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What is growing in your garden?

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We are planting a late garden this year due to cruddy weather here in the PNW. We are going to have to buy seedlings so my selection will be a bit limited. We hope we can start some fall crops via seed if the weather cooperates.


I am just curious as to what others have planted in their gardens this year.....

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My dd12 has four heirloom tomato plants, two zucchini plants, two rows of Texas sweet onions, one row of romaine lettuce, and a rotting Cinderella pumpkin that she's hoping will create a pumpkin patch. I have six heirloom tomatoes, one volunteer tomato, and I hope to plant herbs. Garden on!

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Everyone here has a garden and it is incredibly inexpensive to plant one (for example, my cuke starts were by far the most expensive thing I've purchased, and each start was about 20 cents). So far we have tomatoes, cucumbers, garlic, corn, and peppers. I have sorrell, dill, parsley, jusay, and some mystery seeds that are possibly something like basil. I'll find out soon, I hope. I'm hoping to find zucchini seeds and we'll also plant pumpkins so we can have pumpkin pie in the fall. And there are raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries, along with all sorts of fruit trees and even a walnut tree.


So happy.

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Potatoes, early peas, peanuts, butter beans (blue and green), and six-week peas. We will be adding watermelon and pumpkin plants later. We haven't had a garden in a few years, so we are having to relearn a few things. Thankfully, my husband's granny is still alive (93?) and able to share her many years of experience with us. She was still gardening up to two years ago. That lady could get anything to grow! Amazing!



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Can't put anything in the ground here until Memorial Day at least....


Here's what I have started already:

Zucchini (some strange round breed that DD9 picked out)

Sweet peas


Lima Beans (doubt if these will grow properly, but DD9 liked the picture)

Nastursums (sorry can't spell that one).


I will pick up some vegetable starts and more flowers from the nursey at the end of the month. I'm going more for flowers this year and less veggies....

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Lettuces, spinach, peas, broccoli, kale, some herbs. I got a late start, so that's all the cool weather planting I've done. It would be so nice to be able to put in warm weather veggies, but it could still snow here. Day after Memorial Day is the big planting day for me.

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I've got three different types of tomato plants, zucchini, cucumbers, German chamomile, basil, cilantro, parsley, cortland onions, broccoli (which, for some reason is not doing well at all), and one lonely arugula plant. I had also planted green pepper seeds, but not one of them germinated.


I will planting some dill weed today.


Oops! Forgot, I also have green beans growing.

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A few hardy flowers and onion bulbs is all we have out so far; our weather is cold and wet, and occasionally we still wake up to frost:glare:.


But...I'm really looking forward to getting more planted asap.



Roma Tomatoes



strawberries (Still in the ground from last year, sending out shoots.)




few pumpkins

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I've got lettuce, snap peas, spinach, kale, onions, tomatoes, peppers, green beans, a small japanese melon, and potatoes planted. Still to go in: cucumbers and malabar spinach.


In my herb bed: oregano, french thyme, greek thyme, lemon thyme, lemon basil, dill, chocolate mint and rosemary.

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In our Square Foot Garden we've got peas, sugar snaps peas, cucumbers, green onions, carrots, yellow and white corn, bush beans, spinach, red leaf lettuce, cauliflower and curly green lettuce.


In the herb garden we've got basil, thyme, sage, dill, and rosemary.

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I will be planting (one more week till last frost date)


black tula tomatoes, black Cherokee, Rutgers, Bonny Best, Gypsy, Yellow Egg Yolk, Reisentraub, probably some others I forgot.


4 kinds of lettuces, 4 kinds of melons, two kinds pole beans, two bush, 5 kinds of carrots, zuch, yellow squash, three kinds of peppers, I have rhubarb I planted last year, 5 kinds of cucumbers, strawberries didn't come up :confused:. Spinach and other greens.


This year I'm going to try a few pumpkins. Last year I made puree from a neighbors pumpkins and it was hands down the best pumpkin pie I've ever eaten.


I've planted sunflowers, moonflower, other morning glories, and sweet peas.

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garlic, carrots (sprouted on their own from last year's crop!), parsley, rosemary, basil, tarragon, dill (also sprouted back from last year - woohoo!), 2 heirloom tomato varieties, honeydew, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, kale, red lettuce, spinach, peaches, and loofah


Oh, I almost forgot we sprouted a bean plant for an experiment, and we stuck that in the ground, too. I just can't remember what kind! : )

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I just started some seeds yesterday, and hope to start some today (indoors). I have 2 kinds of peas and 2 kinds of tomatoes started. I don't know what I'll plant today--I'll have to look in my seed basket to see what I have. I can't plant any cucurbits this year (squash, melon, cucumber, etc) because I've had powdery mildew for the last two years, and it'll probably pop up this year again if I plant anything in that family. I don't have a big enough yard to plant in a different area.


