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What did/do you sing for a lullaby?

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It is Well With My Soul

You are my Sunshine

My own version of classical lullabies (my own lyrics)

Pink Floyds...."momma loves her baby....and daddy loves her too....though the see may look warm to you baby.....etc....I think it may be called Baby Blue.

This one is bad, I know, but the tune was lullaby-ish....Sublime's Santaria.

Mockingbird; my own

All to Thee.

I really love this thread by the way.


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Most constant was a made up counting song, different words same tune each night. I would make up verses about the things we had done or were planning to do. Years later my oldest dd (music lover) said she had looked and looked for her favorite lullaby and could not find it. I had to tell her I had made it up. :lol:


The other songs were;

folk tunes - Clementine, Puff the Magic Dragon, Camptown Races etc

old style hymns - Old rugged cross, Rock of Ages, Amazing Grace, I walked in the Garden Alone


Last year when college girl took an American Folk Songs history course she said she was the only one who recognized most of the old hymns. If I recall correctly, she ending up singing Old Rugged Cross to the other kids because they didn't know it. :tongue_smilie:

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I usually sang Somewhere Over the Rainbow or You Are My Sunshine to my oldest. When the youngest came along I added, I Love You So Much from a Discovery Toys CD and a mostly made-up lyric to Brahms Lullaby. Nice walk down memory lane.

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Each of my kids have a song that was sung just to them. Oldest's was Goodnight, My Angel by Billy Joel, the middle's was Sara by Journey, and DS's was My Little Man by Ozzy Osborne. Some others I sang to them were Hush Little Baby, You are my Sunshine, House at pooh Corner, baby Mine, and pretty much anything that was soothing and I could remember more then a couple lines of.

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The 3 standards for both my kids were:

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Ba Ba Black Sheep

Rock a by baby


followed by Hush Little Baby


Then followed by songs made up using their names. Ds had a song to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and dd has one to the tune of Hush Little Baby.


Sometimes they still let me sing to them. Ds is 13 and dd will be 11 in a few days.

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I sang Mockingbird to all of mine, but I made up my own words for most of it, at first because I couldn't remember the real words then later because I liked my words better. My DD age 25 wanted to sing the same song for her first baby but she couldn't quite remember all of the words I sang so instead of asking me she looked the words to Mockingbird up online.......then called me to let me know she is feeling quite deceived! :lol:

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I used to sing "On the day that you were born" (Close to You) to my oldest. I still cry when I hear it.




My sister, who is 12 years older than I am and more like my mother, sang me to sleep with that song as long as I can remember. It makes me feel like a small child when I hear that song.


I sang "Daddy's Little Girl" and changed the words to "Mommy's little boy" for my boys, You are My Sunshine, Jesus Loves Me, and sometimes I just hummed. I had one son that I had to sing "As the Deer" to - he would say, "Pantin for, Mama." It makes me miss him to think about it, now that he's grown and far away.

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Am I the only person who always blanks on lullaby-appropriate songs when they're put on the spot? I can never seem to think of any sweet, soothing songs I know all the words to when confronted by a crying child.


My almost 3yo still asks me to sing him 'the train song' when he's upset. 'The train song' is Folsom Prison Blues. I was really sleep deprived when he was a baby and it was the only song I could seem to remember.:lol:

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For my oldest it was always Brown Eyed Girl (a few lines edited, of course). :lol: In fact, when it comes on the radio I'll always turn it up and tell her that her song is on.


If you ever need a break from singing, get Kenny Loggins Return to Pooh Corner and More Songs From Pooh Corner CD's. They are wonderful and I still love those songs. Many of them are very relaxing for baby (and mom).

Edited by ~AprilMay~
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For all of them I sang the traditional ones, but I end up having one song I sing to each of them exclusively.



For T, I sang "You've Got A Friend"


For D, I sang "No One" by Alicia Keys (sounds weird, but low and slow it is such a lovely lullaby and I could only remember the chorus and one verse)


For A, I sing "The Old Rugged Cross" and "Good Night Sweet Darlin'"


I wonder what I'll sing to N??

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I have a different song for each of the kids. Eliza's is "Where O Where are You Tonight" from Hee Haw. I started singing that when Jennifer was gone and noticed that Eliza would stop crying when I got close to the raspers part. Elias' is "I Went Down to the River to Pray" from the "O' Brother Where Art Thou" soundtrack. Pearl's is a true lullaby that starts out "Go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep you little baby, when you wake have some cake and ride them pretty little horses." Nika's song, "Wayfaring Stranger", is an old song from the Southern Mountains.

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Amazing Grace, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (and its variations -- the alphabet song and Baa Baa Black Sheep), Brahms Lullaby, Hickory Dickory Dock (and some made up variations), on On Eagle's Wings occasionally


During the Christmas season they get carols.

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I used to sing "On the day that you were born" (Close to You) to my oldest. I still cry when I hear it.




I sang this to my son, too! And, now I'm a bit weepy just thinking about how fast those precious years slipped by..


Also, I "composed" songs for each of my kids. I'm neither a composer nor a singer, so of course they are songs only a sleepy, very young child could love ;), but they are so special to me, and occasionally, I still try to sing them to my older kids (if for no other reason than I don't want to forget the words...), but, alas, they don't seem as receptive to my off-key singing voice as they were when they were toddlers and preschoolers :lol: :::sigh:::


My youngest still likes me to sing to her----in addition to "her" song, I sing "My Favorite Things" from The Sound of Music, "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," an occasional pop/alternative song, and seasonal music. Oh, and I do take requests! :001_smile:

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As I was putting my baby girl down for a nap today, singing her to sleep, I realized that I have sang the exact same songs to put my all 3 of my kids to sleep over the years. How about you? What songs do you sing to your little ones as a lullaby? Have you used the same ones for all your kids?


My standbys are: Amazing Grace, I'll Fly Away, Mockingbird


Hey! I thought I was the only one using a song that is not traditionally a lullaby!


I've used I'll Fly Away. But the one I used the most for DS (and plan to use for DD) is one I don't hear a lot "In God's Green Pastures Feeding"


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