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Do You Watch Soap Operas?

Do you watch Soap Operas?  

  1. 1. Do you watch Soap Operas?

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    • I used to watch, but not anymore

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Do you watch Soaps? If so, which ones do you watch? My mother got me hooked on them in the summer I turned 11. Her show was "Another World" and I became addicted. Then when I discovered Rick Springfield was on General Hospital, I started watching that. When my parent's got a VCR I demanded it be recorded for me daily!


Anyway, I just realized recently that I have been watching General Hospital for 28 years!!!!! I think if it was ever canceled I might truly mourn it! Silly, but true.

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Well, I really cannot answer in your poll because you do not have the "obligatory other" answer!


I might watch a soap once a week... sometimes. Other times I go months and never tune in. The one that I tune into at times is The Young and the Restless. I don't really know why. Sometimes I am curious as to what is going on with "people" whose stories I used to follow... then I find out that everything is totally switched up on me!


I loved General Hospital when I was a teen... I spent a lot of time at my grandmother's and she ALWAYS watch GH. I was SO in love with Duke Lavery. I had SO many fantasies of meetint him!!! Anyway...


I don't ever make it a priority to watch them. I know nothing about GH now. Just once in a while I tune into TYATR

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My grandma was a soap opera fan!! I stayed with her in the summer and when I was too sick to go to school. My mom used to tell her I needed my Rx after General Hospital.:D I remember watching all the ones on ABC and even a few others. I tried to keep up as an adult when I was working and even after I first had dd. I gave up after dd #2 -- there just wasn't any time and I didn't really care anymore. It's so fun to remember those times with my grandma though.

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No way... the storylines are too silly and they never go anywhere. I mean seriously you tune in for one episode in 1988 and 10 years later you happen to catch it again and it's the same people, doing the same thing but they are older :glare:


Wait - is Desperate Housewives classed as a soap - I might have to change my poll answer :D

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No way... the storylines are too silly and they never go anywhere. I mean seriously you tune in for one episode in 1988 and 10 years later you happen to catch it again and it's the same people, doing the same thing but they are older :glare:


Wait - is Desperate Housewives classed as a soap :D



:lol: Yes, I think so! That's another thing my grandma liked -- her nighttime soaps. Dallas, Falcon Crest, Dynasty.....

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I too am like the pp. If I watch one it's Y&R, but the story lines got stupid and I started hsing:001_smile:. I pop in occassionally to see who Nick is with. lol


I remember Another World well and also Days of Our Lives was my teen must see. I've also watched in the past General Hospital and All My Children.

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Well, I really cannot answer in your poll because you do not have the "obligatory other" answer!


I might watch a soap once a week... sometimes. Other times I go months and never tune in. The one that I tune into at times is The Young and the Restless. I don't really know why. Sometimes I am curious as to what is going on with "people" whose stories I used to follow... then I find out that everything is totally switched up on me!


I loved General Hospital when I was a teen... I spent a lot of time at my grandmother's and she ALWAYS watch GH. I was SO in love with Duke Lavery. I had SO many fantasies of meetint him!!! Anyway...


I don't ever make it a priority to watch them. I know nothing about GH now. Just once in a while I tune into TYATR



Duke Lavery! There is a name I haven't heard in years - LOL.


FTR- I DVR my shows and watch them when everyone is sleeping. My family knows I watch them, but they think the shows are corny!

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No. I've never been interested in daytime television. When we had TV (we only have Netflix now), I never watched it during the day. When we had cable, I watched the Christopher Lowell show most days and watched Oprah on occasion.

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Ok I'm changing my answer - I always thought of soaps as those horribly boring daytime tv shows but if you count


Desperate Housewives

Grey's Anatomy

Private Practice


then yes I'm a soap watcher :D


I actually started out thinking DH was stupid and never watching it but they put it on before GA and I started watching it while waiting for my show to come on - and I got hooked on that rubbish :lurk5:

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I would never admit it if I did! Seriously, I don't though. :) I used to watch some when I was home sick from school- I am amazed that some of those same shows are still going.

No, I value my time far more. And there's plenty of drama in my real life and coming here so I don't need TV for more. :)

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I'm a full-on Young and the Restless addict!


