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I finally have a few real opinions about the Duggars


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I love the Duggars, but yeah, I've always thought it was weird that they eat almost zero fresh food. Really, how hard is it to make a simple salad with dinner? Or use frozen instead of canned vegetables?


Could their diet be part of the reason Michelle had gallbladder problems?

Could simply be how many pregnancies she has had...it's hard on internal organs.


It's actually easier to use frozen veggies...UNLESS one is making tator tot casserole (that's easier with canned...ask me how I know...yeah, yeah, I've made it a couple of times and my SIL makes it regularly *gag*) DH and I are finding that we are now fuller on fresher items. Canned stuff is great for stocking though.

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Yes it has lots of vegetables in it. I just looked for the Duggar's recipe. Apparently theirs does not. Hm. Well like I said, mine is like a pot pie, but topped with tater tots. Probably the worst part of it is the tater tots (not so different than a wheat crust though if you think about it).


Mine is also like pot pie with tater tots, and I LOVE it. We put veggies in everything.


Sometimes, you just need good old comfort food! Just not at every meal.

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You guys are brutal.


Anyhow I was under the impression that canned and frozen had similar nutritional content. Anyone have a reputable link that states otherwise?


I don't have a link. I *believe* that a lot of cans are still lined something that contains BPA and BPA has been proven to leak into food. That frozen veggies are flash frozen within a day of picking and then bagged. They don't have water, salt and other things added to them.


I could be wrong thought and please feel free to prove me so.


I love fresh veggies, but sometimes it is just easier to throw some frozen peas into whatever you are making for dinner.

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I remember one episode where one of the older girls was feeding the baby a can of peas straight out of the can :001_huh: They looked all grey and mushy. I wondered why they didn't cook up some fresh peas and give it to the baby to feed herself -(she was old enough).


I think they simplest explanation as to why they use so much canned food is that they don't shop regularly. I'm pretty sure they only stock up once a month which means they would need more canned things because they keep better.


I know that when I eat fresh I have to go to the store every 3rd day because our fridge doesn't keep anything longer.


I forgive her for not finding the time to be a regular shopper ;)


As to having a garden -the woman has 19 kids and homeschools - I have 3 and don't have the time for a garden - I hardly think it's a character flaw.

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Actually, we do shop every day, so that may be why we can only eat fresh vegetables.


Dh's van pool drops him off next to the grocery store, and every night, he calls to see what I need.


My friend stockpiles cans of food. It doesn't matter if they keep longer. No one in my family would eat them.


We are fortunate to live in a climate where we can grow vegetables all year around.


This year, I bought my friend vacuum sealed heirloom seeds to stockpile instead. They even take up less space than cans.

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You guys are brutal.


Anyhow I was under the impression that canned and frozen had similar nutritional content. Anyone have a reputable link that states otherwise?


Canned usually has additives like salt and/or sugar. Frozen is usually just the vegetable or fruit.

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You guys are cracking me up. This is one of the more entertaining threads I have read in a while.


My mom and sister cook like the Duggars. My dh still can't comprehend how my mom could make instant mashed potatoes every Thanksgiving. I was perfectly happy with that kind of food until I grew up and learned how to cook. Now I can't stand most prepared foods. Maybe the Duggars don't know the difference?


I have never heard of tater tot casserole. My mom deprived me of that one. Maybe I should try it just so I could relate. Anyone have a link to a good recipe?

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:confused: Does your tater tot casserole have vegetables in it? It must be a very different recipe than the one served at every church dinner I ever attended as a child - tater tots and ground beef in a cream sauce, baked until golden on top.


This is how I eat the casserole too.





I saw part of an episode where the boys were learning to cook. So they head to the freezer and pull out the frozen vegetables and frozen tater tots. Gross.


I think canned and frozen are equally gross.


Yes, it may take longer to prepare fresh foods, but cooking together can become quality family time.


What's wrong with frozen veggies? I get that canned ones are iffy, but frozen? I flat out cannot afford to buy fresh produce all the time. AND we DO garden and I freeze THOSE veggies too, otherwise, we'd have huge piles of rotten vegetables and all the hard work of the garden would be wasted.

