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Now That The Secret Is Out...

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There are some things that I've been wanting to talk about but have kept quiet...the pressure is now being released!


The kids are so excited. They argue daily about if they're getting a brother or sister. Princess has flatly declared that its a brother. She's not interested in a sister. :lol: They've nicknamed the baby, "Tummy".


Next u/s is the end of the month...so hoping to find out the gender.


My MIL is being nasty. Her reaction when Wolf told her? "OH NO!!!"

She then asked me, a week later, if the pregnancy was intentional or not. :001_huh: I asked her what that had to do with anything. I also told her that God has a plan, so obviously He intended this baby to be.


She's angry. Very, very angry. She sees this as us not fulfilling our responsibilities to her. We're supposed to be taking care of HER, not having another child. Never mind that we've never agreed to her moving in, etc. She decided this when she adopted my dh, raised him constantly reminding him that he owed her, and has continued in this vein since our marriage.


At this point, I'm ducking her calls. I've warned Wolf that one more nasty comment, and I'm going OFF. He's told me to go ahead.


I greatly appreciate all the congrats and support I've received here. I do, however, find it sad that folks here can be happy and supportive for us, yet his mother is being nothing but nasty.


I don't suppose I should be all that surprised...she threw a fit when we were expecting Princess too. Apparently God had told her we weren't to have any more, but to adopt...and then changed His mind without checking with her. :glare:


Things are challenging enough with my health issues, and the other chaos swirling about right now. I so don't need hissy fits from an 80+ yo woman to boot. :glare:

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She's angry. Very, very angry. She sees this as us not fulfilling our responsibilities to her. We're supposed to be taking care of HER, not having another child. Never mind that we've never agreed to her moving in, etc. She decided this when she adopted my dh, raised him constantly reminding him that he owed her, and has continued in this vein since our marriage.


At this point, I'm ducking her calls. I've warned Wolf that one more nasty comment, and I'm going OFF. He's told me to go ahead.




Ack! She stinks. This is your YOU time, your family time, and she'll just have to chill for nine months...oh wait...I mean 5 months (can't believe you held onto that secret for this long :toetap05:).


I'm so excited for you!! (You can direct her calls to my number if you'd like ;))

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You know, you could always have some WTM'ers send her an email with our thoughts ;)





Congrats and hang in there :grouphug:

:iagree: Yup, we could do that.;)



Congratulations!! That's wonderful news. Best wishes for a stress free pregnancy and a happy, healthy new bundle of joy!!


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Oh my, I missed your news (I've been sporadically reading between bouts of packing and painting and all the other everyday stuff). Congratulations! What month are you due? I hope all goes well and that for some freak reason this delivery will set your body back to 'normal' and you don't have ANY more pain EVER. :)

Sorry you are still dealing with MIL crap constantly. What the world needs now is a giant Mr. Clean Magic Crap Eraser :)

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Ok, look, I'm coming from the perspective of having an only child. I don't get wanting 4 or 8 kids, because I'm just not into big families and screaming littles and drama. Not my thing.


Having said that, I still do not get it or understand when a couple does decide to have a big family, that the extended family or grand parents think they have a say??? Your MIL saying you can't have another, and demanding whether or not it's planned?? THAT'S TOTAL B.S.


They are not raising your children; you are! They are not the ones who are pregnant, or who give birth to the baby, or feed it, or raise it, or whatever. You are!! So what the heck gives with these grand parents TELLING their adult children how many kids they can or should have?


Like I said. I just don't get it. My MIL has, in the past, made comments about what number of kids we should have, and I have told her, that's nice, but she's not a hired consultant, so it's OUR business what size family we have. Maybe that's disrespectful, but I really don't give a ****. It's no one's business but yours and your spouse's how many kids you choose to have. PERIOD.


Ok. </RANT> I feel better now. :001_smile:

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Wow - sorry for your selfish MIL. Perhaps she's jealous? I have a friend with 8 children and she doesn't ever tell her mother until AFTER each baby is born (she lives 2,000 miles from her mother). Hope your pregnancy goes well and you can enjoy this incredibly special time with your gift - your growing baby.

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As for your MIL, well, it's impossible to be rational with an irrational person. It simply can't be done. Try to ignore her and enjoy this time of anticipation.:grouphug:


:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:


CONGRATULATIONS!!! :D :grouphug:

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Since it would would be very, very wrong to hope MIL dies before she runs through all of her money, so that she can leave you all a nice inheritance, well, I just won't mention it.


But I'll bet I'm not the only one who has thought it.


Congratulations, and may this be the straw that makes your husband break all contact with this woman.



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Thanks all.


I know we shouldn't be surprised with anything she does anymore, but its still hurtful.


:grouphug: I'll bet she'll be singing a different tune once she sees the little one.


And you're absolutely right that this precious baby is all part of God's wonderful plan for you and your family. :)


And another thing ... you're waaaaay too good at keeping secrets!!! :lol:

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Wow - sorry for your selfish MIL. Perhaps she's jealous? I have a friend with 8 children and she doesn't ever tell her mother until AFTER each baby is born (she lives 2,000 miles from her mother). Hope your pregnancy goes well and you can enjoy this incredibly special time with your gift - your growing baby.

You know, I wonder about the jealousy. She acted weird, even w/Tazzie...made the mistake of taking her to an OB appt, and she was so attention seeking during it that Wolf had to tell her she could either sit down and be quiet, or would have to go sit in the waiting room.


My parents have been great. Worried about my health, and the baby's of course, but great. My Dad keeps telling me that this is something positive that God has blessed us with to look forward to our future, rather than get mired in whats happening w/WCB, etc.

So YOU'RE someone in Canada! Yay!! Congratulations... and I'll take care of your MIL if you want. I just had to tell mine off last night... I'm in a MIL-beating....er, berating mood. ;)


Congratualtions! Do you know how far along you are?

17 wks

:grouphug: I'll bet she'll be singing a different tune once she sees the little one.


And you're absolutely right that this precious baby is all part of God's wonderful plan for you and your family. :)


And another thing ... you're waaaaay too good at keeping secrets!!! :lol:

I actually intended to keep quiet longer. With everything going on with WCB' date=' etc...*sigh* But, I was also denying myself the support and the pleasure of sharing with ppl here who have been so wonderful, time and again, and frankly, with all the negativity and chaos, needed something positive.[/b']


To be honest, post partum scares the living daylights out of me. Hormones, stress, sleep dep...and RSD. Sounds like a combo from Hell. We've pretty much decided that Wolf will be taking parental leave for at least 2 mths when baby is born...just praying we can financially swing it, as it only covers 55% of his income. I just truly fear that I won't be able to manage without someone here.

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