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Annual what are you doing for mother's day thread!

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I get a double dose. Monday is my birthday.


We have a tradition here that the kids go to my favorite nursery and buy stuff they pick out themselves for my garden. It's so fun for me to see what they like and watch it grow. I can sit out there and think "K got me those daisies three years ago, and that gladiola (sp??) was from T last year." I love it.


My sis is in charge of my mom, we pitch in and get her stuff, this year it's an ipod. I send her a card and call her.


I'm in charge of mil, she is older and really doesn't need or want anything, so I get her a huge bouquet, tulips this year, white, pink, red and purple, and then I fix her a lunch of her choosing on Sunday. Sil comes too.


What does everyone else do?


I think if anyone has a dh that needs a "reminder" they should post the email and we'll all sic' him.

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Our tradition:


Boys and dh make breakfast for me and I get breakfast in bed. (Even though dh thinks br. in b. is stupid. ;) Why would anyone want to eat in bed??? He's a good sport.) Then they give me cards and a present, usually something for the garden. I think I'm getting a new hammock this year.


Then we take cards and a gift to MIL's house and celebrate with her.


THEN I get to go home by myself while the children spend the afternoon with MIL and dh fixes things at her house. She gets time with her grandkids and son; I get to take a nap or read or garden by myself. Win-Win. :)



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I celebrated my Mother's Day yesterday since dh has to work this weekend. Dh woke up before I did and made breakfast. Then he took the dc shopping for presents. I stayed home ALONE , enjoyed the peace and quiet, and read my book. Dh picked up lunch and the dc cleaned up afterwards. Then I got my presents. Dh got me a Mother's ring (lovely!), dd10 got me a candle, ds gave me a magnetic bracelet (and then proceded to have me walk around the house to see what else was magnetic), and sweet little dd3 picked out a new dress for me. I got to take a nap while dd10 and ds folded laundry. Then, dh took all the dc to my oldest dd's softball practice. I got to enjoy the peace and quiet again. I reheated some dinner while the dc placed a pillow on my chair so I could eat like a queen. After dinner, I got to watch what I wanted to watch on TV, so we watched Steel Magnolias. I enjoyed a lovely glass of wine during the movie. Dh put the dc to bed for me. It was blissful! Dh has been working very long hours lately. Everyone has been tired and cranky with allergies. The day of rest and quiet really helped me recharge my batteries.

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I think I'm getting a necklace this year so I'll get presents before church. Middle dd is making me a white chocolate raspberry cheesecake right now.


My mom will be coming back from US Virgin Islands tomorrow so I'm having her flowers delivered on Tuesday. But I also sent her a card and a double walled cup thing.


MIL got her flowers yesterday. We sent a card and double walled cup thing as well.


We'll call our moms at some point. We have a soccer game and then out to dinner.

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Well, this year, I'm just overwhelmed at how wonderful it is to have my mom! She's undergoing chemo right now, and it's been tough to balance not giving her germs... and the reality that I don't know if she'll make it. (Like, if she's germ free... but I'm not with her... how is that good?) Of course, at this point, I'm praying for long term health for her... Presents seem pretty pointless... We're eating over there tomorrow.. but she'll have a mask on...

So.. this Mother's Day... is all about my mom :) How much we take parents for granted... until something happens that makes you come to a screeching halt... and scared that something will take them early!

So... lovin' on my Mama this Mother's Day!!


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Church in the morning, then lunch at my favorite Japanese restaurant.


Then probably just relaxing around the house, although maybe we'll all go see "Soul Surfer".


My Mother's Day gift from dh is scheduled: the whole downstairs of my house will be professionally cleaned! :001_smile:



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No idea. I bought cards for my Mom and MIL, but haven't gotten them in the mail yet. Whoopsie. Just be glad I *bought* them, k? I much prefer calling and talking for an hour or more (my Mom, anyways).


Wolf asked me what I want. *shrug* No real idea. Well, there's stuff I want (new house...) but a wee bit much for Mother's Day gift :lol: Maybe a slurpie machine. :D


Father's day is sooooooooo much easier. Anything golf, and he's a happy puppy.

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Its not a bg deal here at all. My kids didn't even know it was mothers day.


In the past we would celebrate mothers day on fathers day and vise vers? My dh has allergies and is usually feeling unwell on mothers day and spents most of it napping. ... Wait that is what he does for the end of April and beginning of may.


