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If your child was born in September 2000, what grade would they be in?

If your child was born in September 2000, what grade would they be in?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. If your child was born in September 2000, what grade would they be in?

    • 5th grade
    • 6th grade
    • 7th grade
    • Other - please explain :)

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Cut off Dates for kindergarten

In order to enter kindergarten, children must be age five in all states. The following are a list of cut -off dates by which the child must have turned five in order to qualify for kindergarten.


Alabama- September 1

Alaska- August 15

Arizona- September 1

Arkansas-September 15

British Columbia, Canada- December 31

California-December 3

Colorado- September 15

Connecticut-January 1


Florida-September 1

Georgia- September 1

Hawai'i-December 31

Idaho- September 1

Illinois-September 1

Indiana- JULY 1 (moved from June 1 -- SB157 to roll back to Sept 1 month-by-month over 3 yrs to Sept 1 starting 99/00 July 1; 00/01 Aug 1; 2001/02 Sept1)

Iowa- September 1 or 15

Kansas-August 31

Kentucky-October 1

Louisiana- September 30 (except Orleans Parish 12/31)

Maine-October 15

Maryland-Entering kindergartners must be 5 by Dec. 31

Massachusetts-September 1

Michigan-December 1

Minnesota-September 1

Mississippi-September 1

Missouri-AUGUST 1 (moved from July 1)

Montana-December 2

Nebraska-October 15

Nevada-September 30

New Hamshire-September 30

New Jersey-November 30

New Mexico

New York-November 30

North Carolina-October 16 (Aug 31st, I hear from someone in a post below :))

North Dakota- December 2

Ohio-September 30

Oklahoma- September 1

Oregon-September 1

Pennsylvania (dates vary from district to district)

Rhode Island- Variable from September 1 to December 31

South Carolina- September 1

South Dakota


Texas-September 1

Utah-August 31

Vermont-dates vary from 9/1 to 1/1

Virginia-September 30

Washington- August 31

West Virginia- September 1

Wisconsin-September 1


District of Columbia

Puerto Rico- September 1

Department of Defense (DOD)-October 31 (changed from December 31)

Edited by NayfiesMama
So, 6th if they were in Oregon :) (If by Sept 1)
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Well, dd was born in the fall of '99 and is in 7th grade. If all other things were the same any child of mine born in the fall of '00 would be in 6th grade.


ETA: I didn't go by the state cut off date. We started school when dd was ready. If I went by the state cut off date of the state we lived in when dd started school she would be a grade behind. I could say the same for the imaginary second child. We would have started school when she/he was ready be it 4, 5 or 6 years old.

Edited by Parrothead
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Cut off Dates for kindergarten

In order to enter kindergarten, children must be age five in all states. The following are a list of cut -off dates by which the child must have turned five in order to qualify for kindergarten.


North Carolina-October 16



This is no longer accurate. At least not for my county. It's now August 31.


Nope, it's the whole state:


The North Carolina Legislature has amended the age requirement for admission into kindergarten. In order to enter kindergarten in the state of North Carolina, a child must have reached his/her fifth birthday by August 31 of the school year in which he/she is presented for enrollment. This change will take effect beginning with the 2009-2010 school year.
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It would depend. With a September birthday some parents choose to wait a year. If they waited the child would be in 5th. If they went ahead and sent them they'd be in 6th.


I sent my daughter early, but my friend waited with her son. Both kids have Sept birthdays.

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In my home, such a child would be in whatever grade was appropriate for him/her.


For example, by the time my daughter was of reporting age in Florida, she was registered with the umbrella school we were using at that time as a second grade student. Part of this had to do with the fact that she has a December birthday, and part of it was because we started school "early."


This year, most of my son's age peers are in eight grade, but he is in ninth grade. He intends to finish high school in three years. So, he might actually be in 10th grade. But his friends are all in ninth, so it makes sense to keep him there.

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Oops...should have hit 5th, not 6th. Which seems weird to me because my twins (born in May 2000) are essentially 7th graders both maturity-wise and academically. They are even in with the 7th graders at church. I cannot imagine them in the 5th grade with just a few months difference in their birthdate.

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Depends on when in September. IA the cutoff is Sept. 15th. I had a friend whose daughter was born September 16th, 2000 and she is a 5th grader this year because she missed the cutoff by 1 day. My DD is an April 2000 baby and is a 6th grader.


I suspected that it would be difficult to pick a month without that happening! But I had to chose one..


Anyway, it is very interesting to see the variety that's out there. I do wonder though, what happens if you move to a state/province where your child is supposed to be in the grade above where he/she has been in the place you lived before? Do you just carry on in the same grade, or line them up with where they should be in your new location and play catch up?

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Specifically in the state/province/country in which you now live.




It depends. Either entering 6th or entering 5th, depending on when in September the birthday is and what the cut of in the state was (where they began school).


