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What cool family fun thing are you planning for the weekend?

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I'm at work (out of state), so I have no idea what's going on in my area.


The kite festival sounds pretty fun, though. I bet it's beautiful to look up on a gorgeous day and see kites dancing around the sky :) Have fun!


I'm bumping this thread and subbing. We travel a lot as a family, and I'd love to make note of these festivals and happenings so I can pencil in some ideas for next year. Thanks, Sebastian!

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We're doing a birthday celebration, too. My son turned 13 earlier this month, and we're taking him and three friends to the big sci-fi / fantasy convention on Sunday.


He's been working hard for a couple of weeks making his costume and parts of what his friends will be wearing. The plan is to let them run around the con for a few hours, then bring everyone back to the house for food and gaming or talking or whatever.


I'm cleaning and shopping today.

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My husband's favorite football player posted on Facebook today that he was selling his grill...and I jumped on it and bought it. So, tomorrow we get to drive over to Detroit and meet the football player, and pick up our autographed grill. So we're really excited about that :D:D:D:D It's Zack Follett from the Lions if anyone cares, LOL. The guy is crazy, and his blog just makes me laugh and laugh.

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We are celebrating a birthday today! My baby boy is 8yo:eek::crying:. I originally planned to invite his friends over to our place. We have 8 acres, which is almost enough space to contain 8 crazy boys. However, Spring decided to go away (we currently have snow on the ground...again), so we moved the party to the bowling alley. I had an outdoor activity planned for tomorrow, but it is supposed to snow again. Since dh is working, we may just have a movie day. If I'm feeling really adventurous, we may go to our local craft fair, but only because our local Usborne book lady will be there.

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I'm at work (out of state), so I have no idea what's going on in my area.


The kite festival sounds pretty fun, though. I bet it's beautiful to look up on a gorgeous day and see kites dancing around the sky :) Have fun!


I'm bumping this thread and subbing. We travel a lot as a family, and I'd love to make note of these festivals and happenings so I can pencil in some ideas for next year. Thanks, Sebastian!


We were on the Mall a couple weeks back. There was one guy we saw flying a kite. He had gotten it almost up to the viewing windows of the Washington Monument from all the way on the circular walkway at the edge of the lawn.


It was quite impressive.

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We just got back from the Pompeii exhibit in New York City. Very cool!


Tomorrow morning is bowling league, tomorrow afternoon is ice skating. Then late afternoon is going to be the new Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie.


Sunday we are going to do a major house cleaning as we get ready for new puppy!!

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Horse show! dd17 and her horse will compete in the 4H/FFA county fair show this weekend.


Dd19 is just finishing her spring break and will head back to college on Saturday. I have finally reached the point that I can wave goodbye and know that she is happy and having a great adventure, instead of waving goodbye, going inside and crying. I hate the part where they grow up and have their own lives. :glare:


I will pick up a food delivery on Saturday and they sort and shuffle my freezer. This is a favorite chore and makes me feel homey.


Beyond that I will be enjoying the fabulous spring weather, working in my garden and prepping my chicken for the county fair.

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We're celebrating birthdays, too! Emma turns 11 tomorrow (!) and Abbie turns 10 on Monday!


Tomorrow, I believe we will take Emma to pick out a new bike. I am not sure what else she would like to do. We are planning on having a few people over for pizza & cake, and at least one friend gets to spend the night. The other friend has church duties on Sunday morning so I am not sure if she will stay over, or not.


Abbie wants to go gem mining on her birthday. She also wants to go to her gymnastics class, so we will see if we're back in time for that. She has asked me to make dinner at home, so that's easy!


We were supposed to have grandparents visiting, but that fell through at the last minute, so I am feeling a little bad that we don't have more of a plan. Maybe we will come up with something else fun tomorrow. However, I know both girls will have a ball with their friends here tomorrow.

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You all are so ambitious!


I'm totally pumped because dh just pulled out of the driveway with both kids and an SUV full of camping stuff...


























They won't be home until Sunday. Oh yeah. Quiet house. :D Think I'll watch some basketball now.

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You all are so ambitious!


I'm totally pumped because dh just pulled out of the driveway with both kids and an SUV full of camping stuff...


























They won't be home until Sunday. Oh yeah. Quiet house. :D Think I'll watch some basketball now.


You win!

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The kite festival looks like a lot of fun! We're also celebrating a birthday this weekend. I'm taking dd (newly 10) and 3 girlfriends to get giant cupcakes & to spend the night at a local hotel w/pool. I'm not sure what I was thinking! :glare: I'm sure it will be fun for the girls and I'll bring the laptop!


