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I didn't get good news. :(

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Thank you all so much for the supportive responses. I REALLY appreciate them. I'm sad and have been crying on and off today but I'm glad if it had to happen that it happened so early on. I, too, have heard that after a m/c it is sometimes easier to conceive again more quickly as I guess your body is already primed for pregnancy. I hope that we are that lucky and have a happier outcome next time.


Meanwhile, the doctor never did call me back and they are closed all weekend. Things are status quo with me right now- I guess I just wait it out? I don't even know if I'm supposed to be waiting to miscarry naturally or scheduling a D&C or what. I wish they would have called and talked to me. I'm not sure what to expect or when or how bad it will feel or anything.

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Thank you all so much for the supportive responses. I REALLY appreciate them. I'm sad and have been crying on and off today but I'm glad if it had to happen that it happened so early on. I, too, have heard that after a m/c it is sometimes easier to conceive again more quickly as I guess your body is already primed for pregnancy. I hope that we are that lucky and have a happier outcome next time.


Meanwhile, the doctor never did call me back and they are closed all weekend. Things are status quo with me right now- I guess I just wait it out? I don't even know if I'm supposed to be waiting to miscarry naturally or scheduling a D&C or what. I wish they would have called and talked to me. I'm not sure what to expect or when or how bad it will feel or anything.



When I was 35, I had an early miscarriage 2 days after Christmas in 2001. We were completely devastated. However, I got pregnant the next month with my daughter. Praying that it happens for you too!

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The doctor called me this morning.


He said that since my numbers are rising but only slowly, the concern is that I might have a tubal pregnancy. The first step is to go and get an ultrasound so they can try to determine if there is any sign of a pregnancy in the uterus, even if just a sac etc (it would be too early obviously to see any sort of fetus or anything). If they CAN tell that the pregnancy is in the uterus, we can discuss options, those being:


Waiting to miscarry on my own, which he said can take a few days but up to two or three weeks;


Taking a medication that will stop any pregnancy from continuing to grow at all and my body would just basically "absorb" the pregnancy;


Getting a D&C.


We will discuss those options in person after I have the ultrasound (which will probably be on Tuesday).


If they do NOT see anything in the uterus, they would have to go with the assumption that it is a tubal pregnancy and they would give me that medication that would stop anything from growing, end the pregnancy, and cause my body to absorb it. They want to be careful with that because if the pregnancy continues to grow eventually it could rupture the tube, but he said I'm still very early so that shouldn't be a concern just now.


So anyway I have to call the office Monday morning and ask them to schedule the ultrasound for Tuesday. That's assuming things stay status quo. He said if I start getting any bad pains I should call immediately and would have to end up going to the hospital. But for now, things are staying the same...only the same light spotting, no pains etc.


I was supposed to make a round trip to NJ tomorrow to take my oldest daughter to my aunt's house where her father was going to pick her up and take her back to NY for the rest of the summer, but I've asked my husband to take her for me instead. 1) I'm not feeling emotionally up to much just now and not up to socializing much, even with my aunt and 2) I don't want to be far from home in case I DO start having any pains etc that require a trip to the hospital!


Other than that- next week will be fun.


I have to get the kids back and forth to their summer camp program from 9-12 each day of the week (a Montessori camp that they're only going to three weeks spread out throughout the summer).


I have my end of the year homeschool evaluation on Monday later in the afternoon.


I have to do the ultrasound on Tuesday and then see what comes next after that.


And between Wednesday and Thursday, I have to go to the social security office to take care of paperwork for my oldest daughter's SSI disability payments which are up for review, and I have to get my portfolio over to the school district. Thank goodness I decided to put most of the portfolio together a couple of weeks ago to get it out of the way and only have a couple of things to print (like my book log) to be done with it. I'd be SO overwhelmed if I'd put all that off until this week (having to select and photocopy samples and so on)!


