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curriculum regrets so far this year?


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We're about 2 months into the school year. What I wish I had done differently:


-- Substituted BFSU for the HOD science, which is really weak in the guide we're using.


-- Skipped straight to R&S 3 for grammar


-- Used Ambleside Year 1 selections for read-alouds and DITHOR


I've started making changes to fix these things, but it's hard to change gears in the middle of the semester.


So, is anyone else smacking themselves upside the head about curriculum choices?

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My regret is signing up for the online portion of K12 History Odyssey. It's neat, but slow-paced. Ds doesn't like the pattern of reading a few pages at a time and then doing a written activity. We talked about it and decided that he could read the chapters in full and then I'll choose a mix of K12 & WTM assignments for him to do. I think it'll work out fine. Thankfully, everything else is going well.

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we r doing compass learning odyssey for world geo for 9th grade. the content is good but the people doing the lectures are speaking a little too fast for a 9th grader taking notes. also, the questions for it are only multiple choice. my son is taking this through an online school. this is a one semister course so we will muttle thru it. if it were math or english, i would be switching. this course was expensive too. my son is learning, but i think it could be more.

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We're about 2 months into the school year. What I wish I had done differently:


-- Substituted BFSU for the HOD science, which is really weak in the guide we're using.


-- Skipped straight to R&S 3 for grammar


-- Used Ambleside Year 1 selections for read-alouds and DITHOR


I've started making changes to fix these things, but it's hard to change gears in the middle of the semester.


So, is anyone else smacking themselves upside the head about curriculum choices?


Your changes sound great, by the way!


Biggest flop here was BJU Life Science 7 - not happening here. Jump In could have worked with tweaking, but I decided to try WWS instead.


Other changes I've made are not a reflection on the curriculum, but on trying to homeschool 4 plus a preschooler with a week too full of activities (at least too full for my tastes), and, unfortunately, none we can cut. I am feeling the need for multum non multa.

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Dumped R&S English and put both girls in PR 2 and it is great. Older DD needs the phonics review and younger DD is advanced so we are going through it quickly. Dumped Trail Guide US Geography for BF. Dumped BFSU to put older DD in Mr. Qs and youngers into just nature study.

I have mine on a 3 on and 1 off schedule so they rotate who is off to keep the 3 year old happy. Works great for me and I don't have to stress keeping them in the same history and science.

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I've begun to dislike "Pictures in Cursive".


I also regret buying a science workbook (Evan Moore Daily Science) for my 2nd grader. I've outsourced science with some fun local classes. Luckily we didn't actually use it...


Otherwise, everything ranges from Okay to Wonderful.

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A changed a few things, but don't really have "regrets" necessarily. I do have plans to try some different things next year.


One thing I thought we'd do well with was R&S English 3, but I realized that I was bored, and it was still moving too slow for DS. I switched over to FLL3 and was wondering why I didn't do that in the first place. :tongue_smilie: We'll still finish FLL3 easily within the school year though, so it's not really a big deal.

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Latin for Children

I agree it's a great program, but I don't need that much memory work and speed for the boys right now. I really just want a gentle introduction to make them feel comfortable. I chose Latin's Not So Tough, and it's perfect.


Building Poems

I like the concept, but some of it moves so fast with so much vocabulary and not enough examples. We read poetry every day, and we have studied several forms, so poetry is not new to us.


Caesar's English

The boys do analogies daily, so that part seems so repetitive. I do like the root study, but I'm having a hard time really getting into his style.


Everything else, I am positively thrilled about!


Saxon math

Megawords spelling

Rod and Staff English

Daily Grams

IEW -- Student Writing Intensive

various Logic resources

Latin's Not So Tough

Exploring Creation with Botany (love, love, love this)

Story of the World (well, we're technically studying the American Revolution for a while, but in the SOTW context).

