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What the doc said makes perfect sense, it's just very unfortunate timing for YOU.


Try really hard to ignore your embarrasment and pride (ugh, I know that's hard for me personally to do). If your inlaws can lend you money to get out, take it. Go back to the Catholic Church with your pregnant self and all the cute kids, lol, and say, "Things have changed. We are desperate. We are checking out the job leads and so forth, but who can we talk to for immediate help? We are really, truly desperate."


I agree with your dh; going back to Texas is not a real choice, either. Unfortunately, Texas was your rock and Colorado has turned out to be your hard place, but Colorado has better long-term potential, imo. You made the right decision when you left Texas. You just have to get past this, um, rather horrific beginning in Colorado.


I'll be hoping really hard to see an update that says you guys are in an apartment!!

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I can't quote your last post, Aubrey because it was embedded someone else's post but I think your plan to try and rent an apartment and make it work in CO is a good one. I'm so glad that your dh's breathing is better.




Thank you. Someone saying something I'm doing sounds...remotely reasonable...helps a lot. I'm feeling a little insane myself. Like I'm trying to...I don't know, spin straw into gold, or some other impossible Greek task. And since I tend to make things harder than they are....:lol:

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I can't quote your last post, Aubrey because it was embedded someone else's post but I think your plan to try and rent an apartment and make it work in CO is a good one. I'm so glad that your dh's breathing is better.




:iagree::iagree::iagree: Please update if possible and let us know how the apt. hunt works out for you all. Our family is praying for yours.

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Thank you. Someone saying something I'm doing sounds...remotely reasonable...helps a lot. I'm feeling a little insane myself. Like I'm trying to...I don't know, spin straw into gold, or some other impossible Greek task. And since I tend to make things harder than they are....:lol:




I agree with Jean.....I think CO is the place you need to be. Just not in that house with your mother. Hang on with all precautions in place until you can rent an apt.

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What the doc said makes perfect sense, it's just very unfortunate timing for YOU.


Try really hard to ignore your embarrasment and pride (ugh, I know that's hard for me personally to do). If your inlaws can lend you money to get out, take it. Go back to the Catholic Church with your pregnant self and all the cute kids, lol, and say, "Things have changed. We are desperate. We are checking out the job leads and so forth, but who can we talk to for immediate help? We are really, truly desperate."


They offered us a bag of groceries & 2 nights in a motel. Knowing how much more desperate our situation could be...I couldn't take that help away from someone else. I told them when we went in that I wasn't sure if we needed help or advice & was honest about the resources we've got. Really, as bad as things are, it could be so much worse.


I agree with your dh; going back to Texas is not a real choice, either. Unfortunately, Texas was your rock and Colorado has turned out to be your hard place, but Colorado has better long-term potential, imo. You made the right decision when you left Texas. You just have to get past this, um, rather horrific beginning in Colorado.


I'll be hoping really hard to see an update that says you guys are in an apartment!!


Me, too. Two weeks in a hotel would cost about the same as 1 mo in a small apt. I *think* that would be enough time for dh to find a job that would *at least* sustain *that.* (Not that he could find that in TX, but he's got a guy sending his res in FOR him at 2 different places right now.)

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How did you KNOW??? She never remembers things the way they happened. She called me an hour ago to see if she could hire someone to finish the floor for us & to say she'd work late every night this week so we could avoid her & the "tension."


:grouphug: Because my mother has bipolar disorder. She was shocked to discover she had thrown a heavy table across the room, seriously damaging a wall. Thankfully, she has never physically threatened anyone. She has been medicated properly, with good therapy for years now. Life is so much better now. I really hope your mom gets the help she needs.

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I agree with Jean.....I think CO is the place you need to be. Just not in that house with your mother. Hang on with all precautions in place until you can rent an apt.



This. You guys can make it work. Just hang in there a little longer.


Many prayers and :grouphug:.

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I can't remember, Aubrey--do you need to live very close to where you are now, or just somewhere in the general area? I realized I have a former college roommate whose husband is a youth pastor in Pueblo. They may have connections through their church of someone with a house to rent or a job possibility or something. Would you like me to drop her a line and see if she knows about anything?

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I can't remember, Aubrey--do you need to live very close to where you are now, or just somewhere in the general area? I realized I have a former college roommate whose husband is a youth pastor in Pueblo. They may have connections through their church of someone with a house to rent or a job possibility or something. Would you like me to drop her a line and see if she knows about anything?