Anyway, it will be kind of a stressful week and I'll be glad when it's over with- I'll be glad when all of this is behind me and things get back to normal.


Just wanted to update you guys.


Thanks for the support etc, it has meant a lot.



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:grouphug:You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.:grouphug:




The doctor called me this morning.


He said that since my numbers are rising but only slowly, the concern is that I might have a tubal pregnancy. The first step is to go and get an ultrasound so they can try to determine if there is any sign of a pregnancy in the uterus, even if just a sac etc (it would be too early obviously to see any sort of fetus or anything). If they CAN tell that the pregnancy is in the uterus, we can discuss options, those being:


Waiting to miscarry on my own, which he said can take a few days but up to two or three weeks;


Taking a medication that will stop any pregnancy from continuing to grow at all and my body would just basically "absorb" the pregnancy;


Getting a D&C.


We will discuss those options in person after I have the ultrasound (which will probably be on Tuesday).


If they do NOT see anything in the uterus, they would have to go with the assumption that it is a tubal pregnancy and they would give me that medication that would stop anything from growing, end the pregnancy, and cause my body to absorb it. They want to be careful with that because if the pregnancy continues to grow eventually it could rupture the tube, but he said I'm still very early so that shouldn't be a concern just now.


So anyway I have to call the office Monday morning and ask them to schedule the ultrasound for Tuesday. That's assuming things stay status quo. He said if I start getting any bad pains I should call immediately and would have to end up going to the hospital. But for now, things are staying the same...only the same light spotting, no pains etc.


I was supposed to make a round trip to NJ tomorrow to take my oldest daughter to my aunt's house where her father was going to pick her up and take her back to NY for the rest of the summer, but I've asked my husband to take her for me instead. 1) I'm not feeling emotionally up to much just now and not up to socializing much, even with my aunt and 2) I don't want to be far from home in case I DO start having any pains etc that require a trip to the hospital!


Other than that- next week will be fun.


I have to get the kids back and forth to their summer camp program from 9-12 each day of the week (a Montessori camp that they're only going to three weeks spread out throughout the summer).


I have my end of the year homeschool evaluation on Monday later in the afternoon.


I have to do the ultrasound on Tuesday and then see what comes next after that.


And between Wednesday and Thursday, I have to go to the social security office to take care of paperwork for my oldest daughter's SSI disability payments which are up for review, and I have to get my portfolio over to the school district. Thank goodness I decided to put most of the portfolio together a couple of weeks ago to get it out of the way and only have a couple of things to print (like my book log) to be done with it. I'd be SO overwhelmed if I'd put all that off until this week (having to select and photocopy samples and so on)!


Anyway, it will be kind of a stressful week and I'll be glad when it's over with- I'll be glad when all of this is behind me and things get back to normal.


Just wanted to update you guys.


Thanks for the support etc, it has meant a lot.



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I'm so sorry. I've been down that road too many times and it just plain sucks.


May God bless you peace and comfort. Be gentle with yourself and cry a lot. It helps!


One thing that helped me was naming each of my miscarried babies and planting a little tree for them in the backyard. It helps to know that they were really a person who mattered and will not be forgotten. ((hugs))

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Thank you all so much for the supportive responses. I REALLY appreciate them. I'm sad and have been crying on and off today but I'm glad if it had to happen that it happened so early on. I, too, have heard that after a m/c it is sometimes easier to conceive again more quickly as I guess your body is already primed for pregnancy. I hope that we are that lucky and have a happier outcome next time.


Meanwhile, the doctor never did call me back and they are closed all weekend. Things are status quo with me right now- I guess I just wait it out? I don't even know if I'm supposed to be waiting to miscarry naturally or scheduling a D&C or what. I wish they would have called and talked to me. I'm not sure what to expect or when or how bad it will feel or anything.


FWIW, I lost a baby on New Years Eve last year and conceived 20 days later. Leah is now a gorgeous nine month old. So it can happen quickly!

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