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I should have picked level 3 instead of level 2 of Winning with Writing. We got about halfway through (at double pace) before we switched to Galore Park and Moving Beyond the Page, which I was originally planning to start in January. Luckily, I already had GP and the first unit of MBTP. I was disappointed with Pictures in Cursive Primer when I got it, but Ariel insists on doing it, and I already paid for it.

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I wish I would have gone with the WWE workbook instead of the Complete Writer. I was hoping to move through Lv. 2 quickly and onto Lv. 3 but it looks like we will be on Lv. 2 all year.


Also, I wish I would have gone with a different math program. I am actually starting to like MiF, it's just too expensive to keep up with. I should have just started with SM or Horizons. Really, anything would have been more affordable than MiF.


I also finally ordered the HIG for SM 1A to use w/my afterschooler. I should NOT have attempted to teach math without a guide, even if it is "just first grade math!"

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Using TOG's Writing Aids for my 8th grader.


We came from Write Shop the year before which has all the expectations clearly spelled out for you. I love that curriculum. I don't like the way WA is laid out and I didn't feel confident that I was covering the topics well.


We switched to WWS last week. We've only completed 2 days so far so I can't comment much on it yet.

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For Science I bought Real Science 4 Kids....but I changed my mind on that before we even began. Too experiment based for me at this moment in time. I'll have a newborn soon and I don't want to worry about experiments all the time. So we switched to Singapore Early Bird Start Up Science....it was just WAY too easy. It was one worksheet page per lesson and nothing to elaborate on. So now we've switched to Apologia Astronomy and it seems to be going well.


For Writing, I keep tweaking. We started Apples and Pears....but it was like preschool work...just tracing letters. So we dropped it for a while and I just had her doing some copywork and stuff like that. Then I bought Winning With Writing. So sometimes we do A&P, sometimes WWW, and sometimes my own stuff.

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Thinking we could make AAS work. I bought it and sold it once before because we just couldn't make it work for us. The kids asked to try it again, so I bought it. We just never got around to it. It was the thing that got dropped when time was short. I can't afford for my kids to not do spelling as the boys are both horrible spellers.

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Too many workbooks. Not sure WHAT I was thinking since I'm not a workbook fan, but I have my youngest using the phonics and grammar workbooks from Abeka, plus ETC, HWT and MM sheets. I like all of them, but it seems like he does worksheets half the day. Ugh.


Also, I wish I wouldn't have gotten a 'reading program' for my oldest. He just wants to read books. I wanted the R&S bible stories with the workbooks to reinforce it (mapwork etc.) but really, he already knows all the stories and doesn't need this. Besides, the reading is on the easy side for him. I might end up ditching all of the above and get back to more of a CM/classical mix. I just discovered Classical Writing primer last night and was thinking, "THIS is what I wanted for my 2nd grader!"

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So far I only have one curriculum choice that I really regret. Spanish for Children is not what I was hoping for in an elementary Spanish program. I did not buy the DVD set because I understood that the program could be used without it. There is no teacher's manual for the program, which makes it more difficult than I thought it would be...I have been really spoiled by PL/LC1. The grammatical instruction in the student book is really poor...it just seems convoluted and hard to grasp...I end up reading the text to myself and teaching the concept to my daughter in my own words. My daughter is like me in that she needs to-the-point information, not dancing around a topic without explicitly stating the necessary information (like rambling about tables being girls in Spanish and neuter nouns in English, instead of saying that objects are considered to be of one or the other gender in Spanish...my daughter is not dumb, she knows that tables do not have female bits, nor are they animate, so they are not girls). The audio accompanying the program is awful (the person speaking is an exceptionally fast speaker, even for the Spanish language), and since I am not a Spanish speaker I was really relying on it for pronunciation. The conversational Spanish in each lesson isn't even on the audio, which does not make sense to me.:confused: Children are not going to intuitively know how to say "buenos dias". We are taking two weeks for each lesson (which is fine with me), and I am going to trudge through the book since I can't afford to purchase a Spanish curriculum to replace it (and my daughter really, really wants to learn Spanish), but I really wish I had bought pretty much anything but this.


