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Name For Baby That You Love But Will Never Use

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Does anyone have a list like this? My husband is a total killjoy when it comes to my favorite names. I'm sure there are others out there with a list of great names that their spouse has nixed.


Mine are:









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When we were expecting our first child 12 years ago, we planned to name him Caleb--a name I love. Then "he" turned out to be a "she".


When she was still a baby, we met another family who became dear friends of ours, and they have a son named Caleb, so that one is out if we ever have another son.

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It was my grandma's name but my dh is not a fan. Then we decided not to do family names at all because we lost a few very close to us and we didn't want to choose.


I had wanted that name for one of my kids since I was 12 though.:sad:


ETA: We knew if we had a boy we would name him Ean but we have all girls.

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When we were expecting our first child 12 years ago, we planned to name him Caleb--a name I love. Then "he" turned out to be a "she".


When she was still a baby, we met another family who became dear friends of ours, and they have a son named Caleb, so that one is out if we ever have another son.


Caleb is one of mine, too. We have a Kaelyn, so it just wouldn't work in our family.


A name that I LOVE the sound of is Jezebel. I wish it didn't have such terrible connotations!

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I love Linnea! I had never thought of using it as a baby name, but it's lovely.


I like Lila. I wanted to use that for Abbie, but dh really hates the name. I can't figure out why! It's a good thing Schmooey was a boy, because it was my turn to pick the name and I would have named a girl Lila. It was by great-grandmother's name.


I also like Evelyn. I don't know if dh would have gone for that one, or not.


I don't have many boys' names that I love. Having a boy was an unexpected surprise for me! I have lots of girls' names that I love, but boys' names were harder.


We laugh that we named all our kids with names beginning with vowels, and it's a good thing we're done because we don't know what we'd do about "o" and "u." Olivia is nice, although very popular, for a girl, but what to do about a boy? Oscar? Otto? "U" is the really tough one. Ursula? Uther? :lol:

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I always really liked Abigail and wanted my own little Abby. DH nixed that and then my sister used it. I also like Shoshanna, but DH really doesn't. We have a hard time agreeing on girl's names! Oh, and I really LOVE Micah- as a boys name. But it doesn't go with our last name and it's used so much for girls now.

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The girl name I never got to use: Elena Marie


The boy name nobody would let me use: Duncan Phillip


This name totally threw me. My paternal Grandmothers maiden name was Phillips, and somewhere in that generation, is a large clan of the Duncans. I don't know where they come in though (The families were all rather large!)







dh would definitely agree to the first one, might to the 2nd, and would veto the 3rd one, without a doubt.


So, now I'm pushing for a dog to name Tempe ;)

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I also really like the name Griffin for a little boy. Wanted to name one of my twins that but DH wanted something different.


Oh, I like Griffin, too! So, I have a dog named Griffin. Suits him perfectly :001_smile:.


On a related note, I've always loved the name Sabine, though I never really considered it for our daughter.

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I keep almost talking DH into Ezra, but he's never gone for it. Also, Ephraim. Apparently, I really like Biblical names that start with E and DH really doesn't.


My sons name is Ezra. I can't remember if DH or I thought of it, maybe DH, but anyway we both love it and think it's the best name ever!

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Ever since I read the Three Musketeers (in jr high) I have wanted to name a son Dartagnan. DH said absolutely not, then he said (very sarcastically) fine boy #5, we already have 3 :D.


For a girl:



Maggie Mae (he said quite picker h**ker names, I don't even listen to Rod Stewart)

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I don't have any unused baby names, so I must be through having babies.


That is how it works, isn't it?


If your formula is true, then I will have 2 more. They will have to be adoptions, because I do not/will not become pregnant again - God willing of course.

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My husband wanted to name a child Kermit, but knew it would never fly. Not after Kermit the frog. He just likes the name as a name.


I always wanted to name a girl Ezerald. Or Emerald with the middle name Snow. Emerald Snow. But we didn't have girls.

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I keep almost talking DH into Ezra, but he's never gone for it. Also, Ephraim. Apparently, I really like Biblical names that start with E and DH really doesn't.


I love the name Ephraim! I've heard it pronounced several ways but I like it Ef-rum. DH hates it though. :glare: It didn't matter with my kids since we had two girls....but I'm pregnant with #3 and do not know the sex yet....wonder if DH will veto it again? LOL. Probably.

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No more kids for us, but I write. I'm always thinking of great characters names.


Here's some other names we had in consideration. DS name was picked well before dh and I even agreed to get married (as in if we have a boy someday). He is named for dh's father who is deceased.








These are other names I like for boys:





Harrison (it's a family name)



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Well, I have 3 boys and I am hard put to come up with another boy name that meets my criteria and that I like with dh's rather lengthy Persian surname.


The first name must be Biblical and Muslim, be a name in both the US and Iran, and be able to be shortened to a one syllable nickname.


The second name must be two syllables and end with a shwa-n. I prefer one that is English/ Irish. This is no problem. There are lots of these, but coming up with a first name would be a nightmare.


If we have a little surprise boy, I'll be coming here asking.:)


OTOH- there are a ton of little girl names that I will never get to use.:( The two that top the list are:

Myfanwy (welsh)

Malakeh (persian)



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I really wanted either SCOUT or WREN for a girl...dh said "You do know she's going to have to have one of those names when she's 65 years old, right?":glare:


For a boy, Bowden ("Bo" for short). DH hated it. It was a moot point, though, because we already had planned to name our son after dh's grandfather since he had two daughters and his line died out with him. If not for that, I would have named him Lincoln (as in Abraham)....

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And the one we would have used if Charlotte had been a boy: Sullivan, my all-time favorite boy name


ETA: I posted this before I read the thread, and I see Graham and Tobias are on a few lists. Interesting!

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