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Count your blessings: My son was robbed at gunpoint at the bank he works at

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He is only 21.


The bank lobby was closed. Drive thru is open until 7 pm. It was just him and one other female employee. A man came up to the drive thru wearing a mardi gras looking mask and demanded money, then pointed a semi automatic gun at the window at my son. My son complied, fillled the bag up, and the guy took off.


OMG I was hysterical. He is ok, praise God. The bank president came down immediately and spoke with him. Shook his hand and told him he was proud of him and did the right thing. The female employee completely had a meltdown during the robbery. My son kept his cool as much as he could.


Physically he is okay. He has the day off today with pay. His boss called us this morning to make sure we were okay as well.


They did catch the guy.


My son never works Mondays, he was covering for a brand new teller. There was obviosuly a reason why he worked last night. If it had been the new teller, there is no telling what might have happened.


I have never been so scared for my son in all of my life.


Here is a good kid, out working full time for a living, and some idiot has to come up and pull a gun on him.


This world has gone mad.

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I don't think I slept at all last night.


I still have a sick feeling in my stomach. And then reading it on the news made it even more real. And showing the gun..............OMG.


I am so thankful to God he is okay. I am so worried about his mental status though. I guess we will see how he is over the next week or so when he returns to work.


I think I lost about 20 years off my life yesterday.


:grouphug: and thank you.

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I am so sorry to hear that. :(


Just as a heads up, I'd keep an eye on him for a bit, even if he seems totally okay. That's a really traumatic thing. My husband was robbed at gunpoint walking home from work about five years ago, and, since he was fine, I just brushed it off as a really crappy thing to have happened that he'd probably not think about much again.


He actually was pretty traumatized by it. He wouldn't walk home from work for a long time after that, and it took me a while to realize that it was because he was anxious. He also got really anxious about me and the kids going out for walks. It wasn't anything that interfered with him going about his life, but it definitely was a stressor for him for a good while after, and in hindsight I think I could have been more patient and understanding about it, rather than assuming that because he was 1) okay and 2) a guy who can handle himself, he'd just immediately get over it. I'd just make sure you son knows that you're there to listen to him anytime he wants or needs to talk through his feelings about what happened.

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Dancer67 I have come to realize us momma's have a harder time coming to terms with these things than our kids do even though it happened to them. I am still the one more traumatized over the thought that I could have lost my son this summer. He has been improving as far as his anxiety etc over the accident, whereas mine is still high and talking about it still chokes me up.

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He absolutely did the right thing. Banks train their employees in how to respond with safety the main concern over money. Robbers generally want to get in and get out. They are usually nervous, so if you are freaking out, they are likely to as well. Complying calmly can save your life.


Glad they caught the jerk, too. That can, at least, be some kind of closure for you son.

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I'm glad that your son stayed cool and is ok. I'm also glad that they caught the guy.


I was robbed at gunpoint (sawed-off .12 gauge) about 15 years ago while working alone at a video store. They caught the guy the next day. I ended up with a copy of the surveillance video. While showing it to friends repeatedly, I was able to start making jokes about it...deciding what songs should be playing, etc. This was the best therapy for me. :lol: I also spotted the guy when he was out on parole, but I knew that he was on the run (the internet is very useful sometimes) so I called the police and they picked him up the next day and he got to finish his prison sentence.

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My oldest niece worked at a convenience store during high school and college. She got robbed at gunpoint during a night shift, and she actually finished her shift afterward. I would have been a mess - I'm sure I wouldn't finished my shift if that happened to me! Her dad stayed with her the rest of the night though; he's an expert shot and I'm sure he was armed. I'm glad your son is okay! :grouphug:

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Since he has been home today, the bank has been calling him all day. The bank Psychologist has called and spoke to him.


I am so nervous for him to go back to work tomorrow. I know he has to do it.


The bank has been very good to him. But I am very worried about his state of mind. Yes, they say they are fine but sometimes PTSD shows up at a later time.


I even freaked out myself going to my own bank today through the drive thru.


:grouphug: and thank you so much for the well wishes.

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Oy! I was sick, just sick reading this. Please hug your son for me. Something similar happened to my dad when I was a little girl. Even after serving in WWII, he was shaken up...he just didn't expect it.


Your son was smart and brave. I am so thankful he wasn't hurt and that they caught the guy who robbed him.



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OMG I was hysterical. He is ok, praise God. The bank president came down immediately and spoke with him. Shook his hand and told him he was proud of him and did the right thing. The female employee completely had a meltdown during the robbery. My son kept his cool as much as he could.


Yeeks. I don't think I could have done that. I saw a few guns in NYC, and was in an ER when a NYC cop lost it over his brother's shooting and opened fire in the ER (into the ceiling, but we didn't know that at the time).


When I am threatened by a gun I GO TO GROUND and roll out of the way. I don't think I could have put money in a bag and a slot. Yowser.

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