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Okay, do your holiday if you must but could you at least follow the law and HOA rules to do so? Why does celebrating a holiday make it okay to break the law and otherwise do whatever you want?


Yes, I'm grumpy! It's 10pm. My mom is worried about her new car. I'm worried about the burn ban and my house burning down. I'm also worried about my dog barking every other second because of the sound. I'm MORE worried about the 5 little ones I have in bed (where kids belong at 10pm, imo), four of whom have extreme fear issues.


And maybe all those things are my problem, not theirs. Of course, if they weren't breaking the law and the neighborhood regulations, I wouldn't have those problems.


In the words of my 3yr old, "me not happy!"

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As much as I love the 4th of July, I hate the week before and after much, much more!


:iagree: We have a 'thunder dog shirt' ready for our hound --I imagine we will have to use it tomorrow night.......and Sunday night.......and definitely Monday night.

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:iagree: We have a 'thunder dog shirt' ready for our hound --I imagine we will have to use it tomorrow night.......and Sunday night.......and definitely Monday night.


I think this year is going to be especially bad with the weekend being immedieately before the 4th. I am wishing I could go out of town to the mountains this weekend, but we have to stick around to keep an eye on the house. We have crazy neighbors!

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I think this year is going to be especially bad with the weekend being immedieately before the 4th. I am wishing I could go out of town to the mountains this weekend, but we have to stick around to keep an eye on the house. We have crazy neighbors!



(In red): I can SO relate! :glare:

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No one should celebrate the fourth. Gotcha.


That's pretty much how I read it also. But then, I'm one of those that avoids HOA's at all costs. I like diversity, people that are allowed to enjoy themselves. Living a crowded city, we have firecrackers going off all summer. I never once feared for my home nor my kids in their beds.


OP, I'm sorry that you feel anxious about it though. Perhaps speaking with your neighbours or just bearing through the weekend.

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No one should celebrate the fourth. Gotcha.

I really don't think that is what is being said here. There is a time and a place.

My middle son and his family come to our home on the 4th, the kids swim in the afternoon, we have supper together and then he oversees the fireworks It rarely goes until after 10 though and that is on the 4th. I really don't appreciate them being set off 3-4 days ahead either.

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I really don't think that is what is being said here. There is a time and a place.

My middle son and his family come to our home on the 4th, the kids swim in the afternoon, we have supper together and then he oversees the fireworks It rarely goes until after 10 though and that is on the 4th. I really don't appreciate them being set off 3-4 days ahead either.

Ayah! This is why I'm still on the computer this time of night. There is no sense in me trying to go to sleep before 2 over the next few days.



Dd just came down and said she can't sleep because of all the noise.

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Those posters who see the OP as a killjoy should consider that she's in Texas. The current drought here is like nothing we've ever had; 90% of the state has been categorized as in "Extreme" or "Exceptional" conditions of drought. Please recall the Possum Kingdom fire a mere 2 months ago, and the ongoing fires throughout the state. Texas has had more acres burn this year than any other state, and that's saying something for a year that's seen phenomenal burning.


Over a hundred counties have banned the selling and buying of fireworks, with fines at $500. I think that OP has a very legitimate complaint about her neighbors setting off fireworks, that are a, likely illegal, and b, a hazard. I'm also very concerned about this weekend, because we live at the top of an incline, and a nearby ravine that is filled with dry brush and trees. Perfect for the spread of a fire.

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I appreciate the support from some.


I am not surprised that some think it's perfectly fine to break the law. Their fun is more important than the real risk of fire with all the extreme wildfire warnings posted all over the metroplex. But who cares about that. Their fun for a week is much more important than being safe.


And we'll just not worry about ruining your fun at 10pm and 12am and 2am. Who *are* we to be annoyed by your fun and wish you knew what respect, safety, and following the law was? Shame on us. Don't we know that "Love they neighbor" is soooooooooo old-fashioned?


Got it.


ETA: Extra thanks to Rebekah. That is definitely my concern. The other being the four foster children who have already been through WAY too much. The 5yr old today thought a hammering sound was a gunshot. The four yr old woke up screaming which of course woke the one year old. But who cares about them. The fun other people are having though it's illegal, dangerous and disrespectful is much more important than some little kids.


ETA2: If anyone wants to look through my 5,894 postings, you'll find that I simply do not carry on about other people's holidays and celebrations. I was clear what my concern was which would be the same if I was the most patriotic citizen in this country.

