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Another round of You Know You Homeschool When...

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My kids (5&7) were having a mini-lego war at the dining room table (where our solar system hangs):


the 7yo says "now he goes to the planet that is the farthest away from the Sun"

the 5yo responds "you mean Pluto?"

7yo "No, Pluto isn't a planet!"

5yo "it's a DWARF planet, and THEY COUNT!"

7yo "Dwarf planets don't count in this game!!"



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My kids (5&7) were having a mini-lego war at the dining room table (where our solar system hangs):


the 7yo says "now he goes to the planet that is the farthest away from the Sun"

the 5yo responds "you mean Pluto?"

7yo "No, Pluto isn't a planet!"

5yo "it's a DWARF planet, and THEY COUNT!"

7yo "Dwarf planets don't count in this game!!"




I love this!

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You know those oval-shaped, white bumper stickers with black borders and lettering -- the ones with upper case letters that stand for a place that you've visited or lived (SSI for St. Simon's Island, etc.)? We were driving through town the other day and saw one with the letters 'LCC'. My ds12 wondered aloud if that family was using a Latin-Centered Curriculum. LOL

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:lol: Part of her curriculum this year is listening to classical music




Tell her one my son loves (my musician sister told me): Two dogs and cat were trying to get into the opera house. Denied, the cat (affect a regal voice with a "European accent" here) notes she and the dogs are famous in musical circles. Ticket guy is sceptical. Cat replies while pointing to each in turn.


"Yes ... he Bach, he Offenbach, and I DeBussy"

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...when your 8yo tells his friends that he's more of a "book man" when he's tired of hearing about movies and video games.


...when same 8yo constructs pirate ships when we are reading Treasure Island, bows and arrows when we are reading Robin Hood, lances and armor when reading Men of Iron, and I'm afraid I'm going to have to start really thinking through where the imaginative play and building of stuffs might lead with the next great read aloud. I was thinking The Jungle Book, but I'm afraid he might be found in a loin cloth (or less) up the trees in the front yard...:lol:

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One of the best moments....


My son: "do you know what is the best about being homeschooled"?


Me: "No, what?"


Son: "I never have to say goodbye at the end of the school year"!





Can someone tell me what dd or ds stands for? since my kids are dyslexic I keep thinking it means dyslexic son or dyslexic daughter, but it can't possibly be.....

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My DD (almost 5) was having a "preschool assessment" and they were testing her eyesight. They started out playing a game which involved a few letters and the lady discovered that my DD could name all her letters. She then decided to give my DD the regular eyetest since she could reliably read the eyechart.


After my DD went through the whole thing not missing one letter the lady praised her and said "Wow you are such a smart girl to know all your letters already"


My DD replied "Thanks - my mummy taught me how to do it" :001_wub:


I realised for the first time how heartwarming it was to hear your child say that as opposed to "My teacher taught me how to do it"

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When you go to the main library in downtown San Jose and your 4yo dd reads the name on the front;


"Martin Luther King Jr Library"


And you say; "Do you know who that is?"


"Didn't he write Chicka-Chicka-Boom-Boom?"


Yes dear, "I have a dream...that someday there will be room for all the letters at the top of the coconut tree."


Amber in SJ

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My DD (almost 5) was having a "preschool assessment" and they were testing her eyesight. They started out playing a game which involved a few letters and the lady discovered that my DD could name all her letters. She then decided to give my DD the regular eyetest since she could reliably read the eyechart.


After my DD went through the whole thing not missing one letter the lady praised her and said "Wow you are such a smart girl to know all your letters already"


My DD replied "Thanks - my mummy taught me how to do it" :001_wub:


I realised for the first time how heartwarming it was to hear your child say that as opposed to "My teacher taught me how to do it"


Years back I had my niece and nephew the summer after their mother died, and, with no intention of being a mother or of homeschooling, I started teaching them. I'd never heard of a math manipulative or cuisinaire rods, nothing. I "invented" using chopsticks for teaching multiplication and division, and when my nephew went back to second grade, his teacher asked him how he knew this already. He told her auntie had taught him.


My foot was on the first rung.....

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When you cut you finger and the first thing your kids do is run to get a microscope slide. I had told them when there was blood by accident we could look at it. So here I am with a paper towel wrapped around my finger and everyone including DH, ooing and aahing over my blood show under the microscope. LOL


No one offered me a band-aid.

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Your nephew, who is visiting from out of town, asks your kids (and you) at least seven times, "When does your summer break start?" and your explanation that you homeschool, and take breaks every five weeks instead of one gigantic break in the summer, is met with only a blank, uncomprehending look.



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You know you homeschool when you hear your two year old riding his tricycle in the back yard while singing, "-o, -s, -t, -mus, -tis,-nt."


You also know you homeschool when you understand what this is even though you never took Latin and your first intro to it was alongside your kids!

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dd, "Mom, do you know why Mozart butchered all his chickens?"


me, "Nope, why did he?"


dd, "Because they were saying Bach, Bach, Bach!"



:lol: Part of her curriculum this year is listening to classical music


Ds thought this was hysterical. :D

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When you realize it is 5:30 and your house is a wreck and you have nothing prepared for dinner...


...except the gingerbread cookies that you made as part of the history lesson that day.


(true story...happened today) :)


And those gingerbread cookies are Donner Party cookies, complete with missing limbs and with red frosting in strategic places - to correspond with our study on Westward Expansion.

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When you attend an arts festival as a family and you get excited thinking about how you can count this as a field trip under "Art" - and then a wave of disappointment hits you when you remember that you are on summer break and you don't actually need your outing to 'count' for anything. ;)

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You know you are a homeschooler when your teen hands you a persuasive essay on why he should be able to buy a certain video game - and you let him.


One of my students (private school) made a power point on why he should be allowed to have a Facebook page as a middle schooler. His mother, one of my co-workers at this school told me all about it. (no, he still doesn't have a Facebook account)

Edited by leeannpal
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When you attend an arts festival as a family and you get excited thinking about how you can count this as a field trip under "Art" - and then a wave of disappointment hits you when you remember that you are on summer break and you don't actually need your outing to 'count' for anything. ;)



That would still count in my book ;)

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Dd8 and Ds6 enjoy playing "rock band".( With a plastic tambourine, castagnet and a xylophone!) They are both involved in classical music lessons and enjoy listening to a variety of musical styles.

Unfortunately for my sensitive ears, Dd8 was singing "Tick, tock,... DJ blow my speakers up" Needless to say, I am not ready for her to be singing these types of songs. She doesn't really know the lyrics, so it thankfully didn't last very long.

A few minutes later she exclaims that she has found the coolest cd and runs back to the basement. Now they are "rocking it" to ..... geography songs!!




"The eastern border of the United States...." :tongue_smilie:

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When school comes to a screeching halt because there is a bird in your backyard, and you have to look it up in the bird guide to find out what it is.


Your 4yo begs to take the bird guide with him places in the car.


You agree to allow your kids to raise pet pillbugs and a pet slug.


You're study of swimming creatures leads to the purchase of a goldfish which leads to planning to purchase a fish tank and all of the trappings. We already have 3 cats and a dog.

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These are too funny.


You know you're a homeschooler when while watching Monsters vs Aliens your 9 yr old says, "There should be 6 classifications of kingdoms - animals, plants, fungi, monerans, protists and...Bob". :tongue_smilie:

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You know your a homeschooler when your DS gets hit in the shoulder with a Nerf bullet during the weekly Nerf Wars in the cul-de-sac and he screams at the other players, "Always aim below the solar plexus!!!" and the other boys have this look :blink::huh: on their faces.

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