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How do you solve this?

what would you do?  

  1. 1. what would you do?

    • Even up the chicken things.
    • Tell one not to covet the other's lunch.
    • Other

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Wow....so far 3 people voted "Tell one not to covet the other's lunch". Really?? So, the one with 7 "chicken cubes" just happened to have the unfortunate experience of receiving the box with less....and the other kid scored.


Sounds kinda harsh.




I have a horrible feeling that's the punchline.



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Wow....so far 3 people voted "Tell one not to covet the other's lunch". Really?? So, the one with 7 "chicken cubes" just happened to have the unfortunate experience of receiving the box with less....and the other kid scored.

Sounds kinda harsh.




Well, in our family that is how it would go because ds is older than dd and he needs to eat more. BUT (and here's the thing) - if a child was really hungry and not just whining because "it's not fair" (which happens sometimes) then I would get them more.

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Other: I'd point out to the one who got more that giving one to her sister would be the right thing to do. And if she didn't see it that way, I'd guilt her into doing it, or I'd eat 2 out of her plate myself, or I'd give the short-changed kid something nice and tell the greedy hog "oh well, you didn't care about fairness over the chicken nuggets, so . . . ."


Unless one is way bigger / hungrier than the other one. But I'm assuming that's not part of the equation.

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I voted "Other".....because I would tell them to let me know if they were still hungry when they were done. Counting how many chickens the other kid has and complaining about it would probably result in me telling said kid to "get a grip - these are chicken cubes"!


Not every thing in life has to be "equal".



ETA: And, yes, I had 3 kids close in age. Being bratty about chicken counts is not tolerated.

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I voted other.


*I* wouldn't do anything, but my dd with more would give one to the other if she noticed (I can't imagine them counting, so it would have to be obvious.) Girl with less would say that it wasn't a big deal and to keep it. Girl with more would insist and girl with less would take it and say thank you.


Of course, I routinely give my dc uneven amounts of food and treats in order to build their character, so this would be an easy one for them. :001_smile:


A child who would worry about having 7 nuggets instead of 8 needs a lesson in how much food other people in the world get to eat each day, imho.

Edited by angela in ohio
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I just asked my dc about this, what would they do if this happened to them. Ds 11 said he would ask the counter for another nugget, because if you don't get what you paid for you should complain but if you get extra it's bonus. If they wouldn't give him anymore, he'd give his sister the extra one. Sounds good to me!

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Not my kids. My kids would never have counted, they would have just eaten.


And this is what bugs me. These kids are SO worried that one of them will get more than the other that this is the way they live their lives. It is an ongoing thing.


As for the hunger thing, these kids have never eaten more than two bites of anything on their plates. Hunger was not even in the ballpark of issues here, just greediness.


The mom, who is a much more loving, gentle, considerate and sweet soul than I could ever hope to be in my lifetime, evened things up.


When I told her that life isn't fair and the girls needed to know this, she replied, "No, it's not fair, so I do everything I can to make it that way for them while I can."


The mom is my sister. I think she's brilliant. But life still isn't fair.

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Not my kids. My kids would never have counted, they would have just eaten.


And this is what bugs me. These kids are SO worried that one of them will get more than the other that this is the way they live their lives. It is an ongoing thing.


As for the hunger thing, these kids have never eaten more than two bites of anything on their plates. Hunger was not even in the ballpark of issues here, just greediness.


The mom, who is a much more loving, gentle, considerate and sweet soul than I could ever hope to be in my lifetime, evened things up.


When I told her that life isn't fair and the girls needed to know this, she replied, "No, it's not fair, so I do everything I can to make it that way for them while I can."


The mom is my sister. I think she's brilliant. But life still isn't fair.


LOL. Uh, this all reminds me of how we divided things up when I was a kid. My mom would ask one of us girls to cut the portions and the other girl got to choose the first piece. We ever so carefully measured with a ruler.