Since dh is making NOTHING at his job, we can pretty much go anywhere. :D Including AK, Afghanistan, & Antarctica. Yipppeeeeeeeeee.


Although breathable air is preferable. ;)

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I've been reading along through your experiences but haven't had anything to add. With this latest, all I can say is, you are describing my mother - the selective memory, out of the blue melt downs and general erratic behaviour. In the interests of my and my children's emotional safety I limit contact with her severely (something which she cannot understand and claims to be very hurt by). I cannot imagine living with her. I hope you can get out, and very soon, and keep you and your children safe until then. :grouphug:

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:grouphug:If your mom is bipolar and unmediated things will not just settle in even with your family walking on egg shells.:grouphug:


I hope you all find the best solution soon. :iagree: With the others, seek, find and take all the help you can get.


I'm relieved your dh is breathing better.

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Express your gratitude for her for letting you live there (even if it's in an unfinished basement, just say it anyway so she feels appreciated) and THEN lay down the law and let her know that you do not want her reprimanding the children in ANY way as that is your job and that if she has something to discuss about the arrangements, she needs to come to YOU first and never the children.


This may work. I know because I had to do it too. You're not alone. :grouphug:

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:grouphug: I am so, so sorry you are going through this! You have been on my mind since you moved and I just can't imagine what you are going through emotionally.


Oh, I pray that you can find an apartment! If I still lived in Grand Junction you'd be staying with me right now...I'd hog tie you and bait your dc with candy if I had to. How creepy is that?:tongue_smilie::lol:


Keep your kiddos close and love on them a lot. I just had an incident last week with my MIL yelling at one of my dc. I had been dealing with her annoying behavior up to that point by ignoring it but boy did my fury rise when she did that. It was very, very hard not to react badly but I knew it would do no good. She never remembers things the way they actually happen (conveniently...and no this isn't the Alzheimer's yet, this is just her typical behavior starting to show after having to behave herself for the last couple of months ). Dh did speak to her about it but I think he addressed it in a more general way; as in, if you have issues with the dc you need to talk to us and not engage in trying to chastise or discipline them on your own as they aren't your dc and it isn't your place to parent them. I told dd that she doesn't realize how hurtful her actions or words are, that she's just a bitter woman and sometimes she forgets to hold her tongue when she is mad or frustrated about something else, yadda, yadda. Letting your dc know that anything your mom says to them right now is just words and not true and not their fault is really important.


You are handling things so well Audrey...so much better than most people would. Hold out a little longer...this is all temporary.:grouphug:

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:grouphug: I am so, so sorry you are going through this! You have been on my mind since you moved and I just can't imagine what you are going through emotionally.


Oh, I pray that you can find an apartment! If I still lived in Grand Junction you'd be staying with me right now...I'd hog tie you and bait your dc with candy if I had to. How creepy is that?:tongue_smilie::lol:


I think I love you, but I seem to be drawn to creepy/stalker types. ;)


Keep your kiddos close and love on them a lot. I just had an incident last week with my MIL yelling at one of my dc. I had been dealing with her annoying behavior up to that point by ignoring it but boy did my fury rise when she did that. It was very, very hard not to react badly but I knew it would do no good. She never remembers things the way they actually happen (conveniently...and no this isn't the Alzheimer's yet, this is just her typical behavior starting to show after having to behave herself for the last couple of months ). Dh did speak to her about it but I think he addressed it in a more general way; as in, if you have issues with the dc you need to talk to us and not engage in trying to chastise or discipline them on your own as they aren't your dc and it isn't your place to parent them. I told dd that she doesn't realize how hurtful her actions or words are, that she's just a bitter woman and sometimes she forgets to hold her tongue when she is mad or frustrated about something else, yadda, yadda. Letting your dc know that anything your mom says to them right now is just words and not true and not their fault is really important.


You are handling things so well Audrey...so much better than most people would. Hold out a little longer...this is all temporary.:grouphug:


Thank you. You don't know how much it means to hear that. We sat in the car today & did grammar. For sanity & fun.

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it may help your dc to hear you say something like


"this isn't about who we are; this is about how grandma is right now."


is there progress happening on the finishing the bathroom front?





No. We haven't been back there since she asked us not to use her bathroom. And I am disinclined to put more time/energy into a house where we will not be staying. Already the time put into it represents time lost that could have been put toward looking for a job/another place to live.