I have two kids who are a grade ahead of their age peers - where we now live, because of the age cut offs where we lived when they entered kindergarten.


I would suspect that 5th might be more common at this point.

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But since the child was born in 2001, wouldn't the old rules would apply to that child? I know it would had he started K back under the old rules, so it should work for him to be in the next grade up as the old rules state.




This is no longer accurate. At least not for my county. It's now August 31.


Nope, it's the whole state:

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True, but I guess the cut off has to be somewhere.


My middle son was born Dec. 16th. When he was 5 we lived in California. He missed the cut off for K by 13 days.


A friend of ours had a daughter, born about 17 days before he was born. She started K a full year before my son did!


However, I was thankful. There was no way he was ready for K at 4.5 years old!




Oops...should have hit 5th, not 6th. Which seems weird to me because my twins (born in May 2000) are essentially 7th graders both maturity-wise and academically. They are even in with the 7th graders at church. I cannot imagine them in the 5th grade with just a few months difference in their birthdate.
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I suspected that it would be difficult to pick a month without that happening! But I had to chose one..


Anyway, it is very interesting to see the variety that's out there. I do wonder though, what happens if you move to a state/province where your child is supposed to be in the grade above where he/she has been in the place you lived before? Do you just carry on in the same grade, or line them up with where they should be in your new location and play catch up?


As we have moved around, I've always listed the kids in whatever would be the next grade for them to complete, not the grade that their age peers were in. In other words, I have a very young 4th grader. I am not having him repeat 3rd grade, just because that is where he would be if he had started here.


After all, we could move again in a couple years to somewhere where he would have met the cutoff a year earlier.


If I think that he needs to repeat a grade to gain maturity with an eye to the long haul (ie, not being unprepared for middle school or high school work) then I'll cross that bridge when we get there.


His 7th grade brother, who also is on the border of the cut off date, is more than ready for his grade level. I think he'd be thriving a grade or two higher (though the social chaos of high school would drive him nuts).

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My son was born in October, 2000 and is in the 6th grade, but he is on the "younger side" in his grade.


I'm an October baby and was always the youngest in my class. I suspect there may have been some tap dancing going on to get me into school when I started, since I realize now I missed the cut-off date.


One of the big reasons we started homeschooling was that our daughter has a December birthday. In the county in which we lived at the time, she was not eligible to beging pre-K with her friends and would have had to sit out another year in preschool. Since she was already bored and socially isolated in preschool (because the other children didn't understand the words she used and so on), we opted to try homeschooling for a while.


The original plan was to homeschool just for a couple of years and then try to enroll her in the appropriate grade after we had a chance to "prove" she was ready. As it turned out, we decided to keep homeschooling, after all, because she eventually got so far ahead of her age peers academically that it wouldn't have made sense to put her in a group learning situation.

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In PA any of those options is technically possible. Districts set their own cut-off date, and many around us seem to use either September 1st or October 1st. Most districts also have their own set of rules for accepting kids who miss the cutoff, but can't accept a child younger than age 4 into K..... So depending on which district and whether or not you get an early entrance waiver, any of those options could apply.

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Mine turns 11 today, and he's in 6th grade according to the school district and according to our homeschool.


Funny: He was born a month early. Had he been born on his due date, he would be a 5th grader.


My daughter is an 8/00 child, so according to the school district, she is in 6th (which is where I list her--she's doing higher work than that in some areas). However, because evidently so many folks hold back summer babies for a year (boys and girls), many organizations consider middle school to equal at least 12 years old. It appears the "practical" cut-off date is actually somewhere in May. I fully agree there needs to be some cut-off---I just wish it were consistent!


I have had to argue the issue for many of the middle school enrichment options I want for her this year (science class at the Nature Center, activities at the library, etc)---they lump 11 year olds in with either 8 year olds (at best) or 5 year olds (at worst) as "elementary" regardless of whether they are in 6th grade by the state cut-off standards and the fact that almost all 6th grade classes in our area are in middle schools, not elementary. I've come to decide that 11 is going to be a very odd year. We'll see if we hit similar problems when she's starting 9th grade.

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I meant to vote Other.


In Texas, our home state, he'd be in 5th grade b/c of the Sep 1st cut-off date.


In Brazil, where we live now, I think he'd be in 6th form/or whatever they call it here, I really don't know the English translation.


I voted for Texas instead of Brazil, but meant to mark Other so I could explain that. Sorry.


(my 10 yr old was born Dec 2000 which is the only reason I actually know this.....)

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My daughter is an 8/00 child, so according to the school district, she is in 6th (which is where I list her--she's doing higher work than that in some areas). However, because evidently so many folks hold back summer babies for a year (boys and girls), many organizations consider middle school to equal at least 12 years old. It appears the "practical" cut-off date is actually somewhere in May. I fully agree there needs to be some cut-off---I just wish it were consistent!


