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Tell me about your extended family - make me feel better (or, I Need A Hug)

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So, I went to my parents' house today to celebrate Dad's 60-somethingeth birthday. I made lasagna, home made garlic bread and a big old salad. Ds made a double layer chocolate cake. I ended up driving those 45 miles through a hail storm at a rockin' 35 mph - cars in the ditch the whole way, but we stayed on and made it just fine.


My mother, bless her heart (:tongue_smilie:), insists on trying on my jeans. So, while I'm standing there in my underwear in the bathroom, looking out the window, she's out in the dining room telling my dad, sister and my kids how my pants are too big for her and not nearly long enough (they are size 4s, btw, and I tell you that only so you can get an understanding of the dynamic here). Then, after she returns my pants, she asks my weight. Then she goes on to wonder aloud how I could possibly weigh more than her (um, because I eat?? But I digress).


Then, at the dinner table, she insists on putting a store bought chocolate cake on the table along side ds's home made one. I suggested we just eat ds's gift to grandpa and she freezes the other (she had known in advance he was making one, but bought one of the same flavor at the store anyway :confused:. But, again, I digress). So, for a total of 6 people, we now have 2 double layer chocolate cakes on the table.


My sister, who is handicapped and is an emotional eater (close to 300lbs), and who is fed whatever she wants out of guilt by parents, asked for more salad. My mother told me No, she's had enough salad, give her a second piece of lasagna. :confused: So, I gave her more salad.


My dd and ds arm wrestled. Dd won (ds didn't stand a chance - dd works on emotion and adrenaline; she will always win no matter how strong ds's physique. Really). My father lectures ds on being in a such a state where his sister wins at arm wrestling. Like they aren't competitive enough, but I digress.


I help my mom unload some horse stuff into the barn. She asks me if I want to "burn a weed." I said, "Huh?" She says, "Smoke a weed." I say, astounded, "You've got weed?!" She said no, and pulled out a pack of cigarettes (she doesn't smoke around my dad who has congestive heart failure and only about 40% use of his lungs because he smoked 4 packs a day for about 40 years). Bless her ever-lovin' heart.


I came home, poured a glass of pinot noir, warmed a neck wrap and closed my eyes. I have to go back for Easter in a few weeks. Sigh.


But I do love them. Really, I do.


So, how about it - share your crazy family, whom you still love even though they're crackpots with me so I feel better.



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So, I went to my parents' house today to celebrate Dad's 60-somethingeth birthday. I made lasagna, home made garlic bread and a big old salad. Ds made a double layer chocolate cake. I ended up driving those 45 miles through a hail storm at a rockin' 35 mph - cars in the ditch the whole way, but we stayed on and made it just fine.


My mother, bless her heart (:tongue_smilie:), insists on trying on my jeans. So, while I'm standing there in my underwear in the bathroom, looking out the window, she's out in the dining room telling my dad, sister and my kids how my pants are too big for her and not nearly long enough (they are size 4s, btw, and I tell you that only so you can get an understanding of the dynamic here). Then, after she returns my pants, she asks my weight. Then she goes on to wonder aloud how I could possibly weigh more than her (um, because I eat?? But I digress).


Then, at the dinner table, she insists on putting a store bought chocolate cake on the table along side ds's home made one. I suggested we just eat ds's gift to grandpa and she freezes the other (she had known in advance he was making one, but bought one of the same flavor at the store anyway :confused:. But, again, I digress). So, for a total of 6 people, we now have 2 double layer chocolate cakes on the table.


My sister, who is handicapped and is an emotional eater (close to 300lbs), and who is fed whatever she wants out of guilt by parents, asked for more salad. My mother told me No, she's had enough salad, give her a second piece of lasagna. :confused: So, I gave her more salad.


My dd and ds arm wrestled. Dd won (ds didn't stand a chance - dd works on emotion and adrenaline; she will always win no matter how strong ds's physique. Really). My father lectures ds on being in a such a state where his sister wins at arm wrestling. Like they aren't competitive enough, but I digress.


