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Homeschool kid excuse # 985

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I can't get my work done because you expect me to do my chores.


# 986.

I can't get my work done because I have little brothers


# 987

I can't get my work done because my new spacers from the orthodontist hurt


# 988

I can't get my work done because I am not my own teacher


# 989

I can't get my work done because my foot is just so interesting to look at.....





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I can't get my work done because I have dropped my pencil 60 times during one class. :glare:


I can't get my work done because my twin keeps passing gas. :001_huh:


I can't get my work done because there are 3 ADHD kids taking all day to do school, oh wait, that one was me!:lol:

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I can't get my work done because I agreed to do it later if I took a play break earlier . . . and now that it's later, I think it's too late in the day to be asked to do any work.


I can't get my work done because the cat keeps playing with me.


I can't get my work done because I run the server for Minecraft and the guys want to play now.


I can't get my work done because I'm supposed to put my clothes away.


I can't get my work done because Dad just came home and I missed him.


(and I am ROFL at so many of the ones posted so far . . . I needed this thread so badly today I cannot even begin . . . )

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I can't get my work done because my brother is breathing so loudly I can't concentrate.


I can't get my work done because the cat needs me to pet her.


I can't get my work done because I have to eat a third breakfast or I will die of starvation.


I can't get my work done because Mom can't find my book (which I hid under a pile of laundry in my room......don't tell!)

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I can't get my work done because I can't find my worksheet from yesterday that had today's work on the other side.


I can't get my work done because I was reading to the 3 yo.


I can't get my work done because my brother is writing on my paper.


I can't get my work done because I can't find any clean clothes to get dressed.

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Alexa: I can't get my work done because I can't think of another word that has a suffix.


Me: Hm, well, try thinking of a word that ends in ful.


Alexa: Waffle?




After bringing down a load of laundry to her dad in the basement, and going up to get more, I reminded Alexa that we still had a bit more schoolwork to do. Here’s how the conversation went:


Alexa: What’s more important? School or laundry?


Me, jokingly: Yes. (meaning: both!)


Alexa: Would you rather be educated or naked?


Me: Huh?


Alexa: Well, if we don’t have any clean clothes, we’ll have nothing to wear, and then we’ll have to walk around with no clothes on!


Me: So are you trying to say that laundry is more important than school?


Alexa: Yes!


And she proceeded to go upstairs and get the rest of the laundry.

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Hmmm, I find it interesting that 2 posts have cat excuses. We have that here too. Are cats the #1 distracting animal of homeschool children?




I can't get my work done because I've been in time out 4 times in the last 45 minutes for having a tantrum, an attitude, and throwing things.


I can't get my work done because mom won't just give me the answers and instead insists on teaching me and therefore "wasting my time" (direct quote...:glare:).





I almost forgot


I can't get my work done because you keep looking at me!

Edited by jewellsmommy
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I can't get my work done because I can't stop falling off my chair.


I can't get my work done because the puppy ate my pencil.


I can't get my work done because my 6 year old brother is sick.


I can't get my work done because Leap Frog videos are interesting.


I can't get my work done because I'm tired from gymnastics.


I can't get my work done because the puppy wants to play.


I can't get my work done because I'd rather talk about the science kits and the human body project we did 6 years ago.

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I can't get my work done because I was daydreaming about flying at church.


I can't get my work done because division is boring.


I can't get my work some because you brought all these new books from the library and they are distracting me.


I can't get my work done because I dropped my math blocks all over the floor again.


I can't get my work done because this is not on my list as an every day subject and we did it yesterday.

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I can't get my work done because you keep looking at me!


That is the one I hear all.the.time! :glare:


I can't do my work because your talking in the other room


I can't do my work because I the dog wants me to play with her


I can't do my work because baby dd is making noise


I can't do my work because I need to watch blank tv show


I can't do my work because ps is over so we should be too


I can't do my work because I'm too tired

Edited by Laura in MI
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"I don't have to do this because it's not on today's to-do list."


I'm sure I'll think of more, but this is the one I deal with daily. I'm actually thinking of adding "THIS LIST IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE" at the bottom of the daily list.


A lot of job descriptions now say "other duties as assigned" at the bottom. Might try that, myself.

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Oh my goodness!! So, it is not just my kids! I feel better....


I can't do my science because I can't find my book.


I con't do my school work because YOU keep interrupting me.


I can't do my schoolwork because I am too distracted by my legos.


I can't do my schoolwork because he is not doing his...so why should I do mine.


I can't do my schoolwork because brother is sick and needs me to hug him.



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I can't get my work done because you brought all these new books from the library and they are distracting me.