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Wait, is that REAL or hyperbole? :confused:


Perhaps a bit of hyperbole!;) But I have used a dishwasher like theirs, and it does run the dishes through in a very short period of time--about 2 minutes. Of course, first one must scrap and rinse the dishes. So I suppose it would take under 10 minutes to do a load of dishes.

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I have always wondered about the diapers. She would barely notice the extra laundry of cloth diapers! I don't think she has more than 2-3 kids in diapers at a time, and that is at most 1 load a day. Compared to, say, making your own laundry detergent, or shopping for shoes for 19 kids at a thrift store, it seems like hardly any work at all. And it would have saved her a fortune!!


Their food is gross to me, but I know a lot of people who eat like that and consider it "healthy", so I'm guessing it's just what they're used to.


It's always odd to me how in one episode they'll be all big on saving money (thrift store everything, make your own detergent, shopping only at Aldis, etc), but then they eat off paper plates, use disposable diapers, and sweep the floor with a swiffer. I wonder if Chinet, Pampers and Swiffer are paying for product placement...

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Hail! I always forget about the 'devolve' into fried fake potatoes. True: I've been to Nice, and the isle of Greece and sipped Champagne on a yacht. I've gambled even, in Monte Carlo. ;) I've never had Tater Tot casserole, but I have had Woolworth's Mac & Cheese, and more gas station Ranch Pringles than I care to admit.


I do think this family has the resources to give a garden a go, and if I were the producer I would relish photo opps of cute tots holding baby chicks. ;) why am I not producing 'reality' TV? I would have given the Goslen dad a mistress in season 1.


And a 45 seconds dishwasher?!? What are they thinking using paper plates for everything. If they don't want it, send it my way!

Edited by LibraryLover
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This is how I eat the casserole too.







What's wrong with frozen veggies? I get that canned ones are iffy, but frozen? I flat out cannot afford to buy fresh produce all the time. AND we DO garden and I freeze THOSE veggies too, otherwise, we'd have huge piles of rotten vegetables and all the hard work of the garden would be wasted.


A lot of times I prefer frozen. Things like Spinach loose 1/2 their vitamins within a week. Frozen right from the field is much better for you in that case.

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Frozen food is the best alternative to fresh, and sometimes it's even better! By the time you get your grocery store produce home and it sits in the fridge for a few days, It has lost a lot of its nutrients. The frozen stuff is flash frozen while it's still fresh. Freezing doesn't take away any nutrients.


Canned stuff can be disgusting, but at least it's a fruit or vegetable. Better than eating none!


I used to prepare ALL our foods from scratch. With three little kids under foot and many other things to do. It was stressing out the entire family and I had to choose to cut back. I still prepare the majority of it but I came to realize that my time is worth more and I needed to use some prepared food. *at this point in our lives.

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I am the last person in the world to defend the Duggars generally as I think the whole huge family on TV thing is exploitation of the kids and while their religious beliefs are their business alone, Since Mr. Duggar is someone who was in the legislature/assembly and has had rumors of a congressional run, their political beliefs are fair game and repel me completely. STILL they are doing what they want to do. They likely do not need to worry all that much about money as they must make a lot from the show and books. Could they eat better? Sure thing. So could most Americans. So let them buy whatever food they want. So long as I (who does fresh and organic foods by and large) am not having to eat it, it's all good.

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It really bugs me when folks will skimp on nutrition in the name of saving a buck. They've had a TV show for several years, they reportedly have no debt. Can't they afford to at least buy more healthful foods? I mean, you know, replace the iceberg lettuce with romaine, etc, etc, etc.? And that tater tot casserole...blech is right!


I get where you're coming from with the Duggars--since they can afford to eat better--but some people really have very little choice. There have been times when I had to "skimp on nutrition" so that I could "save a buck" because we needed every "buck" I could scrounge in order to keep a roof over our heads.


We had meals that were way too heavy on carbs and way too light on protein because I had to do what I could to stretch things, especially meat, so I added a lot of pasta or rice or potatoes because they were cheaper. When I could, I added beans for protein, and we ate a lot of peanut butter too (still do).