I help my mom unload some horse stuff into the barn. She asks me if I want to "burn a weed." I said, "Huh?" She says, "Smoke a weed." I say, astounded, "You've got weed?!" She said no, and pulled out a pack of cigarettes (she doesn't smoke around my dad who has congestive heart failure and only about 40% use of his lungs because he smoked 4 packs a day for about 40 years). Bless her ever-lovin' heart.


I came home, poured a glass of pinot noir, warmed a neck wrap and closed my eyes. I have to go back for Easter in a few weeks. Sigh.


But I do love them. Really, I do.


So, how about it - share your crazy family, whom you still love even though they're crackpots with me so I feel better.




After a day like that, I may have been hopefully astounded at that point... :lol:

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Well, when my dad was dying of cancer, my aunt (his sister) accused my husband of marrying me in order to get to my dad's money when he died. She even said this in front of me. We didn't know he had cancer when we got married. Nor did he have an exorbitant amount of money to be inherited.

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My dad and step-mom (who are lovely people and live on the other coast) are always talking about someone else's weight. I visit my dad and step-mom once every 2 -3 years and one of my cousins won't come to see me (even though we would be within walking distance) if my step-mom is in the same house because of a verbal altercation they had over 10 years ago! But I do love them all.

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Well.........you know........look at the bright side. Your mom has horse stuff.


And weed, apparently :lol:. She's going to end up burning the darn barn down. (I hid out in the barn to smoke when I was 12 - she's 60-something. Weird how things turn out :lol:).

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My great grandmother lived with Alzheimer's for a few years before we noticed she needed full time help. We all thought she was just getting old & mean. One day, when I was 17, she told me that more boys would like me if I wasn't so fat. (I was an athlete and a very healthy size 10-- frames run big in my family). I told her I didn't care if boys liked me because I had decided to become a lesbian. It made her back off, at least.

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My great grandmother lived with Alzheimer's for a few years before we noticed she needed full time help. We all thought she was just getting old & mean. One day, when I was 17, she told me that more boys would like me if I wasn't so fat. (I was an athlete and a very healthy size 10-- frames run big in my family). I told her I didn't care if boys liked me because I had decided to become a lesbian. It made her back off, at least.


Wow. I have to lol at your retort, though.


My dh's grandmother told dh and everyone at Thanksgiving that it's probable his kids aren't his. Even though they're his spitting image and he knows they're 100% his. I was so fuming mad. Dh said maybe they're the mailman's. Our "mailman" is an older lady. Lol. She has no excuse, though. She just doesn't like me.

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I always said it was a great realization for me the day I realized that my (extended) family could have starred on the Jerry Springer show. :tongue_smilie::lol:


And, I then realized, *most* families could probably qualify for Jerry Springer.

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Well, when my dad was dying of cancer, my aunt (his sister) accused my husband of marrying me in order to get to my dad's money when he died. She even said this in front of me. We didn't know he had cancer when we got married. Nor did he have an exorbitant amount of money to be inherited.


Ouch. :grouphug:


One side of our family is like this too, but they don't have any inheritance either. Makes one wonder, doesn't it?

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Dh's parents have bought me one pattern of antique original depression glass since we got married. I told her the other week that I will have to sell it, for financial reasons. She understood that I have to do what I have to do. (I was up front and told her because I didn't want her to find out another way.)


Well todaaaaaaaay I got a text from her, asking if I had sold it yet. When I responded, "No," she then asked if she could choose a piece to keep before I sell it. :blink::svengo:


Ummmmmm no.

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Ouch. :grouphug:


One side of our family is like this too, but they don't have any inheritance either. Makes one wonder, doesn't it?