On the other hand, LC1 is going quite well, and I am definitely pleased with my choice there...I debated for quite a while whether to go with LC or LFC, and since SFC is supposed to be similar to LFC, I am confident that I made the right decision.

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CLE Language Arts. I am really not happy with how scattered it is and the phonics focus is way out of proportion to the rest of language arts. My dd (7) can read at about a 5th grade level and spells just fine, but the phonics trips her up (with the phonetical markings.) In addition, some of the words are pronounced differently than we would, so it is doubly hard for her. I would skip it, but so much of the program is spelling and phonics at that level.


The math and reading are fine, however. Except the phonics in the reading. That is easier to skip, however. ;)

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Guest IdahoMtnMom

Winter Promise I'M Ready to Learn. It was not a fit for us at all. It was WAY beyond the 4 year old, part of it were beyond the 3 year old. It had WAY WAY WAY too many useless crafts, which I had an idea of going in but I figured I could just eliminate them.... however, they are the SPINE of the curriculum, it would seem and getting rid of them left us with nothing to do except read... and the science book is Farmer Boy, which was too much for both kids.


It hasn't sold.... and we only used 2 weeks of it... so it was a total waste of $.


We are currently following the Ambleside Year 0 book list, doing MEP Reception Math, a bit of French, Starfall, some habits, and lots of nature study and playtime and it is working out GREAT!!!!

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We're about 2 months into the school year. What I wish I had done differently:


-- Substituted BFSU for the HOD science, which is really weak in the guide we're using.


-- Skipped straight to R&S 3 for grammar


-- Used Ambleside Year 1 selections for read-alouds and DITHOR


I've started making changes to fix these things, but it's hard to change gears in the middle of the semester.


So, is anyone else smacking themselves upside the head about curriculum choices?


I empathize. I started with LHFHG and do feel like I needed HOD to get started on my first year but we both seem to have out grown it just a couple months in. I learned a lot in those few months though so I'm not slapping myself over it but I am right there with you, switching gears in October. :D I'm still a little ill over the cost of these lessons though. :tongue_smilie:

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We are currently following the Ambleside Year 0 book list, doing MEP Reception Math, a bit of French, Starfall, some habits, and lots of nature study and playtime and it is working out GREAT!!!!



I like the sound of this plan. :) Sorry about your wasted money. :(

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BJU Music - I didn't realize this was intended for professional classroom music instructors since it is sold as a homeschool curriculum. I am NOT a music person, so we will be replacing it with some type of music appreciation eventually.


Prima Latina - After viewing the first lesson I decided that memorizing a whole new phonetic system would be way too confusing for my struggling reader. We switched to Power-glide Latin and are really liking it as an introduction. Hopefully DD will be ready for Prima Latina next year.


Everything else has been good or great. I am still tweaking somethings, but I think we are getting pretty close to hitting our groove.

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BJU English 3 - I like the grammar and ds enjoys it and is doing well with it. It just seems like a waste of money now because half the book is about writing. I was able to go through IEW's TWSS this summer, and I LOVE it. Ds is enjoying the style as well, so the BJU writing chapters will not be used. I'm going to have ds finish all the grammar chapters, then I'll have to decide what to use for grammar the rest of this year and beyond. I will switch to CLE at some point because I really like it for 7th grade and above. I should probably go ahead and use it for the rest of this year.


BJU Algebra 1 - I was given this for free by a friend, but dd is very annoyed with how they interject Christian thought where it doesn't even make sense. The examples are okay, but from what I've heard Lial's is better. I am teaching it to her because I have a math degree, so I know I can teach any textbook. I just want to find the best fit for her, my non-mathy kid.

