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I want to cry!

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I went to get my hair cut today. I've been to this stylist before; she's a good friend of mine. She's always done an excellent job, even on ds who is anything but a good customer, lol. I asked for my hair to be just above the shoulders and layered.


You know where this is going, right? I had to take off my glasses while she was washing my hair, and I didn't have them on when she first got started cutting. Imagine my surprise when I put them on to look in the mirror and......It's up to my chin!!!:eek:


Technically, if I pull the curls out very taut, the longest layer is only about an inch or so above my shoulder. But I don't flat iron my hair. I like the curls. I'm so sad, and dh is going to hate this I'm sure. I never wanted a bob! :(


Tell me it will be okay. Here are (terrible webcam) before and after pics.



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IT WILL BE OKAY! And I really love it! I mean that.


I know what it feels like to not get what you want at the salon. I am really picky about my hair and have a little bit of pride because I have really awesome hair, lol. I would be upset if my stylist didn't listen to me. I have curly hair too, and she knows I wear it curly so she cuts accordingly. She actually cuts it dry if we are doing anything other than a little trim, so that we can make sure I'm happy with the cut.


Again, I love it!!!!! It is sassy!

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I am SO sorry that you aren't happy about your haircut. I have had several also but my worst experience has been when I tried to color it myself. It went horribly wrong. I looked like I had a white skunk stripe down my part. I had to cut my shoulder length hair off like a boy. I was so unhappy.


The great thing about hair is that it will grow back.


I think it actually looks cute! That probably doesn't help but I wanted to put it out there anyway.


God Bless,

Elise in NC

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Y'all are so sweet! Thank you! I think it might be the glasses making me look smart, though, and goodness knows I've plenty of sassy to go around, LOL.


Nakia, that's an excellent point about cutting the hair dry. I'll definitely have her do that next time. I think most of my issue is that I've almost always had long hair. My hair has been to the middle of my back for probably 80% of my life. It's tough getting used to a change. It *does* grow very fast, though, so I can take some comfort in that.

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:grouphug: It really does suit you, you look fabulous, but I can imagine the shock when you first saw how much shorter it was. It will grow back, in no time.




The same thing has happened to me, and I have stick-straight hair, so the guy really had no excuse. My dh loved the shorter cut, but it wasn't what I wanted, and I was so upset about it for the first few days. (And then of course, I felt like an idiot for being so upset about my hair, when other people were worried about Big Important Stuff...:tongue_smilie:)


My feeling is that you didn't get what you wanted, and that's reason enough to be very, very annoyed!!!

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1. It really does suit you! You look terrific. But I know only to well how it feels to get a haircut you didn't intend on getting. :grouphug:

2. In my mind, "just above my shoulders"=an inch or so above my shoulders=chin-length. You might want to be really specific next time.

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I love it. That could be because it's how I wear my hair (LOL).:grouphug: Maybe it'll grow on you.


No, it will definitely grow on her. Grow, get it? :lol:


OK, so I'll go back to cleaning the bathrooms (sigh).



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Next time, tell the stylist you want your curles to touch your shoulders when dry. Length of hair is always measured straight, so she actually did cut hour hair the way you asked. To achieve the length you wanted, it would need to be several inches below your shoulders.


Anyhoo... I think it looks great! I would love to have curles, long or short!:D

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No, it will definitely grow on her. Grow, get it? :lol:


OK, so I'll go back to cleaning the bathrooms (sigh).






I think another silver lining might be that I am now extremely motivated to finish that scarf I've been working on. Brrrr, I would have to get this cut on the coldest day in nearly a year!

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I think it looks beautiful. I have a lot of issues with curly hair cuts as my 10 yo has very tight curls. I ask everyone if they plan on cutting it wet or dry first...if they tell me wet...they dont get to cut her hair. Once it dries it bounces up so high!! Ive ended up buying my own scissors and cutting on the "C" of the curls...you may like to try that once you start growing it back out. Im sure you could have your friend do the same thing with your hair dry and it should be more what you would like.

Either way...Your hair looks great! I do really like it a lot. You look very fresh and young!

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The same thing has happened to me, and I have stick-straight hair, so the guy really had no excuse. My dh loved the shorter cut, but it wasn't what I wanted, and I was so upset about it for the first few days. (And then of course, I felt like an idiot for being so upset about my hair, when other people were worried about Big Important Stuff...:tongue_smilie:)


My feeling is that you didn't get what you wanted, and that's reason enough to be very, very annoyed!!!


I know right! I am the same way about my hair.


I can STILL remember when I was 8 and a lady at the barber school wacked my hair off up to my ears....It was past my shoulders when I went in! My mom was so upset, but she didn't show it. :glare: I remember I cried. All I asked for was a long shag.