Thanks. It's okay though....we figure it's because she HAD smoked too much weed. :D

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Oh my gosh. All that pinot noir and I forgot this part:


My dad tells me he picked up a "hitch hiker" in Florida a few weeks ago (Dad's an almost retired truck driver) that knew my dh from high school. So, all the way across the stinking country, he's telling my dad about what he knew of my dh from nearly 25 years ago. Dad is telling me this story, and pausing a great deal while collecting his words and never finishing the thought ("the long haired fellow in the band..." "the guy who...", etc, etc). It was right about then, but before Mom and the weed bit, that that tell-tale ache behind my left eye settled in.


(For the record, I met dh at 21. We've been together 17 years. I knew all his friends in highschool, but for whatever reason, our paths never crossed then. At this stage in the game, I know all the "stuff", and dh hasn't been that "long haired fellow in the band" for, like, a hundred years.)



Oh, and then when I came home, I asked dh (who had the presence of mind this morning to need to go fishing during a hail storm rather than accompany me today) if he knew Xyz Pdq from highschool. He had no idea who this guy was.


:confused: :lol:

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I come from a large family (50+ decendents from just my paternal grandparents) which is largely dominated opinionated, controlling women. They belong to "THE Church" and if you don't go you're not doing what God wants you to do. (We go to a mainstream Christian church.) And I hear it EVERY. SINGLE. TIME we get together for Thanksgiving (every other year.) And then on my mom's side you have my Grammy and my Aunt who you do NOT disagree with if you value your sanity. They didn't talk to me for over a year once for my foolish lapse of honesty :glare:. And my grandmother-in-law has said repeatedly that I shouldn't have another child because I couldn't handle it (because she only had one and barely handled it) even though they all know we really want a daughter.


On the other hand, my father's side supports homeschooling because 80% of them do it.

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And weed, apparently :lol:. She's going to end up burning the darn barn down. (I hid out in the barn to smoke when I was 12 - she's 60-something. Weird how things turn out :lol:).





:grouphug: Wow, that sounds like some night. At least you have a sense of humor about it. It's always nice to hear about other crazy families...I'm not alone....

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Well, my FIL did tell dh across the dinner table that I was "Satan's Bride" and "leading dh astray", how we're both "doomed to Hell", etc., etc. in their language (thinking I didn't understand. I do.). (I'm a different denomination, and apparently, everyone who is not part of their denomination (formed in the 1920's) is doomed to eternal fires of ****ation. :glare:) I could write a book about my in-laws, but after 14 years, of being with dh, I'm trying hard to let... it... go.


BTW, I also spent a looonnnnnnggggg morning driving up to visit my folks. Yep, 40 mph the entire way. The weather this morning was not pretty!


Okay, for the sake of commiserating, I'll share just two funny stories here:


My parents, esp. my dear mother, loves wine with dinner. She's also VERY hard of hearing. My in-laws are against alcohol in any shape or form. At one interesting dinner party, my FIL droned on and on about the evils of alcohol to my mother, assuring her that her soul was lost, etc., while my very lovely (but unhearing) mother politely nodded up and down, looking at him the entire time, sipping glass after glass of wine. :lol:


At a family reunion on my side of the family, which my in-laws attended because they were visiting from Europe, FIL began to tell joke after unseemly joke, insulting all of our family's ethnicities (we're a mixed lot). Although NO ONE was laughing, he continued, with tears streaming down his face. He thought he was extremely funny, but I'm afraid he offended everyone there. Then he began telling jokes about other ethnicities, which really did NOT improve matters much. :glare: Then on to homosexuals. (My mother's dear brother was gay, and died of AIDS. Not funny.) Then on to jokes about degrading women, which, also, just about boiled my brothers', dads', husband's blood. The poor guy just didn't know when (or how) to STOP!!!!! He moved on next to toilet-humor jokes, which broke up the crowd and he was left alone, STILL TELLING JOKES. Funny now, but, oh, how embarrassed (and furious) I was at the time!!!


