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Would you like a Extreme Makeover house?

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I think some of the things they do are really impractical for everyday living.


The kids rooms are often too themed for me. It seems like kids grow and change so quickly that the perfect dinosaur room for a year old is going to need to be redone by age 7, which might be pricey.


I would also worry about being hit with a much higher property tax bill than I currently pay. :tongue_smilie:

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I so totally agree, Jean. The childrens rooms especially are so elabrate and I keep thinking, will they have the money to do a complete makeover for that child in 2-4 yrs as you know kids interests change. When we did our youngest's room about 5 yrs ago it was all about trains, now it is legos and star wars, I have no idea what it will be in another 2-3 yrs.


The other thing is our kids spend very little time in their rooms. We spend most of our time out in our living area together. That is just the way our family is.

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Yeah, I agree-a lot of what they do just doesn't seem very practical for day to day living.


One thing I have always wondered about that show is this: what do they do with all the family's junk from their "old" house? Pitch it? Box it up and then the family has to sort through it later? ugh - I would HATE having to do that.

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Yeah, I agree-a lot of what they do just doesn't seem very practical for day to day living.


One thing I have always wondered about that show is this: what do they do with all the family's junk from their "old" house? Pitch it? Box it up and then the family has to sort through it later? ugh - I would HATE having to do that.


I wondered the same. I do remember one of the very first episodes, they had all this unfiled paper (sounds like my house) and they put it in these office cubbies to be filed later.

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I like the idea of it, but I think their makeovers are way over the top. The houses are too big, and I do not like how they always give every kid their own room. Especially the ones were they are giving full grown kids their own very elaborate rooms, like they will ever want to move out now.:lol: Give me a good old fashion farm house that has been refinished with some beautiful land and I'll take it. They could never build one of those homes on the small property we have.

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I'd like one of those very tiny houses with built-in solar panels and a grey water collection system, and I don't think Extreme Makeover does that kind of thing! I'm not going to volunteer to clean some huge elaborate house, let alone pay to heat the darn thing!

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I agree that the living spaces do not look "livable." I can't see where the family members would put "their" things. Sure they look great at first but how to keep them looking that way. I wouldn't turn one down if it were being given to me...they do some really cool things with alternative energy sources and given away some great electronics. I'd just have to rearrange everything once they left.:001_smile:

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I always joke that I wish someone would nominate us, but honestly I'm not sure that I would want it. The homes - at least the kid's rooms - just don't look practical to me. I really enjoy watching the show though and am really happy for those who get their dream houses. What do you think?


I agree with the kids' rooms comment.


I think it would be neat to have a house that fits the family and what we do. To have a school room with a ton of built-in bookshelves! For the kids to have their own rooms! But the kids' rooms are so "right now".. Oldest would have a ton of books. No problem, I don't think she'll outgrow that. Middle would have a chef room. She may not outgrow wanting to be a chef, but she may outgrow wanting it to be the theme of her room. Youngest wants to be an astronaut. I don't mind that, but I think when he's 15, he's going to want his room looking something different.

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I have no desire at all.


My property taxes would go up, my heating and electric bill would go way up. There would be too much house to clean and take care of.


There have been several families who have gone into foreclosure on their new houses. One family took out 2 mortgages against the house.

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Yes, but with conditions. No more square footage than a certain limit so I could afford the taxes. No TVs in the bedrooms. No game systems. No flashing lights in the kids' rooms or "themed rooms" beyond things that could be easily changed--you can paint the walls pink and make it princessy which is the current trend here, but don't make a castle bed or something else that is huge and hard to change in 2 years when they HATE princesses. But I'd take the to die for kitchen, gorgeous living area/great room, and gorgeous master bathroom/bedroom. Along with the paid off mortgage, college scholarships, free cars, CVS fund, etc. Just leave off the over-the-top kids' rooms and the 5000 sqft for 5 people that I can't afford the taxes on or the upkeep.


Last night I was kind of surprised by how busy the school room was. Obviously the designers have no clue how distracting that would be for a 9 year old HSer. My DS would never get a lick of work done in that room.:tongue_smilie:

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I have no desire at all.


My property taxes would go up, my heating and electric bill would go way up. There would be too much house to clean and take care of.


There have been several families who have gone into foreclosure on their new houses. One family took out 2 mortgages against the house.