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I have always wondered about the diapers. She would barely notice the extra laundry of cloth diapers! I don't think she has more than 2-3 kids in diapers at a time, and that is at most 1 load a day. Compared to, say, making your own laundry detergent, or shopping for shoes for 19 kids at a thrift store, it seems like hardly any work at all. And it would have saved her a fortune!!


Their food is gross to me, but I know a lot of people who eat like that and consider it "healthy", so I'm guessing it's just what they're used to.


It's always odd to me how in one episode they'll be all big on saving money (thrift store everything, make your own detergent, shopping only at Aldis, etc), but then they eat off paper plates, use disposable diapers, and sweep the floor with a swiffer. I wonder if Chinet, Pampers and Swiffer are paying for product placement...


I think they do get product placement benefits, though I don't know if it's those particular ones. There was a cleaning episode once that seemed very obviously an ad for Scrubbing Bubbles Shower Cleaner.


I did cloth dipes for part of my baby years but, IMO, I don't consider it "hardly any work at all." There's a lot to love about cloth dipes, but they are not perfect and washing them is far from the biggest drawback.


Hail! I always forget about the 'devolve' into fried fake potatoes. True: I've been to Nice, and the isle of Greece and sipped Champagne on a yacht. I've gambled even, in Monte Carlo. ;) I've never had Tater Tot casserole, but I have had Woolworth's Mac & Cheese, and more gas station Ranch Pringles than I care to admit.


I do think this family has the resources to give a garden a go, and if I were the producer I would relish photo opps of cute tots holding baby chicks. ;) why am I not producing 'reality' TV? I would have given the Goslen dad a mistress in season 1.


And a 45 seconds dishwasher?!? What are they thinking using paper plates for everything. If they don't want it, send it my way!


You're always witty, but OMG, this was the most hilarious stream-of-consciousness I've ever read! :D


I'm sure the main reason they eat what they eat is because that's what they eat and they like it. I grew up on the most atrocious food you can think of, but my parents didn't think it was trash. It's not what I eat now and I don't make it for my kids, but that's because I turned into a food snob. I think the Duggars just never turned into food snobs and kept eating what was familiar to them and...it's just not important to them to put more effort in.

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You guys are brutal.


Anyhow I was under the impression that canned and frozen had similar nutritional content. Anyone have a reputable link that states otherwise?



I don't have a link, but in many parts of the country, frozen vegetables have more nutrition than fresh. For sure more than canned. Frozen are usually picked peak season and flash frozen so the nutrients stay in. Fresh vegetables are often half bad by the time they make it to the store.

Gosh, I know there are studies out there on this, but I can't look for them at the moment.

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I think canned vegetables, besides being mostly devoid of nutrients and fiber, contain a lot of added sodium and often sugar dissolved in the water in which they are canned. I've read that rinsing removes some of this. In the above-referenced example of one of the Duggar babies being fed canned peas straight out of the can, that little one was getting quite a helping of salt, I'd wager.


astrid (who does not touch canned veggies with a ten foot pole!)

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I think canned vegetables, besides being mostly devoid of nutrients and fiber, contain a lot of added sodium and often sugar dissolved in the water in which they are canned. I've read that rinsing removes some of this. In the above-referenced example of one of the Duggar babies being fed canned peas straight out of the can, that little one was getting quite a helping of salt, I'd wager.


astrid (who does not touch canned veggies with a ten foot pole!)


That episode KILLED me. Killed me, I swear. I had to turn it off.

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That episode KILLED me. Killed me, I swear. I had to turn it off.


To be honest, I"m fighting waves of nausea just thinking about it. Even as a kid I could NEVER stomach canned vegetables. Let alone canned peas. Let alone straight out of the can! Not exaggerating-- the very thought makes my stomach churn.



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:confused: Does your tater tot casserole have vegetables in it? It must be a very different recipe than the one served at every church dinner I ever attended as a child - tater tots and ground beef in a cream sauce, baked until golden on top.


I haven't gotten any farther in this thread than this, but I had to stop and answer this. I, too, love tater tot casserole and every time people mention how horrid it is on here, it bugs me. (Just a bit) I make mine like this- one huge bag mixed frozen veggies, one pound browned ground beef, a couple cups of shredded cheddar and a can of tomato sauce, frozen tater tots on top. Everyone here really likes is. And the kids will eat more than their usual amount of veggies. I don't get what is *so horrible* about tater tot casserole?

