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We found our dog!

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Remember our boxer that went missing on December 1? We found her at the local pound yesterday! She is a thinner, dehydrated, spayed, wormed version of her former self, but she is back.


Someone "surrendered" her to the pound stating she didn't get along with cats or other female dogs. Um... well... no she doesn't (she likes to dominate female dogs and doesn't like cats at all) and apparently it took her "non-owners" over 3 weeks to decide they had made a mistake by trying to keep a dog that wasn't theirs.


Anyway, she's back!



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I remember reading a thread about a dog that went missing from the yard. Was that you? I'm glad you got her back.:D


Yes. I was gone for about an hour and when we got back she was gone. Gate closed. No visable escape route. DSS and I spent hours and hours searching and no one had seen her (which is strange... we live in a neighborhood where they are always people walking AND people know our dog). Anyway, whether she somehow wandered off undetected or someone liberated her, we will never know. She is back now.


That is wonderful news!


I bet she was overjoyed to see you all.


She was so cute. My DH called her name and she got all happy. We couldn't get it through to the people at the pound that she was indeed our dog. They couldn't understand why we knew her name. Then they started grilling us as to how we would care for her if we adopted her... You know, the typical, "Do you have a fence?" "What will you do with her when you go out of town?" "What if she is not good with your kids?" questions. Um... she's OUR DOG! Finally DH said, "Look. Here's a picture of me with the dog. Here's a picture of our family with the dog. Here's the dog's pedigree. I can have the breeder here within the hour if you want to speak with her. She is OUR DOG. I am willing to pay the $81 to adopt MY DOG. I am willing to let go of the fact that because of the holidays your system wasn't updated properly and my dog ended up spayed and on the "for adoption" floor before she was listed on the "found dog" list. Just give me MY DOG!" So.... $81 dollars later, we have her again.

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That is amazing and wonderful! I'm so happy for you guys. I've been thinking about you a lot since I read your initial post, and I was so sad for you all. I'm so glad to read happy news!


One of our dogs went missing once when I was a young teen. We put up flyers and walked the neighborhood for days. My mother called the pound every day. (This was well before the days of the internet.) Nothing.


We were sure she was gone for good.


It was almost three weeks later someone called out of the blue and said they had found her. She was wandering in a park a few miles from our house, and these nice people remembered seeing our flyers, picked her up and called.


She, too, was thinner. And she had a longish, thick coat that was matted beyond belief. But she did come home safely.


I'm so glad yours did, too!

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So, wait, someone STOLE your dog?! The pound should have records of this - right? Who were these insane people? I sure hope they're planning to press charges?!


Anyway, I'm relieved to hear you got your dog back!!!


My husband wondered if they have a record of the person who "surrendered" her? But, of course, maybe they wouldn't want to prosecute and discourage other people from turning in a dog safely rather than just letting it go on the street.

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I think they aren't sure whether the dog was stolen or jumped the fence. It sounded to me like the OP believes she was stolen -- which with all the publicity from the AKC about the increase in thefts of purebred dogs, would not surprise me. Our collie was released from the yard by teenage neighbors who were playing a practical joke; after that, we put a padlock on the gate. Without more information, it is hard to determine for sure how the dog got out.


So if the police were involved, the "finders" would say the dog showed up at their door, and if they stole her, there is no proof of that. They would say they cared for the dog for 3 weeks and no owner showed up, so they turned it in to a shelter because they could not keep it for good reasons.


I think the animal shelter obviously made some mistakes. They didn't list the dog as being "found", as was apparently their policy. Instead, they spayed her and put her up for adoption.


It's kind of a between a rock and hard place situation, isn't it? The shelter probably gets hundreds of stray and surrendered dogs every year. They screw up, and she happens to be a purebred dog that was likely stolen. But they didn't know that -- they thought she was an owner-surrender. The shelter worker assumed that was true and didn't put her on the found list.


Maybe they need to require owners of purebred dogs to prove their ownership before they accept it into their adoption program. I think they are concerned that if they did that, dogs would be abandoned and get killed or injured. Breed rescues often have purebred dogs available that were found as strays.


I would be horrified if Aidan disappeared. I would be thrilled that he ended up in a shelter and I could get him back. I wouldn't want to pay for him, but I wouldn't argue. If it were an excessive amount, I'd take it up with the shelter director after my dog was safely at home. Shelter costs for housing, feeding, and veterinary care are high, and they are not in business to make a profit.


If he were neutered by mistake, having not been placed on the found dog list first, I would be aghast because I didn't get to make the decision about whether to show him and because I didn't get to choose the vet and make sure he knew about special anesthesia requirements for Wheatens.


However, I'd rather have a neutered Aidan than no Aidan at all. The events that led to me recovering Aidan would bother me, but they would pale extremely in comparison to my joy, so I'd drop it and thank God that I had my dog back.