To be fair, I think this is a valid reason and not an excuse ;) - I can't get anything done either when there is a new bunch of library books waiting. When we get home from the library EVERYONE drops what they are doing and looks through the pile before going back to what they were doing before :lol:

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I can't get my work done because I agreed to do it later if I took a play break earlier . . . and now that it's later, I think it's too late in the day to be asked to do any work.



I can't do my work because your talking in the other room


I can't do my work because ps is over so we should be too



We definitely had all of these today and a couple more:



I cannot do my work because my brother is happy and humming.


I cannot do my work because my brother is happy and whispering.


What is my brother so happy about?!?!? (furious voice)



Apparently, work is supposed to make us all miserable. :lol:

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I can't get my work done when there's a ladybug dive-bombing my head!


I can't get my work done because my sword handle keeps poking me in the ribs.


I'll be right back, I promise. I just have to grab my camera because that hawk is back.


Are you sure that was lunch? I thought it was just a snack so I didn't eat very much...


This, from an 8th grader...:lol: Oh, brother!

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I can't get my work done because the dog is eating my assignment. True story, he wadded up the writing assignment he started, threw it on the floor, and the dog started to eat it.


I can't get my work done because your giggling about threads at WTM.


I can't get my work done because I broke my pencil, also happened today. We're working on that one.


I can't get my work done because I can't find my vocabulary words.


I can't get my work done because I'm HUNGRY (daily).


I can't get my work done because English is a stupid language and we should all speak Japanese. (almost daily)


I can't get my work done I'm doodling on my page and distracted by asking you what it looks like.

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I can't do my work because my brother is making noises/talking.

I can't do my work because my brother is looking at me.

I can't do my work because my brother is breathing.

I can't do my work because my brother might be having fun in the next room.

I can't do my work because SOMEBODY SOMEWHERE might be having fun.

I can't do my work because it's too hard, even though I've done the exact same thing three times this week.

I can't believe you actually expect me to do SCHOOLWORK. You are SO MEAN.

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I can't get my work done because a friend is on the front porch. (We have another hs family in the neighborhood)


I can't get my work done because sibling is looking at me.


I can't get my work done because I ate 15 minutes ago and I'm starving.


I can't get my work done because I want to finish the book you assigned me.


I can't get my work done because I have to give you the play-by-play of the tackle football game I played with the neighborhood kids last night.



So glad I'm not the only one... What a great thread!

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I didn't get the math done because Draggy kept growling (said very seriously).



Meet Draggy.


Oh, yes. Now, my child is a smart kid. Great verbal skills. So how is it that he just can't seem to understand me when I say no toys while we're doing school?? We don't have Draggy, but we have light sabers and transformers and swords and cars . . .

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I can't get my work done because there is other people in the room.


I can't get my work done because I do not like being alone in this room.


I can't get my work done because I am too full.


I can't get my work done because I need to burp.


I can't get my work done because I am hungry again now.


I can't get my work done because this pencil/pen/marker whatever doesn't feel right.


I can't get my work done because you keep looking at me.


I can't get my work done because you won't look and help me.


Yes these are all by the same child. Generally all repeated Every. stinking. day.

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i can't do my work because I have PMS.


I can't do my work because Mom has PMS.


I can't do my work because I am a boy and some female in this house has PMS.


Valid excuses that wipe out half of every month!



:lol: In my house it would wipe out the whole month. I swear my dd12 has permanant PMS

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I can't get my work done because you expect me to do my chores.


I can't get my work done because the cat needs me to pet her.


I can't get my work done because I can't find my worksheet from yesterday that had today's work on the other side.



I can't get my work done because I can't find any clean clothes to get dressed.


"I don't have to do this because it's not on today's to-do list."


I can't do my work because I need to watch blank tv show


I can't do my work because I'm too tired


I hear all these, some word-for-word, from dd all the time. And the TV show? Mythbusters. "Can't I watch that for science today? It's educational!"



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Oh, these are fantastic!!


But no one else gets, "Just let me go to the bathroom........" wherein the child will be missing for half an hour because he keeps books or magazines stashed in there and gets distracted.....


Or "I can't do my work because my brother is finished and so I should be able to quit now, too..."


I can't do my work because my brother's work is more interesting and I want to listen in on his.....


I can't do my work because I need to ask you if, when I get to part D in 3 days, I'm allowed to skip it, as I've always been allowed to skip it since we started this curriculum 2 years ago. Yes I need to know this NOW, while I'm beginning part A for today.....


I can't do my work because I must first sharpen every pencil in the house to a lethal point, since I just found the sharpener that was missing for a few days....