Okay-- one bonus story. At my wedding in Europe (after my lovely wedding here in the U.S.), my dh's uncle toasted my dh, saying, "Well, I don't know WHY in the world you married an American, but she looks... obedient." :glare:

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My mom is the crazy in this family. She's neurotic, only happy when unhappy, and has a compulsive need to martyr herself. She also presents a different front to the public/her friends than what she presents to my sister and I. My trip out to visit in Jan is going to be the last one for a looooooooooooooooooong time. I pretty much learned that she likes the idea of grandkids, but not the reality of them (what...I have to interact w/them?). She loves the attention she gets for being a grandma, but in private she acts like they're annoyances.


She also has been talking about moving back to NM for years. She has been applying for jobs for years. Well...she finally got a job. She accepted it. What did she do? She decided she had too much to do on the house so the Friday before she was supposed to start, she emailed them saying she decided not to take the position. This is just the cherry on the ice cream of the years she's spent complaining about how she wants to go back to NM, how it's too expensive to stay where she is, etc...The perfect opportunity presents itself and has health insurance to boot, and she turns it down at the last minute.


When my sister applied to go to college in NY, she said I was trying to turn my sister against her by having her move across the country, and that it was a conspiracy against her.


I could go on. Really. My sister and I have learned to just ignore it, gloss over it, and never ever confront her. I learned that the hard way - she would both passive aggressively punish me and then take it out on my sister.

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Here's one of mine:


I met one of my MIL's friends for the first time a few months ago. The lady remarked that my two girls look nothing alike. My MIL said (straight faced), "They probably have different fathers."


:blink: WHAT!?!?

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Here's one of mine:


I met one of my MIL's friends for the first time a few months ago. The lady remarked that my two girls look nothing alike. My MIL said (straight faced), "They probably have different fathers."


:blink: WHAT!?!?



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I thought my MIL was a freak of nature, but after reading this thread I'm horrified that there are others out there!


She screamed bloody murder when my dh told his father over the phone that we were going to get married (I wasn't on the phone - and she wasn't on the phone, yet it sounded like she was in the room with me). She hasn't changed her mind about me, and that was 30 years ago.


She and my fil (in fact, my dh's entire family) told us we were not welcome in their home and they wanted nothing to do with us anymore when we adopted our daughter (she was the wrong color). We didn't see them for two years. They never said they were sorry, just decided to include us again. My fil has passed away, but my mil still makes veiled (barely) racist comments when we are around. None of my children have any respect or affection for her.


We moved 500 miles away and only have to deal with her for 3 days at a time, twice a year. That's all any of us can handle.

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Well, my FIL did tell dh across the dinner table that I was "Satan's Bride" and "leading dh astray", how we're both "doomed to Hell", etc., etc. in their language (thinking I didn't understand. I do.). (I'm a different denomination, and apparently, everyone who is not part of their denomination (formed in the 1920's) is doomed to eternal fires of ****ation. :glare:) I could write a book about my in-laws, but after 14 years, of being with dh, I'm trying hard to let... it... go.


BTW, I also spent a looonnnnnnggggg morning driving up to visit my folks. Yep, 40 mph the entire way. The weather this morning was not pretty!


Okay, for the sake of commiserating, I'll share just two funny stories here:


My parents, esp. my dear mother, loves wine with dinner. She's also VERY hard of hearing. My in-laws are against alcohol in any shape or form. At one interesting dinner party, my FIL droned on and on about the evils of alcohol to my mother, assuring her that her soul was lost, etc., while my very lovely (but unhearing) mother politely nodded up and down, looking at him the entire time, sipping glass after glass of wine. :lol:


At a family reunion on my side of the family, which my in-laws attended because they were visiting from Europe, FIL began to tell joke after unseemly joke, insulting all of our family's ethnicities (we're a mixed lot). Although NO ONE was laughing, he continued, with tears streaming down his face. He thought he was extremely funny, but I'm afraid he offended everyone there. Then he began telling jokes about other ethnicities, which really did NOT improve matters much. :glare: Then on to homosexuals. (My mother's dear brother was gay, and died of AIDS. Not funny.) Then on to jokes about degrading women, which, also, just about boiled my brothers', dads', husband's blood. The poor guy just didn't know when (or how) to STOP!!!!! He moved on next to toilet-humor jokes, which broke up the crowd and he was left alone, STILL TELLING JOKES. Funny now, but, oh, how embarrassed (and furious) I was at the time!!!


