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I hate liver...but I know we should eat it...

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I have never eaten liver and have no plans to change that. I would look for alternate way to gain the nutrients that liver provides. I just read something on nutrition, but glossed over the part about the benefits of liver as I knew I would not change that part of my diet.

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How can we eat liver on a weekly basis if we can't stand the taste if it? Does grinding it and mixing it with other ground beef for chili work? Or can you still taste it? Any ideas? Thanks!

My mom used to make me eat liver. The only was I liked it was with bacon. Lots and lots of bacon.


I'd never spoil perfectly good chili by adding liver. :tongue_smilie: I have never made liver for my family. I haven't eaten liver since I was a child. But I still eat bacon. :D

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Last time someone tried to make me eat liver I threw my plate at them (I was 4).


If you don't like it. Don't eat it. Eat broccoli instead:D




I love liver. Love it. But I would never make anybody else eat it, and I really can't imagine how to make it taste any less...livery.

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Dh and I love liver, onions, and mashed potatoes. But we don't eat it that often these days.

The dc don't like it at all and I don't make them eat it.

We love eating it for breakfast - not the mashed potatoes part at bfast, mind you. When I eat it at breakfast, I feel so energized all day.

The liver I get is local and grass-fed.

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How can we eat liver on a weekly basis if we can't stand the taste if it? Does grinding it and mixing it with other ground beef for chili work? Or can you still taste it? Any ideas? Thanks!


Why on earth do you think that an organ which filters the toxins from the body is meant to be eaten? :svengo: God knew to give it a horrid appearance and an awful stench when cooked to make sure we knew it wasn't to be eaten.

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Last time someone tried to make me eat liver I threw my plate at them (I was 4).


If you don't like it. Don't eat it. Eat broccoli instead:D


I threw up. I was at a friend's house and her family served liver. I did NOT want to try it, but my parents hammered manners into me. It was HORRIBLE and I threw up. Gah! I still shudder just thinking about it.:eek::ack2:

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With our recent purchase of 1/4 of cow, grass-fed, I requested the liver. The butcher was able to grind it up and pack it in 1/2 lb. pkgs for me. I cook 1/2lb with 3 lbs of ground beef. There is NO liver smell at all when I cooked it for the first time, which surprised me. Grass-fed beef liver doesn't have a strong smell or taste.


If you prefer not to eat liver, you can always take desiccated liver supplements. :001_smile:

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I would not eat liver from an animal that's mass-produced, has been fed hormones, or has been eating anything with chemical pesticides.


I do eat liver on occasion (once or twice per year), because I like it. I can get good beef liver and chicken livers at my local farmer's market.


If I didn't like liver, I certainly would not go through so much trouble!

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Why on earth do you think that an organ which filters the toxins from the body is meant to be eaten? :svengo: God knew to give it a horrid appearance and an awful stench when cooked to make sure we knew it wasn't to be eaten.


:smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5: Too true! My mother loves liver and sometime made us eat it and I could chuck up my Cheerios just thinking about it. :ack2:

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:smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5: Too true! My mother loves liver and sometime made us eat it and I could chuck up my Cheerios just thinking about it. :ack2:


We weren't picky eaters growing up, but all we had to do was come home for dinner and smell the liver and know it wasn't going to be a good night. I wish I was more creative in getting rid of it. Once I had it for breakfast the next morning since hiding it under the mashed potatoes wasn't working. What was the point of that??? :tongue_smilie: It's been over 30 years since I've had to do that. :D My dd has never even seen liver - deprived childhood don't you know. :lol:

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I would not eat liver from an animal that's mass-produced, has been fed hormones, or has been eating anything with chemical pesticides.


I do eat liver on occasion (once or twice per year), because I like it. I can get good beef liver and chicken livers at my local farmer's market.




Yes to all of that. Liver from a pastured, hormone/antibiotic free animal, otoh, can be a good nutritional boost, a sort of superfood.


I've used beef liver just sliced and sauteed with onions and peppers and a bit of balsamic vinegar. Not bad, just a little strong. My friend says she likes to chop it up fine and saute it in butter and serve on bread. I've also chopped it and mixed it with ground beef in spaghetti sauce; none of us could tell it was there at all.

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Don't eat liver. It's the organ that filters almost every single toxin, poison and icky material that goes into the body of the animal. Filthy, disgusting, nasty and probably contains things that could make you ill. Much healthier ways to get iron in your diet if that's what you're after.

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My mum used to cook liver on a fairly regular basis when we were kids, because it was cheap. We hated it.


Liver is like wasps. Liver might be a valid way of getting certain nutrients, as wasps can also usefully pollinate flowers, but there are better alternatives out there for both!

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We weren't picky eaters growing up' date=' but all we had to do was come home for dinner and smell the liver and know it wasn't going to be a good night. I wish I was more creative in getting rid of it. Once I had it for breakfast the next morning since hiding it under the mashed potatoes wasn't working. What was the point of that??? :tongue_smilie: It's been over 30 years since I've had to do that. :D My dd has never even seen liver - deprived childhood don't you know. :lol:[/quote']


Yeah, my parents made me eat it too when I was little. I used to cut it up really small and swallow it with the potatoes, then I just fed it to the dog.:tongue_smilie: I agree with the others on the disgustingness of eating it. I have a thing against digestive organs.

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Contrary to popular belief, liver does not store toxins and impurities. It neutralizes toxins, but doesn't STORE them. Most traditional cultures eat only organ meats, and no muscle meats of the animal.


It DOES store very important nutrients such as vitamins A, D, E, K, B12 and folic acid, and minerals such as copper and iron. :)


So... eat your organ meats! :lol:

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Liver is yummy!!! :D





You gotta be contrary, don't you? LOL! Just kidding. ;)


OP, I have a suggestion. Go to pharmacy. Pick up an iron supplement. Take one or two a day. Don't forget a stool softener. :) All will be well.

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We weren't picky eaters growing up' date=' but all we had to do was come home for dinner and smell the liver and know it wasn't going to be a good night. [/quote']


For me, it was flounder. Liver nights were the best!


None of my kids will eat liver. DS1 loves liverwurst sandwiches, though.



Liver Lover

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Flobee, how do you eat it? I have been reading a lot blogs on Nourishing Traditions and Weston Price about how it is good, but I just can't stomach the idea of eating it plain.


We ordered 1/4 grass-fed cow meat and I requested that the liver be ground up. The butcher was kind enough to do that and put it in 1/2lb pkgs. When I cook 3lbs of ground beef, I mix in 1/2lb of ground liver. I just hide it. :D


Grass-fed beef liver is so mild. There is strong smell or taste!

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I threw up. I was at a friend's house and her family served liver. I did NOT want to try it, but my parents hammered manners into me. It was HORRIBLE and I threw up. Gah! I still shudder just thinking about it.:eek::ack2:


I can't imagine serving LIVER to GUESTS. I like liver myself but KNOW most people don't. It was rude of your hostess to serve it to your family!

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