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u/s this morning...TWO ♥♥!

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I had an emergency u/s last Tuesday that showed two sacs, one normal, one not. When I went in this morning I was prepared for the worst, including hearing that Baby A wasn't going to make it, either. What I was not prepared for was seeing two sacs, two babies, and TWO heartbeats!!! Baby A measures right on track at 6w4d, Baby B measures 6w1d. The tech couldn't get a reading on Baby B's heartrate due to its position in the sac but hopefully I'll go in next week and get a reading.


I'm in shock. Nervous and definitely not going out to buy a second crib or telling people IRL because I know it's still early and anything can happen. But for now, just for today at least, I have 3 hearts beating in my body.:001_wub:


Unfortunately the SCH is still there (measuring 1.3cm) and is next to Baby B. I really need this thing to resolve itself and not affect Baby B!

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I had an emergency u/s last Tuesday that showed two sacs, one normal, one not. When I went in this morning I was prepared for the worst, including hearing that Baby A wasn't going to make it, either. What I was not prepared for was seeing two sacs, two babies, and TWO heartbeats!!! Baby A measures right on track at 6w4d, Baby B measures 6w1d. The tech couldn't get a reading on Baby B's heartrate due to its position in the sac but hopefully I'll go in next week and get a reading.


I'm in shock. Nervous and definitely not going out to buy a second crib or telling people IRL because I know it's still early and anything can happen. But for now, just for today at least, I have 3 hearts beating in my body.:001_wub:


Unfortunately the SCH is still there (measuring 1.3cm) and is next to Baby B. I really need this thing to resolve itself and not affect Baby B!


Wonderful news! I will never forget finding out about twins! I will pray for a healthy unremarkable pregnancy (beside what you have already endured).

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I had an emergency u/s last Tuesday that showed two sacs, one normal, one not. When I went in this morning I was prepared for the worst, including hearing that Baby A wasn't going to make it, either. What I was not prepared for was seeing two sacs, two babies, and TWO heartbeats!!! Baby A measures right on track at 6w4d, Baby B measures 6w1d. The tech couldn't get a reading on Baby B's heartrate due to its position in the sac but hopefully I'll go in next week and get a reading.


I'm in shock. Nervous and definitely not going out to buy a second crib or telling people IRL because I know it's still early and anything can happen. But for now, just for today at least, I have 3 hearts beating in my body.:001_wub:


Unfortunately the SCH is still there (measuring 1.3cm) and is next to Baby B. I really need this thing to resolve itself and not affect Baby B!



Congratulations, what exciting news!!! Twins can be a HUGE shock! I don't know if this will help but I have known lots of women with SCH and none of them have had any serious problems from it :001_smile:.


I know there are lots of us twin moms on here so feel free to ask any questions you have. Having a twin pregnancy can be quite different than a singleton pregnancy. My biggest suggestions would be to listen to your body and rest when you need to (I know, easier said than done with other kids), and eat, eat, eat :lol:! I highly recommend the book "When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads: Proven Guidelines for a Healthy Multiple Pregnancy" by Barbara Luke.


I will be thinking lots of positive thoughts for you and your babies!!! Keep us updated!



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SCH is a subchorionic hemorrhage (or bleed). It comes from the implantation and often resolves itself. It is what caused my massive bleed last week and could lead to another one. It's small but it is still there which is unnerving.


It was probably vanishing fetus.... I had one like that albeit with no bleeding. It never affected my baby. Have also had bleedings with no u/s. You just never know. It does sound as if this is going to be a wonderful little twin package. Congratulations and take good care.

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