Today I took the girls to see Cirque du Soleil Alegria. Amazing. We all enjoyed.


Two volleyball games tomorrow afternoon.


Our weekends are usually quite dull. You picked a good weekend to ask the question.

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We're taking our science studies (fish) to the zoo/aquarium. The older kids will be logging their observation and noting the fish's name, mouth shape, body shape, fins, and defensive mechanisms. The younger kids will be hanging out at the zoo with dad during the school part of the trip.

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I'm sending the kids to Grandma's for a night! DH has promised to take me out for dinner.


Other than that, DD has group violin class, she and I are getting our hair cut, and I might do some garden planning before I plant next week. We're just gearing back up because it's the end of Spring Break and school starts again on Monday.

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My husband has his fantasy baseball draft tomorrow, so he'll be gone all day and I'll be solo with the kids. Which wouldn't be so bad, except that we're coming off a week-long episode of toddler stomach flu, and I am worn out.


Also, I had planned some cool outdoor things, but it's going to be in the low 40s and rainy.

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We might go to the movies and see Gnomeo and Juliet. My 6 year old has never been to the movies so this will be a big thing for him.

After I get home from work that is and the rest of the family have karate. Hubby drops the chidlren off at my work so he can go to work.

Then Sunday I will be away all day for some CE on physical rehabilitation for animals.

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We will be wrapped in blankets, wearing gloves and watching 6 lacrosse games. :001_smile: It is supposed to snow on Sunday, but Mr. competitive spirit informed us this evening that we are playing on turf fields so coach said the tournament will go on sun, rain or snow.


I will be the Mom with the coffee thermos!

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I'll be watching parts of two baseball games and two soccer games. They overlap at three different locations, so I'll only see some of each of them.


I also signed up a child who doesn't have baseball game tomorrow to volunteer at the animal shelter for the afternoon. (It was definitley one of those crazy moments when I forgot I couldn't time travel between locations.)


Then the oldest has a surprise party to go to an hour away. I'm taking the whole crowd with me since it will be super late when we get home, and the next oldest hasn't shown the maturity to stay up that late while babysitting. I am hoping to get together with old friends for dinner, but it was a last minute party. (Yes, I normally would have said no to such an invitation, but it is a sweet gesture for a girl who just lost a sibling.)

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Irish musicians in the area for a concert on Saturday night with the kids opening for them. Taking dd to Irish fiddle lesson Sunday then she is playing with her teacher in a library concert, then two kids and I will attend his Irish session at a pub before making the 3 hour drive home.

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You all are so ambitious!


I'm totally pumped because dh just pulled out of the driveway with both kids and an SUV full of camping stuff...


























They won't be home until Sunday. Oh yeah. Quiet house. :D Think I'll watch some basketball now.


You win!


No, actually now I lose. Apparently it started raining last night as soon as they got there, the tent almost washed down the mountain, and they're coming home. :glare:


I should have known it was too good to be true. :tongue_smilie:

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It's an unusually uneventful weekend for us so I'll be doing errands, helping dd16 make 30 "Conrad Birdie Fan Club" buttons (guess which musical she's in? :D), and reading a library book.


Next weekend: dd11's Persephone ballet performances, ds's Eagle project workday

Following weekend: dd16's musical performances, ds's Eagle project workdays

Third weekend: ds's Eagle project workdays

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Just hangin out together this evening (some sort of board game may be involved, plus DVDs of the Scarlet Pimpernel)


Tomorrow will be the first carboot of the year. :auto: Do you guys have those? Everyone turns up to a field with things they want to sell - like a jumble sale but with each 'stallholder' selling their own stuff. The DDs are hoping for lego bargains. :D

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Just sitting here, as I've done for the past month, not leaving the house, feeling icky with morning (actually all day) sickness. But now I have a sick kid to care for. My youngest was sick earlier this week and now it's my oldest's turn.


Sound fun?


Ugh, I cannot wait for this first trimester to pass. I want to feel (halfway) normal again and be able to do fun family things!

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A kite festival would be fun! My mom has a ton of kites and the boys are looking forward to going out and flying them, but it's been too windy.


As for the weekend, I'm still trying to get over the jetlag and exhaustion of the past week and a half. I'm thinking of going to Barnes and Noble tomorrow, a real book store!


If the Pompei exhibit is the same that we saw in Yokohama last year, that was super cool and well worth it. My boys loved it.

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