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The Story of Science..."Aristotle leads the Way". I love how it follows the history time line while teaching about science discoveries. I wanted my 7th grader to love it, but he didn't. I was trying to teach him based on my learning style instead of his. We crashed and burned and now we are using History Odyssey and it is going well.

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BJU Math...I think it would have worked for my daughter just fine but my son needed something different. Plus, all those visual aids you punch out/copy had me confused. :)


I wish I would have planned on more science than HOD offers--I've added more now.


A Reason for Spelling...my daughter was bored to tears and so was I. Plus, the 2nd grade level was way too easy for her.


I've learned a lot already for my 1st year!!

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Not so much regrets, but many lessons learned here.


My son is not ready for online classes. We pulled him from the two we enrolled him in and lost $$$.


Here are the changes we've made:

Biology w/Landry Academy changed to unit study science based on his own interests

Drafting & Design w/Landry Academy changed to Studio Art on his own w/museum classes

Notgrass American Literature (part of the American History book) changed to an English credit that I designed.


We are keeping Notgrass American History for this semester, however we may do something else in the spring. I am re-writing all of the questions so that they are appropriate for DS & it is a lot of work. In doing that, I have found the author's writing style to be extremely annoying.


We have kept Algebra I and will keep it all year as it is going well. That is the only subject I haven't had to re-work.


I am exhausted.

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We're about 2 months into the school year.


So, is anyone else smacking themselves upside the head about curriculum choices?

We've made several changes:

BJU Physical Science to Apologia Physical Science

BJU Online Cultural Geography to SL Core F with the BJU Cultural Geography Textbook as spine

The hardest switch I had to make was with dd, we were using BJU Math 2 which I really like. I have on my shelf the Abeka Math 2 curriculum and dd found it and looked at the workbook. She then informed me she wanted to switch to the ABeka. I agreed to try it but if she started having trouble we would switch back. She is doing better then I expected. But I really liked the BJU better.

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R&S Grammar tried it two years in a row and every year is a bust. Going back to BJU Grammar.


CLE Reading 4...we'd go back and forth between BJU Reading and CLE and CLE's 4th level has no duplicate copies of the work book so I have no idea what work dd is doing and I can't really go over it with her and discuss. And frankly I feel BJU is more thorough and has less twaddle. But to try to make it work, I bought extra LU copies to write in the answers and discuss, but that's proving to be highly annoying and a ton of work. I'll go back to BJU Reading. I didn't buy it this year for monetary reasons, but have saved enough now to do so.

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I bought all the Apologia science books along with the accompanying notebooks, but dropped them all and just made a change to BFSU/RSO (Life and Chemistry)/Singapore's My Pals are Here. I'm undecided about MPH, more like leaning against it, but the textbook is fun reading. If it were just a BFSU/RSO combo, I could be happy.


I bought Latin for the Millennium, just to see if the other side is greener, and while the pictures are lovely and the stories entertaining, I much prefer Henle.

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Discovery Streaming


That was a rather expensive mistake for us last year. I bought it so we could use the Elementary Spanish, which we ended up ditching because it didn't teach the kids anything. I was never able to find all of the other amazing videos that other people raved about on DS, and my kids don't really watch online videos anyway. Wasted money.



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I'm a little disappointed with A Living History of Our World. It's beyond conversational where the author talks about herself a bit too much for my taste. I don't know why that bothers me but it just doesn't sound right when I'm reading it to them. I've been finding books from the library to cover the topics instead.

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Beautiful Feet Ancient History - way too much reading scheduled every week for even a very strong reader to have time to process, IMO. We decided to stick to a more CM style and have ds13 use HOD CTC along with our two ds11, using extensions and Oxford First Ancient History. He loves it.


Math U See - I suppose I don't regret it as it helped get ds8 over a slump last year, but he stalled at a certain point and I think the slow-moving repetitiveness of it was holding him back. We've switched back to CLE math for him - still at a younger grade level than he should be, but he's making lots of progress and liking the variety of the lessons.


