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Do you like Chipotle Restaurant?

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Love Chipotle. As others have said, it is fast food, for which the quality is very good. Fast food is never really based on dining atmosphere! It is expensive but big enough to always share.


IMO, it is 100 times better than Taco Bell. Taco Bell grosses me out. Nothing there even looks like real food. (I still look back on my teen/young adult period where I ate at Taco Bell every week, and wonder what I was thinking...)

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I love it, DH hates it. I think it is the kind of place you either love or hate. I get the bowls because I think the tortilla is a waste. You can customize your order, get double beans if you want, etc. I go with a friend who orders a lot of extra beans and always gets a second meal out of it.


Ours is a pretty good size but the decor is very modern and industrial. Not my favorite but it's okay.

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Favorite fast food.

I order a burrito bowl with chicken, extra tomatoes (they are mild, not salsa-like), black beans, and lettuce, and either cheese or sour cream...OK< ok, I have both cheese and sour cream....


I love their chips, too.


Mine isn't really that expensive. I mean, here a Big Mac meal, which is utter carp, costs about $5.50 for a regular size. A Chipotle burrito bowl with a small soda is only about $1.25 more, and can easily be split between two grown-ups.

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We love Chipotle, nothing else compares to it in taste, IMO. I will gladly sit by a trash can and eat a chicken burrito from Chipotle. :tongue_smilie:We're just sad we don't have one within 2+ hours of us!!


When we lived near one, their burritos were the only thing that got me through the first trimester- it was the only thing I could eat without feeling sick!




This is me as well! Now that I found the Chipotle in Nashville I keep making excuses to make the drive up there :lol: The kids are enjoying the increased number of visits to the zoo :D .

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I love it. I get steak, black beans, rice, and whatever spicy salsa they have + guacamole & sour cream. Mmmmm.


It is spicy; I like it that way.


I've never eaten at taco bell, so can't compare, but from what I've seen of taco bell food, it doesn't look much like it.


Your seating sounds bad. It's always crowded. . . the one we go to has outdoor seating, which is nice. Take out is good, too.

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Chipotle is yum! I don't live near one anymore, though. We have Qdoba here, which is a similar type of restaurant. But, we don't eat there usually, we get the food as take out. I prefer Chipotle over Qdoba. You can vary the heat of your food by picking a milder salsa.

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We love it, and will occasionally (special occasion) drive an hour to eat there. They serve natural, unprocessed, real food without hormones, and you can taste the difference. I wish I could duplicate it at home; we try but it just isn't the same.


OH we dont' have them in our area, but we ate in one once in DC....we STILL talk about how great it was!! Mmmmm........I'm SO jealous of you who have one nearby!



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The only thing I've ever had from there was a chicken burrito. It was too spicy, and whatever they marinated the chicken in made it taste icky to me. It also had way too much cilantro for my taste. I WANT to like it so badly, because there's one two minutes from here, and because I love their philosophy, business model, etc. But I so disliked what I had that time that I haven't wanted to go back, and the kids were so unhappy that their meat was spicy that they haven't wanted to either :(


I do like Baja Fresh the best, and Moe's is a very close second. Although they don't do the hormone free meats etc., they do claim to be all natural too, I think.


ETA: Oh, Baja Fresh says they do too:




And this article says Moe's is introducing natural chicken and grass-fed beef?!



Edited by melissel
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...the amount of calories in a burrito is staggering....
Very true. I get the bowl and no sour cream or corn salsa in an effort to cut the calories a little, and I try not to eat much of the rice (which is so yummy with the lime!). Unfortunately I also love the chips.
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Chipotle is the main place we eat at if we don't eat at home.


I first went there when I was a meat-eater and didn't like the chicken burrito. I never went back until I turned vegetarian and got the fajita burrito. I loved it so much I went there almost everyday. Now we only go a few times a month, but our whole family loves it.

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I think they've actually cut the size of their burritos too, which is scary. I wish they did a smaller portion size as well.


I always split with DD at Chipotle. This often leads to an argument over burrito vs. tacos...but the amount of food is such that there's no way we're NOT sharing!


I haven't eaten there in ages (no $$$).

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Guest AbbyL


But for a "fast food" establishment the fare at Chipotle is pretty good. I do wish they offered brown rice as an option, and vegetables are "scant" but it is still way better than most. And the food is tasty.




I went to the local Chipotle last week here in the Denver area and they are serving brown rice as an option now. It may be changing in other areas as well.



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No I don't like it and I love quasi-Mexican style food.


(Plus, there is hometown restaurant here that I used to cook at whose lease wasn't renewed because the owners of the plaza decided to lease to Chipotle instead. It grates on me that this awesome restaurant that serves veggie & vegan choices and gluten-free choices plus fresh, made from scratch food would get the shaft after 20 years for a trend.)

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Love Chipotle. Love their philospohy, love their food. We have one ten minutes drive away but its so crowded and parking is a pain. We're getting one within walking distance this summer. It will still be crowded, but at least we won't have to worry about parking.



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I love Chipotle. I usually get the carnitas, which are not very spicy. Yes, the menu is very basic, but that's part of the appeal. Plus the food is very good. There's no comparison to Taco Bell, imho. Chipotle's food is real food...Taco Bell's is mostly fake (though yes, I do eat it). I never minded the interiors either, though I do think their chairs are quite uncomfortable. But as always, YMMV :)

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Taco Bell vs. Chipotle. That's funny. There really is no comparison -- I mean, Chipotle has real food. It has to be the best fast food restaurant I know of. My husband and I go there on date nights sometimes.


Yum -- I want to eat there now! I just love their black beans and the guacamole.


Our restaurant is always very clean as well. :D

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