Edited by RoughCollie
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Thank you everyone! We are beyond happy to have her home.




That is wonderful!!!


But...OMG...spayed?? Bless her heart!


Yes, the pound spayed her before they put her on the floor for adoption.


So, wait, someone STOLE your dog?! The pound should have records of this - right? Who were these insane people? I sure hope they're planning to press charges?!


Anyway, I'm relieved to hear you got your dog back!!!


We suspect someone did because she has escaped in the past but we could always figure out how she got out AND she has a "pattern" she follows (dog friends she visits and a swim in the lake) but we can't prove anything. Over 2 wks elapsed from her disappearance until she was surrendered by someone reporting she was too aggressive with their female dog.


Congratulations! What a great way to end the year. :001_smile:



Can you have her microchipped, so if she goes missing again the animal shelter and/or vet can contact you?


The pound chipped her before putting her up for adoption.


My husband wondered if they have a record of the person who "surrendered" her? But, of course, maybe they wouldn't want to prosecute and discourage other people from turning in a dog safely rather than just letting it go on the street.


They won't tell us.


I think they aren't sure whether the dog was stolen or jumped the fence. It sounded to me like the OP believes she was stolen -- which with all the publicity from the AKC about the increase in thefts of purebred dogs, would not surprise me. Our collie was released from the yard by teenage neighbors who were playing a practical joke; after that, we put a padlock on the gate. Without more information, it is hard to determine for sure how the dog got out.


So if the police were involved, the "finders" would say the dog showed up at their door, and if they stole her, there is no proof of that. They would say they cared for the dog for 3 weeks and no owner showed up, so they turned it in to a shelter because they could not keep it for good reasons.


I think the animal shelter obviously made some mistakes. They didn't list the dog as being "found", as was apparently their policy. Instead, they spayed her and put her up for adoption.


It's kind of a between a rock and hard place situation, isn't it? The shelter probably gets hundreds of stray and surrendered dogs every year. They screw up, and she happens to be a purebred dog that was likely stolen. But they didn't know that -- they thought she was an owner-surrender. The shelter worker assumed that was true and didn't put her on the found list.


Maybe they need to require owners of purebred dogs to prove their ownership before they accept it into their adoption program. I think they are concerned that if they did that, dogs would be abandoned and get killed or injured. Breed rescues often have purebred dogs available that were found as strays.


I would be horrified if Aidan disappeared. I would be thrilled that he ended up in a shelter and I could get him back. I wouldn't want to pay for him, but I wouldn't argue. If it were an excessive amount, I'd take it up with the shelter director after my dog was safely at home. Shelter costs for housing, feeding, and veterinary care are high, and they are not in business to make a profit.


If he were neutered by mistake, having not been placed on the found dog list first, I would be aghast because I didn't get to make the decision about whether to show him and because I didn't get to choose the vet and make sure he knew about special anesthesia requirements for Wheatens.


However, I'd rather have a neutered Aidan than no Aidan at all. The events that led to me recovering Aidan would bother me, but they would pale extremely in comparison to my joy, so I'd drop it and thank God that I had my dog back.


You're right about the police, etc. Re: the purebred deal, they don't require anything. If the owners don't claim the dog, they go out on the floor like any other dog. We didn't mind paying because we were happy to have her back and they charge the same for a purebred as a mixed breed. The spaying upsets me because they didn't follow their own policy regarding listing found dogs prior to spaying her and putting her on the floor, but we found her so it's fine.


They SPAYED her? Wow. Did the pound check her chip? Do they know who these dastards are?


What a New Years present.


Yes. Spayed. Chipped. They know who surrendered her but wouldn't give us a name/address.


So happy she's home?


(Had you planned to breed her? I'm guessing yes?)


Yes. Our friend who gave her to us did so with the understanding that she could take her back to breed her for one litter when she she found the right male and after that she would be spayed and given back to us forever.

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last April our beautiful Blue Merle Border Collie got lost. My sons took him for a walk along the beach every day, and one day we weren't at home, he decided to take himself... The boys walked 25 km of coastline every day for a week. I rang the vet and pound every day and put up fliers, someone found him a week later and rang to let us know he was washed upon the beach 30 km away. He had drowned. It was pretty sad.

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Yes. Our friend who gave her to us did so with the understanding that she could take her back to breed her for one litter when she she found the right male and after that she would be spayed and given back to us forever.


Oh NO! That stinks for both you and the breeder.


But at least you have her back.

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Yes. Our friend who gave her to us did so with the understanding that she could take her back to breed her for one litter when she she found the right male and after that she would be spayed and given back to us forever.


The best laid plans ...


Now she'll go to her grave without the huge teats Boxers get. :)

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