I can't do my work because you won't help me with my math. The fact I've not yet tried writing out the problem rather than just guessing random numbers is irrelevant.


And, as mentioned so much on this thread, I can't do my work because I will surely starve to death if you don't let me eat something right.this.minute. The bowl of soup I finished 20 minutes ago was just not substantial enough. Neither was the apple I ate after the soup. And I really don't think I'll last until all the way after math......

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I can't do my work because the little Legos are lonely and need me to help them.


I can't do my work because the teeny tiny dog next door might come onto our porch and scare me. I must be prepared.


I can't do my work because you haven't had your afternoon coffee yet.


I can't do my work because this pencil isn't the right size for conducting my imaginary orchestra.


I can't do my work because my brother won't stop doing his work to watch me.


I can't do my work because my brother stopped doing his work to watch me.


I can't do my work because this chair won't stay on the floor.


I can't do my work because the ice is melting in my cup. Did you know it's turning into a liquid from a solid? I've got gas.

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OK, here is my kids' most popular one:


"WHAT???? you expect us to do schoolwork today, when you're home?"


I take an occasional day off here and there to purposely BE home and work on things together...they think it's entirely unfair that I want them to do work when I am home :lol:


(my husband is the stay at home parent).




P.S. -- tjlufkin: math seems to have the effect on my kids too! who knew...

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I didn't get the math done because Draggy kept growling (said very seriously).



Meet Draggy.


We get that one all the time. I can't do my work because <Bippo, Wingo, PPPC, Elee, Eele...> took my pencil.


I can't do my work because I forgot how to hold my pencil (from the 6 year old).


I can't do my work because dd's is more interesting.


I can't do my work because school is boring. I already know everything I need to. I'm the smartest, most handsome boy in the world.


I can't do my work because I have to take care of my <Webkinz, Moshi Monster, Monkey Quest> or they'll get sick and die.

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I can't get my work done because I agreed to do it later if I took a play break earlier . . . and now that it's later, I think it's too late in the day to be asked to do any work.


I can't get my work done because the cat keeps playing with me.


I can't get my work done because I run the server for Minecraft and the guys want to play now.


I can't get my work done because I'm supposed to put my clothes away.


I can't get my work done because Dad just came home and I missed him.


(and I am ROFL at so many of the ones posted so far . . . I needed this thread so badly today I cannot even begin . . . )

:iagree: sounds like some of the things I hear from my kid LOL

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Our most popular excuse? "I can't do my work cuz I gotta poop." *face palm* Who knew that math books made you have to poop? I always thought fiber and peristalsis was responsible for that. Hmm..


Your kids are strange. Math books don't make a kid poop. Mommy having a bath does that. Mind you it only works if you have only one bathroom in the house.

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We get that one all the time. I can't do my work because <Bippo, Wingo, PPPC, Elee, Eele...> took my pencil.


I can't do my work because I forgot how to hold my pencil (from the 6 year old).


I can't do my work because dd's is more interesting.


I can't do my work because school is boring. I already know everything I need to. I'm the smartest, most handsome boy in the world.


I can't do my work because I have to take care of my <Webkinz, Moshi Monster, Monkey Quest> or they'll get sick and die.


THis happens at your house too? I hear that one often. They don't like when I offer to provide the funeral for said "pet" if it should die during school time. They like it even less when you offer to set up their gravestone next to said pet, as they will need it if they don't get some dang work done. ;)

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Your kids are strange. Math books don't make a kid poop. Mommy having a bath does that. Mind you it only works if you have only one bathroom in the house.



:lol: So true! 1 bathroom 4 kids and the need to use it and stink it up the minute I start to really relax in there. Although it turns out if I call something a test one of the 2 oldest suddenly has to go and stay in there for an hour.

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...because my cat is on my paper.


...my lizard needs me.


...'he's' on the computer in the same room.


...can't find the pencil I had in my hand 15 seconds ago.


...I have to build a peg tower for the younger sibling.


...I have to arrange ALL the knights and horses 'just so' in front of the castle.


...I absolutely MUST watch my little brother's MUS Primer DVD, even though I am in Delta.


...I must have my nose in my sister's science project, even though it has nothing to do with my own studies.


...I have to jump on the trampoline.


...I have to 'clean my room'.

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Just this morning I got ...

I can't do my work because... The cat is laying on my paper.

I can't do my work because...he's breathing to loud.

I can't do my work because...he thinks to loud.

I can't do my work because...piggy is sad and crying (piggy is a stuffed beanie baby pig)

I can't do my work because...he won't stop counting in ordinals (my youngest is working on them in his math lesson)


I'm sure there will be more.

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