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How many days (weeks, months, years?) has it been since you shaved your legs?

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Elaine, we know that for YOU it's been exactly four days. Go take a shower, girl, and get that mud splatter off. I've got you beat anyway, for me it's been 6 days. Gross.


For the rest of you, how long's it been?


[i've never posted a really wacky question before, have mercy, it's been a looooooooooooong day....]

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I was a ballet dancer. A dance belt and tights don't play well with hair below the waist. :blink:


I read this to my husband, who just groaned and held certain body parts protectively, and groaned and shook his head.... I suppose I DID ask the original question, but wow, I didn't expect a GUY to answer! :D:lol:

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I read this to my husband, who just groaned and held certain body parts protectively, and groaned and shook his head.... I suppose I DID ask the original question, but wow, I didn't expect a GUY to answer! :D:lol:


I was expecting to hear he was a competitive swimmer.

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But I go regularly for a wax - it's ALMOST like getting a massage, except there is no way to sleep through it. Anyway it is my time away, with no one tugging on me or wiping their hands/ noses on my clothing...


No one tugging on you????? I thought that was part of the Brazilian Wax story -- the bathtub "tugging" on the wax!



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Two days. But you just got lucky... I always shave on Sundays, otherwise it depends on how fast I am in the shower.


I'm in jeans today, so I didn't worry about it.


I do have to say that I have quite a few friends and acquiantainces in the "no shave" category--meaning full leg hair, underarm hair, the works. Having lived in Europe it never bothered me, but I know from this board that I my feelings don't seem to be the norm. They are all highly educated women in their 30s and 40s, some working full time, some stay at home, only a couple of homeschoolers---must be a So Cal thing, right?

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You know, this might be forbidden ground. Lord knows we can talk about anything else in the world on these boards, but I just recently posted trying to ask this question, and I got a one star on the post and virtually no one would answer. Of course, they were all busy at that time arguing about politics, so that might have had something to do with it....


I have, since that time, finally shaved my legs, but the forest continues to regrow more and more luxurient. I am at a point where I'm going to have to get some professional help if the wise people here won't help me out....

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It's been about 4 days. I usually do it more often in the summer. I just wish waxing was in the cards for me but I can never seem to let it grow long enough to wax, I always end up getting frustrated and then shaving. I know it doesn't have to be real long for waxing but I just never seem to do it.

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Elaine, we know that for YOU it's been exactly four days. Go take a shower, girl, and get that mud splatter off. I've got you beat anyway, for me it's been 6 days. Gross.


For the rest of you, how long's it been?


[i've never posted a really wacky question before, have mercy, it's been a looooooooooooong day....]


Make fun why dontcha??;)


I usually shave every other day, but my husband is not here so I don't have the motivation.


My four year old doesn't like it when my legs are stubbly. When we sit together at night to read he will say to me, "Mommy, you're scratchy.":lol:


And for the record, I am clean and no longer smell like Salami.;)

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it's bee 3 days for my legs up to and including the knee, higher than that, not since the night I conceived my dd, she is now 8.5 months old so what is that, a year and a half lol If and when I ever plan on letting a man see my legs up higher than my knee I will shave again lol

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Two days, and I"m planning on shaving tonight when I shower before bed. Every since I started shaving at age 12 or so, I cannot go for more than two days without shaving. I HATE how my legs feel in my pantlegs, or on the sheet at night. It's not really that hairy legs gross me out, it's just that it's an unpleasant sensory thing for me. The stubble is almost painful for me, for some reason. Weird.



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I gave up after ds was born. No time. I couldn't use a razor because I cut myself so much. The electric shaver took forever and then my legs always itched afterwards. I think I have thin, sensitive skin. Tried Nair as a teenager and had horrible reactions to it.


I've actually been thinking about trying it again lately...I don't know why. Luckily, I have light hair, but there is a lot of it...

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I use my epilady, so I don't shave anymore!


Last time I did, it felt like I was shaving off skin. I have very sensitive skin on my legs, which is why I went with the epilady..hurts the first couple of times, but after that it doesn't.

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A day or two. I shave 2-4 times per month when it is bleak outside. The most frequent is in the summer and then it is maybe 2 times per week.


I don't have a lot of hair on my legs and it is fairly light and fine so I can get away with it longer than a lot of my friends.


My sister has to shave daily or she has thick, dark, coarse stubble. I would definitely pay the $1000 to get my legs lasered if I had to shave daily.

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It's been about 8 years... I depilate, too. Braun Epilady. Like someone said, it hurts the first couple of times, but now it's no big deal. MUCH better than shaving with a razor and cutting myself (bony joints) or an electric shaver. Very inexpensive and you only have to depilate once a winter or once a week during shorts season.

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I shave every day,and have since I was 12. It's just habit now. Last week dh rubbed my leg when I was in bed asleep, and he said that it was the first time in the 11 years we've been together that he had felt stubble! I quickly tried to explain to him that I had the goose bumps/chills when he had done that so of course my little hairs were stickin up! He didn't buy into it! So now I try to shave right when I get into the hot bath so my little stubble is nipped to the quick! I have a rep to uphold with my hubby!

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I shave every day,and have since I was 12. It's just habit now. Last week dh rubbed my leg when I was in bed asleep, and he said that it was the first time in the 11 years we've been together that he had felt stubble! I quickly tried to explain to him that I had the goose bumps/chills when he had done that so of course my little hairs were stickin up! He didn't buy into it! So now I try to shave right when I get into the hot bath so my little stubble is nipped to the quick! I have a rep to uphold with my hubby!


My dh hates stubbles. So before HF I have shave.



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