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s/o Names you love, but would never use

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Are you an Ayn Rand fan?



Nope, I heard this name on a baby names website. Someone asked for opinions, and one of them was something like, "I knew a Dagny. She was the nicest, funniest, most unique person. I've always wanted to name a baby Dagny because of her." I didn't learn about the character in Atlas Shrugged until later (and was secretly disappointed it was going to become a movie starring Miss Jolie -- I didn't want the name to become popular as a result).

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I mentioned in another thread recently that I really wish I had the guts to name a boy Sherlock. I think it would be awesome, except for the prevalence of the phrase, "no s*** Sherlock!" I'm pregnant right now, but we don't know what the baby is yet, so I still may do it, but we'll see.

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I mentioned in another thread recently that I really wish I had the guts to name a boy Sherlock. I think it would be awesome, except for the prevalence of the phrase, "no s*** Sherlock!" I'm pregnant right now, but we don't know what the baby is yet, so I still may do it, but we'll see.


I think that name is fantastic.

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Nope, I heard this name on a baby names website. Someone asked for opinions, and one of them was something like, "I knew a Dagny. She was the nicest, funniest, most unique person. I've always wanted to name a baby Dagny because of her." I didn't learn about the character in Atlas Shrugged until later (and was secretly disappointed it was going to become a movie starring Miss Jolie -- I didn't want the name to become popular as a result).


I don't Miss Jolie ended up playing Dagny, but Miss Jolie (and some other actresses) is the reason dh refuses to consider Julia as a girl name :glare:

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I tend to name my kids names that I like, and I generally don't care what other people think of them. They both have virtue names as middle names, and I feel free to make them as ridiculous as I want, because people generally just don't use them. This time around, if I want to use "Comfort" as a virtue name for a girl, I'm a-gonna do it, no matter what my MIL might think.


I happen to know a girl called Comfort! The family background is Liberian. As it is a family name, she is known by another name (also very unusual - the name of a gemstone that is a girl's best friend), but her mother does call her by her given name.


There was a name I liked for ds but discounted because it was an unusual name used by a character in a TV show, plus it had the potential to sound a bit "lispy" if shortened.

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When I was young, romantic, and in my early 20s, I had a boy's and a girl's name picked out for my future babies. The boy was to be "Blade", which in my mind was meant to have nature connotations--you know, a blade of grass.


The girl was to be Anais.


I'd still consider the Anais for a girl, but I finally realized what the rest of the world would think of "Blade". :eek::o

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I like both Paloma and Penelope (nickname Penny), but they're an absolute no-go in Venezuela. Penny is the serious word for the male organ and Paloma is a the slang word. :blushing:


I knew a woman whose name is Paloma. She was Mexican and there was really no way for her to change it just for the time she'd be in Venezuela. Poor thing!

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I love the name Anais, but it always makes me think of that cheesy 1980's perfume or Anais Nin, the erotica writer.


When I was in high school, I had a friend named Coranee (Core-an-A). I adored the name and always wanted to use it for my dd, however her mother was a schizophrenic and when I got married, my married last name is too similar to her last name. It would just be weird. I still think it's a beautiful name though.


For a boy, I've always liked Silas and Liam, but both are way too common now.

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I adore the name Haemesh, but it sounds horrible with our last name ( I knew I should have married a Celt :tongue_smilie:).


On the other hand, dh and I came up with a name that we love just this weekend that sounds great with our last name, but it doesn't seem right to bring a child into the world just to use a name. :D

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I like both Paloma and Penelope (nickname Penny), but they're an absolute no-go in Venezuela. Penny is the serious word for the male organ and Paloma is a the slang word. :blushing:


I knew a woman whose name is Paloma. She was Mexican and there was really no way for her to change it just for the time she'd be in Venezuela. Poor thing!


There needs to be an international "Warning, Do Not Name Your Kid This" List :eek: I would feel so bad if I was the one that did that to my kid.:ohmy:

At least we aren't much for world traveling.:tongue_smilie:

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One of my sons has 2 middle names. His 2nd middle name is "danger" so that he can tell people, "Danger is my middle name."


