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I just made the appt. To have our doggie put down,

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If you bawl through the whole thing, the vet will not care. And if you are still teary when you go through the Starbucks drive-through on the way home, they will give you your tea for free. And your dog will not be traumatized. You will, but she will be calm.



Edited by plansrme
Hit "done" too early.
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This may sound odd, but if you plan on bringing her home to bury, please dig the hole first...the worst part for us was the incredibly long time it took my dh to penetrate our hard clay...it just prolonged the sadness...our first pet of 16 years died 3 years ago, her successor drpped dead in front of me at 3 years old of a suspected arrythmia...losing them at any age is so hard!:grouphug:

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We're facing the same thing with our Molly. She is about 16 -- partially blind and deaf. She has good days and bad days...right now more good than bad.


I can't imagine life without her...but I know we will be making the same hard decision you've made soon enough.



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I had to do this on Saturday with my sweet friend of 18 years. I kept hoping that she would go on her own, that I wouldn't have to take the action to actually do it, kwim? In the end, it was the right thing to do. It was quick and peaceful. The vets were very compassionate. We were able to be there to love her in her last moments, as we have always before. It was hard, but it was a blessing to be able to bring her relief.


And now I keep looking at all her favorite spots, or hearing noises that sound like her, and missing her.


:grouphug::grouphug: I will pray for you and your family, as I pray for my own. It is hard to let them go.:grouphug:

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Lots of treats and scratches; it's a peaceful journey for the pet. Not so for the person.


It's so much kinder than waiting for her to pass of natural causes; maybe alone and fearful...


But it's so often the right thing to do. I want to thank you for being brave and loving your fuzzball enough to let her go.

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:grouphug: We had to do that to two dogs in the last 5 years. So hard. One had cancer and one intestinal strangulation (apparently happens to very elderly dogs). Awful. My kids withstood it so well though, better than me. My older dog I had from before I was even married to my husband. Still miss him.

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:grouphug: I was in your shoes last fall. My baby of 14 years had cancer. My biggest regret was waiting so long to do it.One day she looked at me and I realized she needed me to help her. She had been there for us her whole life, it was time for us to be there for her. I took her to PETA, a lot of people say bad things about them but they were WONDERFUL. I cried the entire time but the last thing she saw and heard was my face and my voice telling her how much I loved her. It was almost as hard to bring her home and letting my other 14 year old dog seeing her. They have been together since they were puppies and if I hadn't let her partner see she was gone she would have died looking for her:( I also recommend digging the hole ahead of time. My dh dug it the night before and it was a huge relief to not have to worry about it when we got home. I am saying prayers for you, your family and your baby....

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