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I think it looks so cute! Seriously--not just trying to make you feel better. And from the picture I think it looks just above the shoulders. However, I can relate to the shock of not getting quite what you expected--I had this happen to me years ago and it was extreme! Good thing is hair grows back...eventually. Enjoy trying something new. And I hope, for your sake, your hubby likes it. ;)

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I too think it is very cute but I hate when my hair gets cuts too short too. I have a big head and short hair does not suit me.


When this has happened to me though, I try to look at it as a good time to get my hair back into condition - after all... all the damage is cute away!! :lol:

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1. It really does suit you! You look terrific. But I know only to well how it feels to get a haircut you didn't intend on getting. :grouphug:

2. In my mind, "just above my shoulders"=an inch or so above my shoulders=chin-length. You might want to be really specific next time.


:iagree: I'm sorry it's not what you wanted, but it looks great. Your new cut is exactly the length I pictured when I read your post, so I agree with being more specific the next time. I hope your dh surprises you (and maybe himeself) and loves it.

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:-( I so get how you feel. The thing is.... you have curls and your hair person shouldn't have cut it so short so quick. When it dries it will be shorter! So it may have been to your shoulders when cutting but then it dried and was much shorter.


Honestly, I think it looks good. And it will grow out. :grouphug:


My hair is long now....dh hates it short and no one has ever done my hair well, so I just leave it long to avoid these experiences.

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Y'all are so sweet! Thank you! I think it might be the glasses making me look smart, though, and goodness knows I've plenty of sassy to go around, LOL.


Nakia, that's an excellent point about cutting the hair dry. I'll definitely have her do that next time. I think most of my issue is that I've almost always had long hair. My hair has been to the middle of my back for probably 80% of my life. It's tough getting used to a change. It *does* grow very fast, though, so I can take some comfort in that.


It is so hard to go from long to short. Even harder when you didn't really mean to do it!


On the plus side, it truly does look fabulous! I know what you mean about the dh though, mine really likes long hair too. And, it will grow, and you will have just enough time to decide if you like it better this length or longer by the time it needs to be cut again.

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I think it looks great! However, I can completely understand how you feel. When I was in 4th grade (so...1986ish) my mom took me to a family friend to get a hair cut and a perm. I was thinking I was going to come out with beautiful, bouncy curls. I looked in the mirror and I remember sobbing, "I look like Bernie Kosar!" But, I'm over it now. Really. :lol:

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:grouphug: I remember asking for a haircut like that when I was in 6th grade - shoulder length and layered. But when the lady was done, my hair was literally 2 inches long all the way around. When I put my glasses on, my mom said my face turned white. It really looked terrible.


Yours IS definitely shorter than shoulder length, but it sure looks cute. Maybe you can wear a cute barrette or headband until it grows a bit and you don't notice the length as much?

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A few years ago I got a hair I despised. It was also January and I wore a hat everywhere for two weeks.


I also think it is cute but I remembered getting ticked off with everyone telling me that when I *hated* my hair. Still bugs me when I think about it.:glare:


Hopefully it will grow on you.:tongue_smilie:

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I think you look so cute! I really like it, although since it's not what I asked, I think I'd be a little taken back too...but...really, that length suits you. Oh, and I'm not really one to follow trends, but short hair is IN! :001_smile:

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Thank you all so very much! I keep looking in the mirror and thinking maybe it's not SO terrible after all. I think in a week or so I might make my peace with it. I'm not one who'd be considered fashionable at all, generally, so I am clueless about what looks trendy or popular. Good to know it's a look that's "in". It's funny that some have commented that it makes me look younger. I feel like it makes me look older, but that's probably because when my hair is long, it matches my mental image of myself at 17. I'm always shocked when confronted with the fact that I'm actually 36.


DH was pretty neutral. I didn't expect him to love it, but the fact that he didn't say, "OMG! What have you done?!?" was a good sign. :) The wonderful thing is that I know he thinks I'm beautiful, no matter what. ♥♥

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I love it!!! It makes you look intelligent and light hearted all at the same time. Really, it gives you so much more dimension and beauty than the longer hair.


:iagree: I think you look great! That said, what is w/ stylist who don't listen?? I had the same exact thing happen to me in June. I wanted a bob to my chin and it curled around my ear. Nowhere near my chin. I waited all summer, went to a new girl and she did the same thing.


I don't get it. I really don't get it.


But you look good -- you're just not used to it.



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I actually really like it. It looks like cute fun cut that you could straighten if you wanted or scrunch up a bit to be a curly bouncy cute cut. You could even get some pretty hair pins or clips and experiment with clipping bits away from your face.


I do mine up all sorts of ways. Some I haven't liked and my hubby and friends rib me when I don't, but it's just hair and I can always do something else again.

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