I DVR it every single day and my spouse and I watch it marathon-style every Sunday while we do laundry. It's the only thing I do for myself all week long and I am not giving it up.


We've been watching together for about 12 years. I didn't watch before that, but she got hooked on it as a small child by her grandmother, so she's been watching for about 25 or 30 years, I guess. I'm not sure.

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I would never admit it if I did! Seriously, I don't though. :) I used to watch some when I was home sick from school- I am amazed that some of those same shows are still going.

No, I value my time far more. And there's plenty of drama in my real life and coming here so I don't need TV for more. :)



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What?? No "other" on the poll?? :D hehe Well, I would have voted "other". ;) I don't really watch any t.v. shows (at this point in time), but there were a couple of soaps that I did watch every day in the past. I watched this one called Natacha. EVERYONE used to laugh at me because I liked that soap, but it was sweet. :blushing: I also watched Betty la Fea. That one was great and so funny! :) I haven't watched a soap since then.


MY HUSBAND ON THE OTHER HAND is addicted to Eva Luna that is on right now and I cannot stand that show. It's completely absurd! He admits that it's ridiculous, but he can't stop watching it. lol I actually got into trouble tonight because I was supposed to set it up to record for him when I left to pick him up at work to go to church, but I forgot. He was so upset with me. Ooops.


So I don't really watch them, but I do, I'm not right now, but I would in the future if there was a good one on, but there isn't so I vote "other" or I would have if there was the option to. ;) :D How's that for a sentence. :D hehe

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If someone is with me who likes to laugh at them, I might watch. My MIL watches The Bold and the Beautiful, and I get a kick at how mad Brooke makes her. (Imagine this in a thick German accent) "Zat Brooks! Can you believe her? First she marries Ridge, then Ridge's father, then her daughter's boyfriend, then the dog. Mein bleep-in-German." If I want to get her going, I just ask how Brooke is doing. LOL.


My favorite episode ever was Bold and the Beautiful when a villain forced all the main characters to strip down to their lacey and clean underthings (uh-huh, we all wear lovely, sexy teddies underneath, that's right) and then locked them all in a room. Bwa ha ha!


Or how about that time on Days when Jack broke into Victor's bank account using the password "Nikki" (Victor's wife many times over) and then stole something like a billion dollars. Bwa ha ha!


Oh, there were so many good moments I had watching them. I might have to tune in tomorrow for a good chuckle.



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If someone is with me who likes to laugh at them, I might watch. My MIL watches The Bold and the Beautiful, and I get a kick at how mad Brooke makes her. (Imagine this in a thick German accent) "Zat Brooks! Can you believe her? First she marries Ridge, then Ridge's father, then her daughter's boyfriend, then the dog. Mein bleep-in-German." If I want to get her going, I just ask how Brooke is doing. LOL.


My favorite episode ever was Bold and the Beautiful when a villain forced all the main characters to strip down to their lacey and clean underthings (uh-huh, we all wear lovely, sexy teddies underneath, that's right) and then locked them all in a room. Bwa ha ha!


Or how about that time on Days when Jack broke into Victor's bank account using the password "Nikki" (Victor's wife many times over) and then stole something like a billion dollars. Bwa ha ha!


Oh, there were so many good moments I had watching them. I might have to tune in tomorrow for a good chuckle.




:lol::lol::lol: That's funny. Your MIL sounds like she's a riot! :) hehe

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I have many fond memories of my elder female relatives and their 'stories'. I've watched all of them over the years. I don't watch much now - the writing is insultingly horrific - but when I do it brings back happy memories of my Great Aunt fussing about something Delia on Ryan's Hope had done or my Granny and Stephano on Days.