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I call the police. It is illegal to have non-professional fireworks in our city. I do not call for small fireworks or sparklers but the big mortars that are only for sale on the Reservation? You bet, I call. A couple of years ago it was like a war zone here with drunken neighbors sending off those big ones sideways down the road, barely missing our cars and those of others.

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Actually I've been surprised that it has been deadly quiet-- usually June and July are full of fireworks (especially on days other than the 4th)... perhaps the celebratory neighbors remember the innocent pop-bottle rocket that landed on another neighbor's shed last year causing a HUGE explosion (he had just filled up a big gas tank) and burning several acres...


We are rural-- lots of acres--no fire hydrants... and if a fire starts tanker trucks have to be sent in--and that takes a long time! Last year we were lucky as a tanker truck was just leaving another fire a few miles away with nearly a full load of water (enough to last until the second tanker could refill and get to the fire).


This year is the third year of a MAJOR RULE SHATTERING drought... 'extreme' is not strong enough wording for the fire hazard.


There are many other ways to celebrate the 4th besides fireworks ... and if you want fireworks there are plenty of communities who will have displays over water...


I can sleep better tonight knowing it is QUIET for a change!

Edited by Jann in TX
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Those posters who see the OP as a killjoy should consider that she's in Texas. The current drought here is like nothing we've ever had; 90% of the state has been categorized as in "Extreme" or "Exceptional" conditions of drought. Please recall the Possum Kingdom fire a mere 2 months ago, and the ongoing fires throughout the state. Texas has had more acres burn this year than any other state, and that's saying something for a year that's seen phenomenal burning.


Over a hundred counties have banned the selling and buying of fireworks, with fines at $500. I think that OP has a very legitimate complaint about her neighbors setting off fireworks, that are a, likely illegal, and b, a hazard. I'm also very concerned about this weekend, because we live at the top of an incline, and a nearby ravine that is filled with dry brush and trees. Perfect for the spread of a fire.


I was going to point that out, but you beat me to it. We could see the smoke from the PK Lake fires from our house. Our community's VFD was out fighting the fires. We've had hardly any rain in the last few of months or longer, and the temps have been 100+ daily for a few weeks now (that usually doesn't happen until later in the summer). We're under a burn ban (including fireworks), and you can bet I'd be calling the police if I were hearing/seeing them anyway.

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I feel your pain. We haven't had problems this year yet, which is shocking to me. But I'm really nervous about this weekend. All the cities around here have cancelled their fireworks displays. They've banned the selling of fireworks for private citizens.


We haven't had a good, drenching rain in 18 months they said on the news last week. And we've had something like 20 days over 100 so far. Our June is going down as the hottest on record - EVER. All it's going to take is one spark from someone paying too little attention and - poof - there goes my house. They're pulling in off duty officers to respond to fireworks calls this weekend and are threatening huge fine and jail time for people who break the law.


(FWIW, we have fireworks left over from New Year's that we planned on using this year. Because of the bans, we won't be using them. I'd rather role model responsible citizenship to my children than careless law breaking.) And you can BET I'll be calling the police if I hear fireworks going off, whether it's 2pm or 2am.

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I agree the noise is a nuisance. Who am I kidding? Before we had kids we were THE house in the neighborhood for fireworks. Sigh...now things are so different.


There is a burn ban in effect for 238 out of 254 counties in our state. I'd call the police, too.


However, in a funny side note, we rec'd a mailer today encouraging us to get extra flood insurance. Ummmm.........

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Hmmm.....I thought she was complaining about the noise keeping her kids awake.


I know she was, which I understand and appreciate as the mother of a current preschooler and five former ones. ;) I was referring to her opening line about celebrating "your" national holiday, which might be obscure if one did not know where she was coming from. I meant no disrespect either to Pamela herself or JWs in general.:001_smile:

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All the local cities have cancelled their fireworks shows because the drought is so extreme that even professionals can't safely do a show. All fireworks sales have been banned in our county and the surrounding counties.


My city has made setting off fireworks a jailable offense because the risk of wildfire is so extreme.

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Those posters who see the OP as a killjoy should consider that she's in Texas. The current drought here is like nothing we've ever had; 90% of the state has been categorized as in "Extreme" or "Exceptional" conditions of drought. Please recall the Possum Kingdom fire a mere 2 months ago, and the ongoing fires throughout the state. Texas has had more acres burn this year than any other state, and that's saying something for a year that's seen phenomenal burning.