I don't feel the need for mothers day what so ever. If that makes sense. Everyday for the most part is already so special and nice.

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My mother lives in another state so i won't be with her.


It's been rough around here lately between the kids and me. Just not getting along particularly well, and there is more stress than normal. Last year I took the kids to see some movie I didn't want to see, and out to eat at a restaurant I didn't want to go to. I plan to NOT do those things this year, but I'd like to do something nice with them. At the very least, I'd like us to get along and be nice for the day. Today I'm the meanest mom ever because I'm making them both clean all day. And they're not doing a very good job, so I'm making them re-clean stuff.


They'd probably prefer I go out and do something away from them. Maybe I will. Sigh.

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Going for a hike with the kids. They hate it, so it has to be a special occasion for them to go with. Dh is making pulled pork for dinner. Not my fave, but as long as I don't have to cook it, I love it. ;) Both our moms are gone, so it's just me.

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I have no idea what we'll be doing tomorrow.


My dream mother's day gift is a full weekend (or any 48 hour period) alone. I haven't actually been alone for more than 2 hours at a time for the last 5 years. I want to clean my house without small people underfoot, catch up on all of the photo editing I'm behind on, sleep through the night (with no littles waking every 5 minutes, and no DH complaining that tea 2-3 times a week is just not enough), go to the bathroom on my own, drink a glass (bottle?) of wine without having to worry about being level-headed enough to drive a kid to the ER if someone busts their head open, and not have to spend an hour cleaning up after every meal. I just want a couple days off.

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I bought my mom a Jade Inukshuk. She loves them. This guy is about 6" tall and he's so beautiful. :D


For me... gosh... I don't know. They usually surprise me with cards, lunch, little prezzies, and general sweetness all day. I did hear whispers about a family bike ride and picnic... so we'll see! :D

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Church, followed by laundry... cleaning...couponing. Sounds fun, doesn't it? :tongue_smilie:


Church, followed by building a chicken house. Wanna trade? ;)


My dh and the boys are making dinner for me tomorrow night - I have emphasized that it is not really a gift if I have to clean up afterwards!



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In the morning, we're visiting a friend's church to hear her daughters sing in the choir. Afterward, my daughters are making dinner with key lime pie for dessert. Most of all, I'm looking forward to doing very little tomorrow afternoon. I"m thinking of curling up with a cup of tea and a great book and ignoring anything going on in the kitchen. Fortunately, both my girls love to cook. It's the clean-up that concerns me.



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SO is surprising me with presents, and he and the children are doing artsy stuff for me.


We are hosting a brunch for our mothers, and I'll be doing all the cooking. I *love* entertaining, and this is a treat for me.


I'll probably eat an entire jar of Wickles because I love them. And garden. And read.


Just a normal day!

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My Mother's Day this year involves working on ds's Eagle project! I told him the best present would be an Eagle Scout for a son :)


Once we're home and cleaned up (the last work day involves paint and mulch, fun) dh will grill some nice steaks I bought today. I think they'll figure out the veggies and sides themselves. I'd really like to play in my garden tomorrow, which is what I normally do all day on Mother's Day.


It hasn't been the same since my mom died. We used to all get together for dinner and the guys (Dad, dh, dbil) would cook and clean up. My Dad is away this year visiting some family in California.

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I'm not sure that I'm a fan of mother's day either. We always spend the evening with DH's family, and I am to anti-social to enjoy that. ;)


We have always planted flowers with my mom on mother's day for as long as I can remember. I have been asking her what she wants to do today, but she just says something like "We'll see." She texted me a half an hour ago asking if she and her new husband can come over and plant my front flower bed. I wanted to say, "Sure, can we help?" (I didn't.) She is not answering my text back or my call, who knows why. Her mom passed away last year, so I think that is why she is being distant.

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DH took the girls to his parent's house for the weekend. I am looking forward to a good night's sleep that's not interrupted by a crying 1 yo at 2am b/c she thinks it's a swell time to play. I am looking forward to waking up naturally, instead of having my 4 yo wake me up at 6am by putting her face sev inches away from mine and asking to watch tv. DH also scheduled a pre-natal massage for me - somehow finding a place that is open on Sundays. I love that man.

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I get a double dose. Monday is my birthday.


Monday is my dd's 13th birthday!!!


As far as what I am doing. Nothing, absolutely nothing!!!! After my dd's wedding last Saturday, the final house guests not leaving until Wednesday evening, kids that were sick, I am exhausted and plan on not doing anything unless I want to.