I also have a raspberry patch (Latham).

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In the ground:

Bibb lettuce


Hops (first time!)


When it's warmer:



Green beans

Summer squash


Turnips and potatoes (first year experiments, also)

Nasturtiums, zinnias, marigolds, sunflowers, morning glories, red trumpet flowers, and cleomes.


I have a boatload of perennial flowers, also - all the ones that grow like weeds with no work from me! Roses would be nice but I kill them.






*must remember to grow dill!*

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We acted to sloooooooowly to get lettuces in.....bummer as we grow many different kinds.


We planted a week ago or so, the following: tomatoes (2 kinds/cutting), grape and roma tomatoes, bell peppers....get this everyone.....red, yellow, orange, purple and CHOCOLATE, zucchini, yellow straightneck squash, cantaloupe and I'll have to go look, I forget.


After we move and we have more space for a garden, I'd like to add: butternut, acorn and spaghetti, squash, potatoes (again), corn (again), lima and green beans (again), broccoli (again), onions, carrots, asparagus and I'll have to look at what else.


I need to quickly plant my herbs and I spoke with a woman on Friday who plants berry bushes. We've considered it, but don't have space here....after we move. YUM!

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tomatoes, carrots, radishes, green beans, lettuce (butterhead and romaine), banana peppers,


oregano, chives, thyme, rosemary, sage, parsley (curly and Italian), basil, dill,


sunflowers, cosmos, coneflowers, snapdragons, zinnias, roses and two other flowers I can't remember!

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Oh, I need to get started on this. My beds need cleaned and compost add.


I have chives growing. I have strawberries planted from last year, but they're not showing any signs life. I've never grown these before so I don't know what to expect.:001_huh:


I hope to plant lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, and corn. I might even grow a pumpkin or cantaloupe this year. My husband grows cucumbers and peppers.

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green leaf lettuce



sugar snap peas

green beans

birdhouse gourds


green onions


cherry tomatoes

roma tomatoes

beefsteak tomatoes

bell peppers

habanero peppers

jalepeno peppers


pickling cukes

slicing cukes



I still have a few things to plant... somewhere. We are moving in August, so I am hoping to put in a fall garden as soon as we move... and that our landlord will let us come back and harvest anything that grows after we move out (we're only moving across town).

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Pride of Gibraltar



bachelor buttons



sweet peas


exotic love


white nigella

bells of ireland








So many things I planted didn't make it.

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This is my first garden ever and I'm having sooooo much fun! I am doing a type of Square Ft Gardening, except with larger beds. So far I have:


Celebrity Tomato

Cherry Tomato



bell pepper

green beans

jalapeño pepper

snap peas





spring onions





A few things just got planted today, but my carrots, tomatoes, peppers, snap peas, radish, sunflowers, and lettuce are popping out of the ground. Peppers I grew indoors and transplanted outside. I can't wait to see how/if everything grows. I'm actually shocked that anything is growing!! I have the brownest house plant thumb ever, but these garden plants are way more fun! :D


I REALLY want to try the potatoes in a trash can. How does one go about doing that exactly???

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I bit the bullet today and went to buy plants this afternoon. I don't have the patience for seeds at this late date. I got celery, 2 kinds of bok choy, mustard, curly kale, arugula & a couple of lettuces. I did plant lettuces from seed, but this gets a salad on my plate sooner. :)


I lazed out, but I blame this thread. ;)

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Right now we have spinach, early lettuce, strawberries, onions, brussel sprouts, broccoli, and carrots.


In a month or so we will be adding cukes, tomatoes (which I already have, but haven't transplanted), summer lettuce, watermelon, cantelope, honeydew, bell peppers, leeks, and sunflowers. For herbs we have catnip, oregano, basil, and two kinds of parsley.


I don't have a yard, but I rented two 30x30 garden plots and have herbs and strawberries on my porch.

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Grass and weeds. Gardening is not my thing. I am seriously considering removing the wildlife and putting in a fountain with a few topiary bushes in the front window garden area and then a park bench in the flower garden area in front of the porch with matching cafe set on the porch. Simple, easy and doesn't require a green thumb which is good because plants die when I walk by.

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Lettuce (bibb and black-seeded simpson), cilantro, strawberries (transplanted), petunias (also transplanted) carrots, cucumbers, zinnias, marigolds, lobelia, and johnny jump-ups. And tomatoes in a container. Everything seems to be going okay, but I think I might be overwatering. :001_huh: Some of the strawberries weren't looking too hot earlier, but I'm sure the hail we got this morning didn't help.