I think part of it was just our general cattiness and had nothing to do with actually being greedy. We were 10 months apart and EVERYTHING was a competition.

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Not my kids. My kids would never have counted, they would have just eaten.


And this is what bugs me. These kids are SO worried that one of them will get more than the other that this is the way they live their lives. It is an ongoing thing.


As for the hunger thing, these kids have never eaten more than two bites of anything on their plates. Hunger was not even in the ballpark of issues here, just greediness.


The mom, who is a much more loving, gentle, considerate and sweet soul than I could ever hope to be in my lifetime, evened things up.


When I told her that life isn't fair and the girls needed to know this, she replied, "No, it's not fair, so I do everything I can to make it that way for them while I can."


The mom is my sister. I think she's brilliant. But life still isn't fair.


That is what I figured. If greediness was the issue, I would have taken all the nuggets myself as the "bank" and would have doled them out only as they actually ate them. Then I would have gone over my calorie count myself and would have cried about it to my diet buddies!

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If it was an 8 piece meal, I'd even it up. If you ended up with more than you ordered, I'd eat the extras for them. :D


Yes. This.


Or I'd eat all of them. Not because I'm mean or just plain hungry, but to teach them a valuable life lesson in not being so anal retentive as to count the number of chicken thingies in the box. ;)


Somebody hand me their fries...


(OK, I wouldn't really eat their food; I'd just divide the pieces up fairly. I'm so boring.)

Edited by Catwoman
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Other. "Really? Do you really need me to deal with this situation?", would have been my response if *my kids* were to have asked me to intervene. They have been around me long enough to know that that is not a situation that needs adult supervision, they are smart enough to deal with that on their own.;)

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Other. "Really? Do you really need me to deal with this situation?", would have been my response if *my kids* were to have asked me to intervene. They have been around me long enough to know that that is not a situation that needs adult supervision, they are smart enough to deal with that on their own.;)


Ditto. 'Cause my solution would be to even it up by eating the nuggets until they each had 6. Or 5. Or 3....depending on how hungry I might be.


My kids don't ask me to solve the small stuff anymore. They don't like my solutions. :D



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Ditto. 'Cause my solution would be to even it up by eating the nuggets until they each had 6. Or 5. Or 3....depending on how hungry I might be.


My kids don't ask me to solve the small stuff anymore. They don't like my solutions. :D




:lol: Sometimes I really wish this forum had a "like" button.

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Tell them sometimes life isn't fair.

Ditto. Sometimes the younger gets more, sometimes the older gets more, and they have to deal with it (or the kids can decide among themselves to divide/share).


I'm not going to referee entitlement issues - I'll model for them how to deal with it graciously.

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Not my kids. My kids would never have counted, they would have just eaten.


And this is what bugs me. These kids are SO worried that one of them will get more than the other that this is the way they live their lives. It is an ongoing thing.


As for the hunger thing, these kids have never eaten more than two bites of anything on their plates. Hunger was not even in the ballpark of issues here, just greediness.




OK--if ths is an issue of the kids being worried about the other getting more and then not even eating all of what they had..........I would be serving the left over nuggets until they were all eaten..........if you need to whine and beg and complain about it, you certainly can eat the rest of them for the next meal as well.

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Well, in our family that is how it would go because ds is older than dd and he needs to eat more. BUT (and here's the thing) - if a child was really hungry and not just whining because "it's not fair" (which happens sometimes) then I would get them more.


But.....what if it was your young dd that got the 9 piece box and your older ds got the 7 piece box?? Huh??? Would you switch boxes.....would you even things up.....would you let dd eat more than your ds.....would you buy your son another box.....would you.......???


Sounds like we could have another poll.



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I'd even it up if the kids usually eat about equal or are just friends.


For my kids, I ALWAYS take several nuggets from younger and give to older - younger won't eat more than 2-3 and older will eat his cheeseburger, possibly a spare & any remaining nuggets... even though he's only 2 years older!! :D

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