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Well, it turns out it's illegal to rent anything smaller than 3 bedrooms to a family of 6. If we'd known that earlier today, we could have saved some time. Everything else has been a complete goose chase, as if the primary goal of the government is to use up the last resources of the poor on driving around the city pointlessly.


I think we're going to stay at mom's for one night or two. After that, if we don't have either a real job or a place to stay, we're going back to TX. Mom called earlier & said she'd work late this week so we could avoid her. I didn't say anything, just that I'd call her back (which I still need to do).


We've got enough $ right now to pay a month's rent OR the cost of moving back to TX. I'd like to keep those 2 options available & have a definite end date to the craziness.


Once I amended my searches to 3 bedroom places, the prices didn't actually go up a ton, so I think there is a chance that we could find something tomorrow. Today feels pretty wasted, though.


I'm tired.

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Does your Mom know you are looking at apartments?


When she told me she didn't want us upstairs any more, I told her. I said it was so we'd be out of her way sooner.


She called me today when her evil rx had worn off--I knew she would. She said she didn't want us to feel like we had to stay at a hotel.


I didn't know what to say to her, so I told her I'd call her back. I was hoping I'd have something definite to say when I called, but no such luck.


She doesn't know we're thinking about moving back to TX. She doesn't know 10yo told me what she said to him. If I were to tell her, she would tell me he misunderstood. Since hearing that would hurt worse right now, I'm not planning to say anything.


I just don't want to make a decision that would hurt my family *worse* because *I* am hurt or angry. I'm trying very hard to be rational about what needs to be done. Later, I'll fall apart. Of course then no one will understand. :lol: Oh well. Falling apart is overrated. ;)

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Do you think your mom knows that she messed up, and that's why she's staying away? Maybe a small sign of hope that she'll try to keep it together while you find a place (fingers crossed).


Yes, she knows. She apologized to ds before we even got home on Sun--for yelling, not for what she said. She apologized last Sat for being crazy about the details of paint & windows when what we really needed was a place to sleep. She's not big on apologies, so that first one was kind-of neat.


But...while I believe that she is/will be sorry when/if she realizes (to the extent that she can) what she's done, I don't think that that sorrow will enable her to hold herself together. She IS trying. This IS her best.


She knew when she was telling me not to let anyone upstairs that she was wrong--I could tell by the way she said it. And at the end, she added, "If there's anything you need to tell me, just say it." That's when I told her we'd started looking for an apartment, so we wouldn't be in her hair longer than necessary. Anything I said beyond that would have been pointless *at that moment.*


If we go to her house tonight, I'll talk to her some, because her rx has worn off, but...there's only so much I can say. Beyond that...dh says it will bounce off of her. He's right.


4yo is crying in dh's lap right now: "I'm tired. I want to go home. Where IS home? We don't live in Grandma's house any more. Do we? Do we live in Grandma's house any more?" :(

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I just don't want to make a decision that would hurt my family *worse* because *I* am hurt or angry. I'm trying very hard to be rational about what needs to be done. Later, I'll fall apart. Of course then no one will understand. :lol: Oh well. Falling apart is overrated. ;)




Yes, falling apart is overrated -- b/c when you put yourself back together, it's all still there waiting for you to deal with it.:glare:


PLEASE take care of yourself!:grouphug::grouphug:

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Not to be negative, but if you move back to TX will dh's breathing issues return? If something happened to him wouldn't you be right back at your mother's anyway?


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


I'm sorry. I could say some things, but they wouldn't be supportive or probably publishable on a public board.


If we had a homeschooling compound you and dh could teach history. We wouldn't make you wear a jumper or bonnet or anything. If I ever build one, you're invited, bring the brood, stay a while.

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I hope you'll find a rental, and dh a job, so that you don't have to move back to TX. I'd worry about his breathing issue.


I'd also consider looking at an area further away from your mother for rentals AND a job.


What an awful situation. Your mother really should be more considerate of her PREGNANT daughter and her GRANDKIDS.



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Not to be negative, but if you move back to TX will dh's breathing issues return?


Yes, but they might be slightly better at his parents' house than where we were living--worst part of DFW for air (this year). We could live there for free if we had to, so he wouldn't HAVE to go out driving to pay the bills (which is harder on his breathing).


It's not a good choice. What can I say?


If something happened to him wouldn't you be right back at your mother's anyway?


At this point, no. I'd stay w/ his parents.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


I'm sorry. I could say some things, but they wouldn't be supportive or probably publishable on a public board.