We haven't told him about his 2nd middle name and won't tell him until he grows up (21 or so.) Telling him when he's still a kid kind of cheapens the humor of it.


I just wish we'd thought of it with our 1st and given him a 2nd middle name of "trouble." (I wonder if we could legally change him name now w/o him knowing? But it wouldn't be on the birth cert, so I guess it's too late now.)

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I'm right there with you!



Another name I love but have always gotten a horrid reaction to is Jemima. I think it's sweet.


Sweet like in syrupy sweet?!:lol:


My MIL has brought up this name every.single.time we have a kid. She likes it. A lot.

I just can't get away from that image of the talking bottle.:tongue_smilie:

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Sweet like in syrupy sweet?!:lol:


My MIL has brought up this name every.single.time we have a kid. She likes it. A lot.

I just can't get away from that image of the talking bottle.:tongue_smilie:


Curses! See? It sets itself up for jokes.


I try to think of Jemima Puddleduck or the little girl from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. She was also apparently a beautiful daughter of Job.

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I love the name Harriet. Unfortunately, paired with our last name it sounds like an old lady with seventeen cats.


Out of curiosity, how do people find the meanings of names? I've seen a bunch of websites with "meanings" listed, but have always assumed most of them are just made up since there are never any real references listed and they seldom seem to agree with one another. Are many common English names words in other languages?


(Speaking of name "meanings," I knew a guy in college who tried to pick up girls by telling them their name meant "evening star" in Hindi. He tried this with four of us, good friends, at the same party, which we found hilarious when we got home and figured it out.)

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Almost all the names I loved, that we didn't use, were because dh hated them..lol. Except one: Makenna Taylor. That was for my first dd, but my mom passed away and we ended up naming dd after her.


I also loved Zoe for a girl and Perrin for a boy. Dh REALLY disliked both. :glare:


Then there are the family names I learned of AFTER all the girls were born, or belonged to the wrong sex. Like Nora Caldonia. One of my girls would have been named that, had I heard it in time. And Matsfield...but that's a boy name.

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I loved Boaz from the book of Ruth and would have loved to use it for a name, but couldn't do it. We also only had one boy! LOL I also loved Zipporah (Moses' wife) and the name Providence, but wouldn't do either of those.


There are just names out there that I like, but wouldn't work with our family, but I have always loved Boaz! He was such a righteous man. :)

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I may hear some names that I may think are quirky and perhaps others think the same of my choices. But I absolutely LOVE when people explain WHY they chose those names and the special meaning it has to them. It makes it seem like it was chosen with love as opposed to people wanting to be different or out of the ordinary.


If an ordinary named happened to appeal to me I would've chosen it. As it was, my husband and I had taken a vacation to the most beautiful place I've ever been, I was inspired, and we named our first son after it. His middle name is the city we were married (as is our younger son's).


My mother HATES their middle name. Hates. And, I'm an only child so I'll never hear the end of it.

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Oh, Heaven help me! I've got 35 weeks of baby-naming arguments ahead of me. DH and I have such a hard time agreeing on names, and now our other children are old enough to have an opinion!


(Got a positive test last week.)


DD was nearly River. My husband threw it out there at the last minute, and I was so tired of disagreeing that I nearly gave in!

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I can't believe people don't pay more attention to the meaning of names. There are several popular kids names that just make me CRINGE because of their meaning!


Precisely the reason not to pay attention to meanings. :D


I have no idea what my kids' names mean.


When I was a kid we looked our names up in the Bible dictionary for meaning. I HATED the meaning of my name. It was horrifiying and embarrassing as a child. This was before the internet, mind you. As far as I knew that was the one and only meaning of my name. Come to find out, my name has half a dozen different meanings depending on where you look. So now it just seems meaningless. :tongue_smilie::D

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I really wanted to name dd4 Amelie, pronounced "Ah-meh-LEE" (think French). That was my French-speaking great-grandmother's name. I didn't feel like burdening the child with constantly correcting everyone's pronunciation of her name.


I really wanted to name ds8 Miles, but our last name starts with an "s". I also considered Maris (after dh's grandmother Demaris) for dd4, but again, the double "s" seemed like an invitation for a speech impediment.


