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Ok, maybe not everyone loves her writing style, but...

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I suppose the writing is a bit cliche and sappy, but it brought tears to my eyes.


What can I say, I'm sappy too.


I think I'm a touch emotional today though, I was crying over an episode of Little House earlier. Hey it was very touching and I'm not typically the crying kind.

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Wow. I ditched the idea of a school room years ago. I could do THAT school room, though.

I did too. We spend hours in the smallest room of the house day after day. I just couldn't do it anymore.


That is a nice room. If I had one that size I might actually be still using it.

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I realize I'm new here and I'll be the lone dissenter: I think it's a little too "perfect". ;)


You're not alone. I didn't really like the bookshelf. It looks too staged. I like that our homeschool looks more like home than school. Personal preference though, and I can see why some people would like it. The only thing that looked inviting to me was the photo of the boy reading on the couch.


She should ditch the automatic website music.


Thanks for the warning. I muted my laptop speakers before following the link.

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You're not alone. I didn't really like the bookshelf. It looks too staged. I like that our homeschool looks more like home than school. Personal preference though, and I can see why some people would like it. The only thing that looked inviting to me was the photo of the boy reading on the couch.




Thank you -- staged was the word I was looking for. :) In my opinion, a room like that just isn't realistic.

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I thought I was the only one who didn't like her writing style or was annoyed by the music that starts playing whenever I open a link to her site. It is nice to know I'm not alone.


I think it is pretty room, though it seems a bit Pottery Barn-ish. I'm still ambivalent about forward facing bookshelves. I see why they lend themselves to kids pulling books off and flipping through them, but they reduce the storage capacity a great deal and I love the look of traditional bookcases too.

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I think it is pretty room, though it seems a bit Pottery Barn-ish.


That's why I think it's a lovely room! I love Pottery Barn! I've been inspired to paint my old dining room set (passed down from my in-laws) BLACK.


I've never heard of this woman. Should I know who she is?

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I realize I'm new here and I'll be the lone dissenter: I think it's a little too "perfect". ;)


Give it a week or so of school and then show pics;) It is really pretty but I think I want to be in there myself and lock the kids out. then I could get some serious reading done.


I didn't see any computers though. Did I miss something? I'm wondering if it is like a study or something. We all have laptops around here so ours would probably look more like a computer lab but I think it is beautiful.

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I am the only one thinking "There is a child using a typewrite? Really?" I asked my 9yo if she knew what a typewriter was and after pausing she said "Oh yeah - I saw one of those once." :tongue_smilie:


I noticed that too. You certainly don't see them around much these days. We have an antique one that belonged to my husband's father and our sons enjoy playing with it. It seems to have been damaged in our recent move though so it is currently sitting in the attic.

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I am the only one thinking "There is a child using a typewrite? Really?" I asked my 9yo if she knew what a typewriter was and after pausing she said "Oh yeah - I saw one of those once." :tongue_smilie:


It's all my just turned 12 yo has been asking for for at least a year. Her Grampy gave her one last month and it gets hours of use a day :) This is the same daughter that loves vintage books and checks out all the old hardbacks at our small town library because she says they look more interesting.

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Since I'm just dreaming here, I'd rather have the library that was in that dream house in OR that someone linked in another thread. I'd put comfy chairs and a nice library table in one of the wings. I'd like a bank of cabinets too for art and science supplies off to one side - perhaps with a side mud room just for science experiments.

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Since I'm just dreaming here, I'd rather have the library that was in that dream house in OR that someone linked in another thread. I'd put comfy chairs and a nice library table in one of the wings. I'd like a bank of cabinets too for art and science supplies off to one side - perhaps with a side mud room just for science experiments.


Ooooh, I'd love this, plus the rain gutter bookshelves; maybe one wall or section of it at kid's eye level.


As long as we're dreaming here ;)

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It's all my just turned 12 yo has been asking for for at least a year. Her Grampy gave her one last month and it gets hours of use a day :) This is the same daughter that loves vintage books and checks out all the old hardbacks at our small town library because she says they look more interesting.


Same here! My dd that is getting a hand me down electric typewriter for her 10th birthday, has been asking for a typewritter for over a year. Ever since she read Kit Kittredge.


And I personally love the music on her website. This is very similar to what my favorite Pandora station plays.

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hmph! Yes, it is beautiful, but... is it real?


Yes. :001_huh:


Some people do have fine homes that they keep clean and neat. Even homeschoolers. Some decorate and clean their homes by themselves, some hire it done, but lots and lots of people have nicely kept and beautiful homes. And anyone who looks at photos of Ann and her husband can easily see by the family resemblance that those fine children are theirs, too. I'm pretty sure we are indeed looking at Ann's kids at home. Strange question!


I hope she doesn't read here, lest she get discouraged and wonder why she ever thought she should share her home, her life, her religion, her compassion, or her beautiful thoughts. Because I want her to keep sharing.

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