If we had a homeschooling compound you and dh could teach history. We wouldn't make you wear a jumper or bonnet or anything. If I ever build one, you're invited, bring the brood, stay a while.


Thanks. I'd really rather not wear a jumper. ;)

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I hope you'll find a rental, and dh a job, so that you don't have to move back to TX. I'd worry about his breathing issue.


I'd also consider looking at an area further away from your mother for rentals AND a job.


What an awful situation. Your mother really should be more considerate of her PREGNANT daughter and her GRANDKIDS.




I've been looking in her area. First, I think it will be easier for moving our stuff w/out having to rent anything again or spending copious amts of gas going back & forth.


Second, I think appearances need to be as peaceful as possible, for her sanity. If we find a place to rent, she'll be glad for us & relieved for herself & think the relationship is fine. That will be easier for me to deal w/ than the alternative. Once she sees a dr, maybe I can talk to her about what happened.


Finally, once dh has a real job again--not just filler stuff--we can move where we need to move for real. If that happens to be far away from her...


I feel like an orphan. I


throw-up in playland. must go

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I hope you'll find a rental, and dh a job, so that you don't have to move back to TX. I'd worry about his breathing issue.


I'd also consider looking at an area further away from your mother for rentals AND a job.


What an awful situation. Your mother really should be more considerate of her PREGNANT daughter and her GRANDKIDS.




I've been looking in her area. First, I think it will be easier for moving our stuff w/out having to rent anything again or spending copious amts of gas going back & forth.


Second, I think appearances need to be as peaceful as possible, for her sanity. If we find a place to rent, she'll be glad for us & relieved for herself & think the relationship is fine. That will be easier for me to deal w/ than the alternative. Once she sees a dr, maybe I can talk to her about what happened.


Finally, once dh has a real job again--not just filler stuff--we can move where we need to move for real. If that happens to be far away from her...


I feel like an orphan. I


throw-up in playland. must go

Uh oh on the throw up.


Hon, you can't be worried about your mom's sanity. You just can't make decisions for your family based on that. You have to do what is right for your kids, your dh, and you. That's all you can do.


If you move back to TX, I don't see how the breathing issues will improve. Won't it mean that in a year, its back to the same thing?


Praying you find something workable where the air is managable for your dh. :grouphug:

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Uh oh on the throw up.


Hon, you can't be worried about your mom's sanity. You just can't make decisions for your family based on that. You have to do what is right for your kids, your dh, and you. That's all you can do.


If you move back to TX, I don't see how the breathing issues will improve. Won't it mean that in a year, its back to the same thing?


Praying you find something workable where the air is managable for your dh. :grouphug:


:iagree: I seem to remember that your ILs offered to pay one months rent for you. I would ask them for that before I asked to move in with them.

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I think we're going to stay at mom's for one night or two. After that, if we don't have either a real job or a place to stay, we're going back to TX.


Really, Aubrey, please, please take TX completely off the table. Just put it out of your head. It's too dangerous for your DH. There are lots of places you can live, but that is not one of them.

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As much pain as this causes you right now, it will pass. I believe you are not alone, there are many people wrestling with such issues as "where is home", "who I am really", and "why do the people who claim to love me speak to me in such vial ways". Anyway I think some of this is endemic to where we are as a society.


I truly believe you will use these experiences and insights in the future. You may write a book about it. It could be a bestseller. As some books pinpoint the times, your book could serve a voice for this era of brokenness. I keep thinking of the depression era photo of the woman and her children. Her expression is distant, but her stance is resolute. Her children hug her and cling to her when it looks like she has nothing left. We look at those photos and think it was the past, we're not in a depression. We don't have to wear raggedy clothes, we have internet, and cell phones. But we still can have those feelings of loss, of not belonging somewhere.


Aubrey, you are beautiful and you belong somewhere. You have a home, not sure where that is right now, but it is waiting for you. You have not come this far to fall again. My dad recently advised me to take life one day at a time. I gritted my teeth and smiled, not sure I can even do that.


I wish tomorrow to be a productive day for you. I look at the photo below and don't see brokenness, I see hope and love and I wish both of those for you and your family.



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:grouphug: Aubrey you are doing awesome! You are being active and finding solutions. You and your DH are putting one foot in front of the other and doing what is best for your family. I agree with the others that moving back to Tx isn't thebest choice if it is going to compromise his breathing. I know you will find a place soon and be able to be fully settled and relaxed before your due date. Too bad work visa's are not handed out easily. You could move north to Canada. All us Albertans would help you out in a heartbeat.