Over a hundred counties have banned the selling and buying of fireworks, with fines at $500. I think that OP has a very legitimate complaint about her neighbors setting off fireworks, that are a, likely illegal, and b, a hazard. I'm also very concerned about this weekend, because we live at the top of an incline, and a nearby ravine that is filled with dry brush and trees. Perfect for the spread of a fire.



:iagree: I've been choking on smoke from a wildfire started by lightening two weeks ago. The noise of fireworks drives my Aspies nuts - and me too. We're in a drought and they are illegal in NC. There are places around here with firework shows and they are televised. They can watch fireworks all they want but don't set them off where it's already dry as a bone and with smoke so thick I feel like I'm in smog.

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Those posters who see the OP as a killjoy should consider that she's in Texas. The current drought here is like nothing we've ever had; 90% of the state has been categorized as in "Extreme" or "Exceptional" conditions of drought. Please recall the Possum Kingdom fire a mere 2 months ago, and the ongoing fires throughout the state. Texas has had more acres burn this year than any other state, and that's saying something for a year that's seen phenomenal burning.


Over a hundred counties have banned the selling and buying of fireworks, with fines at $500. I think that OP has a very legitimate complaint about her neighbors setting off fireworks, that are a, likely illegal, and b, a hazard. I'm also very concerned about this weekend, because we live at the top of an incline, and a nearby ravine that is filled with dry brush and trees. Perfect for the spread of a fire.


ouch. My apologies. I did not realise. To be honest, I did not even know that the south was in a drought until I asked a friend how her garden was a few weeks ago (we were getting more rain than I wanted at that time, so it was easy for my to be oblivious since I also was not watching any tv news).

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:grouphug: I'm sorry you're having troubles. It's not an issue here because, well clearly the 4th isn't celebrated as such. I admit I do miss fireworks though. That said, we are warned well in advanced at anytime they having them so we can procure our animals and be prepared.


Can you lodge a complaint with your local sheriff/police?

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ouch. My apologies. I did not realise. To be honest, I did not even know that the south was in a drought until I asked a friend how her garden was a few weeks ago (we were getting more rain than I wanted at that time, so it was easy for my to be oblivious since I also was not watching any tv news).


It's surreal watching how other parts of the country are practically building arks because of all the flooding. And here, spit from a cowboy wouldn't even hit the ground before the dessicated air sucked up all up.

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OP. I am all with you on the dangers of fireworks in the drought area- it is awful. I also don't like illegal fireworks- they are illegal for a reason. I would be upset too if my state had so much trouble with drought and fireworks were being let out. But by saying your holiday, you alienated people. So many of us who do celebrate the 4th don't like illegal fireworks, fireworks when there is a severe fire danger, fireworks late at night, fireworks not on the Fourth, etc. Your complaint really had nothing to do with being a JW so it really didn't need to reference that.

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Again, thanks y'all.


Though the baby sleeps pretty well (usually through the night!), I'm still so tired. When I'm ready to go to bed, I am. And worrying about my house burning down (and everyone else's too!) as well as helping kids with PTSD deal with other people's fun is just not what I really want to do at 11pm. Every year, I suck it up in terms of the general disrespect of 11pm fireworks for a week or two as does every other parent. What is the point in complaining?


But this was considerably different.


Heigh Ho, sorry about your cars in front of the mailbox issue. We have been cited twice about that. The issue is that my littles have over 60 regular therapies per month plus caseworkers, GALs, CASAs, etc coming to the house. Then add various friends, family, etc at times. Many times, we have more than one person here so as to have any break from other people at all. We just don't have another spot to park for company, especially if we have more than one person here. We have gotten better by blocking the driveway and such as I did start telling regular visits to try so we didn't keep getting citations, but...

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Again, thanks y'all.


Though the baby sleeps pretty well (usually through the night!), I'm still so tired. When I'm ready to go to bed, I am. And worrying about my house burning down (and everyone else's too!) as well as helping kids with PTSD deal with other people's fun is just not what I really want to do at 11pm. Every year, I suck it up in terms of the general disrespect of 11pm fireworks for a week or two as does every other parent. What is the point in complaining?


But this was considerably different.


