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Please pray - Jean in Newcastle's Dog

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It is 10:42, my time. We just got home a little while ago. Libby is still in critical condition. We transferred her from the local animal hospital to an Animal ER hospital at about 7pm.


She has no broken bones. But she does have head trauma and some internal bleeding. The vet does not know if there was bleeding and it stopped or if there is still something bleeding slowly inside of her. She can move her head and all her limbs. She has been in severe shock but other than that has shown no visible signs of pain. She's being monitored at the Animal ER hospital over night and is on doggie pain medicine and fluids. Basically, tomorrow we will find out if we have to say our good-byes to her or not.


Dd9 is having a very hard time with all of this as am I.



Praying, Jean. I'm sorry that this happened, and praying for good news this morning.

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Not much of an update, but it's the best I've got:


There has been no phone call all night. That is good. There is so much that even the emergency vet doesn't know. There is blood in her abdominal cavity but it could have been a bleed that clotted and will heal on it's own. Her head trauma is too serious (one eye won't even focus and is off to the side) and they can't risk putting her under to do even minor surgery. Right now, waiting to see how she does is the best option. We also have the reality of money concerns - if her injuries turn out to be too extensive then we will have to euthanize her.


I slept from 11:30 to 5:30. I tried to sleep longer but my mind kept going to Libby lying in the road (I really thought she was dead when I first saw her). I keep praying for the phone not to ring (because that would be bad news) but my stomach would clench up with the fear that I would miss something if I slept. Thankfully dd9 has slept. She cried herself to sleep in my arms last night.

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Not much of an update, but it's the best I've got:


There has been no phone call all night. That is good. There is so much that even the emergency vet doesn't know. There is blood in her abdominal cavity but it could have been a bleed that clotted and will heal on it's own. Her head trauma is too serious (one eye won't even focus and is off to the side) and they can't risk putting her under to do even minor surgery. Right now, waiting to see how she does is the best option. We also have the reality of money concerns - if her injuries turn out to be too extensive then we will have to euthanize her.


I slept from 11:30 to 5:30. I tried to sleep longer but my mind kept going to Libby lying in the road (I really thought she was dead when I first saw her). I keep praying for the phone not to ring (because that would be bad news) but my stomach would clench up with the fear that I would miss something if I slept. Thankfully dd9 has slept. She cried herself to sleep in my arms last night.


Waiting is the worst. We'll keep praying, especially that you will get an answer soon.



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Not much of an update, but it's the best I've got:


There has been no phone call all night. That is good. There is so much that even the emergency vet doesn't know. There is blood in her abdominal cavity but it could have been a bleed that clotted and will heal on it's own. Her head trauma is too serious (one eye won't even focus and is off to the side) and they can't risk putting her under to do even minor surgery. Right now, waiting to see how she does is the best option. We also have the reality of money concerns - if her injuries turn out to be too extensive then we will have to euthanize her.


I slept from 11:30 to 5:30. I tried to sleep longer but my mind kept going to Libby lying in the road (I really thought she was dead when I first saw her). I keep praying for the phone not to ring (because that would be bad news) but my stomach would clench up with the fear that I would miss something if I slept. Thankfully dd9 has slept. She cried herself to sleep in my arms last night.


:crying: I'm so sorry for Libby and all of you. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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We spent the last 4 hours at the emergency vet talking to the doctors, finding out some more information on tests and loving on Libby.


Here's what we know today: she is bleeding internally - the doctors cannot pinpoint exactly where but as of this morning the blood in her abdomen has lessened and seems to be stopping. This is a good thing. She is getting a blood transfusion right now because she was very anemic and had very pale gums. Her head trauma seems to be getting a bit better. Both eyes seem to be tracking now, although her own eye is still looking off to the side a bit. The biggest concern is that Libby has not walked since the accident. They got her up today but none of her legs will hold her up despite no fractures and the fact that she can move them when she's lying down. The doctor is hoping that she will soon start to eat and drink on her own. Once she can, she can come home. We hope that is tomorrow. We will bring her home even if she cannot stand yet with the hope that with time (and prednisone) that she will eventually be able to walk. She does not seem to be having any pain.


Dd9 has been crying off and on today and Libby coming home would be very special to her.


I appreciate your continued prayers for Libby.

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Jean, is Libby currently on prednisone to help the swelling from the head injury?


When you bring Libby home (yes, WHEN) the easiest way to help her walk, from my experience, will be to take two flat sheets and make slings beneath her front and hind legs. Then help her to walk that way, taking most of the weight off of her. You can have your dd and you support her front end. the lightest, and have your son bring both ends together and support her back end.


I'm so glad to hear the bleeding is slowing down. I pray it will END.


She will need extra love and patience with the head injury. I hope and pray she will make a full recovery.


I'm so sorry for all of you. I know how hard this is on a child. At 48, I still react the same so I fully understand your dd.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Oh, Jean, my heart goes out to you and your family and sweet Libby. I will continue to pray. I think the update sounds really good considering what the poor thing has gone through. Hugs to you and your dd.


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We spent the last 4 hours at the emergency vet talking to the doctors, finding out some more information on tests and loving on Libby.


Here's what we know today: she is bleeding internally - the doctors cannot pinpoint exactly where but as of this morning the blood in her abdomen has lessened and seems to be stopping. This is a good thing. She is getting a blood transfusion right now because she was very anemic and had very pale gums. Her head trauma seems to be getting a bit better. Both eyes seem to be tracking now, although her own eye is still looking off to the side a bit. The biggest concern is that Libby has not walked since the accident. They got her up today but none of her legs will hold her up despite no fractures and the fact that she can move them when she's lying down. The doctor is hoping that she will soon start to eat and drink on her own. Once she can, she can come home. We hope that is tomorrow. We will bring her home even if she cannot stand yet with the hope that with time (and prednisone) that she will eventually be able to walk. She does not seem to be having any pain.


Dd9 has been crying off and on today and Libby coming home would be very special to her.


I appreciate your continued prayers for Libby.




You were one of the people who helped talk me into an ESS for my Dd, and I know she would be devastated if she were in your daughter's place, of course any of us with dogs would be. We have been praying throughout the day and will continue to pray that Libby will be able to come home and that she will heal completely and begin to walk and eat on her own---also praying for your health as well during such a stressful time.



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