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Prayers for my 1yo ds

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We are at the Children's Hospital with my 1 yo ds right now. When I was giving him his bath tonight I noticed his lymph node on his neck was swollen really huge and hard (he had a fleece with a collar on all day so I hadn't noticed it). Anyway, we are waiting to go in for a CAT scan because the doctor is pretty concerned. Please pray he will stay still and calm for it and that it will be nothing serious.


We are all just so scared and upset. My precious babes name is Jonah! Thanks friends!

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Thanks for all the prayers! He stayed still for the crucial part of the CAT scan, which is wonderful answered prayers. We are being taken by ambulance soon to the main facility. The scan showed 3 large abscesses in his neck. The ENT will decide when we get there if he will need surgery or just a strong antibiotic course to start.


Your prayers mean so much to me and my family! Please keep Jonah uplifted in prayer!

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Thanks for all the prayers! He stayed still for the crucial part of the CAT scan, which is wonderful answered prayers. We are being taken by ambulance soon to the main facility. The scan showed 3 large abscesses in his neck. The ENT will decide when we get there if he will need surgery or just a strong antibiotic course to start.


Your prayers mean so much to me and my family! Please keep Jonah uplifted in prayer!




Stay strong, Mama, and keep us updated!

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Thanks for all the prayers! He stayed still for the crucial part of the CAT scan, which is wonderful answered prayers. We are being taken by ambulance soon to the main facility. The scan showed 3 large abscesses in his neck. The ENT will decide when we get there if he will need surgery or just a strong antibiotic course to start.


Your prayers mean so much to me and my family! Please keep Jonah uplifted in prayer!


Praying for Jonah, you, and the rest of your family :grouphug:.

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Praying that its nothing serious....and for peace for you.


My DS4 had a visibly swollen gland on the back of his neck while fighting a viral infection... about the size of half a golf ball when he tilted his head the opposite direction. It was scary, but our doctor reassured us that it is fairly common and would go away after he improved. It did.


Praying its the same for you guys. :grouphug:

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