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Netflix: An explanation and some reflections - have you read this?

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The CEO of Netflix posted this, and emailed it.


An explanation and some reflections


It seems that streaming and DVD are going to be two separate websites. Qwkister is the new name for the DVD service.


It also seems that they will be offering video game upgrade option on the Qwkister site. No word on the price yet, but it is something that we would really look into.

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We decided to keep Netflix and drop our DirecTV service. Netflix may have gone up, but we'll still be saving about $64.


Some of the comments are ridiculous. I agree that if I received a DVD and found it on Instant, I'd be a little annoyed, but not enough to cancel. His idea is that the only way to keep the company good is to separate, and I'm fine with that. I can search for something twice, I'm not that lazy :tongue_smilie:

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I'm not sure that separating the services is in anyway helping those customers that wish to subscribe to both. In fact you are probably annoying those who give you the most money.


Quickster is a really awful name.


Can we apply the lessons of public groveling in SWB's book on politicians to CEO's too? ;)

Edited by JumpedIntoTheDeepEndFirst
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I read that this morning. I think he makes a good point about companies not changing quickly enough. It remains to be seen if Netflix has changed too quickly.


I plan on staying with Netflix but dropping down to one DVD out at a time with streaming. I think splitting it up with more easily help me decide if the DVD option is worth the money each month.


Netflix is still a bargain, even with their price increase. I don't know of any place that offers everything they do.

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I'm not sure that separating the services is in anyway helping those customers that wish to subscribe to both. In fact you are probably annoying those who give you the most money.


Quickster is a really awful name.


Can we apply the lessons of public groveling in SWB's book on politicians to CEO's too? ;)


:iagree: We have been customers since 2002. I am anxious to see what the pricepoint will be for each. I like the fact that the site will currently tell me if items in my DVD queue are on instant. I can't do that if the sites are separate. We use DVDs for a lot of older movies, and I am often grateful that I receive alerts to let me know when something is new on streaming.


I can use my Nook to find out which books are available in the store and which are available via ebook. I don't need two separate accounts to do that.


In a time when more and more companies are working hard to integrate brick and mortar operations with web operations, it seems stupid to separate them. I think Quickster is going to seem like a lesser operation, it lost its name and CEO. It gives a bad impression. Appearance is everything in business.

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when it says "the total will be the same as your current charges." my current charges haven't changed yet because our billing cycle is at the end of the month. we were getting the one dvd out and streaming. does that mean it's going to stay at 9.99 for just the streaming? or will it stay at 15.98 (the "new" price for that service) for just the streaming.


it seems someone didn't think this through too well.

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:iagree: We have been customers since 2002. I am anxious to see what the pricepoint will be for each. I like the fact that the site will currently tell me if items in my DVD queue are on instant. I can't do that if the sites are separate. We use DVDs for a lot of older movies, and I am often grateful that I receive alerts to let me know when something is new on streaming.


I can use my Nook to find out which books are available in the store and which are available via ebook. I don't need two separate accounts to do that.


In a time when more and more companies are working hard to integrate brick and mortar operations with web operations, it seems stupid to separate them. I think Quickster is going to seem like a lesser operation, it lost its name and CEO. It gives a bad impression. Appearance is everything in business.


Someone was speculating on the comments that they are eventually going to sell Quickster. That's the only reason I can think of that this separation makes sense for anyone.

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:iagree: We have been customers since 2002. I am anxious to see what the pricepoint will be for each. I like the fact that the site will currently tell me if items in my DVD queue are on instant. I can't do that if the sites are separate. We use DVDs for a lot of older movies, and I am often grateful that I receive alerts to let me know when something is new on streaming.


I can use my Nook to find out which books are available in the store and which are available via ebook. I don't need two separate accounts to do that.


In a time when more and more companies are working hard to integrate brick and mortar operations with web operations, it seems stupid to separate them. I think Quickster is going to seem like a lesser operation, it lost its name and CEO. It gives a bad impression. Appearance is everything in business.


:iagree: My first thought this morning was, how am I going to know if this is available for streaming. The price was still decent and we kept our dvd option but now I will probably cancel it. Not sure what they are trying to do, it just doesn't make much business sense.

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Someone was speculating on the comments that they are eventually going to sell Quickster. That's the only reason I can think of that this separation makes sense for anyone.


That would be a terrible idea from a business perspective. I said I have been a member since 2002. Some of that was strictly DVD (when they first started), some was strictly streaming (like when we were moving and getting set up in our new home), and now we have both. Would I feel as much loyalty to *one company* if I had to switch companies every time I needed to make a change?

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We aren't customers. A friend recently recommended it (they must have streaming) so we were considering it. But, right when we began considering it there has been a lot of talk about Netflix around here....not all that positive. So, I've just been kind of sitting back and listening.