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Are tater tots cheap? When I saw the show they were eating cold cereal. Hot cereal is much cheaper and more filling. I don't think they shop the way they do to save money. I think they buy the kind of foods they like to eat.


I think they rely on convenience foods because they are fast and the kids can cook them.


I haven't gotten any farther in this thread than this' date=' but I had to stop and answer this. I, too, love tater tot casserole and every time people mention how horrid it is on here, it bugs me. (Just a bit) I make mine like this- one huge bag mixed frozen veggies, one pound browned ground beef, a couple cups of shredded cheddar and a can of tomato sauce, frozen tater tots on top. Everyone here really likes is. And the kids will eat more than their usual amount of veggies. I don't get what is *so horrible* about tater tot casserole?[/quote']


Here is the list of ingredients for the Duggar version:


Ground turkey

Frozen tater tots

Cream of mushroom soup

Cream of chicken soup

Evaporated milk


That is nothing but a list of processed foods. Ick.

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I haven't gotten any farther in this thread than this' date=' but I had to stop and answer this. I, too, love tater tot casserole and every time people mention how horrid it is on here, it bugs me. (Just a bit) I make mine like this- one huge bag mixed frozen veggies, one pound browned ground beef, a couple cups of shredded cheddar and a can of tomato sauce, frozen tater tots on top. Everyone here really likes is. And the kids will eat more than their usual amount of veggies. I don't get what is *so horrible* about tater tot casserole?[/quote']


I'm no expert, because tater tot casserole is kind of not a New England thing-- never knew of anyone in this area to make it or serve it, but the times I've had it while visiting family members in the midwest (Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska and Oklahoma) it's contained lots of cream of crap soup. Plus, I think this is how the Duggars make it. I think the Cream of Crap soup is part of what squicks people out.


I've never heard of it being made with tomato sauce. But again, what I know about Tater Tot Casserole could fit in a space that's half the size of, well, a Tater Tot.






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I think they rely on convenience foods because they are fast and the kids can cook them.




Here is the list of ingredients for the Duggar version:


Ground turkey

Frozen tater tots

Cream of mushroom soup

Cream of chicken soup

Evaporated milk


That is nothing but a list of processed foods. Ick.


ewww, that is worse than SIL's version.


Ground beef

Frozen tater tots

Cream of mushroom soup

Canned green beans

Shredded cheddar cheese


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Here is the list of ingredients for the Duggar version:


Ground turkey

Frozen tater tots

Cream of mushroom soup

Cream of chicken soup

Evaporated milk


That is nothing but a list of processed foods. Ick.


I thought about this this evening.

NO ONE who fusses about how bad tatertot casserole is feeds a single meal that is that bad?

Seriously, we like healthy meals. But we eat crud.

Have the Duggars admitted to have this three times per week or something?

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I think it's kinda funny how much people care what the Duggars do or don't do. :D


I don't watch the Duggars.


I used a can of cream of chicken soup in my potato soup tonight. :svengo:


We eat a lot of frozen veggies.


I think tater tots are of the devil.



That is all. :lol:

Edited by Nakia
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I thought about this this evening.

NO ONE who fusses about how bad tatertot casserole is feeds a single meal that is that bad?

Seriously, we like healthy meals. But we eat crud.

Have the Duggars admitted to have this three times per week or something?


:iagree: I generally cook from scratch, lots of healthy meals but geez, we have the odd Hamburger Helper meal.

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I thought about this this evening.

NO ONE who fusses about how bad tatertot casserole is feeds a single meal that is that bad?

Seriously, we like healthy meals. But we eat crud.

Have the Duggars admitted to have this three times per week or something?


Yeah, that was part of why I started the thread about atrocious food growing up. If my mom had been friends with Michelle Duggar, they probably would have traded recipes and shopping tips.