I have had to argue the issue for many of the middle school enrichment options I want for her this year (science class at the Nature Center, activities at the library, etc)---they lump 11 year olds in with either 8 year olds (at best) or 5 year olds (at worst) as "elementary" regardless of whether they are in 6th grade by the state cut-off standards and the fact that almost all 6th grade classes in our area are in middle schools, not elementary. I've come to decide that 11 is going to be a very odd year. We'll see if we hit similar problems when she's starting 9th grade.


It's become very popular to hold back kids born after mid June in these parts. I'm still unsure what grade I would put Fi in, if she goes to school in the coming years.

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We moved from CT (Dec. 31 cutoff) to AL (Sept. 1 cutoff) - with 3 girls born in September.


We moved/adjusted all of them to be with their age group. We started out putting them with their "academic" age when we moved here - and it was a disaster. They were SO much younger than their peers in their activities (Sunday School and ballet, for example)


Which is why dd19 just now started college, and dd10 (almost 11!) is a 5th grader, not a 6th grader. It's just - simpler for us.

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I live in Alberta, Canada, and we have a very late cut off... 5 by Feb 28!!! So you have 4.5 year olds starting K! Fortunately, kindergarten here is usually still under 3 hours a day...


I do find with using American curriculum that I have to consider that my kids might be younger than the typical age range (for example, my 6 year old dd is in 2nd grade, vs some 8 year old second graders)...

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It's become very popular to hold back kids born after mid June in these parts. I'm still unsure what grade I would put Fi in, if she goes to school in the coming years.


:iagree: Here too. Even earlier for some boys.


My son was born Oct 2000. I call him a 5th grader. He went to PS for K and 1 and was kind of mid range of ages for boys in his class.

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I have a child born in Sept 2000, and whereas we live in Pennsylvania, the cutoff varies greatly from district to district. In the district we started in, she would not have been "approved" to start school when she did, and she is now is 6th grade. In the district we live in now, I think the cut-off is Oct 1, so she'd still be in 6th.


However, I have another child, also born in Sept, and he needed that extra year. So although there are four years between them, there are 5 grades.

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Dang...I voted wrong. :lol:


In Texas and Virginia, the cut-off date is September 1.


Ok, let's see...::thinking, thinking, thinking::


Fifth grade.


I have a July bday. I was 11 in July and started 6th grade that September.


But a child whose bday is in September would have his 11th bday after the cut-off date. He would have started first grade at 6yo, then turned 7 after school started. So he'd start 4th grade at 10yo, then turned 11 after school started. So he'd start 5th grade at 11, then turn 12 after school started.

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In Maryland the cutoff is now September 1st, but the cutoff used to be December 31st. They moved it back a month a year from 2003 - 2005. So in 2005 as long as you were 5 sometime in September you could register for K and would now be in 6th grade. It was a confusing few years for those of us with children born in the 4th quarter.

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I have an 11/00 5th grader.


Oregon's cut-off date is 9/1.




I am in Oregon as well.


My 11/2000 DD is 6th grader and my 11/1998 DS is 8th grader.


In Oregon, if you have a fall child, you can take a test to see if they could go to school "a year early". I did this with my oldest because he was already reading, do addition and subtraction, and was bigger than most kids a year older than him. And he was ready. So he went to K a year early.


DD was born 2 years and 1 day after DS, so I just had her 2 years behind him grade wise when we began homeschooling. It fit her developmentally. In 2nd grade she went to a DOD school in Germany and I told them she was in 2nd grade and that is where they put her, no matter she was a year younger.


We toyed with keeping my oldest back because he has Aspergers and Tourette's and still working on social skills and such and going to a public school this year, but he is so far ahead in other areas we thought it would be a disservice to him. That, and he is almost 6 foot and has a mustache and all of his friends are older... it would have been worse for him to be with those his age, I think. If he isn't ready for college when he graduates, we will deal with that then.

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In Ohio, districts are allowed to choose between 2 cut-off dates: August 1, and September 30. In the district I live in, it is August 1, and in the district my dad lives in, it's September 30. However, my youngest brother will be 11 on September 15, and is in 5th grade. He just wasn't ready to start kindy the fall he turned 5.

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Here in Los Angeles CA a child going to public school would most likely be in 6th Grade; however, more and more children (boys especially) born in summer or fall are being given what's called here "the gift of another year."


So it could easily go either way. It would not be unusual (these days) for a child of the hypothetical birthday to be in 5th Grade (or in 6th). In the past 6th would has been the norm.


If the child was going to a private school they would almost certainly be in 5th Grade.



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If I had started school right at age 5, then grade 6. If I had opted to hold back due to the sept birthday grade 5. Cut off here in Alberta is actually March 1, so many kids start Kindy at age 4, which would put them actually going into grade 7 with a sept 2000 birthday. I have learned after my first kids that holding back for that year is best, so I did so with ds, and dd who has a september b-day I will be doing the same thing

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