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Thinking of having another baby. Am I crazy?

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I have 3 kids and feel very "done" right now. THey range from almost 8 to just under 2 yo. I am in my early 30s.


That said, I won't 100 percent rule out that in 5 years or so I might want another. As of now, we feel our family is 100 percent complete and have no plans to add another.


I can see how everything else shifting to being more manageable can bring on the baby itch. I totally get it.


I don't think you are crazy. We don't plan to add another to our family, but I can see how it might be appealing when we aren't in crisis management mode all of the time any more LOL.

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2 kids and only 36 -nope, not crazy. :D


When we had our first two everyone told us how lucky we were because we had a boy and a girl straight off and could stop now. We "ruined" our "perfect" family by having a third and he was so worth it :001_wub:


I'm 37 and DH is 40 and he has started hinting for another. I've had two M/C since our last so it's up to God I guess - but I would say yes to another if I was given the chance.


I'm already old with young kids so why not LOL.

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Well, since I just told DH he was crazy the other day when he said he wouldn't mind having 1-2 more :svengo:, I think I technically have to tell you the same thing. :lol: Except that I am 39 (40 in 4 months!) and DH is 42. I was a bit stunned. With DS5 turning 6 shortly, I feel like we're hitting the sweet spot for things we can do altogether as a family. We can go to the movies, camping (I personally wouldn't camp with a baby because of my own limitations :tongue_smilie:)...OK, I know there is other stuff that's making life easier these days. Oh, yes! Keeping the kids together for everything but math and LA. That helps. And the fact that with each of my babies I took a daily nap for the first 6 months of their lives. That might not go so great if I were to start over. :lol:


At your age, I would probably do it. I was 34 when DS5 was born and would most likely have had another but for a poorly timed 15 month deployment. I personally think if you have another baby, you need to either have twins (good luck with that! :D) or have two more. I like kids being close in age to be playmates. That's why we packed them in like sardines. :tongue_smilie:

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I just have to ask...did you really think anyone here would tell you not to have another baby?;)


Maybe that is why I asked here. lol Thanks for the encouragement! Sometimes it's hard to find IRL. I don't know many families with more then 2. If they do have 3, the kids are all a year and a half to two years apart. People seem to think the age gap is a bad thing...

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My DH and I have two wonderful boys, aged 6 and 7. They are so easy now and many tell us we are lucky because we are "in the clear". However, I totally want another baby! Am I crazy to add a baby when things are so good? FWIW I am 36 and DH is 38.



Did you truly think that anyone here would attempt to dissuade you? :lol: I can remember only once where a handful of posters advised an inquiring member to not have another child.


Your friend is right in that you are lucky to have two wonderful children, but what do they mean by you are "in the clear?" It almost sounds like they are saying you must have two children. I sure would not consider parenting 6 & 7 year olds to be "in the clear." For me, early and mid adolescence of one particular child was toughtest time for parenting.


Assuming you have the resources and desire to care for another child, the only opinions that count in this decision are those of you and your husband. Is your husband on board with having another baby? If yes, you have another wonderful journey ahead! If not, in depth discussion and tough decision are in your future.


You ask if you are crazy to add another family member when things are good? To me, that is an odd question because it seems the good times would be most ideal for having a baby.

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Maybe that is why I asked here. lol Thanks for the encouragement! Sometimes it's hard to find IRL. I don't know many families with more then 2. If they do have 3, the kids are all a year and a half to two years apart. People seem to think the age gap is a bad thing...


Well my oldest was 11 when I had my 5th. Older siblings are wonderul! Honestly...I've had dc very close together (my first two were only 14 months apart) and I've had them farther apart(as you can see from the ages in my siggy) and I was really able to enjoy the baby\toddler years better with the ones I had farther apart. The first couple of years with my oldest two were a blur!


Best of luck in fulfilling your baby craving!!

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Babies are wonderful! But just keepin' it real when I say I had my middle three kids very close together and then waited 6 1/2 yrs to have another and it was a very hard adjustment for me, much harder than I had thought it would be.


He's 1 now and I wouldn't trade him for anything, but I had gotten used to kids who could go on long car trips, kids who could entertain themselves for long periods of time, productive school days, mostly uninterrupted sleep, personal time to go running and read, being spontaneous with dh, etc. All of that has gone out the window since Baby arrived. He has always been a horrible sleeper and that first year nearly killed me. But even saying all of that, I wouldn't trade it for anything, I know from my other kids how fast it goes by, and I've even kind of considered having one more kid so the baby would have a playmate. I don't know if I'd have the energy though! And I'm only 35, but I personally found it easier in my 20s.

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I'm craving babies too! I'm 36 and have four children, so no you're not crazy. My youngest will be 3 this month and we're starting to feel like we did before she came along. For that reason, DH says NO to more babies. He's not up for it and he says he thinks I can't handle more kids mentally (ummm, ya, I stress and feel overwhelmed easily when I have newborns even though I love love love newborns). So... if you're both on board, why not! Life will change for sure.

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Babies are wonderful! But just keepin' it real when I say I had my middle three kids very close together and then waited 6 1/2 yrs to have another and it was a very hard adjustment for me, much harder than I had thought it would be.