Okay-- one bonus story. At my wedding in Europe (after my lovely wedding here in the U.S.), my dh's uncle toasted my dh, saying, "Well, I don't know WHY in the world you married an American, but she looks... obedient." :glare:


I don't know whether to laugh or cry for you! So :lol: but big, fat :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: to you.

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Here's one of mine:


I met one of my MIL's friends for the first time a few months ago. The lady remarked that my two girls look nothing alike. My MIL said (straight faced), "They probably have different fathers."


:blink: WHAT!?!?


:blink::svengo: (That almost absovles my father for picking up hitch hikers in this day and age!)

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At least it sounds like you have a very balanced and humorous perspective.


I agree! My DH just lets it all roll off and thinks it is hilarious. I'm still trying to get to that place! It's a much healthier place to be. :001_smile:

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I love your sense of humour and your love for your family shines through it all :)


I live a long, long way away from my family. My mum is very sick with fibromyalgia and other things- most days can do very little- but manages to take care of and regularly visit and be power of attorney to both her parents (who are not together, and both now in their 90s) one of whom has end stages of Alzheimer's and spent years (in early stages of Alzheimers) abusing Mum FOR trying to take care of her before she killed herself with a fire or something. The stress nearly killed mum.


Mum's sister thinks that it's fine not to have her own home but to live with all her relatives for weeks and months at a time, without asking- just turn up and presume- with her very loud talking new husband. This sister travels all over the place- they just stayed with husband's relatives in England for 6 months, poor relatives- and comes back to mum's place regularly to check that mum isn't stealing her inheritance! Its awful. When mum clearead our grandma's home when she was moving granma into a nursing home- her sister came and took all the good stuff- the jewellery, the expensive china etc- leaving mum the more worthless stuff. Yuk. (But mum could do with learning to stand up for herself!)


But....I live away from it all and just get the emails. We all live a way away- all of mum's nieces and nephews, and my brother and I- we all live well away from our parents. The other side of the family are all peas in a pod, some still live WITH their parents in their 30s, with their family! other extreme.


Dh and I made our own family and surround ourselves with people we love and want to spend time with. Family time is minimal for us.

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My mother and my EXMIL are two sides of the same coin, but I'll go with a EXMIL story (oh, which one to choose, which one to choose...).


My EXMIL has been various religions since I met her in 1995. When I met her then, she was attending an Assembly of God church, was very much the "submissive" wife and literally would ask her husband for permission to go to Walmart, give him a run down of her list, estimate the approximate cost and then remove one check from the checkbook for this trip to Walmart.


The Holy Spirit told her to leave the AG church and attend a Baptist church. She stayed there until the HS told her to move from there. She then had a stint as an Amish wannabe, a Jew, a Messianic Jew and now she's in some weird cult that picks and chooses from the OT what laws they're going to uphold (mostly dietary and clothing laws; they ignore all those pesky blood offering laws and the ones about stoning folks). Apparently, only the folks in this cult are going to heaven and their illustrious leader has predicted (several times now) when the second coming is going to happen. In fact, EXMIL told me during her stint as an Amish wannabe that the HS told her when the 2nd coming is, but admonished her not to tell anyone else. She's special.


Anyway, apparently, then the US goes to h*ll in a handbasket, everyone is supposed to go to the compound (or whatever it's called) in Oklahoma for safety, because that's the only place that'll be safe from the handbasket-going. She's instructed EX to take dd there in case of any national emergencies (OVER. MY. DEAD. BODY!) Thankfully, EX is extremely unwilling to do such a thing.