I will say, I'm not overly crazy about that new name either. Qwikster. :tongue_smilie: I read a comment below that article and someone suggested that they should have gone with Quixter. That spelling would make a little more sense (since Netflix has an x).

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:iagree: We have been customers since 2002. I am anxious to see what the pricepoint will be for each. I like the fact that the site will currently tell me if items in my DVD queue are on instant. I can't do that if the sites are separate. We use DVDs for a lot of older movies, and I am often grateful that I receive alerts to let me know when something is new on streaming.


I can use my Nook to find out which books are available in the store and which are available via ebook. I don't need two separate accounts to do that.


In a time when more and more companies are working hard to integrate brick and mortar operations with web operations, it seems stupid to separate them. I think Quickster is going to seem like a lesser operation, it lost its name and CEO. It gives a bad impression. Appearance is everything in business.



Ug. I agree. Honestly this could be a tipping for us to just cancel altogether and be done. It's like they are going out of their way to make their service a PITA for customers and the streaming quality and selection is poor to say the least. We have never had cable, so for us it is not bat it being cheaper than cable. For us, it is about whether Netflix has what we want at a low price. It seems like every week they have less of what we want, the price changes, and they make it more of a pain, and I'm not seeing anything better as far as selection or service - so for the life of me I can't understand what anyone there is thinking can make this smart business. Idiots.

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I'm annoyed with Netflix now. I wasn't before because I really don't think they charge that much. We've been customers since before they offered streaming but will probably drop the dvds when we have to start going through another company. We'll keep the streaming but I'm going to have to look for ways to get the older movies and tv shows that we enjoy. Bummer!

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Ug. I agree. Honestly this could be a tipping for us to just cancel altogether and be done. It's like they are going out of their way to make their service a PITA for customers and the streaming quality and selection is poor to say the least. We have never had cable, so for us it is not bat it being cheaper than cable. For us, it is about whether Netflix has what we want at a low price. It seems like every week they have less of what we want, the price changes, and they make it more of a pain, and I'm not seeing anything better as far as selection or service - so for the life of me I can't understand what anyone there is thinking can make this smart business. Idiots.





On top of some change Facebook made to act like Google +, I'm not happy with my online services today.


I really don't like having two different charges on the card, even though it will be the same amount. I wonder if that will have any benefit for them, from a banking/economic end?


I don't like the name Qwickster (how ever you spell it). It rhymes with Napster and dumpster. :glare:


In the scheme of things, it's a minor annoyance, but a swarm of mosquitoes can keep me from enjoying the the outdoors. I already have a swarm of minor annoyances in my life, I don't need one more. :glare:

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I'm annoyed that I now have to log into two separate sites to manage my queues. I also hate the name Qwickster.




I agree. I have all our bills automatically deducted each month- I want to minimize the time I spend doing such tasks. I was already bugged that Netflix didn't have a quarterly pay option, and now I have to monitor two bills instead of one.


Oh, wait. No, I don't.


After several years as customers, we were already weighing whether the new pricing structure was tolerable. Splitting it into two companies tipped the scale.

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We will probably drop the DVD-by-mail option now. Accessing two seperate sites is a complete PITA. I think that changing the name is also a bad move.


I am interested to see whether or not their streaming options actually do improve over the next few months as he claims in his letter. We have been waiting patiently for the new television season to start, hoping that last season's episodes of some of our favorites will finally be available for streaming.

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I wanted to add that I also think they're late with the video game option. Redbox now offers games and there are so many of them that we haven't had any trouble finding one we want (and we don't have to wait on it through the mail).


And honestly, it isn't worth it unless you do a LOT of gaming. Otherwise, just go buy the game used at gamestop. We trade out games there every couple of months and it's far cheaper and doesn't take the place of our DVDs in queue.

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I think you hit the nail on the head. My aunt works for the Postal Service in their finance division and told me years ago that their plan was to go to streaming only. The streaming company keeps the name and the new company can be sold off. I bet the price won't go down though.


Yeah but look how many people are claiming to ditch DVD! I don't think they will sell it. I think they will file bankruptcy on it!

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Yeah but look how many people are claiming to ditch DVD! I don't think they will sell it. I think they will file bankruptcy on it!


Then they'll raise the price on streaming to offset the bankruptcy. :tongue_smilie:


I wonder if they'll stick to the one streaming device at a time, I don't think he addressed that.

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I agree that they seem to be setting up Qwikster to sell. It seems like they are setting it up to fail too. I don't like the new name, and I don't want to access two different websites. :glare:


I think the apology was cheesy and not sincere. If it had been just a letter of apology, I might have considered it genuine. Since it was followed by news of huge changes, I see it as an insincere apology intended to reduce the fallout of the big announcement. :glare:

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The CEO of Netflix posted this, and emailed it.