:iagree: Unless they pay off their mortgage or set up a fund to help pay the taxes and increased utility bills, it's not always a blessing. The house that got built a few miles from me a few years ago did almost go into foreclosure, but an article was put in the paper about it and donations saved the day--for now.


Then I always wonder about how they put this $500K+ house into a $100K neighborhood. How does one live knowing their house is 4 times the size and 100 times more elaborate than their neighbors' houses. I wish they'd consider the area before slapping up these huge homes.

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I love the show when I watch it. I think the rooms are overly themed, but the families tend have high needs. The whole point of the themed rooms is to help the kids be the kids they are. No the room is not likely to age with the child, but right now some of the kids really need a room like that.


Would I like a complete makeover? Yes. Do I want to believe my family has the needs to be picked? No way. Every family on the show seems to have gone through difficult stuff. Or they are spending everything they have doing something altruistic (I'm in awe sometimes, I give time and money to charity, but not my life--wish I could be like that).

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I like the idea of it, but I think their makeovers are way over the top. The houses are too big, and I do not like how they always give every kid their own room. Especially the ones were they are giving full grown kids their own very elaborate rooms, like they will ever want to move out now.:lol: Give me a good old fashion farm house that has been refinished with some beautiful land and I'll take it. They could never build one of those homes on the small property we have.


:iagree: Amen!

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A free house? Yes plz! :D


(we've always rented.. haven't been able to own yet.. so it would be pretty awesome.)

Same here!

I have no desire at all.


My property taxes would go up, my heating and electric bill would go way up. There would be too much house to clean and take care of.


There have been several families who have gone into foreclosure on their new houses. One family took out 2 mortgages against the house.

I haven't watched in a looooooooong time, but I was under the impression that the mortgages generally were paid off, or had funds set up for them to be covered.


Seems to me that one place that was being foreclosed on, *had* been pd off, but the family took out a mortgage against it for a business that tanked.

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Same here!


I haven't watched in a looooooooong time, but I was under the impression that the mortgages generally were paid off, or had funds set up for them to be covered.


Seems to me that one place that was being foreclosed on, *had* been pd off, but the family took out a mortgage against it for a business that tanked.


It seems there would be great temptation to mortgage a house you knew was worth a lot--especially if you owed nothing on it.

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It seems there would be great temptation to mortgage a house you knew was worth a lot--especially if you owed nothing on it.

I agree, but that has everything to do with the home owner, and nothing to do with the show, kwim?


Ppl are allowed to take risks...smart or stupid. Big or small. But that's their responsibility, not anyone elses.

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No b/c of property taxes and increased utilities. That and I think some of the stuff they do is a bit excessive.


Periodically, I'll see news articles crop up about ppl who've been on Extreme Makeover. Those articles have always been about how they're trying not to lose their house b/c they can't afford to own/maintain it post-makeover.

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I always joke that I wish someone would nominate us, but honestly I'm not sure that I would want it. The homes - at least the kid's rooms - just don't look practical to me. I really enjoy watching the show though and am really happy for those who get their dream houses. What do you think?



We've lived in small houses and we currently live in a big house. It's WAY too much for me to take care of. Scratch that. I take care of it constantly and it's really overwhelming. :glare:

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I like the idea of it, but I think their makeovers are way over the top. The houses are too big, and I do not like how they always give every kid their own room. Especially the ones were they are giving full grown kids their own very elaborate rooms, like they will ever want to move out now.:lol: Give me a good old fashion farm house that has been refinished with some beautiful land and I'll take it. They could never build one of those homes on the small property we have.


This! My kids would get "lonely" and end up in each other's rooms. They wouldn't know what to do with an entire room of their own. Imagine having nine bedrooms to constantly check on for cleanliness compared to three or four (or even five) bedrooms to take care of. Bunk beds are not evil you know :) I like small spaces used well. Except kitchens and living rooms. I like kitchens that are big enough to have counter spaces, large pantries, a large kitchen table, AND a sofa and recliner in it. Living rooms need enough room for everyone in the family plus company.

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I don't understand taking a neighborhood that is in the low end range and making a HUGE overstatement house in the middle of it.


I don't want my house standing out and I don't want to stay in a low end neighborhood with a high end house.



