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How old were you when you started getting gray hair?...

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The first came in right before my 37th birthday. I promptly plucked them, put them in a baggie and put them in my baby book along with my first haircut clippings. Why not?


Now at 41, they are more resistant and have since recruited more hair to revolt against my natural brown. I am losing the battle with hair coloring, but will continue to fight.

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Tammy, I got my first gray hair at about the same age as you did; I'm 46 now. I don't color my hair, but that's because my hair is blond and the gray doesn't show. My dh, on the other hand, has silver hair at 50.



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Too sweet and funny:D.


The first came in right before my 37th birthday. I promptly plucked them, put them in a baggie and put them in my baby book along with my first haircut clippings. Why not?


Now at 41, they are more resistant and have since recruited more hair to revolt against my natural brown. I am losing the battle with hair coloring, but will continue to fight.

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I was 19 when I found my first very long strand of what I thought of as white.

It was not not grey.

Luckily for me the sun gives me highlights and it all blends well.

You have to really look hard - some people don't believe me until I make them take a closer look.


My best friend thinks that my hair is different....it's not grey or white - it's the absence of color.


Maybe that's why it blends in so well.

And I don't even really know what color the other hair is. I think of myself as being brown with major sunkissed highlights. It looks that way in pictures.


But my db thought I had blond hair the first time he saw it in the morning sunlight. And recently he reported back to me some neighborhood gossip from his old hood......he's dating some hot blonde.


If they only knew it was absence of color........


I used to use red henna - it covered it well.

Don't ever use it on hair that's been chemically treated. You can only use it on your virgin hair.

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I had a few here and there since I was 35 or so.


By the time I was 41 some one asked me if I had been painting...

Loreal is also my good friend now.


I would leave it be--if it were evenly distributed--but right now it would look like a SKUNK stripe right down the center. I do have a bit near my ears--but not much yet.


Since I'm not ready to imitate a skunk, I choose to rebel and color. I only 'need' to do it every 8 weeks and so far my hair is still soft and silky (no visible damage). I use a color VERY close to my natural one. It took a while to find it (pink/orange hair was not my intentions).

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I noticed a few strays around 17 or 18. It seems to run in the family...2 of my children had them by their late teens-early 20's. I am not exceptionally gray at 50, though I do still color my hair. My big question is:

When in good taste should I stop coloring?



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I had a few in my teens, more in my twenties (that's when I started dyeing my hair...) and now in my 30s they're in a STRIPE. Which could look dramatic if only it wasn't quite so, well, skunk-like.


I wouldn't mind going grey if it was all over, or at the temples, or something normal, but it just looks dumb the way it is... so I'll be "Navaho Bronze" for a bit longer. Fortunately the grocery store has me figured out and about every six weeks the register printer spits out a $3 off coupon. Imagine that. Of all the "big brother" freaky data collection schemes... it's better than the Oil of Olay coupon I got for my 30th birthday. :glare:

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I noticed my first one at around 40 or 41. I just plucked them because they stuck out (literally.) However, in the past few months, I have noticed a lot more. I am almost 45. My sisters, however, started coloring for covering gray in their mid thirties. My mom was significantly gray by 30 (but I never new because she colored it.)

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I started getting gray hairs at 18. Now, at 28, I need to dye my hair if I don't want to be 25% gray. My dad has always been gray as long as I can remember. And my dh (also 28) is very gray, but he keeps his hair really short, so its not that obvious. I like to color and highlight mine, but its been a couple months (okay,maybe since Christmas?) and its looking pretty scary :eek:

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I'm not sure exactly. Very early 20s, certainly. Now, at 30, I'd still only have a few dozen, I think, but they're definitely noticeable in my dark, curly hair.


I'll grow old gracefully... Later. But for now... Medium brown, here I come.

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My ds who is 6 has several silver hairs, all in one spot on top of his head. Is he going grey by the end of elementary?


I have a friend who is two years younger than I. She had dark hair with a small shock of white at the top of her head from age 4 or 5 at the latest. It's still there, but she's not going gray yet by any means.