An explanation and some reflections


It seems that streaming and DVD are going to be two separate websites. Qwkister is the new name for the DVD service.


It also seems that they will be offering video game upgrade option on the Qwkister site. No word on the price yet, but it is something that we would really look into.


SWB should definitely write a how to guide for CEOs. I'm not sure if the CEO of Netflix even realizes how much he's irritating his customers.

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We too dropped Directv for Netflix and HuluPlus and an antenna. I highly doubt we will ever go back to paid TV. The savings are just too great. When I think of how much I have spent for TV in the past 15 years it makes me cringe!


However, I do believe that streaming choices are in their infancy and we will see far more choices before too long. Prices may rise too. I just hope they don't get to the point where they are as high as cable or we will be dropping streaming options as well.



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It just makes me sad to think that so many movie rental shops closed their doors due to netflix (and redbox) and now they are changing their game :(


I don't even think we have a rental store in our town anymore other than those little colored boxes. Five years ago there were probably at least 10.

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I'm not about to pay extra for two services. Really. For the price and the aggravation I can save the monthly fee and buy whatever movie we want.


Common sense and CEOs don't seem to be a good combination these days. That blog was pretty arrogant and self serving. I just cancelled ours. Glad he did it before our billing date.

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It also seems that they will be offering video game upgrade option on the Qwkister site. No word on the price yet, but it is something that we would really look into.


My son is especially excited about the video game upgrade, which he'll pay for with his money.

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I'm annoyed that I now have to log into two separate sites to manage my queues. I also hate the name Qwickster.




:iagree: :iagree:


I would drop the dvd through the mail part as we mostly watch the streaming, but there is nowhere locally to rent dvd's anymore besides Redbox, so it's about our only option.

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It just makes me sad to think that so many movie rental shops closed their doors due to netflix (and redbox) and now they are changing their game :(


I don't even think we have a rental store in our town anymore other than those little colored boxes. Five years ago there were probably at least 10.


We have a Family Video here in town that we love! That's why we dropped the DVD option from Netflix (Qwikster :tongue_smilie:). I hope FV sticks around.


The trouble we had getting DVDs from Netflix was that we would be in a mood to see a certain movie now, not 2 days from now. Once we got the movie in the mail, we weren't in the mood any more and the movie would sit here for month! Now we're just streaming Netflix and if there's a movie we really want to see, we head to FV. Their prices are fantastic for rentals, they often have coupons, and they have free 5-day rentals on kids movies. The only problem with FV is their classic movie selection is limited.

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I like the fact that the site will currently tell me if items in my DVD queue are on instant. I can't do that if the sites are separate. We use DVDs for a lot of older movies, and I am often grateful that I receive alerts to let me know when something is new on streaming.


This is my biggest concern.

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This is my biggest concern.


Agreed, as we have something like 200 dvds in our queue and things go in and out of streaming on a regular basis. We'll wait and see. Now that we have a Roku, I much prefer the streaming option, but the selection is fairly limited. We also like to use subtitles with all movies and that's not an option with the older Roku that we have (though I believe it is with the newer ones, so we may end up getting a new one). I think they've recently made subtitles available for at least some of the watch instantly movies.


Qwikster is too close to Quickstar (another name for Amway) for me.


I'm much happier with Discovery Streaming Plus for educational videos and don't see dropping that now. It was too difficult to sift out the educational videos on Netflix and most were not streaming. I didn't want to tie up our 2 dvds at a time for an hour or half hour documentary.

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It came across as quite arrogant. Basically he said he knew his customers didn't like what was going on, but they are going to do it anyway. Forget what the customers want.


Streaming tech will get better rather quickly and then there will be a more competitive market. His company will continue to lose money. It won't surprise me to know in a couple years if he is looking for work.

Edited by Parrothead
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We will probably drop the DVD-by-mail option now. Accessing two seperate sites is a complete PITA. I think that changing the name is also a bad move.


I am interested to see whether or not their streaming options actually do improve over the next few months as he claims in his letter. We have been waiting patiently for the new television season to start, hoping that last season's episodes of some of our favorites will finally be available for streaming.


I wonder how this will work since Starz has already said they will not renew their streaming license with Netflix. That is a lot of movies gone come January.


I am not really sure how I feel about all of this. I guess we will just wait and see what happens.


We toyed with the idea of just going to streaming and using the Red Box for dvds but there is no real selection for older movies at Red Box or for some of the tv shows we enjoy on streaming.

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I'm annoyed that I now have to log into two separate sites to manage my queues.



Exactly. This is annoying. Am I going to have to check between each one every time to see which movies are on instant and which I'll have to order through DVD? Uugh.

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We have a Family Video here in town that we love! That's why we dropped the DVD option from Netflix (Qwikster :tongue_smilie:). I hope FV sticks around.


