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People who disappear

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I think it would be nice if everyone here made friends with at least one other person, or asked a family member to post here, if something happens to them.


Willow is in Christchurch and no one here has said they have heard from her.


Volty was in Chengdu, China, and after the earthquake there he never posted here again.

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I think it would be nice if everyone here made friends with at least one other person, or asked a family member to post here, if something happens to them.


Willow is in Christchurch and no one here has said they have heard from her.


Volty was in Chengdu, China, and after the earthquake there he never posted here again.




I thought it was great that your boys posted for you while you were in the hospital! I don't *know* anyone, but I think it's a good idea.

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Guest Dulcimeramy

Some boards have forum buddies. You put your forum buddy on your short list of who to contact in emergencies, so they can update the board.


I've only seen this work on smaller, more intimate boards, but there's no reason why those interested couldn't do it here.

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I think it would be nice if everyone here made friends with at least one other person, or asked a family member to post here, if something happens to them.


Willow is in Christchurch and no one here has said they have heard from her.


Volty was in Chengdu, China, and after the earthquake there he never posted here again.


Completely agree. I did another search this morning to see if I'd missed an update from/about Willow and her family, but still nothing.

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Hope Willow is okay.


There is one person here who knows me IRL well enough to know that if I disappear it means I've finally snapped and put myself through the wood chipper. She can let you know. ;)

Edited by Mejane
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I have thought about this before. I thought about it when Rough Collie was in the hospital - my dh and/or kids would not think of updating anything here unless I could tell them to.


I do have one IRL friend who is a member here, but she doesn't post often.

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I dont think anyone knows me well enough to notice if I'd be missing. ;)


But I do think its a good idea! On a smaller, private board, we did this and when I had one of my son's my "buddy" called to check on me and asked if she could update the board. It was very sweet of her. :)


:iagree: That's how I feel, too! LoL! I'm on here everyday, several times throughout the day, but I think I lurk more than I post. So, even though I feel like I "know" so many of you virtually - I don't think anyone would notice if I suddenly wasn't around. I have one real life friend on here, but she rarely posts.

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I had started a post several months ago wondering how we all could keep in touch if WTM went away! I've been coming here for so long now that I'd feel absolutely LOST without all of you! Even though I'm blessed with many IRL friends, this is my one stop shopping for ANY question I have. I can always come here for an answer to just about anything!


I will have to tell dh to let someone know if something happens to me. Several have my email and phone number, too.

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I have a feeling that if I disappeared, RoughCollie would call out the National Guard.


Slick, I'd call the FBI, and I'd take the next flight to Newcastle... but only if you disappeared IRL. Otherwise, I'd just pick up the phone.

Edited by RoughCollie
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Thanks. That's a relief -- I was looking at his last post.


So...anyone in Northern CA? I suppose it does not matter where the person is as long as you notify them somehow. I know of two posters who live close by but I have never met them IRL.

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So...anyone in Northern CA? I suppose it does not matter where the person is as long as you notify them somehow. I know of two posters who live close by but I have never met them IRL.


The person doesn't have to live close to you. I know the real names and e-mail addresses of a couple of people on this board. Some are people who live in the area. Some are people who live across the country and while I've never met them face to face, we have an affinity that we discovered on this board and have continued in PMs.

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That's a good idea, RC. I know MamaT IRL, and thatcyndigirl is a good friend of mine. But I guess I do need to teach my husband how to post on here in case of anything bad happening. :(



Yep, Nakia will be able to let you all know if I am somehow maimed in an unfortunate "knitting while kayaking" disaster. And I hereby promise to let you all know if Nakia's pet snake mistakes her for his lunch. :tongue_smilie:

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I used to wonder about this... then my daughter joined the forum when she was having her first baby. Now I can sleep at night, peacefully knowing that you all would find out if something happened to me... after all, how can any of you sleep NOT knowing how I am doing???? (lol... that was supposed to be funny, btw)

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I think it would be nice if everyone here made friends with at least one other person, or asked a family member to post here, if something happens to them.

Okay Rosie, it looks like you're going to have to just suck it up and finally agree to exchange phone numbers with me in spite of my unfortunate accent. :tongue_smilie:


I'm in NZ, but I don't know Willow IRL. I believe she lives in or around Christchurch & I live on the North Island. She may not have power back yet or may have had to move house due to issues related to the EQ. I hope she checks in soon :grouphug:


I believe Christchurch still doesn't have any power, so I doubt that willow has been able to use a computer.


:iagree::iagree: I too really wish that Willow would update and let us all know she's okay, but I think it is probably the power out as well. When we have hurricanes here we can be out of power for weeks if not longer. I'm sure an earthquake is much much worse.

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On another site that I used to go to,

we had a buddy. Someone not on your side of the US , If someone was from another country they would ask the moderators if there was someone else on the board near where they were to buddy with. We had one person in England a buddy with someone in German.


We had phone number for contact and private emails.

When the person was not on the board for say three weeks, or less , you would get in contact with the person. It usually came out that they had just taken some time off and had forgotten.

As people if they are going to be off the board for a while, say for vacation or just taking a break to post that before they leave.

Just an Idea.

maybe someone could start a thread and see where everyone is from and the moderator can assign people to each other.

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maybe someone could start a thread and see where everyone is from and the moderator can assign people to each other.