Heigh Ho, sorry about your cars in front of the mailbox issue. We have been cited twice about that. The issue is that my littles have over 60 regular therapies per month plus caseworkers, GALs, CASAs, etc coming to the house. Then add various friends, family, etc at times. Many times, we have more than one person here so as to have any break from other people at all. We just don't have another spot to park for company, especially if we have more than one person here. We have gotten better by blocking the driveway and such as I did start telling regular visits to try so we didn't keep getting citations, but...


It's NOMB but did you ever post about how you got from selling all your things and moving/traveling with your DH for work to settled down with 5 foster kids?


There's got to be a story here! :D

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Hmmm.....I thought she was complaining about the noise keeping her kids awake.


Me too. :)


Long naps at your house today! I'm really not big on large fireworks in an uncontrolled environment either.




FWIW, I simply do not like nor do I understand the enjoyment from the sound of a BIG BOOM.

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It's surreal watching how other parts of the country are practically building arks because of all the flooding. And here, spit from a cowboy wouldn't even hit the ground before the dessicated air sucked up all up.


That's sad, because I would gladly share the rain with ya'll :grouphug:

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I feel your pain. The 4th of July started in our neighborhood over a week ago and it will continue until well into August, perhaps even Labor Day. The illegal fireworks are a constant here during the summer. I hate them but honestly, the police in our city are already overworked and don't have time for fireworks complaints so nothing is ever done about it anyway. I hope you can get through the weekend with as little pain as possible for your little ones.

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Wow! Where did they even get fireworks in Texas this year?!? I haven't seen a single shack open and all of the municipal fireworks are cancelled because of the drought.


I would call both the HOA and the non-emergency police/fire line to report them because it is too dangerous to shoot off fireworks this year. Normally I don't mind, but it's just too dry. We don't need any more fires burning in Texas!

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I appreciate the support from some.


I am not surprised that some think it's perfectly fine to break the law. Their fun is more important than the real risk of fire with all the extreme wildfire warnings posted all over the metroplex. But who cares about that. Their fun for a week is much more important than being safe.


And we'll just not worry about ruining your fun at 10pm and 12am and 2am. Who *are* we to be annoyed by your fun and wish you knew what respect, safety, and following the law was? Shame on us. Don't we know that "Love they neighbor" is soooooooooo old-fashioned?


Got it.


ETA: Extra thanks to Rebekah. That is definitely my concern. The other being the four foster children who have already been through WAY too much. The 5yr old today thought a hammering sound was a gunshot. The four yr old woke up screaming which of course woke the one year old. But who cares about them. The fun other people are having though it's illegal, dangerous and disrespectful is much more important than some little kids.


ETA2: If anyone wants to look through my 5,894 postings, you'll find that I simply do not carry on about other people's holidays and celebrations. I was clear what my concern was which would be the same if I was the most patriotic citizen in this country.


Just a thought for getting through... A "white noise" machine inside the room and a fan outside the room blowing on the door. Soft music that isn't distracting? Ideas like that.... And I guess I'd try to make sure that there weren't trees touching my house... would that help?? And I guess a drought means no soaking thinks that might burn... UGH.... For us... it's the times when the Guns are shot up in the air!!


I love the 4th, and think everyone should enjoy it at a proper fireworks show! My son's BD is the 3rd, and we had him thinking for years that the fireworks show on the 3rd here, was a BD party :)

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I think this year is going to be especially bad with the weekend being immedieately before the 4th. I am wishing I could go out of town to the mountains this weekend, but we have to stick around to keep an eye on the house. We have crazy neighbors!


I live in the mountains and the obnoxious fire cracker kids are here too. I don't really mind it so much, but the dog does. I can't get him outside to do his business in the evenings and hope that he can hold it till morning. :glare:

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Those posters who see the OP as a killjoy should consider that she's in Texas. The current drought here is like nothing we've ever had; 90% of the state has been categorized as in "Extreme" or "Exceptional" conditions of drought. Please recall the Possum Kingdom fire a mere 2 months ago, and the ongoing fires throughout the state. Texas has had more acres burn this year than any other state, and that's saying something for a year that's seen phenomenal burning.


Over a hundred counties have banned the selling and buying of fireworks, with fines at $500. I think that OP has a very legitimate complaint about her neighbors setting off fireworks, that are a, likely illegal, and b, a hazard. I'm also very concerned about this weekend, because we live at the top of an incline, and a nearby ravine that is filled with dry brush and trees. Perfect for the spread of a fire.