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I would absolutely want one. I could take what they did and make it practical later. I'd like all of that work done so I wouldn't have to think about it. I enjoy decorating when I have time. I don't have time. I feel the same about shopping for clothes. I'd pay someone to look at me, know what would look best on me, then go buy clothes, shoes, and jewelry so I wouldn't have to mess with it. :lol: I'll feel different in about 10 years, but right now...

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Putting aside the reality of taxes, utilities, etc., I'd love it! I've seen what they do when there are special needs kids and it looks amazing.


A sensory room in the basement. Cameras to watch my ds at all times. A safe room for tantrums. Swings for dd. A ball pit. A pool. Being able to have my bedroom remain an adult room. An autistic proof fenced-in yard!


It would be amazing!

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I would LOVE one. Our property is small enough that they wouldn't have a choice but to keep it fairly modest unless they could convince the property owner of the abandoned shack behind us to sell so we would have a yard.


We have had a few friends offer to nominate us because of our DS and everything he's been through, but I feel there are other families who need it more. DS would LOVE to have a house big enough for a therapy/school room and a bedroom that isn't a cube:lol:. Can you imagine an 8 year old requesting that the designers make him a room that is a hexagon or round?


It's not the show's fault that the homeowners aren't being financially responsible. When you can't afford to maintain and improve the home you were living in, you certainly probably can't afford to take out massive mortgages against your new "free" house.

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I would if they could make it fit my homeschooling needs. Imagine a library with wall to wall bookcases and a ladder that rolls along for us short people to reach the top shelves and reading chairs to snuggle up in. A schoolroom with a professional whiteboard on one whole wall and built in desks for each student. A yard with a large playground for the kids to climb and get rid of excess energy.

IF they could create a home for stay at home moms who need a workable home to fit their needs and make it extremely energy efficient...then yes, please come on over and do an extreme make over for me.

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I would love to have one of those houses. I don't care for everything they do, but it would be better than our too small rental townhouse with no yard at all.


However, have you seen some of the stuff they make things with? On a recent episode they were going to make a girl's shell-shaped headboard out of STYROFOAM! How in the world is that supposed to last?!?!:confused: They will have to redo the room long before the kid gets tired of the theme.

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I agree, but that has everything to do with the home owner, and nothing to do with the show, kwim?


Ppl are allowed to take risks...smart or stupid. Big or small. But that's their responsibility, not anyone elses.


Of course it's their responsibility. :confused:


Some people simply cannot seem to stand not being in debt. They would see it as a tool they could use to buy the "necessary things" to go along with a house like that.

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Oh, no. I would not want my house torn down and a new house put in its place. Yes, my house is old. Yes, my house needs a new kitchen. Yes, my basement leaks a bit during spring melt. Yes, the downstairs and the bathroom need new windows. Yes, my house needs a new roof. Yes, it needs to be painted.


But it is a historic home. It wouldn't be worth loosing the wood. Or my stained glass. Or my wrap-around porch. Or my sun porch. I've bird's eye maple throughout the house. All the woodwork, the stairs and the patterned floors and the interior doors. I've three stained glass windows. Yes, probably original and probably full of lead, but beautiful and shouldn't be disturbed.


No, even with its needs and quirks, I wouldn't want an extreme makeover done on it.

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What's-his-name is (was?) dating a girl from around here, so there are several in our metro area.


I agree that they are over-the-top. We've driven by a couple, and they have been waaaaay out of scale for the neighborhood. Keep in mind they don't relocate, they build on the existing land.


A recent article featured a family leaving their made-over house. They had no peace from drive-bys and sightseers. They just wanted their private family lives back.


For me, and my nuclear family, I'd say no way would I want one. I do remember an episode in Hawaii, though, where they redid both the home and the facility the family used to serve the abused/less fortunate in the community. If I were involved in that type of sheltering ministry, I would likely say yes.

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Oh, no. I would not want my house torn down and a new house put in its place. Yes, my house is old. Yes, my house needs a new kitchen. Yes, my basement leaks a bit during spring melt. Yes, the downstairs and the bathroom need new windows. Yes, my house needs a new roof. Yes, it needs to be painted.


But it is a historic home. It wouldn't be worth loosing the wood. Or my stained glass. Or my wrap-around porch. Or my sun porch. I've bird's eye maple throughout the house. All the woodwork, the stairs and the patterned floors and the interior doors. I've three stained glass windows. Yes, probably original and probably full of lead, but beautiful and shouldn't be disturbed.