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I am afraid nothing very spectacular. I will get my oldest ds up(a 2 hr venture) get breakfast, everyone off to church. I plan on having a roast in the oven before we leave. Finish lunch prep and eat. Take a nap. Work in our garden on the raised strawberry beds that we are making.


I will tell you what I am not doing. I am not cooking for a house full of people. I put that one to rest a couple of years ago.:001_smile:

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When my kids were really little, I begged dh to take them to his mother's house for awhile. Alone!


As they got older, I would give them the "I-don't-want-to-do-dishes-or-take-care-of-you" speech a few days before.


Now, honestly, I feel like every day is Mother's Day. :001_tt1: They have been so sweet, daily coming up to me and giving me a hug or kiss or just randomly telling me they love me. Believe me, it's not because *I* am doing anything right. And it's been going on for several months, so I'm not being buttered up for anything. I am so blessed.


I'm happy to have just a regular day tomorrow, although I will not be fixing breakfast on the stove, lol.

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The kids and I went to Applebees. It isn't really one of my favorite places, but I have had a gift card since fall and I figured it was a good time to use it.


It was okay, and dd4 was pleasant so it was a success.

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I just phoned my Mother and we spoke for about an hour. That's a lot for us, and we email regularly but rarely talk on the phone- we live on opposite sides of Australia. So, that felt like enough- I was going to make up an excuse why I hadn't sent her a present (I was away for several days in reality) but in the end I just said to her "I just didn't get it together this year, mum" and left it at that, and that felt fine.

I have sent an ecard and short note to my step mother- dad's wife, and I may get around to phoning my MIL since dh is away, or I may not.

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Yesterday, my sister and I took my mom out to lunch, went shopping, bought her annual flowers and helped her plant them. Today she is hanging out with my other sister and brother.


This morning, my kids woke me up with a hilarious card and some little presents.


When they get home from Sunday School, MIL and SIL are coming over here for lunch.

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We are celebrating Mother's Day next Sunday, since I am still recuperating from a surgical procedure. I did get a gift card to Amazon, so I can buy books for my Kindle! :001_smile:


As a besotted "mother", I include pictures of my latest baby, who gives me reason to celebrate every day! The first picture memorializes his first search & destroy mission of the day. The second is when he decided to go after the camera. In the third picture, he looks innocent, doesn't he? The back story is that he tried to take DD's allowance from her, gave up (she is no fool when it comes to cash), and tried to pry a few keys off her laptop. The innocent look is put on for me, Big Bad Mama, coming over to stop him, so he thinks.


The groomer, told to clean his ears and eyes, and clip his nails, shaved his face "so he could see". This is why he looks so owlish, but it will grow out.







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There are no traditions around here.


Last year my dh was in the hospital with emergency gall bladder surgery so I spent Mother's Day reading at his bedside while he was drugged up.;)


This year I need to make a last minute trip to Las Vegas to see my dad and stepmom. Their health is failing fast. I'm going to take my 14yo dd with me. So, after church, I think I'll ask them to pick up Rubio's or Chipotle on the way home and I'll plop myself down to watch the Laker game (why I torture myself with those clowns I don't know :glare:)


Then, dd and I will make the 4 hour drive to Vegas. We'll spend some fun girl time at Paris, shopping, seeing a movie, etc. in between trips to my dad's house.


I did wake up to a very nice card from dh sitting atop my laptop this morning.:)

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Volunteering for the little girl's ballet recital from 12-4. I'm in charge of 3-4 yo classes. Then, my daughter's older student recital starts at 5pm-8pm. She gets ready backstage at 4. Yes, I'm spending my entire day at the theatre! I probably wouldn't have volunteered if I knew it was Mother's Day!


My husband and children gave me a Kindle and breakfast in bed - so it's all good :).

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DH made us breakfast for lunch, then my mom and her husband came over. They brought us 3 bushes and 10 flowering perennials for our front flower bed. We cut back our roses, dug them up, and replanted them on the west side of our house. (They were huge and right by our back gate, and you couldn't walk through without getting stuck.) We got all of the other flower beds all weeded and ready for planting.


We just moved into this house a year and half ago. It is a rental that has not been loved in a long time. We got a lot done with the yard last year, but there is still so much to do!


I was a little grouchy last night and this morning, but it has been a great day! This evening we are going to DH's grandma's for dinner.

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