Very true. I love fireworks and we do them every year (they're legal here). However, everything is extremely dry. There's a burn ban and a $1000 fine for fireworks this year. I will be calling the police if any of my neighbors are stupid enough to shoot them off.

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We called the police the other night when there were fireworks being launched over the roof of the house across the street...

1. Airborn fireworks are illegal.

2. They are disturbing the peace.

3. The reason for #1 is because the whole town is essentially living in 100+ year old kindling, aka Victorian era farm houses. It is a public safety issue.


Sorry, you don't get to keep me up all night or burn my house to the ground for fun.

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Again, thanks for the support y'all.


Two things....


1) I didn't mean "your" holiday being for a general group of people (or in this case, most of the people in the country). I really was frustrated with these specific people. And, btw, July 1st isn't a holiday.


2) Christus, we fostered before and have always wanted to again. Hubby got called back to his job in November. We had decided that if we ever got to settle down again, we were going to do it. This was especially solidified because we lived on the same land as two foster kids (ages 10 and 15) in SW VA and thought highly of them and their foster family. Then, the family we stayed with as we were securing housing in Texas had 3 adopted foster children. We were able to get licensed very quickly and have had seven children (including the 5 we have already) plus 3 respite kids (just overnight) so far.

Edited by 2J5M9K
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I thought of you last night when my dog was leaping on top of me at 10pm, 12am, and 2am. Apparently July 1st and 2nd are worthy of celebration in our Deliverance-style neighborhood. I was annoyed just about the dog, but I'd have been livid in your circumstances. :grouphug:

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I used to feel similarly when my children were pretty little. i was scared the babies/toddlers would be woken up and start crying. At one point I looked at myself from 'outside' and thought, man, I must be so uptight nowadays that I'm so worried that fireworks are going to wake my kids. What should I expect from the world around me? Since then I don't get too worked up about it.


About you guys saying it's not the 4th yet, so why are they celebrating two nights before... well, Christmas pops in my mind... now there's a holiday that is celebrated more than just one day!


In TX we have some major fire danger. We've been declared a state of emergency b/c of drought and fire. I hope no one is doing it unsafely, that's all.

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We are in Texas, too, and I'll be reporting any offenders to the authorities. We have a burn ban in all our surrounding counties, and the law enforcement agencies have all the cars patrolling neighborhoods for the entitled folks who think their right to burn fireworks is superior to the safety of others.

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About you guys saying it's not the 4th yet, so why are they celebrating two nights before... well, Christmas pops in my mind... now there's a holiday that is celebrated more than just one day!



Yes, Christmas is. But I don't buy the excuse that since one holiday is overdone....they all have the right to be! :confused:


I have sat her for 2 nights now listening to dog barking all over the neighborhood as M80s boom around us (sounds like a shotgon blast) startling the crap out of everyone. Waking up my 4 year old who is terrified of the sound and then trying to lull her back to sleep, just to have another one go off. Some aerial works are legal here but people also go to the reservation and buy a ton of illegal stuff too. I have a neighbor who lets off PALLETS of fire works. $10,000 worth. He sells them, so he gets them at cost. We have burn marks in our garage door, our front porch and dents in the hood of my car from his debris hitting it. He caught the neighbors roof on fire one year, luckily we were here to hose it down.


A neighbors house (a few houses away) burnt down a couple of years ago from kids and fireworks.


If the forth is celebrated on the forth, no problem. It just listening to all the noise for 3 days prior and 2-3 days after that gets annoying. One night of fun is great. It is the 3 nights of being startled/a kid waking up terrified every 30 minutes/dogs barking incessantly from 9-midnight/and having to do a property check every hour watching for burning debris....that gets old, and we do it for a week each year.


If you look around our neighborhood there are fireworks going for hours, in every direction. Many, many that are so big that you can see them 1/4 mile away 15-20 feet over the top of two story houses. I have old video I can show you of how insane it is here, this isn't just a few people letting of 8 foot tall sparking things in the street. I am talking about 40-50 foot aerials....going on for hours, multiple nights.

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It is in Canada. 'Canada Day'.


My son will get a kick out of that :) We talk about Canada and Canadians several times per day. Of course, almost nothing we say about them are true (like Canadians don't wear clothes unless they are crossing the border). My son started this silliness a long time ago but it has gotten to a feverish level now that we have littles to carry on with. One day at the park, I was trying to be reassuring about the possible Canadians my former foster son (age 5) was worried were at the park. We had some woman cracking up.

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