Because she's so stinking special, she feels it's her holy duty to inform the rest of the civilized world that all their churches are pagan and h*ll-bound. She came to dd's music class concert at Christmas, which is held at a Presbyterian church, and sat with her head bowed, refusing to look up at the "pagan" cross or the "pagan" Christmas tree, muttering "Thank you Father for telling ME the truth" over and over. I felt it would be distracting to bash her up the side of the head with a hymnal, so I controlled myself.


She also has told Dd that she must learn Hebrew, as that will be the universal language in the future. What's hysterically funny about that is, she can't remember to refer to Jesus as Yahweh, so she calls him...wait for it...YOOHOO! Yes, she prays to a bottled chocolate drink.


Outside of her religious craziness, she's a liar and a bigot. She has made all sorts of racial comments about and in front of my son. And, it's not like she's 90 years old and came from a culture that normally used racial epithets; she makes her comments, looks to see who's watching and giggles. She referred to Brazil nuts as "n*gg*r toes" in some cookies she served us, told ds that he was getting the burnt pancake because it was a "darky", etc.


But wait, there's more! She has absolutely NO boundaries when it comes to s*xual comments. She has told me and EX that she has "bizarre s*xual thoughts", she has shared her "intimacy problems" in great detail with me (or tried to, rather. I but a stop to it early on. I told her to find a therapist for these issues). She has shared with EX, in great detail, her s*xual issues. She, for whatever reason, seems to think that it's acceptable to discuss these sorts of things with anyone who's related. One Christmas, she said she needed panties and bras and that's what she wanted from us for Christmas (this was before Christmas became pagan). EXBIL was going to just get her a gift cared to JCP and let her get whatever she wanted, but she INSISTED he go shopping for these items with her. WTH?


I could go on for days, then I could go on for more days about my own mother, but this is probably enough to make you feel better about your own family. :lol:

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Here's one of mine:


I met one of my MIL's friends for the first time a few months ago. The lady remarked that my two girls look nothing alike. My MIL said (straight faced), "They probably have different fathers."


:blink: WHAT!?!?


What in the world did you say to that??? :001_huh:

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Just :grouphug:. Visiting my folks is emotionally draining as well and the only reason we still do as often as we do is for the kids. We only see dh's folks once a year, thankfully. That's about all I can handle...2-3 hrs./once a year...so that works out well. :D Thanks for the laugh, though. I needed it.

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I have three aunts plus my mom who are sisters. Only one of my aunts is married. My mom and another aunt are widowed and one aunt never married. My granny told my married aunt in the middle of the Drs office at full volume that she should have a party and only invite men for my mom and my other aunts to meet men and have "relations". P.S. She did not say relations she said the actual word. My married aunt said that one of the men in the Drs office dropped his magazine. :lol:

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I can see how you would be stressed by those events. At least you recognize the craziness. That's a good thing!


My extended family would probably take the trophy for insanity, but I won't go into that here. Except maybe to tell you about my aunt who recently passed away. For years, our family had tried to get her to stop driving due to her health issues, and due to the fact that she told us it was "normal" for people to fall asleep at the wheel. (She had crashed into a few things. Thank heavens she never ran into a person!) So, at a Christmas gathering at my mom's house, my aunt (whose face was completely black and blue from falling asleep while sitting up on the edge of her bed, then falling face first into her nightstand) refused to let anyone drive her home. When she left, she backed out of my mom's driveway and into the neighbor across the street's driveway and into his closed garage door, completely smashing it in. Then, she overcompensated and shot forward at a weird angle over lawns and into a snowbank. Her car was perched on top of a plowed pile of snow. After we managed to extricate her from the car and called AAA to get her car out of the snow, she STILL insisted on driving herself home. She also wouldn't give the neighbor her insurance information, telling him she would pay out of pocket. When he threatened to call the police, she finally gave him her information. Then, when we all 'ganged up' on her and insisted that she wasn't driving herself, I ended up driving her home in her car, with dh and kids following. THE WHOLE WAY HOME, she was giving me backseat driving advice- informing me of stop signs, telling me where potential black ice spots were, etc. I lost it at one point and told her that she was completely irresponsible, and that if one of my kids had been outside when she did what she did with her car, I would never have forgiven her, etc. My mom and other aunt did actually call the police, her doctor and her insurance company after that, but she was somehow still able to drive.