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We won't really plant until Derby Day, but my herbs are in full swing:


Lavender, oregano, lemon thyme, wormwood, garlic chives (which are taking over!), basil, curly-leaf parsley.... My echinacea is coming up, but I haven't seen my dill yet.... Service berries are growing (yum! if I can get there before the birds....)

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We just had snow today, so we have a wait. This is my first year starting from heritage seeds and I am excited to see how it turns out.


The one I am most pleased with is Lovage. I also have two types of cuccumber, three types of tomatoes and strawberries started. I plan on direct planting beans, peas and beets. Pretty simple compared to others but I am ramping up.


My kids are helping as well and I hope we are all successful!

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They're actually quite tasty if not sprayed with anything, LOL (I like the petals before they go to seed).... I've heard the leaves are good in green smoothies....


Well, they're not sprayed with anything, other than when my doggie goes out to go potty. :lol:

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PNW here too. Hasn't the weather been just miserable? Bleah!


That said, my kale, chard and spinach have been loving the wet cool weather. I've also got peas, sweet peas, pak choi, strawberries, raspberries, pansies, carrots and boxes of onions, leeks and shallots. I'm trying rhubarb in containers to see how it goes. I planted an herb garden this year: Rosemary, oregano, lavender. Will be adding thyme. The herbs are thriving.



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I REALLY want to try the potatoes in a trash can. How does one go about doing that exactly???


Well, mine are in a bucket instead of a trash can, but it's probably the same idea.


Drill drainage holes in the bucket, starting 2 inches from the bottom and going all the way around spaced every two inches. Keep making rings of holes every 2 inches, til you get 3/4 of the way up the side. Put a few inches of dirt in the bottom and put your seed potatoes on top, cover them with another inch of dirt. Water regularly. Once the greens grow 3 inches above the dirt, you pile more dirt on top til you just cover the greens. When they get 3 inches high again, cover them again. Keep doing this until the bucket is full. Then just let it grow until the greens flower and die back. Dump it out and it should be full of potatoes.


This is the first time I've tried it. The bucket is full of dirt and the greens are about 12 inches tall above the level of the dirt and flowering like crazy. I'll let you know how it goes.

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So far, a healthy crop of weeds (especially chickweed). I also noticed some poison ivy :glare: yesterday when I was out there.


We hope to be planting soon:

tomatoes (roma & brandywine)




bell peppers

jalepenos ? the family has requested some hot pepper jelly ;)

maybe spinach and some lettuce, if it's not too hot


and herbs:






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We just had snow today in central NM! It's still getting into the 30s and 40s at night. However, it warms up fast here. I'm hoping to plant next weekend.


In vegetable garden:

Green Beans

Kidney Beans

Lima Beans

Anasazi Beans


Green Chilies






Cucumbers-for pickles


In the flower garden, besides flowers:

Onions, red & sweet yellow





Italian flat leaf parsley

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BIG, square foot garden this year. Already in, or harvesting:


lettuce (5 types)

peas (sugar snap & snow)


swiss chard

mustard greens





onions (red, sweet, white)



potatoes (red, russet, ?)

brussel sprouts


malabar spinach




Basil (genovese, quenette, queen of Siam)




New planting this year:

raspberries (heritage)

blackberries (triple crown)

blueberries (blue crop, tiftblue)



Going in around Mother's Day or later:


Tomatoes (8 types)

cucumbers (marketmore,armenian,suyo long)




Peppers: ( 8 types)


eggplant (3 types)


sweet bantam corn

green beans


oregano (greek)



Summer Squash: (crookneck, straight neck,zucchini,yellow zucchini)


Winter Squash: (buttercup, acorn)


Almost all are heirloom


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Planted peas (only one survived but I don't think it's going to do much).

Planted tomatoes, they're going gangbusters and I should have fruit just as I'm leaving for the summer :(

Planted eggplant and pepper, they might fruit while I'm gone, or just as I'm getting back.

The beans (Blue Lake and Roma II) are growing nicely and should be ready while I'm gone.

The parsley, purslane, carrots, and basil keep on trucking along.


Did I mention I'm leaving town for the summer?! Yeah, I know. I didn't plan well. My MIL is very happy though - lots of veggies with minimal effort on her part. I did all the hard work. She gets all the reward. Sigh... thank goodness I love the woman!

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We just planted some things over the weekend. So far there are peas, green beans, two kinds of lettuce, spinach, and sunflowers. We also have plans for corn and potatoes, and maybe tomatoes and some herbs. We don't have a lot of space and we're part of a CSA, so we aren't planting very much.

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