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:lol::lol::lol: That's funny. Your MIL sounds like she's a riot! :) hehe


She is. Her *stories* sometimes blur the lines of reality. My husband checks up on her at lunchtime since he works nearby, and now he's addicted to them, too! :D

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She is. Her *stories* sometimes blur the lines of reality. My husband checks up on her at lunchtime since he works nearby, and now he's addicted to them, too! :D


Awww cute! hehehehehe I could "hear" her voice in my head when I was reading your other post. My best friend when I was in school was from Germany and her mother had a really strong accent and would talk just like how your MIL talks. :)


When I was a kid, my older sister (who was a young teen at the time) was ADDICTED to General Hospital. She used to try to get me to watch it with her, but I just could not make myself care about those characters. lol I did like the episode where Luke and Laura got locked into the mall overnight though. That was sweet and in my young brain I just kept thinking how cool it would be to be locked in a mall with nobody else around but wondered why boring Luke and Laura went to the bedding section to sleep when they could have been playing in the toy department!! :D :lol:

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Never been interested. I remember as a teen, getting annoyed with a friend who had to go home Immediately after school to watch 'Days'. It seemed like such a waste of time to me....still does.


But, I am sure, she is still watching some form of daytime TV and would consider my time here......a waste of time.:D LOL We all have our things.

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First she marries Ridge, then Ridge's father, then her daughter's boyfriend, then the dog. Mein bleep-in-German." If I want to get her going, I just ask how Brooke is doing. LOL.


I think it is seriously sad that I watched like one episode of BB about 15 years ago and yet I recognise the character names - do these people never die?


Oh wait - yes they do but they come back from the dead. I remember the whole Marlena thing (no idea what show).


So now I am sitting here wondering why I NEVER watch these shows and yet I seem to know the characters and what happens to them - then I realised - I have friends who are addicted :)

Edited by sewingmama
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Starting in middle school, I think, I watched General Hospital and I watched on and off for years. Watched Another World for a few years in high school and friends in college got me watching Days of Our Lives. I watched that on and off until my youngest stopped nursing I think. That's actually the time I stopped watching all daytime television (Today Show, soaps, Oprah, etc). Is Days still on?

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I remember watching Another World & All My Children for a while, years back... don't watch any currently - although now I'm curious to see if those are still on, which characters are still there, etc... so I might have to go looking. ;)


I know my mother & stepsister both like that British one, Coronation Street.

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My mom watched Y&R when I was growing up. To this day, when I hear the intro music, I want a cheese sandwich. She would always get us settled with lunch and then watch her soap. Y&R music=cheese sandwich. :D


I watch Days of our Lives enough to keep up with the plot and important social issues...:tongue_smilie:

Edited by Rich with Kids
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I used to watch As the World Turns every day. I would videotape it then watch it after work. The only one I ever watch now is General Hospital. It is a goal in our house to get schoolwork done before 3 pm so GH can be turned on, lol.


I have to say GH is my favorite.


I used to watch All My Children, One Life to Live, and General Hospital. I could catch General Hospital after I got off the school bus. That was BEFORE Laura married Scotty and then fell for Luke


Luke and Laura- her kids are all grown up and current characters. Remember how controversial it was that Laura fell in love with her rapist? Luke is married to Tracy Quartermaine now! LOL


I know how goofy these shows are - people coming back from the dead, plastic surgery, multiple personalities, baby switches, everyone survives plane crashes and explosions and women wake up with perfect makeup in place. It is my main guilty pleasure and truly in my life there isn't enough drama to keep me going - it is pretty routine and uneventful - so I need my soaps.:D

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My mom watched Y&R when I was growing up. To this day, when I hear the intro music, I want a cheese sandwich. She would always get us settled with lunch and then watch her soap. Y&R music=cheese sandwich. :D


I watch Days of our Lives enough to keep up with the plot and inportant social issues...:tongue_smilie:


I am a Days girl too, but its only when I can catch it.

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You're making me miss my soaps! My mom watched Days of our Lives when I was a kid, so staying home from school sick meant watching Days and eating Jello. A friend got me hooked watching As the World Turns and Bold and the Beautiful my senior year of high school. We sometimes skipped school if there was a good story line. Shhhhhhh.....


I didn't watch for about a decade and then I had babies in my home. Nap time meant catching up on household chores and As the World Turns! I couldn't believe how many of the same characters were there. LUCINDA! I didn't watch the last episode ever, but admit to googling the final scene.


Did anyone watch Passions? I always wanted to watch that because Spike watched it on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and it was supposedly paranormal. What could go better together? Campy soap dialogue and vampires?:D

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Can't imagine even having that kind of time on my hands.:001_huh:


Well, that's the beauty of being a late owl and having a DVR. I fast forward commercials and scenes I am not interested in. Takes me about 25 minutes to watch an episode.;)


Amazingly, I am skilled enough to fold laundry and watch at the same time. It's a gift.