I think there is a little bit of craziness in every family, whether it's recognized or not.

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Dh's parents have bought me one pattern of antique original depression glass since we got married. I told her the other week that I will have to sell it, for financial reasons. She understood that I have to do what I have to do. (I was up front and told her because I didn't want her to find out another way.)


Well todaaaaaaaay I got a text from her, asking if I had sold it yet. When I responded, "No," she then asked if she could choose a piece to keep before I sell it. :blink::svengo:


Ummmmmm no.




Why not?

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Dh's parents have bought me one pattern of antique original depression glass since we got married. I told her the other week that I will have to sell it, for financial reasons. She understood that I have to do what I have to do. (I was up front and told her because I didn't want her to find out another way.)


Well todaaaaaaaay I got a text from her, asking if I had sold it yet. When I responded, "No," she then asked if she could choose a piece to keep before I sell it. :blink::svengo:


Ummmmmm no.


Why no?


(No judgment: just wondering.)

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What in the world did you say to that??? :001_huh:


I am so not good at comebacks. I just said no, they have the same father. I'm sure my face was bright red. Luckily MIL's friend acted like she heard nothing, and quickly changed the subject!



She also yells at us everytime we buy something. She yelled when we bought a new vacuum (because ours was shooting flames out the side). She yelled when we bought a lawn mower (um, we had a new house and we didn't have a lawn mover). We bought a used car last year (the Neon we traded in had 125,000 miles on it and needed transmission work), and DH got yelled at by both of his parents for at least 30 minutes. Basically, they think we should consult them before purchasing anything. :thumbdown:

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Need another story?


My almost-9yo (OMG!) gets migraines. She's supposed to tell us when she feels one coming on, but sometimes "forgets". Last week, my mil called. DD was talking to her and suddenly burst into tears, saying her head hurt. She hung up, and I could tell she was too far gone for meds - she was getting ready to throw up, so she'd just throw up the meds anyway. And she always feels better after throwing up, when it does get to that point.


So, mil calls dh, tells him dd has a headache and I'm withholding medication.


THEN she calls dd back and tells her that Daddy is on his way and will take care of her. :glare:


Also, I have an aunt who is 51 years old. She and my uncle have been planning for years to buy land in FL and move from NJ. Aunt and Uncle are on a 3 month vacation down there right now.

My mother spoke to my grandmother not too long ago, and mentioned Aunt's trip. Grandma's response: "Oh, yes. I'm sure this will get it out of her system!"

Grandma truly believes her 51yo daughter is going through a "phase" like a teenager taking a gap year to bum around.


(No, I'm not saying all gap years are about bumming around, before anyone jumps on me!!!)

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My great grandmother lived with Alzheimer's for a few years before we noticed she needed full time help. We all thought she was just getting old & mean. One day, when I was 17, she told me that more boys would like me if I wasn't so fat. (I was an athlete and a very healthy size 10-- frames run big in my family). I told her I didn't care if boys liked me because I had decided to become a lesbian. It made her back off, at least.




I could write books!



When my mom was is the hospital for the last time...she looked up at me and told me my hair looked nice. I immediately thought...ut..oh.....she died about 5 minutes later. I knew she wasn't feeling herself...lol.


Faithe who's fil is either telling me I am too fat or too thin....what...are ya sick??? Too much cake.??? Can't win!!

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