other hs moms have told me their girls like to cook too....my BOYS don't.






I love cooking, baking, etc, I just really enjoy it. I prepare almost all of the meals and I don't use a lot of processed food, a lot of my food items are made from scratch as they are healthier and I enjoy it more.


My dad also pays me a bonus allowance for it too...:lol:

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Oh whew, a few who agree with me. I was worried I would get lynched. Everyone here seems to love going above and beyond the "throw it in the crockpot" meals.


Which, by the way, makes me realize I do need some more crock pot recipes! Easy dump it in types.




I just dumped 2 cups of rice, 4 cup water, a whole chicken, and a handful of dehydrated soup greens into the crockpot for dinner tonight. :auto:


I could live on greek yogurt, fruit, and popcorn myself.


I hate to cook & the cleanup afterwards.......

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Me too.....I hate it!! I used to LOVE cooking. It was creative and exciting....now, :tongue_smilie:


I just hate the entire ordeal.






The sad thing is I've spent so long preparing and eating dh's low sodium diet that I can't easily eat out either. I puff up like a balloon overnight. :tongue_smilie: I have to cook- even when he is out if town.

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LOL. my favorite saying is, "What do you mean you're hungry, I just fed you yesterday!?" ;)



LOL...I say, "You mean I have to feed you everyday!?" :001_huh:


I say these, too. Along with, "Didn't you eat already today?!"


I love cooking, baking, etc, I just really enjoy it. I prepare almost all of the meals and I don't use a lot of processed food, a lot of my food items are made from scratch as they are healthier and I enjoy it more.


My dad also pays me a bonus allowance for it too...:lol:


Cheyenne, you're a sweet, sweet girl. And I hate to be the one to break this too you...


I loved cooking when I was 17, too. In fact, from the ages of 13 to 17, I was responsible for cooking dinner most nights for my family; three sisters, mom and dad, and me.


I enjoyed it.


Now, I'm 34. And yes, there are TIMES that I enjoy cooking. But overall, it's kind of a chore.


I think the difference, at least for me, is that as a teenager, I didn't feel cooking was a 'responsibility', but rather a priveledge. It was something I wanted to learn to do, so the opportunity to teach myself how to do it, and practice on my family, :D, was fun.


Now, everyone starts hovering around me about 4:30, wanting to know 'what's for dinner?' and 'when will dinner be ready?', along with their cries of 'I'm sooooo hungry!' and 'I can't wait for dinner, can't I have a snack?'. And ON and ON. :glare:


Crazy people. Drive me crazy some days, they do. I mean, what? A salad or a bowl of Cheerios is a FINE dinner, thankyouverymuch. Why do they all insist on "real" food EVERY SINGLE DAY?!



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That's very funny. :lol:


Cleanup? What's that.


I kind of like my dishes and things in one piece. I have DS 10 empty the dishwasher. He has broken more things. If I had him wash dishes, they would be dirty and broken (tried it many times). He isn't the most coordinated kid. And he can't reach the cabinets or the sink. So, that's another problem.


I like my dishes in one piece, too. :) If one of the boys is careless and breaks something because he doesn't feel like doing the dishes, he earns dish duty until he learns to do it right (if it continues, he will have to pay for the broken dishes with his own money). Same with dishes that are left dirty. True accidents are different, but I know that game all too well. They learned to do the dishes well, pretty quickly! No one wants to be called back, time and time again, to rewash a dish...or earn another day of dish duty.


As for the problem with height...we use a stool. ;) Anything on top shelves, I most eagerly put away for them. It's the least I could do if they did the dishes and put most of them away. Heck, if they still couldn't reach the cabinets with a stool, I'd still be happy to put them all away - as long as I don't have to wash them! LOL

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...and don't forget the grocery shopping! Food takes so much time,energy, and resources from life. Ugghh!


What's worse, is that I know food is something that matters to dh. He is very understanding, but I know that he would love for us to have lots of unique meals with a variety of things and spices.


I've started taking ds with to the store for comic relief. We read food labels and try to find obscure foods with HFCS, not hard lately.


We used to order some food online, but with our budget we can't right now. I told ds the other day I'd love to just shop one day at a time. But no, it's put the food in the cart, take it out of the cart to put it at the register, then chit-chat with the cashier while you try to make sure everything rings up correctly. Then put it back into the cart, then in the car, then in the house, then in the pantry. Who wants to cook after all of that.


I've doing gluten free, we can't afford for all of us to do that, plus dh would rather not give up pasta and bread (the real stuff), so sometimes I cook two meals. Ds does help. I haven't unloaded a dishwasher in years, he sets the table and cleans up. He is like my prep assistant. He hasn't graduated to the main meal yet, but he's close.


I used to kid that at 13 he would get the kitchen. Well we moved when he was 12 1/2. He claims the offer is invalid because it was for the other kitchen. :lol:


I had a meltdown during the dinner the other day. I was making an omlette for dh. The meltdown was not related to food, but I cried while making the omlette, sat down to dinner and couldn't finish my meal and went to bed. The next morning dh left me a loving note that that was the best omlette he'd ever had. Apparently I cook better when enraged and crying.

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I despise grocery shopping & cooking. Dh actually does lots of it. :001_smile: Fortunately, ds is also learning to be a pretty good cook. I keep holding out hope that I can give up cooking altogether. (Personally, I'd be happy w/ a pb&j sandwich or some fruit & nuts all the time. I have a ds who thinks it's not food unless it's hot. And he won't eat sandwiches either -- unless it's Nutella.)


I totally don't mind cleaning up as long as someone else does the cooking.

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Apparently I cook better when enraged and crying.


Oh, this is so sad...and I can totally relate. The best marinara sauce any of my family has ever had is now (lovingly) called Mom's Angry Sauce. That was back before we had the kids cleaning the kitchen...LOL

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Once again I'm relived to find out I'm not alone. I'm not a foodie. I don't like to cook or eat. I'd live on quick, easy, simple things if it were just me. Instead we eat out entirely too much which both annoys and frustrates me.


I think if if I had a super power it would to enjoy cooing good stuff of variety that my husband would really enjoy. :) I don't wan to become a food lover myself. I just want to enjoy cooking.


My teens already handle the kitchen clean every evening.

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I do know other hs moms have told me their girls like to cook too....my BOYS don't.


In my house, it's my son who likes to putter around in the kitchen, while my daughter literally had to be talked through making popcorn in the air popper the other night.




My son, though, makes the biggest, most terrifying messes when he cooks, and he "forgets" to clean when he's done.


I enjoy cooking sometimes, when I can cook what I want and try something new. But the daily grind of feeding four people, all of whom have strong likes and dislikes that don't often align, is exhausting.


There is precisely one meal I make that everyone eats and enjoys, and it's the most complex one.


I like to bake, though. I love that. Unfortunately, I'm also the one who loves to EAT the sweet stuff. (Seriously, cookies I bake for my son or husband will go stale before they manages to eat them. And my daughter would rather eat the cookie dough than the finished product.) So, I try not to bake very often.

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Just HATE it.


There, I said it.


When I was single (which was until age 29) I ate Lean Cuisines for lunch and went out for dinner with friends pretty much all the time.


And these dang kids think they should be entitled to meals every single day :glare:


That is all......


I wonder how many of here that feel this way, and I DO!, were single for a long time? I didn't get married until I was 30.

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