No, even with its needs and quirks, I wouldn't want an extreme makeover done on it.


I wouldn't either if I had your house!! No way!!! Historic homes, to me, are another ballgame!

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I always joke that I wish someone would nominate us, but honestly I'm not sure that I would want it. The homes - at least the kid's rooms - just don't look practical to me. I really enjoy watching the show though and am really happy for those who get their dream houses. What do you think?


I think they go so far into wow that they have lost the thread that the rooms need to be lived in. I always wonder about where my books would go.


And I can't help but wonder about the families a couple years down the road. Do the houses give them a reprieve that was sorely needed or do they bring their own stress (more to clean and maintain and power and heat). What is it like to live in a lovely house on a street that is full of much smaller homes.


Actually, one of my favorite episodes included them building a play area/park on an abandoned lot near the house and also having the volunteers go door to door in the neighborhood, finding out what repairs other homes needed and doing them. So the whole street ended up being improved.

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FINALLY, a house that is MINE. One that I can enjoy and make MINE. I've never had that. I've had rental apartments in the US and you can't even paint--white walls, nasty carpet, peeling wall paper, cracked walls, cheap toilets, sinks, showers, tubs...ugh.


My house here in Guatemala is more my thing except that just when I had my first house painted how I wanted it, they were going to sell it and we had to move into this house and we didn't have money to paint (still haven't after 2 years). So, I'm back into a house that I don't really feel is mine yet again.


And to have new things. I've never had new things--except when I was married 18 years ago. To have my kitchen stocked with new things!!! And even maybe an area so I could do our soup ministry for the homeless. My kitchen right now is absolutely unfunctional (they don't care about kitchens here so they are after thoughts in houses like mine).


Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for what I have. I have so much more than a lot of people. But, sometimes, just sometimes, I yearn to make my house a HOME with comfortable things and working appliances. It would be nice.


So I would love a new home makeover!!!! It would really change our life!

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While I love the idea of helping these people that really need help, these houses are really over the top. The size - I hate the trend in this country to build houses that are so big that, in a 3rd world country, several families could live in luxury. Such huge houses are wasteful - from a resources point of view and an environmental POV as well. I stopped watching this show a few years ago, partially because of the unnecessary size of these houses, but also because I felt emotionally manipulated. Yes, these families have had hard times. But, I could not stomach watching all the cut aways to the "stars" crying for the camera.


I would love to see them cut back on the scale of the house and work with the families to have the life-skills/tools to be able to live in this house without getting into trouble. If someone were to give us a makeover, I would want them to keep the structure, fix a few problems (roof, foundation cracks, updated landscaping,) and a new room that could double as a guest room, more storage, redecorate and give me a years' worth of professional organizer services. That would be a makeover for me;).

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I would love to see them cut back on the scale of the house and work with the families to have the life-skills/tools to be able to live in this house without getting into trouble.




Unfortunately, that's not good TV.


And so, they end up with people who may or may not have good financial skills (a safe assumption since MANY people don't) staring at $$$$$$ or so in equity. Recipe for disaster much? :tongue_smilie:

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I would love to see them cut back on the scale of the house and work with the families to have the life-skills/tools to be able to live in this house without getting into trouble. If someone were to give us a makeover, I would want them to keep the structure, fix a few problems (roof, foundation cracks, updated landscaping,) and a new room that could double as a guest room, more storage, redecorate and give me a years' worth of professional organizer services. That would be a makeover for me;).


You and I would like the same thing!

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Not really. An extreme makeover house would be too expensive to heat/cool, require too much time to clean/maintain, and the property taxes would be too high. Also, if they tore down the house I live in right now and built a bigger, better one on this property it would became the most expensive house in the neighborhood and next to impossible to sell for what it was worth.


Susan in TX

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The problem is that they don't help people with rentals they only take existing homes tear them down and build new ones. Some of the houses they have torn down were not even that bad to begin with. They just needed some TLC.


which seems sorta odd to me… I've only seen the show a couple of times, but I gather that the intention is to help families who are lower income and have been through trying times-- and I would think that the majority of families in that sort of situation would be renters rather than home owners.

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