(BTW, I haven't seen her mother in many years, but I believe she had the same pattern.)

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16. They aren't gray, but more white, I suppose, although white doesn't accurately describe them either. Anyway, they began as a couple, but by the time I was 25, I had a streak. Everyone thought it was very cool -- most thought that I'd had it professionally done to "make a statement." :lol:

Now, I dye it because I'm not ready to be as gray as I am. Vain, yes -- but also honest. Dh has gone almost completely gray at 40, but keeps his hair very close to his head, so it looks nice, imo. However, I wonder about our children. They're getting the gene from both sides of the family, poor babies! :D



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I have about a dozen or so (okay, maybe more than a dozen... I have a lot of hair), but they aren't noticeable unless you really look. I started finding more during my pg with my 4th (37 years). Not enough to worry coloring my hair over (even the salon said it wasn't worth it). If I find one that bothers me, I just pull it.


In my 39 years, I've had highlights once... I'm terrified of doing something horrible to my hair!

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I think I was around 33 or 34? The highlights really helped hide them, and I only really noticed the grey when the full weave I'd gotten started growing out. Yikes! I wrote about it in the curly girl thread.


Now I prefer using partial weaves so that it isn't such a shock when it starts growing out. One day I'll be brave and just nix the coloring completely like my mom. Hers looks nice, but her hair isn't as dark as mine. Or maybe it's the grey that makes her hair look lighter ... hmmm.

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I was 20 and in college when a fellow student pointed out that I had some noticeably gray hair. Highlighting took care of the problem for many years but now ... I guess I'm just too gray. I use a semi-permanent color these days but will likely move to a permanent one soon. When I don't color my hair, I get asked way too many times if I'm my daughters' grandmother!



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Unfortunatly, at 33, I have lots of gray hair. I started graying in my mid-twenties. Like many of you highlighting took care of it for a long time, but now I do a second all over color. I'm just not ready to be gray yet! On that note, I saw a lady with beautiful gray-silver hair cut in a classy bob- it looked great! I like to think I will do that one day, just not yet!

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I was 20 when I noticed a couple of them. When my husband was deployed they multiplied more rapidly. If I stopped dying my hair I would probably be 25% gray. I wouldn't dare stop now. I have to dye it every 3 weeks. I lighted my color to light brown. I was very dark brown and it was very noticeable when I skipped one week of dying.

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38 (last year) and they seem to be coming in fast and furious lately. Is there any truth to the old "stress will give you gray hair" theory? Cause it's been a very strange year around here.


My mom, who is 80, has been gray for at least the last 25 years. But a few years ago, one of her kids mentioned her gray hair and she looked totally aghast and exclaimed, "I'm BLOND! What are you talking about?!" It was hilarious. She's not senile but apparently deep in denial about her gray! I plan to follow her example.:001_smile:

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I had a few in my teens, more in my twenties (that's when I started dyeing my hair...) and now in my 30s they're in a STRIPE. Which could look dramatic if only it wasn't quite so, well, skunk-like.


I wouldn't mind going grey if it was all over, or at the temples, or something normal, but it just looks dumb the way it is... so I'll be "Navaho Bronze" for a bit longer. Fortunately the grocery store has me figured out and about every six weeks the register printer spits out a $3 off coupon. Imagine that. Of all the "big brother" freaky data collection schemes... it's better than the Oil of Olay coupon I got for my 30th birthday. :glare:



Me too! I was in my teens, and started out with a Bonnie Raitt swirl in the front, but now I've a lovely, WHITE skunk stripe. Ptttht.


I'm coloring for a good while longer.

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By my mid-20's I had plenty of white hairs, but they sort of blended with my natural highlights so they weren't too obvious. Now, at 38, the white is obvious. I had my hair colored for a couple of years, but couldn't afford to keep it up so now I'm just embracing my sign of maturity. :)


My mom has been white haired for as long as I can remember, so I always expected to go white really early.

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