I don't think it's ideal to eat that way and I consider myself a good cook who makes a lot of healthy meals, BUT - I certainly am no perfect purist about what we eat. My kids eat cereal for breakfast; sometimes I even go nuts and buy Pop Tarts. :tongue_smilie: There's not even so much rhyme or reason as to which cold cereals I will buy - I try to stick with healthier kinds, but sometimes I do get Cinnamon Toast Crunch, too. When my kids stay over Grandma's, the biggest thrill is that she will give them Fruit Loops.


P.S. - I have to say, though, I agree with astrid about the peas-from-a-can for the baby. I saw that episode and almost yakked my Fruit Loops right onto my lap...

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Yeah, that was part of why I started the thread about atrocious food growing up. If my mom had been friends with Michelle Duggar, they probably would have traded recipes and shopping tips.


I don't think it's ideal to eat that way and I consider myself a good cook who makes a lot of healthy meals, BUT - I certainly am no perfect purist about what we eat. My kids eat cereal for breakfast; sometimes I even go nuts and buy Pop Tarts. :tongue_smilie: There's not even so much rhyme or reason as to which cold cereals I will buy - I try to stick with healthier kinds, but sometimes I do get Cinnamon Toast Crunch, too. When my kids stay over Grandma's, the biggest thrill is that she will give them Fruit Loops.


P.S. - I have to say, though, I agree with astrid about the peas-from-a-can for the baby. I saw that episode and almost yakked my Fruit Loops right onto my lap...


Well, bless your heart!







:smilielol5: I prefer Cocoa Pebbles myself. ;)

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Have the Duggars admitted to have this three times per week or something?


I think most people (myself included) are responding to the fact that every time grocery shopping is filmed for the show, the Duggar's carts are laden with processed convenience foods. They do not seem to buy or serve fresh vegetables, rather canned. There is a soda machine installed in their kitchen, and when they are shown cooking "from scratch" it's mainly just a combination of processed foods tossed together and baked:


  • MULTIPLE cake mixes. I've never seen any baking done from scratch on the show.
  • Tater Tot casserole
  • cold cereal (mostly sugared)
  • Soda machine (fountain?) installed in the kitchen
  • older daughter feeding canned peas directly from can into baby.

And this one REALLY grossed me out---- Jim Bob mixing canned tuna with bottles of barbecue sauce and feeding it to the kids on bread. :ack2:



So yeah, we all eat crap now and again. But I think all that's being said is that from what is shown on TV (and there have been multiple episodes centering on grocery shopping for the brood) there seems to be much more of an importance placed on convenience than on nutrition.





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I don't see why. I don't buy ALL organic, but I do what I can. I have food sensitivities and I can tell differences in my kids demeanor and behavoir depending on how they are eating. Even though we dont specifically avoid gluten, dairy, etc We do avoid processed food though. Some families prioritize nutrition and/or being earth friendly like another might prioritize having 19 children. Neither choice is intrinsically "wrong". Just depends on the people in question.


If you have the money to spend $100/ per week per person in your household on food, then more power to you. The family I mentioned did not, but spent anyway, and now they're in dire financial straits. I've always been very frugal and it pains me to see people buying organic when they can't afford it. In my opinion the cheaper stuff in the big box stores is just as healthy.

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I don't think it's ideal to eat that way and I consider myself a good cook who makes a lot of healthy meals, BUT - I certainly am no perfect purist about what we eat. My kids eat cereal for breakfast; sometimes I even go nuts and buy Pop Tarts.


My mom mails poptarts to my kids because she knows I deprive them. :tongue_smilie:

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Jim Bob is the intellectual leader of the family (so to speak) and he doesn't like gardening, so that's why they don't have the garden (and chickens) that they should, by all rights, have.


There was an episode early in season one, however, about a friend of theirs who used some of their property to plant vegetables and he shared cucumbers with them, for example, because Duggars love pickles (or something).

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I think canned vegetables, besides being mostly devoid of nutrients and fiber, contain a lot of added sodium and often sugar dissolved in the water in which they are canned. I've read that rinsing removes some of this. In the above-referenced example of one of the Duggar babies being fed canned peas straight out of the can, that little one was getting quite a helping of salt, I'd wager.


astrid (who does not touch canned veggies with a ten foot pole!)


I use canned tomatoes.:ohmy: What else is there during the 10 months tomatoes aren't in season?

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