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prayers please

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Lord, God, You know the need here. Heavenly Father, I pray for this family as they are gripped with the fear and anxiety of not knowing what this spot is that was found in their son's CT scan. I pray, oh Father, that it is nothing at all Lord. I pray that you would guide the doctors as they do the testing and wrap your loving arms of peace and comfort around this family as they go through such a frightening time Lord. In Jesus' sweet and precious name I pray,





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Lord, God, You know the need here. Heavenly Father, I pray for this family as they are gripped with the fear and anxiety of not knowing what this spot is that was found in their son's CT scan. I pray, oh Father, that it is nothing at all Lord. I pray that you would guide the doctors as they do the testing and wrap your loving arms of peace and comfort around this family as they go through such a frightening time Lord. In Jesus' sweet and precious name I pray,






Mathew 18:19 Holy Bible

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them."

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Unfortunately you already know that bad things happen, but I hope this doesn't turn out to be the case here. I'm praying that this is just a scare caused by folks that don't do CT scans of the brain often. I'm assuming you are being referred somewhere else for an MRI. If a MRI has not been mentioned, you need to get a referral tomorrow for a MRI tomorrow. Sometimes a tumor can wait, but no one can know that from a CT scan.


Since your son may need surgery for the skull issue, I personally would ask for a referral to Duke to have the MRI done there. If getting a referral to Duke would take more than a day or two, I would accept one at a closer children's hospital.


However, I would still ask for a referral to Duke. Now that someone has mentioned tumor, it will take a lot to let you rest easy that it isn't a tumor. Duke has a top-notch brain tumor center. Hopefully, you will only need that for the for peace of mind of them saying the spot isn't a tumor. Since they have good neurosurgeons, they will also be able to give you an opinion on what to do about the skull issue.


Still praying.

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Mathew 18:19 Holy Bible

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them."


I will be praying! :grouphug:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry I forgot to update you guys! We've had a long 2 weeks - brother got married, dh came home after 5 months away and dd broke her arm. We really appreciate everybody's concerns and prayers!


His tests came back that he needs surgery to make room for his brain but we have a few years before it becomes a problem. As of right now we're waiting on that since dh is about to deploy. We've got check ups every 3 months just in case.


The spot was a "dead" spot in his brain that they're not sure how it happened. The brain damage could have been from a bad fall he took last year or something that happened before he was born. They're still researching it and making sure it isn't growing and won't be a problem.

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