He's 1 now and I wouldn't trade him for anything, but I had gotten used to kids who could go on long car trips, kids who could entertain themselves for long periods of time, productive school days, mostly uninterrupted sleep, personal time to go running and read, being spontaneous with dh, etc. All of that has gone out the window since Baby arrived. He has always been a horrible sleeper and that first year nearly killed me. But even saying all of that, I wouldn't trade it for anything, I know from my other kids how fast it goes by, and I've even kind of considered having one more kid so the baby would have a playmate. I don't know if I'd have the energy though! And I'm only 35, but I personally found it easier in my 20s.



Thank you for your honesty! To the person that asked, the bolded part is what I believe "in the clear" means when I mentioned it in my original post.

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People seem to think the age gap is a bad thing...


I've found that the age gap is NOT a bad thing. We had our 7th last year after a gap of nearly 6 years. I did wonder how it would be to go back to the baby stage after having been out of it for a few years. But, honestly, it was sooooo good. In fact, it actually felt like I hadn't had the gap once she was born. Our little girl has been such a blessing, and she is totally doted on by all of her older siblings.


And now, #8 is due in a little under 7 weeks. :001_smile:

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2 kids and only 36 -nope, not crazy. :D


When we had our first two everyone told us how lucky we were because we had a boy and a girl straight off and could stop now. We "ruined" our "perfect" family by having a third and he was so worth it :001_wub:


I'm 37 and DH is 40 and he has started hinting for another. I've had two M/C since our last so it's up to God I guess - but I would say yes to another if I was given the chance.


I'm already old with young kids so why not LOL.


I had a girl and boy and everyone said the same thing about how I now had a perfect family. Then four years later we had another boy, followed by a girl this past summer. Now everyone talks about how perfectly balanced it is that we have two of each! :001_wub: lol!


So sorry for your loss. :grouphug:


OP, I think the larger age gap is way easier than the shorter one. Going from two to three when my oldest two where 6 & 4 was actually pretty sweet. Much easier than the baby + toddler set-up.


On the other hand, I will be honest and say that I can understand the "in the clear" comments. When my third was born I was just starting to feel like I had gained a little personal/family freedom, and that disappeared again when I jumped back into the baby stage. As much as I adore my sweet little ones, I'm looking forward to moving back out of this stage so that I have more time for myself, and our family can move into a more active stage together. It is different.


Best to you, whatever you decide!

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That is exactly how I felt when my first three started getting older and easier.


The good part is that all 5 of them are very, very close. I think my older children will be much better parents because of all this baby practice.


The bad news is that I'm old and tired.


I think we are very quickly getting to the point where my two youngest can entertain each other freeing the rest of us up a bit.


It is very fun having littles again, but meeting the needs of teenagers and preschoolers is no walk in the park.

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It is very fun having littles again, but meeting the needs of teenagers and preschoolers is no walk in the park.


:iagree: I found having kids close in age to be much easier myself. When they were all little at least I was doing all little people stuff. Now it's hard when the older kids want to do things the baby can't go to or the baby would enjoy something the olders find boring. Or when I have to balance getting an older kid to a class or something with the baby's nap time or when I'm just done in at the end of the day, middle kids and baby are in bed, but teen wants to talk and we need that time together. And emotionally, I've found it very taxing, to be so sleep deprived and hormonal with a nursing baby, and then having my teen up to things that were very hard for me to deal with while being so emotional already. (He's a good kid, but raising teens is not for wimps!)


I was unprepared for how hard having so many different ages would be.

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Of course you should have another baby.


It took us 12 years (and lots of tears and $) to get our 3 kids. Don't wait if you want more. Once that window of opportunity closes, there's no opening it again.


Our culture likes to push the myths that there is a successful infertility treatment for every couple and that adoption is a snap. Not so. Age affects the probability of both of those things.


Mine are almost 16, 14, and 6. It's a harder adjustment to go back to having a baby when you are accustomed to older, more independent children, but it's worth it.

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ask yourself why do you want to have another one. do it because it will make you happy not because society thinks you should, or people are asking when are you having another one etc... will it still allow you to balance the things you want--possibly a career? time for nurturing relationship with your spouse? adequate time/energy for kids? your kids will be fine with or without having another sibling. can you afford it? i read in time mag today (july issue) that it is about 250K per child to raise. good luck with your decision. :001_smile:

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  • 5 months later...

Thank you ladies for all the encouraging words. We found out we are pregnant and due in January! No going back now. We are so excited to welcome a new baby into our family. This baby is going to have two of the best big brothers in the whole world!:001_smile:

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I will be 36 next week.

I was hanging out with 6 and 9 year old recently. We almost stopped after those 2. I was thinking how easy it would be if there were just the 2 of them. No early mornings, night waking, diapers, potty training, nursing, toddlers getting into all my stuff, drawing on the walls, breaking things, throwing tantrums.

I would ha e missed so much with my last 2. I'm a different mom this time. A better mom. I have lived and learned and loved so much these past few years. It's been hard. But it's a good kind of hard.

We would never turn one away, if they came to us. If you are feeling like someone is missing, go ahead and try.

We are planning to try again one more time in a year or 2. There is always room for one more.

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Thank you ladies for all the encouraging words. We found out we are pregnant and due in January! No going back now. We are so excited to welcome a new baby into our family. This baby is going to have two of the best big brothers in the whole world!:001_smile:


This is so funny. I was thinking, "Who brought up another old thread?" :D And it's the op with exciting news. Congratulations Carrie!

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