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My dh noticed that EVERYONE is saying this word and it bugs him to death. Once he mentioned it, I started noticing it, but it just makes me laugh (and I do it too sometimes!). Here's an example:


"My daughter cleaned the bathroom today and when I checked it there was toothpaste in the sink. And I was like, 'really? is that how clean you can get it?"



"Trader Joe's stopped carrying my favorite tea, and I was like, 'really? couldn't you have gotten rid of that other, nasty tea?'"


Once you listen, you start hearing it constantly... really? really? REALLY?


So have you noticed this? Does it bug you? And *where* did it come from? I think it's pretty recent.

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"Really" can be very annoying when someone acts incredulous that say McDonald's is out of coffee for 2 minutes or something...

Really? How can they be out of coffee? OMG, how does that happen??


The one that drives me nuts is, "It is what it is." Thanks. I was confused about what it was. :D


Mrs. Mungo, "That's like bringing weed to Amsterdam!" :D:D:D

Awesome video. Thank you.

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My dh noticed that EVERYONE is saying this word and it bugs him to death. Once he mentioned it, I started noticing it, but it just makes me laugh (and I do it too sometimes!). Here's an example:


"My daughter cleaned the bathroom today and when I checked it there was toothpaste in the sink. And I was like, 'really? is that how clean you can get it?"



"Trader Joe's stopped carrying my favorite tea, and I was like, 'really? couldn't you have gotten rid of that other, nasty tea?'"


Once you listen, you start hearing it constantly... really? really? REALLY?


So have you noticed this? Does it bug you? And *where* did it come from? I think it's pretty recent.



I can't stand it. I also dislike how people are using "seriously" in the same way.

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I really like..don't know what you are like really talking about.





I use seriously and really All The Time. Sorry to your dh.:tongue_smilie: How does he feel about "My bad?" talk about IRRITATING, STUPID and OBNOXIOUS!!!

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Yeah, you know.


Although...I can't stand You Know. One of mine says it far too frequently. I find myself saying, "Don't say You Know", which is upsetting to the child. But reallly? ;)




I have a sweet friend who always says, "Oh my HEAD!" instead of Oh my Word or Oh my G*d, etc.


I don't like "Oh my head." Especially.......


never mind. :leaving:

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Haha! This one still gives me this mildly panicked feeling that i am supposed to answer a question... but I have no idea how to answer.




"Really" can be very annoying when someone acts incredulous that say McDonald's is out of coffee for 2 minutes or something...

Really? How can they be out of coffee? OMG, how does that happen??


The one that drives me nuts is, "It is what it is." Thanks. I was confused about what it was. :D


Mrs. Mungo, "That's like bringing weed to Amsterdam!" :D:D:D

Awesome video. Thank you.



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My dd like uses the word like, like in between every possibly word she can. Like, it drives dh nuts, and like, then he starts talking like this, and like, then its this huge thing because like, it gets annoying.



Then I am in a house FULL of annoying teenagers :glare:




I'm *LOVING* this silly thread!!!! REALLY!!! I am!!!:lol::lol::lol:

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I know, right?



*SNORT* I say this all the time.



Well, "Is that so?" sounds pretentious, and "You don't say?" sounds sarcastic, so I think I'll stick with, "Really?" Really! :tongue_smilie:

:iagree: I use it all the time on my blog when I'm griping about something.


To the OP, what do you (or your dh) suggest be used instead?

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*SNORT* I say this all the time.




:iagree: I use it all the time on my blog when I'm griping about something.


To the OP, what do you (or your dh) suggest be used instead?


Oh, we aren't on some campaign to eradicate it -- it's just something we've noticed. To him, it's annoying (b/c it's said SO OFTEN) -- to me, just interesting. I think the way language evolves over time is fascinating, especially when we say/write things we never would have a decade ago, and don't even realize our word usage is changing or why.


I do think if I were blogging, I'd try to mix it up with some "you have got to be kidding me"s or "unbelievable"s or other such expressions of surprise -- just because I think it's overused and prefer to read writing that's more varied. But whatever. ;)

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The, "I know, right?" one has almost got me in its clutches. I'm trying not to say it, but I have a friend who uses it all the time, and I'm starting to think "I know, right?" all the time. I'm afraid that soon, I'll catch myself blurting it out all the time.



Oh, and I love using, "Really?" or "Srsly?" Like someone else said, it adds just the right touch of sarcasm, without going too far.

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I know, right?

THIS one drives me crazy and it I felt perturbed with myself when I realized I say it once in a while...

I am not the greatest on language arts, but to end that sentence with a question doesn't seem correct.

"I know. Right?" That doesn't seem correct either.

"Really" is something we all say, as if to indicate it is almost unbelievable but you know it is true. It is overused.

Ooooh. I despise "It is what it is." I just want to say "It is not."

I have said all of these irritating things, and much more.

"My bad" is funny.

Did you say "whatever"?

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THIS one drives me crazy and it I felt perturbed with myself when I realized I say it once in a while...

I am not the greatest on language arts, but to end that sentence with a question doesn't seem correct.

"I know. Right?" That doesn't seem correct either.

"Really" is something we all say, as if to indicate it is almost unbelievable but you know it is true. It is overused.

Ooooh. I despise "It is what it is." I just want to say "It is not."

I have said all of these irritating things, and much more.

"My bad" is funny.

Did you say "whatever"?


I first heard IKR 2 1/2 years ago when I met up with my long lost sister...so I always think of her when I say/hear it.

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I am guilty of using Really and Seriously like that all the time. Even my 3 year old says Really??? in that manner. Now I am going to be way too aware of it and will probably kick myself every time I say either of those..

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I must admit that I say "It is what it is" sometimes. It actually helps! :tongue_smilie:


I also think it's funny to say SRSLY. 'Cause I'm 37 and not cool.


Speaking of being 'not cool'....ds11 has request I not have music blaring when I pick him up from various places...



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