The trouble we had getting DVDs from Netflix was that we would be in a mood to see a certain movie now, not 2 days from now. Once we got the movie in the mail, we weren't in the mood any more and the movie would sit here for month! Now we're just streaming Netflix and if there's a movie we really want to see, we head to FV. Their prices are fantastic for rentals, they often have coupons, and they have free 5-day rentals on kids movies. The only problem with FV is their classic movie selection is limited.


Yes ma'am. Loving Family Video here, too.

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We like the dvd selection, mostly for old movies & educational documentaries, but we don't turn them over very quickly.

Our streaming, on the other hand, doesn't work very well. We watch with our Wii, and I guess it's because our Internet service is slow, and because we can't buffer an entire movie (?), we have to stop many, many times during a movie and wait for it to download. When we're desperate for a movie, we like the streaming a lot, but it's *no way* worth the price. The dvd's themselves probably aren't worth the price either. Together, they were worth it. Separately, and at a much higher price, not so much.


The statement from the CEO came off as incredibly arrogant, imo. It would have been better not to make a statement at all, than to make one that basically says, "We know you don't like it, and we really don't care.".

We'll be canceling.


ETA: Ok, cancellation is now complete.

Edited by Julie in CA
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Dear Customers,


Thanks for not leaving after the price hike. We know that was controversial and not well liked. We'd like to offer an apology. Srsly srry! Kthnx!


Guess what! Now we're going to make the service we just made more expensive less convenient. We know many of you use Netflix for one stop entertainment. We're excited to tell you that will be changing. Now you get to manage two accounts, have two queues, and two bills. Think of the extra time you get to spend online! Time spent at Netflix and now, Qwikster.


We think this will improve the quality of your service in some nebulous way that we won't fully explain. Except to say that we as a company aren't capable of meeting the wants of Netflix members without splitting into two. I know that doesn't make sense or give you much confidence in our abilities to provide great custimer service, but hey what can you do? Did I mention Qwikster will still be coming in our signature red envelope? That's exciting and important.


Thanks for your continued business on the streaming side, since I no longer have to care about the DVD by mail portion.


Reed Hastings

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I don't understand how this changes anything. At all.


The initial big change that I see for us is that, currently, if I have a movie in my dvd queue that becomes available for streaming, Netflix will automatically add it to my instant queue. This means I don't have to constantly search to see if any of my 200 dvds in queue have by chance become available for streaming. If I understand the change correctly, I will have to move between two sites to manually check for this sort of thing. Also, when I search for a dvd on Netflix now, I am given suggestions for other similar titles which are available streaming, which I doubt will be a service Qwikster will provide. Admittedly, it's going to be a bit irritating.


I wonder if Qwikster will still allow setting up separate queues for different family members/purposes. Netflix had that, dropped it and then brought it back after user protest. I liked it, but we stopped using the feature because it wouldn't tell you if a dvd in a sub-queue was available streaming. That only worked on the main account.


I think they will eventually spin off Qwikster if it remains a viable service.

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Dear Customers,


Thanks for not leaving after the price hike. We know that was controversial and not well liked. We'd like to offer an apology. Srsly srry! Kthnx!


Guess what! Now we're going to make the service we just made more expensive less convenient. We know many of you use Netflix for one stop entertainment. We're excited to tell you that will be changing. Now you get to manage two accounts, have two queues, and two bills. Think of the extra time you get to spend online! Time spent at Netflix and now, Qwikster.


We think this will improve the quality of your service in some nebulous way that we won't fully explain. Except to say that we as a company aren't capable of meeting the wants of Netflix members without splitting into two. I know that doesn't make sense or give you much confidence in our abilities to provide great customer service, but hey what can you do? Did I mention Qwikster will still be coming in our signature red envelope? That's exciting and important.


Thanks for your continued business on the streaming side, since I no longer have to care about the DVD by mail portion.


Reed Hastings


:lol::lol: You nailed it!

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We quit Netflix about 6 months ago. I took the Netflix money and started buying a new video every month. So far I have bought GWTW, Amazing Grace (Wilberforce/slavery), The King's Speech, Father of the Bride and a few more I can't recall. I try to buy from reputable sellers on ebay.


This is much more satisfying for us. I really found Netflix streaming options limited. Over 75% of the time we went looking for a title, it was n/a or DVD only. We didn't do the DVDs to keep the price down and some of the reasons others mentioned.


In our area, I think Redbox is a poor option for family movies. Mostly "R" and "PG13" movies that are non-family-friendly features.



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Splitting things up is SO annoying. I didn't mind the price hike so much as it is still a good deal. But managing two separate queues? Ridiculous. This would probably be the thing to push me out of there partially. UGH. So stupid. Especially stupid for him thinking he's doing damage control and trying to make things better, only to make things WORSE!!!

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