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JAWM (just agree with me) vent about the shaving thread

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Yep, TeA room carpeting vs hardwood floors should be nobody's business but your own (was that the BEST WTM thread ever or what????).


:iagree: Unfortunately, I have heard OBs and nurses comment on the covering or lack thereof in the tea rooms that they deal with. One OB expressed disgust about the carpet to the mom while she was in labor! I'm surprised she didn't kick him from here to kingdom come! I wanted to deck him.

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:iagree: Unfortunately, I have heard OBs and nurses comment on the covering or lack thereof in the tea rooms that they deal with. One OB expressed disgust about the carpet to the mom while she was in labor! I'm surprised she didn't kick him from here to kingdom come! I wanted to deck him.


When I had my first child, my OB told me about all the different kind of landscaping she's seen.


I had no idea.


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:iagree: Unfortunately, I have heard OBs and nurses comment on the covering or lack thereof in the tea rooms that they deal with. One OB expressed disgust about the carpet to the mom while she was in labor! I'm surprised she didn't kick him from here to kingdom come! I wanted to deck him.


Gross. There she was, being a mammal. Having live birth. Getting ready to lactate. Having FUR! Scientist my patootie. :glare:

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:iagree: Unfortunately, I have heard OBs and nurses comment on the covering or lack thereof in the tea rooms that they deal with. One OB expressed disgust about the carpet to the mom while she was in labor! I'm surprised she didn't kick him from here to kingdom come! I wanted to deck him.


What a terrible thing for him to say! Being an OB I would think pubic hair would be something you should be ok with. I can't imagine my midwife caring about my hair or stretch marks or cellulite. :)

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Yep, TeA room carpeting vs hardwood floors should be nobody's business but your own (was that the BEST WTM thread ever or what????).


Oh. My. Word.


What you ladies have been up to while I was away. :lol: I just read the TeA room carpet thread, and one about...appliances. Very, very entertaining!:D

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honestly, I just do not think I need to know about other people's ladyscaping habits or lack thereof.


;) :D


Just taking our new acronym for a test drive. :auto:


Well, I did say TMI, so some of you could skip it. :D


I was just wondering if the trend had hit Europe. I don't care how anyone wears theirs. I just find it offensive that people are making standards that everyone has to live by now.

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:iagree: Unfortunately, I have heard OBs and nurses comment on the covering or lack thereof in the tea rooms that they deal with. One OB expressed disgust about the carpet to the mom while she was in labor! I'm surprised she didn't kick him from here to kingdom come! I wanted to deck him.


What a jerk. Ugh.

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:iagree: Unfortunately, I have heard OBs and nurses comment on the covering or lack thereof in the tea rooms that they deal with. One OB expressed disgust about the carpet to the mom while she was in labor! I'm surprised she didn't kick him from here to kingdom come! I wanted to deck him.



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I totally love those threads! I learn all kinds of new things. I'm hoping that people who don't want to read about certain things will just skip those threads, or if they've started reading them, just back away and move on to something they're interested in.:bigear:

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I totally love those threads! I learn all kinds of new things. I'm hoping that people who don't want to read about certain things will just skip those threads, or if they've started reading them, just back away and move on to something they're interested in.:bigear:


No! Not allowed! This is a practicing thread for *only* agreeing with someone who requests it. :D

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No! Not allowed! This is a practicing thread for *only* agreeing with someone who requests it. :D

Oops! What a dufus! I somehow missed that part even though it was there right in front of my face.

OK, you are totally correct and I completely agree with you.

Was that better?;)

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