What we still love: Primary Language Lessons, Intermediate Language Lessons, Simply Charlotte Mason's Picture Study Portfolios, Ambleside book choices, CLE math for the youngers and Saxon Algebra and Apologia Biology for ds13. HOD CTC needs some alteration for our family but in general is working well.

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I don't have a regret, I just found a better fit. We started CW Aesop B this year with ds but when I saw the samples of WWS I decided to switch him. I have done Homer with my dd and I have always been a bit queasy of doing it with ds. I think Homer will be just too hard for him. We are on Week 2 of WWS. I know it is too early to tell but I think this is a much better fit for him.

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We've stuck to our original plan.


Ive been complaining about the lack of reading. He suddenly devoured two books and retained way more info than I would have expected. He's thinking of reading a book a week and talking about it at his weekly CC meeting (for his presentation).


My real problem is with the amount of outside activities, both educational and other. We tried a co-op for two science classes but I'm questioning whether it's worthwhile. It seems the kids there are being homeschooled for non-academic reasons. Nothing wrong with that, as long as they are taught. We'll likely end our relationship with the program at the end of the semester.


We're not doing enough science or history, though he does get some of it through CC.


Our regret has been lack of time.



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Spanish for Children-


I think it is too wordy for its worth. The pronunciation CD is not the best. I wish I had purchased Getting Started With Spanish. We'll trudge through it without rush, adapting as necessary. Dd seems naturally able to pronounce Spanish words phonetically correctly, so that is helpful. I think we will learn more reading and translating Spanish picture books. I'm all for the Grammar, but it should be plainer instruction.

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I actually don't have any regrets this year, which is a total first.


My ds was not enamored with Draw Squad, but he finished the book as required. His drawing did improve and I think he'll use the experience down the road.


The one subject I'm not sure about is Cambridge Latin. I bought it to supplement the reading in Latin Alive. I adore the layout of Latin Alive, but ds needed more simple reading. Well the stories in unit 1 are weird. The teacher's guide is set up differently than I'm used to, and I need a second text, because I like to see what ds is reading. I think the teacher's guide is overpriced at 50.00. However, the reading is working for ds, but I don't think we'll continue with the program after unit 1. I think we'll stay with Latin Alive and use Lingua Latina down the road.

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I empathize. I started with LHFHG and do feel like I needed HOD to get started on my first year but we both seem to have out grown it just a couple months in. I learned a lot in those few months though so I'm not slapping myself over it but I am right there with you, switching gears in October. :D I'm still a little ill over the cost of these lessons though. :tongue_smilie:


LHFHG but it was too babyish for my DS5. He is not ready for Beyond so I ended up buying a science and history program (thank God for Elemental cause its cheap and easy).

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well, i bought HOD to use with both kids and it didn't work out as hoped. i don't blame HOD, as we love it for my daughter. the only thing i dislike is HOD bigger science. we really only use & love the history portions of HOD, so in hindsight i could have just purchased the books and extension readers for her and planned them out accordingly.


my son is no longer using HOD at all, but i don't think of that as a failure on the curriculum's part - just a mismatch. we switched him to elemental history. we also added in singapore science, CLP nature reader, and let's read & find out about books - but i owned those already...so no biggie (since HOD was a flop in science). really, the tweaking was painless and fairly minor & happened early enough that it didn't throw us off course.

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A little over a month in, and I'm wondering about a few items. Progeny Press lit guides - are they the way to go? I feel that if I started so early with dissecting a story, it would get in the way of my love of reading. So much writing, too. My ds is in 3rd, and the guide says from 1st to 3rd. Really? A first grader writes that much and can understand what a simile is? :001_huh: My 3rd grader had great difficulty :glare:


I apologize for my negativity, but between my ds8 driving me crazy (I know I let her), dd4 drifting around and baby dd not napping, I'm a little peeved.

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