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FWIW, the air quality here has been much better this week now that we finally had some rain. My DH was having chest pain every time he was outside for more than a few minutes, but it's completely gone now. And I do not say this to try to make DFW sound more appealing, because it's still crazy hot and all! :glare: Just letting you know in case you really need to consider it.


I am so glad to hear that you aren't going to put any more time or energy into your mom's house. Whether it's an apartment or the in-laws, seriously, anything has got to be better than the current situation.


Edited by caayenne
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If I recall correctly from your earlier posts, your mother was known for being somewhat difficult. Thus, strife could be foreseen. It would be a stressful situation even for an optimistic perpetually cheerful person.


Honestly if I were a parent who had decided to allow a my child's family of (soon) 7 live with me because of their financial difficulties, I would need an area off limits for my own sanity.


Cut her some slack. She is trying to help you the best she knows how. Although she may say things in a hurtful undiplomatic manner, it sounds like she has your and your children's best interests at heart and has made some legitimate points. I know it is hard to remember this when you are feeling constantly criticized by her, but I'm just trying to see it from her side too. Granted she does seem a tad nitpicky about possessions, but some folks are just that way.


What would you have done if you did not have her to fall back on? Perhaps it is time to do whatever that is. Have you been in touch with county social workers to investigate other possibilities for help obtaining food, shelter, and medical care?



That's a good point. Aubrey, I know this is tough and probably driving you to your breaking point, but you mom did extend her home to you and even though she's obviously got some mental health issues that need attention, I don't think she's trying to be malicious.


I have more than a few people in my family with mental health issues and yes, they can be very hard to love sometimes. I have to constantly remember that what they may say and what they may do should not be held against them. This is doubly true when they are having meds issues (which your mom is -- she isn't getting the ones she needs!).


The bottom line is that she opened her home to you. She probably woefully underestimated the impact of suddenly having a huge family in the house when it had been her, alone, for so long. That is an enormous change! Yes, she isn't coping with it well, but I think she is probably feeling over run and she probably did not expect that.


Running back to TX is awful idea, IMHO. Your dh's health is not helped by going back there. You went to CO on what seems to me to be a short-notice impulse driven by your desire to get out of a difficult position. Don't make another such decision by going back to TX. You and your dh will be no farther ahead, and your kids will just have endure yet another bounce. You owe it to yourselves to stick it out in CO and make a go of it. You know what's waiting for you back in TX. Why not take advantage of the unknown opportunities that are in CO?

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This is not an unmedicated ADHD problem. Your mom certainly might have ADHD, but all the things you have said about her have long had me thinking bipolar disorder. I realize that moving out might be truly impossible right now, but I would do everything in my power to keep the kids away from her as much as possible, and to move towards getting out of there. If she has untreated bipolar, she's very likely to say and do things to them that will make these current statements seem like child's play.


Tack a blanket over the window in the downstairs bathroom and let them sleep in the hallway, but try to keep them away from her. Get on every list and lottery that exists. Look into WIC. Look into welfare. Open the phone book and call every church listed. Get in touch with Catholic Charities; you don't need to be Catholic, and they offer a wide variety of services (and can steer you in the right direction for things they don't offer). Let all of them know you are pregnant and have small kids who are in a bad situation.


Most Catholic Churches (I dont' know about others) also have food pantries and a certain level of money to give out at their discretion; call and ask for an appointment. This can often be done quite quickly, there is not as much paperwork/approvals required.


I can't remember the full deal with your inlaws. Is borrowing money at all a possibility?


I'm not trying to make a bad situation worse by scaring you, but whether it's bipolar or something else, your mom does not sound stable to me. And you can't really help her until you are in a stable situation yourself. So for now, just get by as well as you can, and get any help you can to get out of there.




My priest was just talking about this tonight-please call them and ask!

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ETA: This is NOT Meant to come off harsh...


I've been reading this developing thread all day and one thing that comes to mind after your latest reply is to BREATHE. It sounds to me like you're so worried about *tomorrow*, that you're making rash decisions *today*. Please try to just breathe and let the situation sit for the night. I know it's a desperate situation but it won't make anything better to make decisions on the fly as you've been since you arrived. Your children are bound to suffer if you don't give yourself a time-out. :grouphug:

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