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Did anyone watch Passions? I always wanted to watch that because Spike watched it on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and it was supposedly paranormal. What could go better together? Campy soap dialogue and vampires?:D


I did when it first started. What's funny is several of the actors are on Days now. It's weird to see them change characters.

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No way... the storylines are too silly and they never go anywhere. I mean seriously you tune in for one episode in 1988 and 10 years later you happen to catch it again and it's the same people, doing the same thing but they are older :glare:






And the acting is terrible.

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...caught up in the drama, and how much of a negative influence soap operas were on me. For example, I would HAVE to be home to watch during that particular time of day (no VCR's in those days, LOL, and I was addicted to The Guiding Light--remember Kelly and Morgan and Laurel Falls, etc., etc.? I was 20yo, just married, and we moved into a new apartment in a large-ish city where I knew almost no one). Also, I began to notice the "conspiracy theory" mentality invading my thinking; I began to distrust people's motives. I had begun to compare myself to the characters, and I always saw myself in a negative light--not as rich, not as beautiful, etc. I had to remind myself that these people are fiction--fantasy, actually--and NOBODY lives like that IRL--well, nobody I know or would truly want to emulate. I spiraled into a depression that lasted for several months, and I decided that soaps were a part of the problem. I quit "cold turkey" in 1981 and I have not watched soaps since.

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When we were first married, I worked nearly across the street from our house. I would go home for lunch and watch either Bold and the Beautiful or All My Children. Gosh, that seems like a long time ago.

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I was a huge Days of our Lives fan from 1990 to around 2000. After I graduated college, I didn't really have the time to watch every day, so I would read the plot summaries online. Then it got to the point where I was only following it online. Then at some point, I stopped caring.

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Nowadays, I watch Real Housewives of New Jersey repeats at lunchtime. That's a soap opera of sorts. I was so disappointed with Danielle and Caroline's big meeting, though. Nothing exciting, just name calling. Hrrumph.


Real Housewives = two Trader Joe turkey dogs and a low-carb brownie. :D

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I started watching "All My Children" when I was in jr. high back in the 80's. But then when they started the gay thing, I kind of lost interest. When I was in hs my best friend and I watched "General Hospital" and pretended we were Celia and Holly.:D I've watched ABC soaps on and off over the years. I haven't watched in a couple of years, because.... well, they really aren't great for little kids to watch.

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I watch All My Children. There, I admitted it. It's my little escape from reality. For several years, I watched all of the soaps on ABC, then weaned down to two, then just stuck with AMC. I tape it most of the time so I can fast forward through parts.



Years ago I watched four, but about 5-8 years ago I started weaning off and only watch GH and OLTL now. AMC and DAYS are the ones I dropped. DAYS got too ridiculous for me with demon posession, alien kids etc. I dumped AMC because I just couldn't keep up. The other two don't take me more than an hour to watch, since I DVR - so for now I am keeping them! I don't care how ridiculous others think they are.

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I couldn't answer as I don't watch but listen. It's the longest-running soap opera in the world: The Archers.





I may have to check this out. It sounds like something soothing to put on my iPod.


DAYS got too ridiculous for me with demon posession, alien kids etc.



Ohhhhhh! I'm going to have to check out Days again! Is it still over the top with the paranormal? If so, I'm all over it :lol:.

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I watched Robert Scorpio on GH and that was the last time I watched soaps. I loved him!!!


I watch TV on Netflix now. No cable or local TV so no soaps. When I've watched them in a hotel, they seems so much stupider now.

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No cable, no dish, no fios, no soaps, and I definitely wouldn't watch any when the kids are around EVEN if I had any time.


When we were living in the hotel, I watched SOAPNET at night and caught that day's episode of whatever -- I hadn't watched in probably 15 years and still could turn on an episode and figure out exactly what was going on.


I will admit to this, though: Sonny and Brenda just got married on GH and I read the recap a couple of times a week to see what is going on -- Sonny and Brenda are just star-crossed lovers and I really want the writers to give them a happily ever after.:001_wub:

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