"Does everyone have a moving buddy? If you don't have one:GET ONE!" ~Sheriff Woody, Toy Story


I am picturing all of us holding each others hands on field trips with construction paper signs pinned to each of our sweaters, "If lost please return to The Well Trained Mind Forum". :lol:

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:iagree: I don't think anyone would notice if I went missing.


No one would notice if I went missing, too! My Shih Tzu would notice, tho. :rofl:




Edited to say: My kids would come out of their rooms and say, "Hey, that science Lady's gone."

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"Does everyone have a moving buddy? If you don't have one:GET ONE!" ~Sheriff Woody, Toy Story


I am picturing all of us holding each others hands on field trips with construction paper signs pinned to each of our sweaters, "If lost please return to The Well Trained Mind Forum". :lol:


cute. :lol:

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When I went in for dental surgery, Wolf was given a heads up that there would be someone calling to check up on me from the group.


SpecialMama knows me irl, so I'm sure she'd sound the alarm if I finally snapped and ended up in a huggy coat. :lol:

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So, who's my buddy? ;)


"Does everyone have a moving buddy? If you don't have one:GET ONE!" ~Sheriff Woody, Toy Story


I am picturing all of us holding each others hands on field trips with construction paper signs pinned to each of our sweaters, "If lost please return to The Well Trained Mind Forum". :lol:


Too funny! What a mental picture. :)


I'm surprised at some of the people who think they aren't noticed. I'm well aware of snips and Shannon. The part that makes it hard is that we have SO many posters that it's easy for it to be a long time before we realize we haven't heard from someone. Plus we are often so split up over so many boards and so much board space. I've seen someone post on the General board that I assumed was brand new, only to see they had a higher post count than me. They must have been posting more on another of our boards.


I actually can see the benefit of board buddies for those interested. My husband knows all about this board and has even posted once, I think. However, if something hastened I think this board would never cross his mind. If it were the other way around for him I know his message board wouldn't cross my mind.

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I dont think anyone knows me well enough to notice if I'd be missing.


I'm on here everyday, several times throughout the day, but I think I lurk more than I post. So, even though I feel like I "know" so many of you virtually - I don't think anyone would notice if I suddenly wasn't around.


I don't think anyone would notice if I went missing.


"Does everyone have a moving buddy? If you don't have one:GET ONE!" ~Sheriff Woody, Toy Story


I am picturing all of us holding each others hands on field trips with construction paper signs pinned to each of our sweaters, "If lost please return to The Well Trained Mind Forum". :lol:


Love it, love it, love it!! :lol:


No one would notice if I went missing, too!


LOL I was thinking the same thing.


So, who's my buddy? ;)


Too funny! What a mental picture. :)


I'm surprised at some of the people who think they aren't noticed. I'm well aware of snips and Shannon. The part that makes it hard is that we have SO many posters that it's easy for it to be a long time before we realize we haven't heard from someone. Plus we are often so split up over so many boards and so much board space. I've seen someone post on the General board that I assumed was brand new, only to see they had a higher post count than me. They must have been posting more on another of our boards.


I actually can see the benefit of board buddies for those interested. My husband knows all about this board and has even posted once, I think. However, if something hastened I think this board would never cross his mind. If it were the other way around for him I know his message board wouldn't cross my mind.


:iagree: So many people and so many boards. My dh would never think of posting here, but maybe I should get one of the kids to do it.


I agree with everyone who said they didn't think they would be missed if they 'went missing'. Despite being here several times each day, I lurk far more than I post, so I would be very surprised if anyone missed me. I recognize all of you, though!! :D

Edited by Heather in AL
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"Does everyone have a moving buddy? If you don't have one:GET ONE!" ~Sheriff Woody, Toy Story


I am picturing all of us holding each others hands on field trips with construction paper signs pinned to each of our sweaters, "If lost please return to The Well Trained Mind Forum". :lol:





I have a few people from here that would check on me. Plus y'all are on my google Chrome bookmark bar, dh would know.

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I'm like the others who said they aren't sure anyone would notice, but I've told my dh how to find you guys when I snap.


Nakia would probably be the only one on here I know IRl. I'm not counting on her because that gross snake is going to eat her.

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I think we are more likely to notice and be concerned about someone who posts a prayer request for a tragedy, illness, natural disaster. . . and then disappears over someone who just stops posting gradually over time. Though every now and then I will think "I haven't heard anything from Beansprouts/ Amy in Orlando/ Alphabet Pam etc. in a while. I wonder how they are doing?" But I figure that their life has moved on in some aspects.

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I'm like the others who said they aren't sure anyone would notice, but I've told my dh how to find you guys when I snap.


Nakia would probably be the only one on here I know IRl. I'm not counting on her because that gross snake is going to eat her.


I would totally notice if you weren't here!! Plus, I'm friends with your kids on Facebook, and I'm sure they would post if you went off the deep end. And my sweet baby snakey poo is not going to eat me. I don't care what Cyndi says. :D

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I had started a post several months ago wondering how we all could keep in touch if WTM went away! I've been coming here for so long now that I'd feel absolutely LOST without all of you! Even though I'm blessed with many IRL friends, this is my one stop shopping for ANY question I have. I can always come here for an answer to just about anything!


I will have to tell dh to let someone know if something happens to me. Several have my email and phone number, too.


We should set up a WTM forum facebook page. Not a WTM fan page, but one where we could all access if the WTM is down for awhile.

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