Dh wanted to name ds8 Po. I tell myself he was just drunk at the time.

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I love the names Alexander, Julian, Leo, and Julia. No go. Dh's family had two Alexanders die mysterious deaths while still young. They both had his last name. My mom would be upset if I chose Leo, because she greatly disliked a Leo at her workplace (his name was actually Leonard). No fair, as she's 73 and has many, many people she doesn't like.


She put her foot down for Julian or Julia, as her own mother, my grandmother, disliked her name Julia because she despised her own father (my great-grandfather), who she was named after (his name was Julio).

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I would love to name our baby Annika if it's a girl, but DH put his foot down long ago. He says it sounds too much like Monica, and he doesn't like names that end in "a." (My name ends in "a," should I be insulted?)


He's also vetoed Lachlan, Declan, and Liam, because of our Scottish last name (he thinks it's overkill). Now I can't remember which (if any) of those names are Scottish or Irish. I guess he's just going by the way they sound with our name. Lachlan is my favorite...I'd love to call him Lach (Lock) for short.

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I would love to name our baby Annika if it's a girl, but DH put his foot down long ago. He says it sounds too much like Monica, and he doesn't like names that end in "a." (My name ends in "a," should I be insulted?)



One of the sweetest young ladies I know is named Anika. Beautiful name for a beautiful girl! :D


I did think of one I love but wouldn't use- Henry. Love the name, but not with dh's Hispanic last name.


Btw, dh wanted our oldest to be named Geronimo (seriously, still today gets huffy about it). I'm glad we went with Race.

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I get that. I love the name Cormac, but it means "son of defilement" :001_huh:. There are some who say it could mean "charioteer", so I think I'd go with that one.


Hey! I know a really great bloke called Cormac. Well, that's his SCA name anyway. I'd have liked to name a daughter after our friend Asfridhr, (also her SCA name) but I couldn't because I can't pronounce it properly. :lol: Tatiana is a fabulous name, but it sounds a bit extravagant for an Aussie. I also like Ania, which is a second cousin's name, but it doesn't sound too good with our surname and I don't want our children's paternal relatives thinking we've chosen a version of their own names to honour them. :glare:


I like the name Leifa too, but I think it is too hippy-sounding for us and Genevive, but Gen as a nickname doesn't appeal. I always liked Roxanne, but the connotations of that one aren't ok...



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I like Delilah.


I'm not from a Christian background, but my MIL is and she strongly urged I pick something else.


I also like Chester, but with between my family's and my husband's family's accented English (different continents) it sounded like Chest Hair or Shesh Tah. Yeah,nothanks LOL.


My grandmother's name was Delilah. I asked my mom one time why she was named that and my mom replied, "Because her mother was a mean woman." :sad: From the stories I've heard, she really was.

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I had my heart set growing up on the name Anika Felicia. I loved the name Anika from Pippi Longstocking and I think I got Felicia from General Hospital. Dh heard it and immediately thought it sounded like a soap name. :lol: I still like it, but I love dd name, so oh well, maybe I'll name a cat that one day.


Heh, my niece is Annika and my sis is Felicia!

I didn't know Anika was in Pippi Longstocking-- cool, I loved her as a kid. Maybe I should read that one again:tongue_smilie:

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Jezebel. I just love the way it sounds. I really lean towards Z names. Anyhow, as a ministry family it would be hard to escape the biblical stigma of the name.


We had a dinner discussion the other day about bitter PK kids' names. We came up with Judas, Jezebel, Delilah, Herod, and I can't remember the rest.

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My favorite girl's name has always been Naomi - but that's the name of my MIL's on again/off again "best friend". No can do.


I love the name Jackson too, but sounds terrible with our last name.


Jackson is SUPER popular around here-- there are even 2 cousins named this in DH's family in the last 2 years.:confused: But one has the Jaxson spelling. :glare: (not my fav)

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Jezebel. I just love the way it sounds. I really lean towards Z names. Anyhow, as a ministry family it would be hard to escape the biblical stigma of the name.


We had a dinner discussion the other day about bitter PK kids' names. We came up with Judas, Jezebel, Delilah, Herod, and I can't remember the rest.


I've always loved the name Jezebel.

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